Correcting Ms. Hardin

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Correcting Ms. Hardin Page 7

by David O. Sullivan

  After lunch, she rushed into the office and snapped, “Robert, why isn’t there coffee in the pot?”

  “I know you like it fresh. I just returned from lunch and was going to make more, actually decaf, because Solomon suggested we all avoid afternoon caffeine. We agreed and I waited—”

  The throbbing pushed at the back of her eyes. “Damn it, Solomon doesn’t run this firm. I do.”

  “Yes, Ms. Hardin, I was just about to ask if you wanted decaf or regular. I’m sorry.”

  I’m sorry. Solomon had told her to practice saying it, but her fucking head hurt. She swallowed at the difficult situation. Forcing a smile, she mumbled, “I’m sorry, Robert. I have a headache and flew off the handle. Make whichever coffee you deem appropriate.”

  “Your bathroom is stocked with pain relievers. I made sure of it as you said I should, or Solomon has the hands of a healer. He’s massaged all of us. Has he worked on you?”

  She couldn’t admit he had, and slammed her office door. A few minutes later there was a knock. She barked, “What?”

  Solomon held a file. “There’s a problem with this case I’d like to discuss with you if there’s time now.”

  “Yes, let’s get it over with, which case?”

  The corners of his mouth lifted in gentle fashion like he had all the time in the world as he closed the door. He placed the folder on her desk and rubbed his chin and a chill rushed through her.

  “I haven’t been bad.”

  “This is the warning. You’re close to it. You barked at Robert when all he was trying to do was serve you. Instead of inquiring in a polite manner about coffee, you tore his head off, but I think I heard you mumble an apology, so that’s some mitigation. You yelled when I knocked.” He pulled the visitor’s chair back and patted the seat. “There is no problem with any case. That was an excuse, for the sake of the others, to save you embarrassment.”

  Damn him for being so kind and considerate. She sighed. Bless him. Her leaden legs carried her toward him without conscious direction from her. She sat and took a few deep breaths as his strong hands massaged, removing her tension in minutes. The session progressed sans words. The headache left. She remembered prior instructions at these times, and she visualized a healthy, strong, and reliable body and mind. It worked until her pussy tingled and she caught a scent of his alluring cologne, different than before. He patted her shoulders. Janet rolled her head around without pain. “That was wonderful.”

  She stood, moisture dripping into her panties. Damn him for getting under my skin. “Solomon, thank you, and I’m sorry for my rudeness. It’s been a part of me for so long and—” An earthquake erupted within her, and she burst into tears. What the hell is going on? Can’t be menopause. “Oh, damn.”

  Solomon took her into his arms and led her to the couch, sitting her on his lap, all the time maintaining the embrace.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?”

  “Shhhh. You’re venting. It’s a good sign. Consider it the storm before the calm.”

  He held her head into the crook of his shoulder while stroking her back like a loving parent, or lover. Minutes passed and Janet’s composure returned, giving her a sense of refreshment. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. You’ve been doing so well. Did something happen at lunch?”

  She whined. “Yes.” It took less than a minute to explain the annoyances.

  “How is the best way to handle such events to avoid stress or emotional outbursts and keep you from taking it out on your staff?”

  He sounded so much like her father when she was young. “I should take deep breaths, feel sorry for the fools, and switch mental channels.”

  “And maybe listen to the banter at the bar for a clue that someone might have legal issues, making it a good time to offer your card.”

  She chuckled. “I never thought of that.”

  His hand landed on her knee and the corners of his mouth lifted into a friendly smile. “When I had just begun practicing and I was eager to save the world, I’d pull next to stopped cars in traffic on my motorcycle and offer my card.” He laughed. “How silly now that I think about it, but I thought it was a good idea at the time. I wouldn’t hire a lawyer who did that.”

  Janet put her hand on his lap. “I might. It shows innovation and courage.” He was handsome now, in his 30s. She thought how hot he must have been as a younger man, just out of law school.

  They stood; he finished the hug with an extra squeeze and whispered, “Shoot for stellar performance, young lady!”

  She pushed back to stare into his eyes. “My father used to say that after he’d spanked my brothers when we were kids.”

  Solomon winked. “He called them ‘young lady’?”

  She play-slapped him. “Silly. He used ‘young man’ with them. I’m sorry I just slapped you.”

  He grew a crooked smile. “I know it was in jest, no offense taken. Humor is good in business, part of the balance.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed to be the longest time. Finally, he kissed her forehead, her cheek, and brushed his lips over hers. She smiled and he left. And is getting fucked by a sexy, saintly lawyer part of the balance, too? She wanted to be back in his arms.

  * * *

  The rest of the week passed, and on Friday, she prepared to work into the evening hours as she was wont to do. She groaned to herself. Obviously to replace a social life. All the other staff members sent an instant message or came by to bid her a good weekend; something that never occurred before. She returned to a bothersome case and was rattled that the right words failed to come to her for a needed correspondence.

  A tapping at her door got her attention. The clock read 7 p.m. Her eyes met Solomon’s, and he stood by the couch.

  In the soft, pleading voice and with the blinking eyes that got her out of trouble as a kid, she moaned, “No, Solomon, please don’t. I’ve tried hard to be a good girl this week. I know I messed up a bit on Wednesday, but I responded to your verbal correction. Please don’t spank me.” He pulled her close for a gentle hug, then sat and pointed to his lap. She squinted her eyes. “Is everyone else gone?”

  “Yes, and the front door is locked. I checked. This will be a maintenance spanking. I know you’ve been doing well, but again, for the medicine to reach its highest potential, additional therapeutic doses need to be delivered.”

  Damn, don’t do it, go sit back at your desk. This is crazy to submit to him. As though some outside force controlled her, she kicked off her high-heeled shoes and positioned herself over his lap. How can a grown woman consent to spankings? This is all so odd. I can’t believe I’m going along with this embarrassing situation. The first spank startled her and stiffened her body. She was voluntarily across a man’s lap with the knowledge he was going to spank her. The buffeting of her derriere continued, and as promised, it was at maintenance level. She laughed at her use of the word promised. It didn’t hurt, well, not too much, maybe just severe discomfort, but the events of the week flowed through her mind: the joy on the faces of the staff at the Monday morning treats, coffee issues. Maybe she did do better with no caffeine in the afternoon. Many minor exchanges with staff and clients reminded her she’d been improving. The sound of her spanking drifted about the room as she tensed with each hit.

  “Take deep breaths.” He rubbed his hand over her upper back.

  Why did he bother with her? Was he an angel disguised as an attorney? She didn’t hate him for what he was doing and she wondered why he took his time to help her. Other boyfriends unceremoniously dumped her. She gasped with the spanking.

  He stopped and rubbed her back. “Clear your mind and settle into it. Tensing doesn’t help.”

  He lifted her skirt and she shuddered at the added embarrassment while wondering if he’d notice her new black panties, and then she gasped as he pulled them down. She threw a hand back there to cover her butt. “No.”


  “But it’s so humiliating.
An adult shouldn’t be spanked.” But she allowed it, and he placed her hand at the side.

  The sound was sharper being flesh to flesh and it echoed in the room. Oh, what was she thinking? Next one? Ohhhh, now it hurts! “Ow, owwwww!”

  Again tears came. She wondered what went through his mind; was he a sadist? No, of course not. He was controlled and loving. Why did he invest in her? She’d been a thorough bitch. He seems so perfect, what are his faults?

  He spanked harder.


  And so it went, one after another. She hated it but yet knew deep down that she deserved it, even needed it.

  Then there was a rapid series of several spanks. She shrieked. “Oh, my God! Ow!”

  He replaced the downed panties and patted her skirt into place. “You may get up.” He handed his handkerchief over, their hands touching and her ass burning.

  She wiped her face and eyes. “Thank you.” Damn, again she thanked him for spanking her. What’s wrong with her? Maybe she needed it. Maybe she craved it.

  He took her into his gentle arms with one hand at the back of her head and the other gently rubbing her ass, soothing it. “Ms. Hardin, are you happy?”

  She stiffened and fired back, “No!”

  He eased his hand over her back. “Take a breath and stay calm. By your forceful answer, it’s obvious you need to spend time on this issue.”

  She felt it, calming, loving energy. His hold made her feel safe.

  He went on. “This weekend I suggest you think back to the last time you were happy and how you can recapture that stupendous sensation, or create a new strain of it to match your needs, wants, and desires.” He smiled as their eyes met. “Of course, it’s simply a suggestion.”

  She rubbed her butt and sucked her lips between her teeth. “One thing to make me happy is to have Friday dinner with someone. I eat alone too much.”

  “When I lived alone, so did I.”

  “You don’t have a girlfriend?”

  “I have a failed marriage. Does that count? Other than that, no girlfriend ever took root. Maybe some people are destined to live alone.” His smile flattened along with his voice.

  She worried that the same was true for herself. Too many people she’d trusted had failed her. Maybe that’s why she’d turned cold and bitter, and she trembled inside at her self-description. “Can we go to dinner?”

  He sighed.

  Was that a sliver of a smile on his lips? “Sol, please go to dinner with me. I wasn’t being rude or forgetful when I called you Sol. Can we be friends?”

  “I would like that,” he said, giving her a smile and taking her hand. He drove them over the hill to the Santa Cruz boardwalk, and guided her into an old restaurant decorated with an array of nautical items of thick nets, oars, commercial fishing poles, and other assorted, but well-placed, items.

  “It smells awesome in here,” she said brightly.

  “It’s a family restaurant. My parents first took us here when I was ten. Their kids worked here, and two of them run it now. I love family businesses. They’ve help make every country strong.”

  A quartet played in a far corner as they expertly played fiddles, a bass, and harmonica. Janet tapped her foot to the music.

  When they finished eating and discussing some mundane law issues, Janet asked, “Dance with me?”

  The look on his face was priceless. It went from shock, to fear, and then flat.

  Ha, a chink in his armor. He can’t dance.

  “I don’t dance.”

  “Neither do I.” She took his hand and led him to the postage stamp-sized dance floor like he took her to the couch for a spanking.

  “It’s been too long, and I might step on you.”

  “Can’t be worse than a discipline spanking.” Janet worried she spoke too loud, and hoped the music drowned it out so her private words only fell on Sol’s ears. She pulled him tight. He let her. Two other couples joined them, and one woman touched Janet’s arm.

  “Since you two were dancing, it gave us the courage to do it. We really don’t dance.”

  She smiled. “Looks like you’re doing good.” Solomon patted her back.

  After dinner, they began walking to Sol’s car, and he put a hand on Janet’s arm. “Ms. Hardin, may I suggest a stroll on the boardwalk?” He wrapped his jacket over her to guard against the chill.

  “That sounds nice. Thank you for dancing with me. It made me happy.”

  “Since I asked you to work issues of your own, I suppose it was my obligation to participate.” He winked.

  “Is that the only reason you danced?”

  “At first, yes, but I liked it. Thank you.”

  In his car driving back over to San Jose, she took his hand and squeezed. “Solomon, I can’t explain who and what you are, and have no idea what caused you to enter my life, but—” Damn, a four-year degree from Berkeley and a law graduate of Stanford University, and she was at a loss for words.

  “I can’t explain what’s happened either.”

  “Have you spanked women you’ve been romantic with?”

  “Two. My ex-wife and one girlfriend, but it was temporary repairs to faltering relationships.”

  More time passed, and their hands stayed entwined. Janet’s heart beat at a steady, strong pace, albeit an excited one. Calm permeated her insides and she wondered just how wonderful he’d be at making love; not sex, but real lovemaking.

  They drove in silence, he in the right lane below the speed limit, making all other cars pass him. Then, as though the angels heard her thoughts, he said, “You’re a wonderful person, Janet. I’ll confess that I find you attractive in many ways. You’re skilled, intelligent, and quite pretty. I’ve considered us making love sometime. It might be therapeutic for both of us, far better than a hook-up.” He chuckled.

  “I think it’ll make us happy.”

  He turned his head toward her and smiled before refocusing on the road. “You make a convincing argument, counselor.”

  When they arrived at her place, they entered her condo, hand-in-hand.

  “You straightened things.” He snickered and brushed a kiss to her forehead.

  “I was feeling sorry for myself and used it as an excuse to keep the place cluttered.” She led him to the balcony. “I’ve loved balconies all of my life.”

  He slowly turned her toward him and bent to kiss her lips with a gentle yet lingering and deepening manner. “Me too, and when I was a kid I’d pretend to be a benevolent king who everyone loved, doing good and making things right.”

  She pulled him against her. “You like to make things right.”

  “Yeah, guess I do; I wanted to be a knight on a white horse, the new sheriff in town. You get the idea. When I was in seventh grade, a kid was bullying others. Even though he left me alone, I confronted him and threatened him. We got in a big fight that we both lost. Then my dad explained diplomacy to me, and I learned about flies, honey, and vinegar. Oh, I still charged windmills, but I was slowly learning.”

  “Solomon, you’ve gotten under my skin in a very good way.”

  “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” He chuckled at his teasing.

  “Too late. You make me want to be a better person.”

  He led her inside. “Ground rules: I’m very clean as far as I know, but it’s been a while since I’ve been with a woman, so I’m not on the birth control pill.” They laughed at the joke.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone, but I have those thingies that go on your cock.” She smirked and sat on her bed.

  He laughed. “Thingie, huh? It’s nice to see the lighter side of you.” He freed her of her skirt and blouse, kissed from her lips to abs, pulled down the front of her panties, and kissed some more. “I like being with you, being close, taking in your alluring scent, and touching your smooth naked body. It fills me with desire.”

  She got the bedding pulled back, and he removed her bra and panties. “What a lovely color. I love purple.”

  She shivered. “I’m a bit embarrassed to be naked in front of a man. How silly, a girl of my age.” Before she could leash her tongue she blurted, “I only hire gay men as a defensive mechanism to avoid closeness.”

  “I understand. I think I agreed to work for you because I knew I’d never be attracted to you because of your controlling manner.” He shook his head. “I think that came out harsher than I intended. I only meant—”

  She shushed him with a gentle finger to his lips. “Fuck me!”

  He stood and undressed himself, piece by piece, until he stood naked with his cock standing straight out. He teased. “Ohhhh, you used the ‘f’ word.”

  “There’s a legal exception when in the course of making love. I looked it up.” She was proud of her preparedness to the issue and took his dick into her mouth, her hot, wet mouth.

  “Ohhhhhh, Ms. Hardin.”

  She pulled off for a moment. “I think Janet will work better.”

  She winked and sucked harder, drawing a soft moan from him, pleasing her. She fondled his nuts in one hand.

  “Janet, this can’t interfere with the function of the office.”

  She lurched for a nightstand drawer, and while staring at him, opened the foil pouch and hooded his cock. Rolling to her back, she spread her legs and pulled him over her. “Fuck me, take me, use me, and make me glad I’m a woman.” She grabbed his dick and guided it. “Don’t be gentle.” He shoved it in. “Awwwwww, yes, yes, yes!” Her entire body sizzled with delight.

  He moaned in obvious pleasure. She reached for him as he lowered his chest to her. They kissed like two love-struck teenagers, biting lips and chins and kissing all over. He pumped, paused to hook her legs and drag her lower on the bed as he took up a pounding, driving force that sent a constant sizzle of joy gushing through her.

  How thoughtful of him to do that to keep my head from hitting the headboard. “Fuck me, fuck me hard.” Janet recognized her words as needy and raw while they made love. He varied his cadence, sometimes letting his cock slip out only to shove it back in. And she loved it.

  He pounded into her as her head rocked back and forth. A growl gurgled from deep in his throat. Despite the long dry spell she was pleased with her performance, but the end grew near. “Solomon, I’m close. Don’t relent. Come with me.”


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