Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5)

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Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5) Page 6

by Kelly Seibold

  He set Jackson down in the Pack-N-Play with some toys and turned to his daughter. "Tacos or Pizza?"

  "Why not both? Are you feeding everyone today?"

  "Well, tomorrow night is the Halloween party here, and whatever we serve today, we will do the other tomorrow night. Are you sure you guys can't stay?"

  "No, Halloween party back home tomorrow. We are trying to drag Stephanie to it."

  "Where is it?"

  "At the hospital."

  "Won't have to drag her far."

  "Nope, but she's protesting. I want tacos, so I guess the party gets pizza."

  Jack smiled at her. "I knew you were going to say that."

  Daisy grinned, and then it fell. "Hey, Dylan and Sam are having problems with Drew."

  "What's wrong?" Jack asked as he grabbed a bowl from the shelf to put the chopped-up lettuce in.

  "He got in trouble the other day at school, and Sam had to go pick him up."

  "Like what?" Jack asked and leaned back against the counter.

  "I think he might have gotten into a fight."

  "Oh no."

  "Yep. Sam isn't talking much, and Dylan hasn't said anything either. But I had to pick up some apple pies that Bev made for the party and drop them off on my way here, and she told me." Daisy grabbed the hamburger meat and cheese out of the fridge.

  "That's too bad. He's such a sweet boy."

  "I know." Daisy filled up the counter with fixings from the fridge before going to the pantry to get the rest of the things needed while her dad started browning the beef.

  She paused in her perusing of the contents on the shelf when she heard Mary's voice. "Are we still on at seven?"

  "Yeah, the movie starts at seven-forty-five, so that should be fine. I'll pick you up."

  "Okay, Jack. See ya then."

  The beep on the door signaling her exit sounded, and Daisy grabbed the last box of shells off the shelf before exiting the small room. She placed them on the counter and turned and watched her dad continue his cooking. "Are you going on a date tonight?"

  Jack paused and turned to face his daughter.

  "With Mary? Mom's friend Mary?"

  "Daisy." He reached for the chicken and began to chop it up into fajita-sized pieces. "It's just a movie."

  "Are you paying?"

  "Yes," he answered her and went to wash his hands. He grabbed another cutting board and started to cut up the peppers and onions.

  "It's a date, then."

  "Cut up the tomatoes, please. And I'm not asking her to marry me, Daisy."

  "I didn't say that," she replied and started chopping.

  "Your mother's been dead for seventeen years."

  The knife paused in her hand. "I know that," she said softly.

  "Do NOT feel guilty about this, but with Dylan splitting his time with the construction firm and here..." His voice trailed off.

  "You're lonely."


  Daisy took a deep breath and continued with her food prep.


  "Does Dylan know this?"


  "Of course he does." Her knife clanged on the countertop.

  "What does that mean?"

  "What did you do, Dad? Call up your son the first time you kissed the woman?"

  "No, Daisy. He's here more than you, and just like you, he overheard some things. I'm not purposely keeping something from you."

  "Did you tell him not to tell me?"


  Daisy picked her knife back up and started cutting another tomato.

  "Daisy, can we just..."

  "Dad," she interrupted. "Give me time to process, please."

  "Okay, sweetie." Jack smiled at her before turning back to the stove and putting the chicken on to cook.

  She grabbed the peppers and onions, walked over to her dad, and set them next to the stove. "I forgot the tortillas. I'll be right back." She hurried to the pantry and placed a hand on her chest, taking deep, calming breaths once inside. Talk about overreactions. She was having one.

  Jackson started crying, so Daisy pulled herself together, walked out of the pantry, grabbed her son, and went back to get the tortillas she had forgotten.

  He laid his head on his mom's shoulder and closed his eyes. "Sleepy baby," she murmured to the top of his head and kissed it.

  "You want to try to lay him back down so you can eat?" Jack asked as he carried the fajita mix and the taco meat to the bar and set it up buffet style. "The employees will be in soon to eat, but we can slide the baby beside us in the corner."

  "He doesn't do well with noise. What time do they usually show up to eat?"

  Jack glanced at the clock on the wall. "We have time before they show up."


  Jack dragged the Pack-N-Play over to the corner, and Daisy laid Jackson down and covered him up. Luckily, he didn't wake up. They fixed themselves plates, sat, and dug in. "These are fantastic. I love tacos," Daisy sighed.

  "Daisy. Your mom and I..."

  "Dad. Please. Let's just eat." Her voice was shaky. "I can't process this, and it's all me; I realize that, but can we not talk about it right now? I beg you, please."

  "Okay, sweetie."

  "Thank you." She wiped her eyes and offered her dad a watery smile. He squeezed her hand, and they both went back to their food.


  Dylan sat back against the wall of the treehouse. He had tried and tried to get Drew to come out and play in it, but lately, Drew didn't want anything to do with him or Sam.

  The sun set early in the fall, and it was already dark outside. "Dyl, you up there?" Sam yelled up from below.

  "Yeah, sweetheart."

  "Do you want company?"

  "You? Always."

  Sam came up through the hole that the ladder fit through with a sleeping bag hooked to a backpack. Dylan grabbed her hand and helped her the rest of the way up. She took off the backpack and fell into his arms.

  "Where's Drew?"

  "At Mom and Dad's. I need a break, and I feel awful about that."

  Dylan sat back down against the wall and pulled Sam onto his lap. "What do you have in your pack?"

  "Sleeping bag and food. It's cold out here, babe. I was going to ask you to camp with me, but I don't know about that now that I'm not moving around."

  "Hand me the bag. We can stay a little while." He untied it and folded it around them. "Snug as a bug," he whispered to her as she burrowed herself closer into his chest.

  "I'm not sure it's punishment to let Drew stay with his grandparents. That's where he wants to be."


  "He shoved and hit someone. My sweet Drew. What is happening?" She squeezed her eyes shut. "I don't know what to do."

  "I don't either," Dylan said softly. "I'm sorry, I'm so bad at this. I was awful with Daisy growing up, and you'd think I'd have learned something."

  Sam leaned back and looked at his face.

  "I don't know how to be a good dad to him. I swear I'm trying."

  She grabbed his face with both of her palms and pulled his mouth closer to hers. "I think you're fantastic, and I know Steve would have trusted you with his son."

  "Don't cry, sweetheart. If you cry, I will too."

  "Too late," she whispered and removed her hands to wipe her tears.

  "Are we letting him go to the party tomorrow night?" he asked as he helped her wipe away her tears.

  "We shouldn't, but we're all going, and quite frankly, I want to go. So once again, he's going to get his way."

  Dylan wrapped his arms more snuggly around her and pulled her closer. His lips connected with the top of her hair. "Samantha," he murmured.

  "Dylan," she sighed.

  His hand moved up under her hoodie and found her bare skin. She shivered. "Are you cold?"

  "No," she breathed.

  He reached farther up and found her bare breast. "No bra," he muttered.

  "I planned on getting lucky." She laughed, but it died
in her throat when he kissed down her jawline, and his fingers found her nipple.

  "I think I'm the lucky one." He kissed her mouth, and she moved to straddle his hips without breaking the kiss, pulling back when he whipped her hoodie over her head. "Beautiful."

  "My turn. Let me see that wolf howl."

  He took off his shirt and undid his pants, sliding them and his boxers down his legs when she raised off him. He grabbed the front of her sweatpants and helped her out of them before he pulled her down on his lap, completely naked. "Wait."

  She looked at him questioningly.

  "Let me wrap us in the sleeping bag." He grabbed it and hooked it over their shoulders. "There."

  "That's going to fall the moment I sink myself on you."

  "Test the theory then."

  "With pleasure."

  He grabbed her hips and raised her. She sank to the hilt, and Dylan groaned and laid his head back on the wall.

  "It's my pleasure," he moaned.

  She leaned over and kissed the tattoo over his heart before she latched on to his neck as he bucked up.

  The sleeping bag fell off her shoulders as she started to ride him harder. "I told you!" She gasped when his mouth found her breast as he met her movements.

  "You're always right." He blew across her nipple, and she whimpered when he bit at it. His hands ran around her back and pulled her closer, and he kissed her neck.

  Her movements became erratic—the rhythm lost as she chased her orgasm. "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan." Her nails bit into his shoulders as she splintered apart.

  He bucked up a few more times while she rode out her orgasm, and he grunted with his release. She slumped forward and laid her head on his shoulder. The cold air hit her sweat-dampened skin, and she shivered in his arms.

  He grabbed the sleeping bag, wrapped it around her shoulders, and pulled her closer once more. "I love you," he whispered.

  "I love you too."


  Daisy opened the door and carried Jackson down the hallway, settling him into his crib before walking back out to the kitchen. She grabbed the bottle of wine from the fridge, poured herself a drink, and went to the chairs by the window and deflated into one. She had no clue how long she had sat there staring out into space.

  "Babe?" Jace padded over to her and sat down, facing her. "What's wrong? Did you and your dad not have a good time?"

  "He's dating Mary," she blurted. "My mom's friend, and I don't know if I'm upset that it's not mom or that it's someone mom knew. Like he's cheating on her with a family friend. I might puke," she finished in a rush.

  "Daisy." He took the glass out of her hand and placed it on the table. "Come here." He pulled her out of her chair and into his lap.

  "Oh! And Dylan knows!"

  "And you think they're keeping things from you, and you feel like Dylan is still closer to your dad than you are."

  She laid her head on his shoulder, and he rubbed her back. "You know me so well."

  "Of course I do. I love you."

  "I'm stupid. My dad deserves not to be alone."

  "Give yourself time, Love."

  "That's not fair to Dad, is it? He shouldn't feel guilty for going on dates."

  Jace placed a kiss on her shoulder in response.

  "How was your thing with Hannah today?"

  "Really good. We had fun. Do you think she'll ever call me anything other than Jace?"

  Daisy leaned back to look at his face. "Do you want her to call you Dad?"

  "I wouldn't mind it. I love her."

  "I wish you were. So very much."

  He hugged her close.

  "Me too."

  "I mean, you are. I just meant biologically."

  "I know, Love. It's okay." He reached over, grabbed her drink off the table, and handed it to her for a sip.

  "Thanks," Daisy said. Her tongue peeked out, and she licked the wine off her lips.

  "That was sexy as hell."

  Daisy grinned at him. "Yeah?"

  "Let me taste." Jace's lips touched hers, and his tongue ran the length of her top lip before he pulled her bottom lip into his mouth, giving it a gentle suck. "Mmm. I love that vintage."

  Daisy laughed into his mouth.

  "I'd like to taste the rest of it in the bedroom."

  "That can be arranged."

  "Perfect. Hold on to your glass!" He stood, and somehow, they managed not to spill her drink. "I'm about to pop your cork."

  Daisy stifled her laughter in his neck. She didn't want to wake up Jackson, the lightest sleeper in the world compared to his sister, who could sleep through anything.

  He set her on her feet when they reached the bedroom and locked the door while she put her drink on the nightstand. She turned and shot him a megawatt smile that had him falling in love with her all over again.

  She crooked her finger at him, and he took off his shirt on the way. By the time he reached her, his PJs were down to his ankles. She laughed. "Aren't you eager?"

  "Eager beaver."

  "Wouldn't that be me?"

  Jace burst out laughing as he tackled her on the bed.

  "Shush," she chuckled and clamped a hand over his mouth. Her eyes were sparkling green and flashing with mirth.

  She removed her hand, and he pushed her hair off her face. "Don't be so funny if you don't want me to laugh."

  "I'll try."

  "No, you won't," he said and kissed her upturned lips. "I don't want you to."

  "I know."

  "Clothes off, Love. So I can really appreciate you." He climbed off her, and she stripped while he watched, his eyes darkening. "Matching suits."

  One corner of his mouth quirked up. "Birthday suits?"

  "Yep. You have an extra accessory."

  Jace sucked in his lips to keep from laughing. "How much wine did you have before I made it to the living room?"

  "Not nearly enough." She grinned.

  "Lay back, dimples, and let me drink of your sweet nectar." He kneeled and placed a kiss on her stomach before she sat on the edge of the bed and fell back; her legs opened as he moved between them.

  "That was corny as hell," she laughed.

  At the first brush of his tongue, her hips jerked, and she was no longer laughing. At the second, she fisted the sheets. And at the third, she threaded her fingers through his hair and squeezed.

  Jace moaned as he lapped her up. His fingers entered her under his tongue, and she covered her mouth with her hand to silence her groan. Her breathing became erratic, and she yanked harder on Jace's hair as her orgasm took over.

  He climbed up her body and kissed her lips as she came down off her high. Her heavy-lidded eyes locked with his, and she smiled tiredly at him. "Your turn?"

  "In the shower?"


  He stood, picked her up, and headed to the bathroom.

  "I need my wine."

  "I'll get it for you while you get the water temperature the way you want it." He kissed her before putting her down beside the shower.

  Daisy seemed to sober a little as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close. "I love you," she said into his chest.

  "I love you too." He squeezed her one more time. "Do you want a bath instead?"

  "After I'm done with you in the shower."

  "Daisy. I know you're tired. I'm perfectly content with just you getting yours tonight."

  "Bring me my wine, please, and I'll make you feel good too."

  "I do feel good. I made you feel good and smile. That's all I care about."

  "You do make me feel good."

  "Good, now start the bathwater, and I'll pour myself a glass too. I'll be back."

  He brought her a new glass, too, and set it on the edge of the jacuzzi tub. Daisy was sitting on the edge, her head down, her shoulders drooped, and her eyes were shut.

  He ran a hand down her arm as he kneeled in front of her. "Hey," he said softly. "Take a bath and go to sleep. You're off tomorrow, so sleep in, and I'll take care of the k
ids. What time is the party?"

  "Dinner is at six, then other games and stuff."

  "All right. Babe, you look exhausted. You should have stayed at the hotel tonight and driven home in the morning."

  "Then I would have missed you because that was amazing."

  Jace smiled. "In the tub with you!"

  "Are you getting in here with me?" she asked as she slid into the tub with a groan.

  "Most definitely," he said and slid in behind her, pulling her back to his front. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the back of her neck. "Rest, Love."

  "If I close my eyes in here, I'll fall asleep."

  "It's okay. I'll wake you. Relax and let me hold you."

  "Okay," she mumbled, already beginning to drift off.

  "Goodnight, Love."


  Chapter 9

  Stephanie blinked her eyes a couple of times to bring the room into focus. She scanned the room until her eyes landed on Jake. He was in the recliner, looking over some paperwork. His hair was mussed like he had run his hands through it. His mouth was silently forming words as he read the paper, making marks now and again and jotting notes on a notepad.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and was startled when he caught her staring at him. "Hi," he said. "Did Elizabeth tell you I was coming by?"

  "She did."

  "Are you hungry? I can order us something."

  "Yeah, sure. Can you help me sit up?"

  "Oh. Yes. Of course."

  He pushed himself up, placed his folder on the end of her bed, and wrapped his arms around her. He gently pulled her to a sitting position before leaning back and looking into her eyes.

  How had she not noticed how utterly exhausted he looked? Forgetting she was mad at him for a second, her hand reached and cupped his cheek. His five o'clock shadow was soft against her palm. "When's the last time you slept?" she asked as she studied his face.

  "I don't know." His eyes drifted shut, and he leaned slightly into her palm.

  "You're going to make yourself sick if you don't get some rest." She dropped her hand.

  His eyes slowly opened, and he stared at her before straightening up. "I'm getting some help. I was just going over the interviews I had today for the new administrative assistant so I can hire somebody this week."

  "Do you mean next week? It's Friday."


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