Mated to Her Bully

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Mated to Her Bully Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Humming to himself, he kept on checking out the door to see his mate arrive. Nothing.

  He didn’t know if they’d given her a much stronger tranquilizer or if she was awake, just ignoring him.

  He was starving, and there was no way he intended to wait. His mother had convinced him the best way to a woman’s heart was through the stomach. That was what he was going to do. Feed her.

  With the vegetables all chopped, he rummaged through the cupboards to find everything he’d need to make a delicious sauce. With his ingredients out, he got it ready to add into a wok.

  Next, he went in search of a wok, which he found easily.

  Glancing at the door again, he wondered if he should wait until she was actually awake. He quickly decided against it as his stomach gurgled. Now, he got to work preparing his meal.

  With the already cooked noodles waiting to be added, he started to put the vegetables into the pan, giving them a quick toss. When it was ready for the noodles, he flicked them up, keeping up a constant moving action. The moment everything was combined, he drizzled over the sauce, and the smell was intoxicating.

  He’d been learning to cook for a long time. A skill his mother had been teaching him. He actually enjoyed being in the kitchen and saw no harm in it.

  With the sauce bubbling, he continued to move the ingredients around in the pan. Would Mabel be impressed with his skills?

  An old memory of him taunting her in cooking class flooded his mind. He’d commented on her size and how she needed to learn how to cook to keep her fat ass.

  “You’re a fucking asshole,” he said.

  Each memory filled him with pain. It was no longer funny to him or amusing. The shit he’d pulled in high school, and now her as his mate, it was all a lesson. He knew that. The love of his life was the woman he’d bullied, and now his very sanity hung in the balance. He had to win her over. There was no other woman for him, and what was more, he didn’t want another.

  Chapter Three

  Jolting up in bed with a gasp, Mabel glanced around the room and winced. Gripping her neck, she groaned. Yep, drugged. She didn’t know why she’d been drugged, but as she swung her feet toward the floor, she made to stand up but felt so woozy, so she quickly sat down and decided standing was a little overrated.

  She put her hand to her stomach and looked at the cabinet beside the bed. An envelope sat with her name on it, propped up against the lamp. She reached out, taking it and sliding the letter out of the envelope.


  We’re so sorry sweetheart, but we have to do it this way. It keeps the sanctity of the island. We will see you within the year. Please, give love a chance. Give Lucas a chance. This is your only hope of survival. We hope you’re able to forgive him.

  We’ll miss you.

  Love, your parents.

  The urge to tear the letter up was strong. She’d been drugged to get her into this house and now, she was alone with her … mate.

  She folded the letter back up, returning it to the envelope.

  “Great. Just great.”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed for several seconds, she waited as her stomach began to settle. Once she was happy, she got to her feet and slowly walked toward the window. Pulling the curtain back, she gasped. Endless ocean and a beautiful beach lay before her. She raised a hand to her lips, almost taken aback by the beauty.

  It would be no hardship staying here. She had no doubt.

  She moved away from the window and went toward the door. Opening it up, she smelled something amazing.

  Lucas had to be up already.

  She glanced back in her room. The desire to stay here all day was strong, but she decided not to be stupid.

  Maybe if she convinced Lucas how unsuitable they were, he’d give in and allow them both to be free.

  She left her bedroom door open and took the steps, making her way to the main floor. Following the scent, she came to a stop outside the kitchen. He was working a wok, flicking up the ingredients.


  No, no more running.

  Even as she wanted to go back to her room, her stomach growled.

  Lucas looked up.

  There was no more running.

  She’d run so often in high school. It was almost second nature to her now to do so.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey.” She stepped into the kitchen.

  “I had no idea they were going to drug us to bring us here.”

  “It kind of makes sense though, right? It looks so beautiful.” She offered him a smile.

  Lucas paused, staring at her.

  Seconds passed.

  He didn’t move.

  “Are you okay?”

  He shook his head then nodded. “Yes, I’m perfectly okay.” He nodded at her. “Do you want to grab the dishes? This is ready.”

  She nodded and moved past him, looking in the cupboards for a couple of bowls. It was the third cupboard she found them in.

  “You cooked this?” she asked, putting the bowls beside him.


  “I had no idea you can cook.”

  “My mom taught me.” He divided the food into the bowls.

  Being this close to him, Mabel hated how he filled out the crisp white shirt he wore. It should be illegal what he did to it.

  Rather than speak her thoughts, she avoided looking at his impressive, muscular arms, covered in tribal ink. She saw his family crest on one arm, the one announcing him as the new Alpha.

  If she didn’t put a stop to this mating madness, she’d be the Alpha’s mate. The role was very much coveted by several women within the pack. All of which could have the damn job.

  Lucas picked up the bowls and carried them through to what looked like a dining room.

  They sat on opposite ends of the table.

  She’d found some chopsticks in a drawer, and she handed him one.

  Mabel froze as his fingers brushed against hers. The action was so subtle, but it sent a wave of pleasure rushing through her entire body. Jerking her hand back, she covered it with her other one, hoping he didn’t see. Of course, he did.

  “I don’t have any diseases,” he said.

  “I know. None of us do. It’s nothing.”

  “You feel it too.”

  She looked up. “Excuse me?”

  “I believe it’s the result of our … mating. We enjoy touching each other.”

  “We’re not mated.” She worked her chopsticks through the food, gathering some of the noodles.

  “We’re mated, Mabel. Even if you don’t like it.”

  She slurped up her noodles, chewing on the mouthful that she couldn’t deny was exquisite. So damn delicious.

  Her stomach chose that minute to rumble loudly.

  “No, we’re not mated. To be completely together in a union, we have to first accept each other. Then there is of course the …”


  Her cheeks started to heat. “Exactly. Followed by a nice bite to the neck on each of us. A claiming mark for all other mates to see. We do not possess either of those things, and we never will.”

  “So, you’re not even going to give us the chance?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” she asked, refusing to answer his question.

  “Yes, because you want to sever any kind of future we might have.”

  “What future do we have exactly, Lucas? Enlighten me as to what could possibly be between us.”

  “You just felt it. The feeling rushing through your body when you touch me. That’s what being mates is all about. When you touch me, the more you do it, the better you’re going to feel. You’re going to want to be near me, touch me, fuck me.”

  “No, I don’t!”

  Lucas reached across the table and took her hand. The movement was so quick, she didn’t have time to pull back, but even that one touch set her body on fire. Wetness flooded her pussy, and her nipples grew unbearably tight. Even her neck felt tender, like she wanted to be kis

  She pulled her hand from his grip.

  “See, your body wants what it wants.”

  “This doesn’t change anything. All these feelings are bound to be there because we’ve been put together as some kind of twist of fate. It sucks.”

  “And I’m sorry.”

  “What? Sorry that you’re mated to me or destined to be mated to me?” she asked, hating the hard spike of pain that rushed through her. This made no sense to her. The last thing she wanted to be was mated to him.

  “No! I’m not sorry about you being my mate, or that we’re here. I’m sorry for all the shit I did to you in high school. For all the pain I caused.”

  She couldn’t help it. She started to laugh.

  Lucas ran fingers through his hair. “I know that no matter how many times I apologize, it doesn’t change anything.”

  Mabel lifted her hand to her mouth, trying to stop the laughter. “I’m so sorry. I don’t even know why I’m laughing. It’s just…” She stopped and continued to laugh.

  It wasn’t long before Lucas joined her.

  She picked up her chopsticks and took a bite after the giggles had subsided. “I don’t even know why I’m laughing.”

  “I know sorry isn’t going to make up for all the years of pain.”

  She lifted her hand. “How about we don’t talk about that right now? You’re right. Sorry doesn’t make up for everything. I’m struggling here with everything.”

  One year. One year of being in his company.

  Did Lucas even think about what would happen during the full moon? There was no way to remove the energy that surged through them or the arousal that would often claim during that time.

  Pushing her hair off her forehead, she made a vow to avoid him.

  There was no way they were going to last. In a month or two, if she was lucky, perhaps a week, he’d see sense. Mates they may be, but they weren’t right for each other. No matter what anyone said, neither of them were supposed to be together.

  Eating her food, she looked over at him. Lucas watched her.

  As she returned her gaze to her bowl, in her mind, she knew she had to start setting so many new boundaries. Like now, she wouldn’t look at him over food. She’d avoid being alone in intimate settings. Once night fell, she’d remain in her room.

  All these conditions would help her to survive as long as she needed for others to realize they were not suitable.

  Lucas had been a bully. One of the worst in her life, and she wasn’t just going to forgive and forget.


  A week had passed and Lucas stood out near the ocean, extremely pissed with himself.

  One week of Mabel avoiding him.

  One week of constantly trying to find a reason to seek her out. This wasn’t what he had planned. This couldn’t continue. Not for much longer. Glancing up at the sky, he took several deep breaths in an attempt to try to gain some composure.

  They didn’t even eat meals together.

  He’d cook and leave out a dish for her. Sometimes it would be gone, other times, he’d return to the kitchen to find it still there.

  “What the fuck do I do?” he asked.

  Looking up at the sky, he found no answers.

  It was dark, and with the full moon so close, his wolf wanted to run. He didn’t just want to run, he craved Mabel.

  The past couple of nights, he’d gone to her door and touched the hard wood. It was enough for now. Having her this close, her scent surrounded the house. He knew where she was just by following the floral smell. So heady.

  He’d spent most days with a stiff cock, imagining all the pleasure they could have with each other.

  He slammed her against the locker, his fingers wrapped around her neck. “No one will ever fuck you, Mabel. You’re going to be the loneliest bitch in the pack. Even on heat, they’ll avoid you.”

  His old words taunted him.

  At the sound of a twig snapping, he turned to find the woman of his dreams standing there. She wore a white summer dress. The fabric was sheer, and he saw the outline of her curvy body.

  She was different from other females of the pack. Her curves were one factor.

  “I didn’t know you were out here.” She made to turn away, but he couldn’t have that.

  “You can’t keep avoiding me forever.”

  Mabel turned toward him. “And why not?”

  “I’m not as big of an idiot as you think. You know the rules. To sever our mating, you have to give this a chance. Both of us do.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear. “And what if I am?”

  “We both know you’re not, but after this year, if you haven’t given me a chance, then I can request a second year. I can keep on requesting until you give me the chance to earn back your trust.”

  “That’s never going to happen,” she said.

  “Damn it, Mabel, you think I don’t know how fucked up I was? What I’ve done?” he asked. “I do, in case you don’t know.”

  “Don’t mock me.” She took a step toward him. “Do you even think for a second you’d be considering this if I wasn’t your mate? The years of name-calling, of your spiteful, bullshit attitude toward me. You expect me to believe that one change and you’re different?”

  “I can’t take back what I did.”

  “No, you can’t, but what you, the Alpha, and my parents are trying to do is tell me to get over it. Do you have any idea what it was like for me? Huh? You ever considered that?” She looked him up and down. “You with your muscles and your body that made girls want you and men envious. Even your pack friends. Ben and Rupert, I recall. Yeah, they were your buddies. Followed you around like little puppy dogs, willing to do whatever it was you enjoyed.”

  She stopped and shook her head. “You had no idea what it was like. To have people laugh at you. To point. To be afraid to go to my locker for what I might find. You think I found it funny what you did? How humiliated I was.” Tears filled her eyes, and he hated seeing them.

  “I … I don’t know what to say.”

  “That’s just it, Lucas, there is nothing to say about this. You want me to forgive you so we can, what? Start mating? Having a family.” She took a step toward him, closing the distance between them. This close, he felt the pain in his core. “Three years ago, before the mating, that very fucking day, you couldn’t even stand to be near me. You despised me and made sure the entire cafeteria heard it. That night, we both turned, and you think one little action of oops, sorry, didn’t know you were my mate is going to cut it.”

  She shook her head. “Believe it or not, I’m actually trying.” She wrapped her arms around herself and stepped back. “I’m going to bed.”

  “I lied that day,” Lucas said.


  “That day, I remember it. I think about it constantly. You were wearing a dress, very similar to the one you’re wearing now. I saw you come into school. I was struck dumb by what I saw.”

  He ran a hand down his face. The memory was so vivid in his mind. “My friends were talking shit, but I watched you. You had your hair tied back at the nape of your neck. Some nerd approached you and you laughed. You wore a pair of boots because you couldn’t stand to wear heels, unlike so many other girls. You stood out and you looked … I hated how much I wanted you. At that moment, I wanted you all to myself. All morning, you walked around school, completely oblivious to me. I watched you and you didn’t even know. Yeah, I was an asshole because I was the most popular guy in school, but I fucking wanted you, and still, you didn’t see me.”

  He started to laugh. “By the time lunch came, I was angry, but I needed … fuck, I don’t know what I needed, but I knew I wanted something, and that was you. To feel you against me, to know what it was like to have you in my arms.” He closed the distance between them. There shouldn’t be any space now.

  Mabel tilted her head back. Even changed, she was so much smaller than him.

  “So I waited for you. I planned it perfec
tly. The fall, the way you’d land on me. I made sure you didn’t have food and you were so distracted by the book you were reading you didn’t see it coming. I tripped you, wrapped my arm around your waist.” He did so now, drawing her close. “And I felt every inch of your body against mine. Your large tits, your body, and my dick got hard. But I wanted more. I always do. I made sure the fall had you collapsing on me. Your legs straddling either side of me, and I felt your pussy next to my cock. I hated being in school that day because I wanted you naked, but I knew without a doubt, that was all I was going to get.”

  “And then you told me that I was fucking disgusting. That I was the one who wanted to ride your dick and told me I nearly squashed you with the weight I was.”

  “Yeah, and you were so distracted, you didn’t feel me grab your hips like this or that I moved my cock against you.” The action had been so smooth, so easy, and she’d been mortified by what he said. She’d shoved him hard and climbed off him.

  He’d distracted people from his aroused state by calling after her.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tugged her close. “All the while, this is what I wanted to do.”

  Lucas slammed his lips down on hers, taking possession of her mouth. Sliding his tongue across her mouth, he took her by surprise and plundered her mouth. She tasted exquisite.

  At first, she was cold in his arms. He moved his other hand down to her ass, he cupped her, drawing her as close as possible.

  Slowly, she started to kiss him back. Touching her tongue to his, and together, they both moaned. Fuck, he knew kissing her would be a heady experience, but he didn’t have a clue how much.

  All too soon, it ended, and Mabel shoved him away. “That doesn’t change anything.”

  “You want me.”

  “And you want me.”

  He took a step toward her and she moved back. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Damn it, Mabel, what do I have to do to convince you I was a fucked-up asshole? That I don’t want it to be the only part of our story to tell? I stopped you from severing our mating. I’m here. I’m yours.”


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