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RodeHard Page 9

by Lauren Fraser

  Justin placed a kiss against the small of her back then hopped up to dispose of his condom. A second later he was back beside her.

  Kasey’s stomach rumbled. He slapped his palm against his abs and Kat burst out laughing. Something so simple as a rumbly tummy somehow made the moment seem so completely normal.

  Kat pushed herself up. “All right, let’s get you guys fed because I have plans for the rest of the night.” This was her one chance to live out the fantasy. She planned to make the most of it.

  Chapter Ten

  Duncan stood and walked over to his saddle bags and rooted around. Naked, he turned and triumphantly held up a big bottle of tequila. “Anybody up for some shots?”

  Kat grinned. “Count me in.”

  Dunc plopped the bottle down on the little counter and pulled some cups out of his bag. The man really came prepared.

  She pushed herself up and reached for Justin’s discarded shirt. Kasey’s hand slapped down on hers. “Uh-uh, honey, no need to get dressed.”

  Kat chewed her lower lip and eyed the three perfect male specimens in front of her. They seriously expected her to wander around, drinking and eating, naked. She glanced over at Justin who shrugged.

  “I’m definitely going to need a shot,” she groaned.

  No sooner had she said the words than Duncan handed her a cup with a shot of tequila. She downed it in one gulp, feeling the burn as it made its way down her throat to her gut. “Holy crap,” she muttered when she could finally speak.

  Justin laughed. “Ah, Dunc must have brought the good stuff.”

  Kat eyed her empty glass. They had different definitions of good tequila.

  Justin placed a kiss on her lips then pushed himself off the floor. “All right, who’s cooking?” he asked.

  The three men pulled out the big guns to decide. After a rousing battle of rock, paper, scissors, Kasey emerged as the loser. With the lighter in hand he fired up the portable BBQ on the counter.

  With the grill lit he turned to look at the others. “Are you guys seriously going to let me do everything?”

  Justin and Duncan shrugged. “Well, you did lose,” Justin replied.

  Kat rolled her eyes. Men. She stood and walked toward Kasey. His eyes tracked her body as she moved, naked, across the room. “I’ll help you,” she said when she stopped in front of him

  Kasey grinned. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his hard, muscular body. “Thank you, darlin’,” he murmured then pressed his lips against hers.

  When they pulled apart Duncan and Justin were no longer sitting on the floor but had joined them in the kitchen. Kat took one look at the lust on their faces and held up her hand. “Oh no you don’t. You guys are feeding me before we do anything else.”

  Justin trailed his hand down her spine, leaving goose bumps pooling along her back. “You sure? Kase could cook and we could work up more of an appetite while we wait.”

  God that sounded good. She glanced over at Duncan who grinned as if that was the best idea he’d ever heard, then at Kasey who, bless him, was pouting as if he’d had his favorite toy broken. Kat laughed. She didn’t have the heart to do that to Kase.

  She patted Kasey on the cheek. “Don’t worry, big guy, we won’t make you do all the work.”

  Kasey kissed her again. “Appreciate it,” he told her.

  Justin shook his head. “Man, you and that pathetic doe-eyed look. You fucked me again.” Justin punched Kasey on the arm and laughed.

  Kasey rubbed his shoulder. “It’s not my fault Kat has a soft heart.”

  Kat laughed at the byplay between the men. Their ease with each other made any lingering discomfort she felt about the situation disappear.

  * * * * *

  After dinner Kat picked up what was left of the bottle of tequila and looked at it. Holy crap they’d put quite a dent in it over dinner. She took a step, swayed and giggled. Okay, apparently she’d done her part to drain it.

  With the bottle in hand she carried it and the cups back over to the makeshift bed. “All right, let’s play a little drinking game.”

  She looked over her shoulder at the three men who were all staring at her ass as she walked. She crawled on hands and knees over to claim her spot on the bed. Various muttered oaths and groans sounded as she crawled. Men were so easy.

  “You boys coming?”

  “Almost,” Duncan muttered.

  Kat grinned. “Well then, why don’t we get started on this drinking game, and we’ll see if we can’t take care of that for you.”

  The three men joined her on the bed. As they sat all three of their cocks stood at attention. Kat licked her lips. Yummy.

  “What kind of game did you have in mind?” Justin asked.

  “Well, I was thinking a little game of spin the bottle.”

  Justin looked around the circle and raised one eyebrow at her. Kat giggled again. “No, don’t worry, I wasn’t expecting that. It’s a drinking game. So if you spin and don’t want to kiss the person you land on then you drink.”

  Duncan cocked his head and looked at her. “But, honey, then you’ll never drink.”

  “I know.” She licked her lips. “You guys will just have to make it up to me.”

  Kasey reached over and grabbed the empty beer bottle off the floor. “All right, I’m in. Who’s first?”

  “You’ve got the bottle so why don’t you go?” she replied.

  These guys were great, so much fun. She was really going to miss them when she had to leave. They weren’t at all like the guys she knew back home who were so uptight. Never taking a moment to just have fun in case they missed the next big deal, their cell phones attached like a limb no matter what they were doing. Out here it was different. She was surprised by how much she enjoyed the laid-back lifestyle. They worked hard. Hell, harder than she’d ever imagined, but at the end of the day when they were there with you, they were really there with you. Not wishing they were someplace else, earning another dollar.

  Kasey set the bottle on the bed and spun. The bottle pointed at Dunc. The two men looked at each other then Kasey slid over and gripped the back of Duncan’s neck firmly, holding his head in place. Heat flared in Duncan’s eyes at the possessive look on Kasey’s face. Kat squirmed as she watched the subtle power struggle between the two men. Wasn’t Duncan the more dominant one? Did it work that way? She’d always thought one guy was always the top and one always the bottom, but as she looked at them she wondered if that was always the case. It would sure be hot to find out.

  After an all-too-brief kiss, in Kat’s mind, Duncan took the bottle from his partner and spun it. It didn’t move all that easily and got jumbled up in the blanket, making it point at Justin.

  “Oh hell no,” Justin muttered.

  “You got that right,” Duncan replied with a laugh. He filled his cup with tequila and shot it back then handed the bottle to Justin.

  Justin spun, it landed on her. A smile split across his face. “I think I’m going to like this game,” he murmured as he cupped the back of her head and drew her toward him.

  “Me too,” she whispered just before his lips touched hers. Unlike the high school spin the bottle game Justin didn’t just give her a light kiss and pull away. He held her there, deepening the kiss until he pulled her under. When they broke apart they were both panting.

  Kat looked at him, his nostrils flared as he stared back at her. This game wasn’t going to last long at this rate.

  With a trembling hand Kat took the bottle from him and spun. It landed on Kasey. Heat flared in his eyes. Kat licked her lips and pushed herself up on all fours and slowly crawled across the open space to Kase. All three men watched her as she dragged it out, making the distance seem like miles instead of a couple of feet. Kasey’s mouth opened as he drew in a deep breath. His cock twitched against his belly.

  Kat flicked a glance at Justin, his eyes darkened with lust. “Make it a good one,” he told her.

  At the challenge in his voice she ra
ised one eyebrow. He watched her, daring her to rise to the bait. She’d show him.

  She kneeled, placing her breasts near eye level with Kasey and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. “You don’t mind if I get comfortable for this, do you?” she asked.

  He cleared his throat. “Not at all, darlin’.”

  She eased her legs on either side of his body so she was straddling him. His hard cock pressed against the seam of her ass. She shifted her hips, making Kasey hiss in a breath. “You okay?” she teased.

  “I’m more than okay.” His hands gripped her hips as he shifted her to where he wanted her. His erection pressed against her clit.

  She looked over at Justin as he crept closer to them. “This what you had in mind?” she asked him

  “I don’t know. We’ll have to see how the kiss plays out.” The hungry growl of his voice made her nipples tighten into painful nubs. He looked ready to bend her over and fuck her hard himself.

  Turning her attention back to Kasey, she twirled her fingers into the brown hair at the base of his neck. His eyes drifted shut so she dragged her nail along his neck, enjoying the way his muscles quivered like a contented lion as she caressed him.

  Kat wiggled her hips, making Kasey groan. “Christ, Kat, quit teasing me and kiss me already,” he growled.

  She dipped her head toward him and pressed her lips against his. Soft at first. Teasing. Trying to drag it out to torment not only him but Justin and Duncan who had moved in closer to watch.

  Kasey had other ideas. His tongue darted out and tangled with hers. He gripped her hips with his big, work-roughened hands and dragged her clit along his shaft. She could feel her moisture coating his cock as she slid.

  A hand cupped her left breast then a different one cupped her right. Lips pressed against her shoulder blade. Hot breath blew across her neck. Good lord, the sensation of three sets of hands caressing her skin, three hot mouths licking and blowing against her sensitive flesh was almost more than she could take.

  There was too much sensation. The tequila was fogging her brain. She couldn’t think. Breaking the kiss, she panted. Kasey pressed a hand to the middle of her chest and pushed her back, guiding her to lie down with her legs still wrapped around his waist.

  “Pass me a condom,” he ordered to no one in particular. A second later, Duncan threw him one and Kasey quickly sheathed himself. With the condom in place he ran his hand down the front of Kat’s body. “Now where was I? Oh yeah, I remember.”

  He shifted so the tip of his cock was in line with her pussy. But instead of fucking her like she’d expected, he dragged the tip through her wet lips. “You’re so wet,” he groaned.

  Justin leaned down and ran his tongue along the edge of her areola, breathing on her nipple until it pulled even tighter, but never quite touching it. She squirmed. Duncan’s head bent and he did the same thing to her other breast. Both of them teasing her, never quite giving her what she needed. Her body was on fire.

  Kasey spread her open with one hand and with the other he used his dick to tease her clit. She was so wet it slid all around. She wiggled her hips and groaned. God, they were going to tease her to death.

  His thick cock lightly made circles around her clit, tormenting her. His cock, so much thicker than his fingers, hit several spots at once. Even when he was moving away the size made the effects linger.

  Justin and Duncan continued to kiss and lick their way around her chest and stomach, never quite touching where she wanted them the most. Desperate, she gripped the back of their heads and forced them where she needed them to go. Justin chuckled against her skin. The sound puffed his breath out, making her skin tingle where it touched.

  “I think she’s done being teased, boys.” Justin laughed.

  Duncan and Justin both sucked her nipple into their mouths at the same time.

  “Holy shit,” she groaned. Her back arched off the floor, driving her farther into their mouths. She didn’t want them to ever stop. Kasey’s big cock pressed firmly against her clit and pleasure surged through her. The men continued their synchronized assault. Unable to hold back her scream, she moaned as a mind-blowing orgasm ripped through her.

  When she came back to earth, three faces grinned at her. She was too satiated to even care that they all looked so smug.

  Justin placed a kiss on her lips. She sighed and closed her eyes, sinking into the kiss. When they broke apart he smiled. “You ready for the rest of that fantasy we talked about?”

  She immediately remembered their conversation about Justin fucking her ass while Kasey fucked her and she sucked off Dunc. Kat moaned. God yes, she was ready.

  Justin’s eyes flared with heat.

  He grabbed the box of condoms from the floor. A slow, sensual grin slid across Kasey’s face when he saw Justin pull a bottle of lube out of his bag. “You want us both at the same time?” he asked.

  “I want all three of you at the same time,” she told him.

  Duncan groaned beside her. She smiled at him. “I think I owe you a proper blowjob since you got shortchanged last time.”

  His cock flexed, drawing her stare down. Pre-cum dripped from the tip.

  Kasey lay down and gripped her hips, drawing her attention back to him. Kat looked down at his cock. He was so much thicker than Justin and Duncan. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her, filling her completely.

  She gripped him with her hand and guided him toward her entrance. It took her a moment to adjust to his size as she slowly lowered herself down. When he was fully seated Justin placed his hands on her hips. “Lean back, darlin’,” he murmured and placed a kiss between her shoulder blades.

  Kat pressed back. With Kasey’s cock inside her she already felt so full. Could she do this, could she really take both of them? Justin had fucked her in the ass several times over the past few weeks and they both loved it, but would there be room for him in there with Kasey already filling her so completely? She bit her lip.

  Kasey cupped her cheek. “It’ll work just fine. He’ll go slow.”

  “You’re sure? You’ve done this before?” she asked. Suddenly the fact that she was just one in a line of women the men had shared didn’t seem like such a bad thing. It was reassuring to know they knew what they were doing in this kind of thing.

  “Yeah, honey, we’ve done this before. Trust us, you’ll love it. Just relax,” Kasey told her.

  At the sound of the lube cap flipping open, she tensed. Oh boy. Kasey groaned as she clenched around him. “You really need to relax, Kat,” Kasey groaned.

  As Justin placed his cock at the entrance to her ass, Duncan bent down and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Kasey’s fingers played with her other nipple. Enjoying the sensations, she pressed back. She felt Justin slowly pushing into her. He felt so big. Her ass burned and she exhaled.

  “That’s it, Kat, you’re doing great,” Justin murmured.

  Duncan sucked her nipple firmly and her eyes drifted shut. “God, that feels good.” There was definitely something to be said for having extra hands and mouths involved to make a woman forget about what she was actually doing.

  Justin pushed past the first barrier and the burning eased considerably. She opened her eyes and looked down at Kasey gritting his teeth to hold himself in check. His nostrils flared wide as he dragged in air.

  Kat smiled, she wasn’t the only one hanging on by a thread. She pushed back against Justin, wanting them all to enjoy the pleasure the moment had to offer.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Justin gritted as she pushed back against him.

  “You won’t,” she told him. She wouldn’t be here doing this if she didn’t trust him. And in that moment she relaxed fully, allowing Justin to slide completely in.

  She’d never felt so full in her life. But full in such a freakin’ amazing way. Her ass was on fire, hurting so good, she just wanted him to move, to bring every last nerve ending in her body to life.

  Finally Kasey shifted his hips, pushing deeper as Justin slid ou
t. The men worked in tandem, so she was continually getting fucked.

  Duncan’s hands threaded into her hair and she opened her eyes to look at him. The heat and passion she saw in his eyes nearly undid her. He looked desperate for her.

  “You think you can handle me as well?” he asked.

  “Definitely,” she murmured.

  She grabbed his long, smooth cock with her hand and guided it to her mouth. Closing her eyes, she let the sensations overtake her. Duncan fucked her mouth while Kasey moved in her pussy and Justin fucked her ass. It was exactly as Justin had described and yet it was nothing like she’d imagined. It was so much more. Part of her had thought she might feel a little bit dirty doing this but she didn’t. Somehow these three made her feel cherished, being so careful with her as if she were precious and offering them a gift.

  Duncan’s fingers dug into her hair, Kasey’s dug into her thighs and Justin gripped her hips as they all joined together. As the orgasm built inside her, Kat’s heart started racing. Her eyes widened in fear. Holy fuck.

  Duncan eased his hands in her hair and stroked her head. “Intense, hey?”

  Intense? Intense didn’t even begin to describe what she was feeling. Her heart felt as if it were going to burst out of her chest. She looked up at him with her mouth full of his cock and nodded.

  He stopped moving and paused. “You need us to stop?”

  Kasey stroked his hands softly along her arms. Justin placed a kiss against her back, letting her know he was there. Even in the throes of passion all three men had her interests in mind. If she wanted them to stop they all would.

  Unable to speak, she shook her head. As intense as this all was, she didn’t want them to stop.

  Duncan smiled. “It’s going to blow your mind when you come, honey.”

  The men started thrusting again. Nimble fingers dipped down and swirled around her clit. She didn’t know who they belonged to and she didn’t care. As the orgasm built inside her it didn’t scare her this time. Her heart pounded in her chest. As she gasped for breath, Duncan pulled out of her mouth and fisted his cock with his hand.


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