Mackenzie Blue

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Mackenzie Blue Page 7

by Tina Wells

  Zee looked at the other girls. What would they tell Marcus? They had kept the concert a secret. Zee panicked. “Did you know Mr. P was in the band?” she asked Marcus. Her voice squeaked from the strain of trying to remain calm.

  “Mr. P who?” he asked.

  “Our Mr. P,” Zee explained. “Mr. Papademetriou.” The panic disappeared a little.

  Marcus stepped back. “Are you serious?” he shouted. “That’s really cool. Did he tell you about the show?”

  Welcome back, Panic. “Well…uh…umm…,” Zee stammered.

  “Actually”—Kathi blocked Zee—“I’m the one who told her about it. I know the right people.”

  If Marcus was impressed, he didn’t show it. He looked from Kathi to Zee to Jen. “Where’s Chloe?” he asked.

  “She didn’t come,” Jen said quickly.

  “That’s too bad,” Marcus said.

  Jen pouted and crossed her arms. “Yeah, well, we need to sit down.” Which was a relief to Zee since the fries and buffalo wings were getting so heavy they were threatening to abandon ship.

  “I’ll come with you,” Marcus said, looking around the lawn. “Where do you want to sit?”

  Kathi waved her ticket in the air. “We’re in the front row.”

  “How’d you get up there?” Marcus asked. “I heard everything except the lawn has been sold out for weeks!”

  “It helps if your father is one of LA’s top business managers,” Kathi reminded him.

  “Well, have fun,” he said.

  Zee said good-bye, then followed Kathi to their seats, where Adam was waiting and, judging from the way he grabbed for his wings, very hungry.

  Before long, the lights went down and the music began.

  The Crew was awesome. Zee, Jen, and Kathi were out of their seats dancing almost the entire time. But whenever Adam got up to play air guitar, Zee regretted the great seats. Zee imagined a neon SUPER DORK sign over her brother’s head, shining so bright that Ally could see it all the way from Paris. At least it was dark in the amphitheater. Mr. P probably couldn’t even see them.

  After the concert, the band came to the side of the stage. A crowd quickly swarmed around them.

  “Let’s go get Mr. P’s autograph,” Kathi suggested.

  “Why don’t we just talk to him on Monday?” Zee said. “I don’t want to wait behind all these people.”

  “Who says we’re going to wait?” Kathi asked. “Follow me.” Zee and Jen did, and Adam stayed close behind. “Excuse me…Excuse me,” Kathi said as she pushed her way through the fans.

  A thrill of excitement rushed through Zee. “Cool beans!” she said.

  Jen nodded and leaned toward her. “It’s fun to hang out with Kathi,” she said. “She knows how to get what she wants.”

  Of course, getting elbowed and stepped on by the other fans wasn’t great, but Zee quickly forgot about her aches and pains when she reached the front.

  Zee was right next to Mr. P when a girl Adam’s age told him, “You guys were so great. My dream is to be a professional musician—the star of my own band—like you.”

  Kathi snorted and said, “If you want to be like him, you should consider becoming a music teacher. We’re his students.” She turned to Zee and Jen. “Right?”

  Zee nodded. “Yeah,” she said, but it sounded more like a question.

  The fan’s smile disappeared. “Oh, okay,” she said as she took her autograph and walked away.

  Zee suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable. Kathi had ruined Mr. P’s moment. Certain she had embarrassed her teacher, too, Zee turned to go. “I’ll see you at school on Monday,” she told Kathi and Jen. She grabbed Adam’s sleeve and pushed back through the fans.

  “That was way uncool of Kathi,” Adam said as they walked through the parking lot.

  “I know,” Zee sighed. A sick feeling crawled from her toes to her stomach.

  5 Reasons I Should Never Leave My House

  1. I might do the wrong thing.

  2. I might say the wrong thing.

  3. I might trust the wrong person.

  4. I might hurt someone I really like.

  5. My brother might play the air guitar and humiliate me in front of some very cool people.

  E-ZEE: R u there?

  SPARKLEGRRL: What’s up?

  Zee told her best friend what had happened at the concert—about how the fan practically ran away and the look on Mr. P’s face when he saw the three girls. She even told Ally about how Chloe didn’t show up for the concert and Kathi’s suspicion that Chloe had stolen her diary.

  SPARKLEGRRL: Maybe Chloe was sick.

  E-ZEE: She looked OK @ school.

  SPARKLEGRRL: Just bc she wasn’t there doesn’t mean she took ur diary. And y would u trust Kathi?

  Zee didn’t know how to explain. She left Ally’s question hanging and changed the subject.

  E-ZEE: How’s France?

  SPARKLEGRRL: I M going 2 my 1st French party 2nite!!!

  E-ZEE: Awesome! What r u going 2 wear?

  SPARKLEGRRL: My mom wouldn’t let me get high heels. But all the French girls wear them. I’ll look like a total geek if I don’t.

  E-ZEE: What r u going 2 do?

  SPARKLEGRRL: I borrowed a pair. I’ll just change into them after I leave the apartment.

  As Zee typed her response, another IM came in. Zee didn’t recognize the user name.

  CALIFORNIA 12: Where could it b?

  E-ZEE: Where could what b?

  CALIFORNIA 12: U know. Ur diary.

  E-ZEE: Y r u doing this 2 me?

  CALIFORNIA 12: Y not?

  E-ZEE: I never did anything 2 u.

  CALIFORNIA 12: Don’t be so sure. The big surprise is coming.

  E-ZEE: What surprise?

  But the mysterious user logged off before answering Zee’s question. As quickly as she could type, Zee told Ally what had happened.

  SPARKLEGRRL: What r u going 2 do?

  E-ZEE: Get my diary back b4 the big surprise.


  Yes No

  Three Things a Star Needs

  1. A great voice.

  2. A great song.

  3. A great outfit.

  Hi, Diary,

  I can’t wait! Dad’s going to take me to his office. They have a bunch of dresses that they use for the magazine’s photo shoots, and I get to pick one to wear for the Teen Sing audition. One that a famous movie star—or singer (even better)—wore!

  Chloe called to ask about Mr. P’s band, which was weird since she didn’t ever say why she couldn’t go see them. I think she wanted to hang out with me! I told her I didn’t have time all weekend because I have to practice and get ready for Teen Sing. Which is totally true. Technically I promised to take Chloe to my dad’s offices the next time I went. But that feels too risky now. What if she did take my diary and uses all the personal stuff she’s found out to sabotage my audition? What if that’s the big surprise?


  “Who wore this one?” Zee asked her father. She modeled a red sequined dress that made swishy sounds when she walked.

  “Nicole Richie,” Mr. Carmichael said. “That was for a cover.”

  “I’m the same size as Nicole Richie,” Zee said to Jasper.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Jasper responded.

  She’d practically had to beg him to come when she’d called him that morning. He’d been working on the Power-Point presentation for his science project and didn’t want to stop. But Zee needed backup—someone to take her side when her father said no to a dress she liked. Unfortunately Zee’s plan hadn’t worked out very well. Jasper had spent the whole time telling Mr. Carmichael how to make the Gala offices more environmentally friendly.

  Zee spun around. “So? What do you think?” she asked her father and Jasper.

  Mr. Carmichael put his chin in his hand and studied the dress Zee was wearing. Then he matter-of-factly said, “No.”

  “Dad! This is the tenth dress you’ve said no to,” Zee complained.
r />   “It’s the tenth dress that looks much too old for you,” he defended himself. “You may be the same size as Nicole Richie, but you’re not the same age.”

  “I’m going to be a teenager in a year.”

  “Oh, good,” Mr. Carmichael said cheerfully. “That gives me twelve whole months while you’re still my little girl. Try again.”

  With pleading eyes that screamed, “Back me up here,” Zee turned to Jasper for help. He didn’t notice.

  “You could put all of the lights on a sensor so they go out if no one is in the room,” Jasper was telling Zee’s father.

  “I wish Mom had come to save me,” Zee mumbled as she headed back to the dress racks.

  “You could give each employee a reusable coffee mug so they don’t have to keep throwing away paper cups,” Zee heard Jasper explaining behind her.

  “Boy, Jasper, those are great ideas, but I bet Zee could use your help picking out a dress,” Mr. Carmichael said. “Why don’t you go find something with her?”

  “Well…okay,” Jasper said reluctantly.

  Zee giggled. Maybe she should let Jasper torture her father until he agreed to let her wear the dress she wanted.

  As Zee searched through the racks of clothes, Jasper began looking around the room. “I wonder if that copier has an energy-saver mode,” he said.

  “Ummm…the dresses are over here,” Zee teased.

  “Huh?” Jasper turned around. “Oh, I guess I’m not the best person for this,” he admitted. “Maybe you should have invited Chloe instead.”

  Zee lifted a hanger off the rod, then looked at Jasper seriously. “I’m not sure I can trust Chloe.”

  “Why not?” Jasper asked, shocked. “She always wears nice clothes.”

  “That’s not what I mean.” Zee took a deep breath. “I think she may have taken my diary.”

  “Why would she do it?” Jasper said.

  “I don’t know, but all the proof says she did.” She listed the evidence that pointed right at Chloe.

  Jasper was silent for a moment. Then he shook his head. “Something’s not right. She barely even knew you when your diary disappeared. I’m sure we’ll figure out Chloe couldn’t have done it. And we’ll find out who did.”

  “I hope so,” Zee said. She held up a pink silk dress. “What do you think?”

  Jasper studied it and nodded. “Cool.”

  Zee slipped behind a screen and pulled the dress on. The flowing sleeves looked like little angel wings. One of them hung down off her shoulder. She went to show her dad.

  “Wow, Zee!” Mr. Carmichael beamed. “You look like a star! I like it.”

  Zee stared at herself in the mirror and had to admit—of all the dresses she’d tried on—it was the best one.

  With her new dress in hand, Zee practically skipped down the long hallway toward the elevators. Jasper and her father walked ahead, and Jasper started to recommend energy-saving lightbulbs.

  Blown-up magazine covers hung in frames along the walls. Zee had passed them a million times and never paid much attention, but today she wanted to see if her dress was featured on a cover. Suddenly she stopped cold and stared. The cover headline read, “The 25 Best Bands You Don’t Know.” Underneath, a familiar face stared back at Zee. She moved a little closer, then stepped back again.

  “Dad!” Zee called out. “Who are these guys?”

  Mr. Carmichael stopped midstride and turned around. “Oh, that’s Yes No. They were a big success in Europe.”

  “I’ve never heard of them,” Jasper said. He walked over to Zee.

  “That was about ten years ago,” Mr. Carmichael explained. “Then they sort of fizzled out.”

  “Do you see who I see?” Zee asked her friend.

  Jasper turned to look at her with wide eyes. “Mr. P was in Yes No.”

  “I can’t believe it,” Zee groaned. “I humiliated an international singing sensation!”

  Hi, Diary,

  I can’t take it anymore!!! I have to know who took my diary—and who has been sending me creepy messages. Jasper’s going to help me work on the mystery during study hall today, but I don’t think I can wait until then. It might be too late. If Chloe is the thief, she might spring “The Big Surprise” on me by then. It makes sense to confront her. I’ve done the calculations. Check them out here

  The Worst That Can Happen

  1. I’m wrong about Chloe, and we can be friends again.

  The Best That Can Happen

  1. I find out who stole my diary.

  2. I avoid The Big Surprise.

  3. I don’t suffer any more public humiliation.

  4. I’m wrong about Chloe, and we can be friends again.?

  See? It makes sense. It can’t hurt to ask.


  Still, Zee hardly ever made such a big decision without Ally’s advice.

  E-ZEE: R u there?

  Ally wasn’t. Zee would just have to figure out what to do on her own.

  As Zee walked across the Brookdale campus, her Sidekick buzzed. A text message from Landon!

  >Can u stay after school 2day?

  >Sure. Y?

  >I might try out 4 teen sing and need help.

  Landon had actually meant it when he had said he wanted her help! As Zee went inside the building, she was glad he hadn’t asked her in person. Her heart was pounding so loudly, she was sure anyone within ten feet could hear it.

  Inside, Zee peered around the corner just enough to see Chloe at her locker placing her books on the top shelf. Zee watched Chloe hang her bag on a hook and shut the door.

  Zee prepared for her next move. She had practiced talking to Chloe all night long. (Who needs sleep?) She figured she could make a how-to DVD called, Keeping It Friendly: How to Accuse Someone of Stealing Your Most Private Thoughts. She was just going to go up to Chloe and say, This probably sounds weird, but I was wondering if maybe you got my diary by mistake. Chloe could just say, Yeah, isn’t that bizarre? I have no idea how it ended up in my bag. Zee would get her diary back, and Chloe could keep her pride.

  As Zee waited for the coast to be completely clear, she could hardly believe what she saw. With her music folder in hand, Chloe shut her locker, picked up her cello, and just walked away. She didn’t put the lock back on. The locker might as well have been wide open, screaming, “Please, Zee, look inside!” Cool beans! Zee could just take the diary and save Chloe a ton of embarrassment. In fact, maybe that’s exactly what Chloe wanted her to do. Maybe that’s why she didn’t lock it.

  Dodging sleepy upperclassmen with hot cups of coffee and a trio of ninth graders walking and texting at the same time, Zee wove her way to Chloe’s locker. Zee took a quick look to the left, then to the right. All clear! She pulled up the handle and casually popped the door open. She carefully flipped through the math, Spanish, and science textbooks on the top shelf. No diary. Slowly Zee reached for Chloe’s bag, lifted the flap, and reached in. Ohmylanta! Zee thought as her hand clasped a small book. The diary! I was right!

  Her heart pounding, Zee pulled the book out of the bag.

  “What are you doing?” a voice behind her asked. A voice with a Southern accent.

  Zee spun around. “I wanted to get this,” she said, holding the book for Chloe to see.

  Chloe looked confused. “The novel we’re reading for English?” Zee looked down. It wasn’t her diary at all. “You were snooping in my locker.”

  Yup. That’s what Zee was doing—which made it hard to figure out what to say next. “Ummm…,” she stalled.

  “Why would you do that?” Chloe asked.

  Zee’s shoulders slumped. “I thought maybe you took my diary.”

  “Huh? You’re my friend.” Chloe’s twang caught on the lump that was forming in her throat.

  Zee wanted to believe her, but her thoughts were all mixed up. “You were the only one in the music room when that note was written on the board.”

  “I wasn’t even in the room,” Chloe defended herself. “I didn’t want to
hang out all by myself, so I went to the bathroom while you checked the lost and found. I got back right before you did.”

  “What about when you went upstairs in my house before Marcus’s party?” Zee asked. “Did you even go to the bathroom?”

  “No,” Chloe said quietly, looking down. “I wanted to see what Adam’s room looked like. When I heard you coming upstairs, I panicked. I shut his door and ran into your room.” When Chloe looked up again, Zee could see that she was blushing. “I know I shouldn’t have been snooping around, but I didn’t steal anything.” She shut her locker door, then put the lock on, making sure it was secure. “I didn’t even go into his room.”

  As Chloe stormed off, Zee leaned against the locker and slid down to the floor.


  Student Teacher

  Hi, Diary,

  Wow! The first-period bell hasn’t even rung, and I’ve already lost a friend.

  How could I have messed up sooooo badly?!?! Chloe’s not a thief at all—she has a crush on Adam. Bleh! I have no idea how that’s even possible. I mean, he’s nice and all, but she saw his room. It’s disgusting. (Hang up your clothes and throw away your takeout containers.) YUCK!!! I do not get it.

  Still, I feel awful. And I don’t know how to fix it.


  Chloe wasn’t Zee’s only problem. As she stepped through the door to music class, giant purple letters on the whiteboard screamed,



  Zee looked at Chloe, but she couldn’t read her expression. She rushed to the front of the room and, with a shaky hand, picked up an eraser and furiously removed every last piece of evidence. To her horror, she had to pass Landon to get to her seat. She gave him an apologetic half smile, but a bright shade of red had replaced his tan. He was as embarrassed as she was and couldn’t even look at her.


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