Claimed by the Wolf Billionaire (BBW Paranormal Alpha Romance)

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Claimed by the Wolf Billionaire (BBW Paranormal Alpha Romance) Page 3

by Clarissa Black

  He got up and took the large black blanket draped over one of his contraptions. The cover slid to reveal a large metal sphere propped on a metal stand. “The wolf in you can be contained.”

  “But it will need time. Time and energy. Time you have. But energy you do not. This right here is a riaxford-radial photoplasma electrifier. A ‘plasmatron.’ The material used comes from all known deposit of the extremely rare Sigmatica materiel. This highly reactant material is extremely sensitive to magnetic waves, so you must ensure that no sources of electricity is present. That is the reason why I had opted not a single electric line be ran to the city. Anything that contain electricity like batteries will also be drained of their energy.”

  “The only source it accepts is from atmospheric conditions. There are other side-effects.. but that is all that I have uncovered.” He said in his stern Scandinavian accent.

  “Remember, Elliot. It is both a blessing and curse. You decide how you will use it.”


  It happened so quickly she thought. The lighting branch coursed through the wolf-man that was of Elliot and now a naked man lay in on the floor chest facing the floor. For a second she’d seen him as another person. It felt for some reason that she shared his consciousness. He saw him in this very same room with his grandfather. Right there. With that contraption.

  He was still steaming. She peered in closer, trying to see if he was breathing. The rising and falling of his torso indeed indicated that he was alive. Thank the heaven’s he’s alive!

  The muscled panels of his back were devilishly sexy as their curvature arched the twin mounds of his butt. Her eyes feasted on them. He was moving.

  His movement started with his palms pushing against the ground. Biceps and shoulders contracted as he blossomed off the ground, like a plant reaching for the sunlight peering, standing. The now opened slits on the dome basked him in light.

  Completely naked he was. She tried not to look at what hung between his legs, but like a heavy pendulum, they swung, teasing her eyes to marvel at them. Every inch of his body was covered in muscles, whose striation of hardened fibers crossed over his body giving him a cut look of a muscular athlete. Her eyes darted to his angular alpha male chin. His jaw was the only part of his face that was illuminated since the bangs of his jet-black hair covered his face. But this all changed, when he lifted his chin to look upon her. She marveled at how executively handsome he was.

  There was a snapping boom sound as if marking that his transformation was complete. The light blue glow from his eyed had finally receded.

  “You should have listened.” He said strutting past her towards a chair where a robe hung. Putting on the robe he said, “I told you to leave.”

  “Are you done staring?” He boomed as he grabbed a cup and a bottle of whiskey, pouring himself one. “Or do you want me to show you every inch of me again?”

  There was something about the way he said every inch of me that moistened her from the insides. He walked to a desolate chair in the corner and sat down taking a sip of the whiskey he had with him. How come he’s not offering me any? What a douche.

  “Elliot, what was that about? That wolf?” she asked watching him pour himself another drink. She half expected him to have her refer to him as Mr. Tasla.

  “You ask too many questions. Look the storm has ended, so I don’t see why you’re still here?” he said.

  “That storm. I don’t think it was normal.” She noticed how intently he was looking at her. He probably hasn’t seen a woman in years. “I wanted to thank you.”

  “Ha!” he boomed taking another swig of his whiskey. “And what was I supposed to do? Let you die in that mountain? Damn it. And they call us the future of humanity.”

  Yey. He saved me so that means there’s good in him. And why is he looking at me like that? I can almost feel his stare roll down my cleavage.

  “That woman who went here..?” she watched him now focus intently. “What happened to her?”

  A low growl tore from his chest. It was a sound that could not have been produced by a human.

  “That woman. She snuck in here.” He said. “Did she want me to receive her with open arms after I found her wandering my house uninvited? I may be isolated here but I do remember social conventions.”

  Ah so she snuck-in. Figures, I know the type. Probably hoping to seduce him for an interview. And where does that place me exactly?

  Oh another thing, I’d have to tell him how I saw him in sepia-tone world.

  “Why are you isolating yourself Elliot?” she asked as she bent her hips to the air, knowing the curves of her body were her deadliest possession.

  “That’s none of your business!” he boomed, standing up extending her arm to the door. “I’m sure you know that I’m a busy man so please if you could. The door is waiting for you to grace it.”

  Fine. But why is he so intent on making me leave?

  “Well,” she said as she walked towards him loosening her collar showing the tip of her bra. She noticed how he immediately stepped back. There was something about him. She walked closer to him but this time making sure her steps were devilishly sexy as to accentuate her hips.

  “What are you doing? The door is that way.” He said keeping his gaze everywhere but on her.

  She stepped forward feeling as though she was stepping into an energy source. He started fidgeting. “I’m warning you…” he scoffed.

  She put one foot in front of the other, crossing the unseen barrier. A dark sensation hit her core. There was something about him that radiated with a force that screamed that he wanted her. That he lusted for her.

  She stepped again, this time she was only inches away from him. Is he scared of girls? The billionaire genius scared of girls?

  Before she could think some more of it, he suddenly snagged her forearm, launching his lips against hers. She was taken aback by the swiftness of his movement. And more taken back that instead of pulling away from his deliciously warm mouth, she found herself equally lunging her mouth to meet him

  Grabbing the back of her neck he pulled her rapturously. His vigorous tongue searched every crevices of her mouth, and when their tongues met, she had all the encouragement she needed. Immediately, as though she was denied of this sensation for far too long, her hands swept his head, then clasping down to his shoulders, then to exploring the massiveness of his chest.

  Abruptly, he tore away from her. Instantly, the charge between them dissipated.

  “No. No. No.” he said as covering his face with his palms. “You don’t understand. You’re in danger. I can’t control it anymore.”

  “Don’t understand what?”

  “Just leave. First thing in the morning. Choose any place in the castle. I’ll see you off in the morning.”

  With that he fastened the coils of his robe and walked towards the darkness.

  Well isn’t that dandy.

  The room she had chosen was on the first floor nearest the entrance. It was almost midnight, and she had changed to her satin night dress. Still unsure how she would handle his outburst. Clearly something was bothering him. A talk in the morning should suffice, she thought. Heavy eyelids gave way to blackness, but her ears keyed into a faint soothing sound that drifted through the stone walls of the castle.

  The floor was cold when she decided to examine it. Her head popped out the hallway and into the direction of the sound. She’d heard of this piece before.

  Hmmm… moonlight sonata?

  It was a piece of magic and of sadness. The warmth of the roaring fire cuddled her as she stepped into the living room. On the corner, playing the piano, wearing an imperious looking robe was Elliot. Something was eerily familiar with that piano he was playing. She recalled it in her previous dream. She needs to tell him about that vision.

  Sitting down, extending her limbs gracefully on the large comfortable Victorian sofa. Propping her chin up, curiously listening to the king of the keep play the melody that wafted through the air. Here
he was, utterly gifted, but with no one to share his lonely nights with except for a piano.

  He pointed his nose upwards. Sniffing the air. Abruptly, he stopped playing. Silence replaced the harmonious tuned and filled the expanse of the living room. He knew she was there.

  She didn’t want him to stop playing. “Please continue. You play wonderfully.” She said as she sprawled back at the sofa, her breasts clearly seen from the outline of satin.

  “You smell delightful. Good night.” He said as he stood from the chair clearly on his way to leave.

  “I need to tell you something Elliot.” She said as he continued to walk away. “I know about your grandfather, and you as shifter. I know everything.”

  From her pronouncements he stopped in mid-step. “What do you mean?” he said in a tightly masculine low-pitched voice.

  The roaring fire accentuated the shadows on the panels of his face. Turning towards her, she could see why he’d been named one of the most eligible bachelors in the land. With an estimate net-worth of several billion dollars, and not to mention one of the said leaders that would bring humanity to its next cultural level.

  “Elliot, when that contraption of yours,” she thought about it, “lightning streak passed through me and coursed through you. It’s hard to say, but I felt an instant connection with you. It was as if in that moment we shared one mind.”

  He stood there scratching his chin, contemplating. He seemed very curious of her now. A slight nod from him confirmed that he wanted her to continue.

  “Yes, Elliot. Something happened. And I saw you. You and your brother. There was cake. When you first changed to a wolf. I saw your grandfather. When he sat you in that room. When he told you about your fate. I don’t know why I saw it. I just remember hearing your grandfather saying something about life of rigor and love before the vision ended.”

  “That..” he said with a look of wonder in his face. “life of rigor is meaningless without love.”

  His face energized, like he had received inspiration. He reverted to child-like, free, without any malice in his soul. It happened quicker than when he turned to a wolf. He walked towards her, stopping at the edge of the sofa, and gently looked down at her elegantly resting body.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “Well, honestly. You were being a douche.”

  “Oh.” He said. Obviously nobody has ever called him that to his face before. “My apologies.”

  He’s sorry? This doesn’t sound like him at all. His voice even sounds mellow this time.

  He edged himself to the sofa, and sat down barely next to her. His eyes gleamed from the roasting fire nearby. The sharp cuts of his face was deliciously handsome.

  “I’ll give you that interview now.” He said with the same directness of his farfar “Do you want to know?”

  “Of course.” The sound of his grandfather warning him that the family will end in test-tubes softly ringed in her head.

  “I am shifter. You know that because of the energy-plasmatron device. I’ve calculated this effect was possible, but now it’s confirmed. For a moment we’ve become one. But there’s more to it, which I’ll get to in a minute. The energy-plasmatron was supposed to be my cure for turning to a shifter like my grandfather. But, the wolf mutation must have been stronger than the hawk, as I have yet to counter its essence. I haven’t been able to control it all. And that’s why I spend my time in here. Devising new forms of energy to improve it, so that I might finally be able to cure myself. That is now energy-plasmatron v2 and its effect are what my brother put out to market.”

  She nodded. Everyone knows the heroics. However, nobody knew about the unsung hero.

  “My brother runs our business. I supply him with the equations that I meditate on here. I need no special equipment, I can do that from thought. While the world turns around me, I am consumed. What consumes is the need to be normal. But I cannot. There is something that grows in me. Every interactions with humans is just a risk that I will unleash myself. If I unleash myself, my family knows, and you know, we will belong the test-tube. So there is sadness in my life. You see, I can never leave. Not until I can control it.”

  “You mean,” she asked. “That you won’t be able to control it all?”

  “Yes. And no. For now all I want is to breed with you. I have this urge to ravish you. I know it’s animalistic, but that is what I feel inside.”

  Well hello there. The prospect of breeding with a handsome billionaire was definitely high in her to-do list.

  I wouldn’t want anything else more than you right now..

  “You would” he said as if able to read her mind. “You won’t like it. I grow mad with desire. I won’t just make love with you, I would be rutting you. There’s a wolf in me, Gina was it?”

  She nodded.

  “There’s a wolf in me that claims me around females. I lose control. I become rough.”

  But I like it rough…

  “Even if you like it rough this is something else.” He said as if he were reading her mind.

  “I’ve managed to upgrade the energy. I can stay human longer. Until I do, humanity and I are bound to suffer. At one hand, I am isolated here to find my cure, and at the same time, my curse will be the blessing of humanity. So it is a blessing and a curse.”

  He’s so hot. He’s so hot. Especially when he talks like this.

  “Please I need you to concentrate.” He said catching her looking surprised. “When the coil coursed through us both, we connected not just through our physical body, but also our consciousness have mended. The consciousness that I speak of had traversed the air and directly plugged into our minds. We are now one mind.”

  Minds? Does that even cover science?

  “Yes it covers science.” He said. Gina leaped from the couch in bewilderment.

  “Hold-up. I’ve seen my share of bizarre sciences, but are you telling me we’re…” she said almost panting.

  I’m joined in mind with this hot billionaire wolf shifter?

  “Yes joined in mind with the hot billionaire wolf shifter.” He continued with a gleam of smile in his face.

  “Impossible!” she exclaimed. “You mean to tell me you can read my mind?”


  “But that’s impossible!”

  “Man has deemed the impossible many times and was mistaken. So the answer is ‘yes’ -- I can read your mind.” He said. “That’s not the only thing that we both share. This is going to be an interesting time for you and for me.”

  “I don’t think so!” she jumped landing her knees on the sofa. She could not believe that he can read her mind.

  “I know you want me,” he said with direct preciseness. “I can glimpse those streaks of thoughts in your mind. All I need to do is mediate on the particular frequency, and from it I can feel your thoughts.”

  This is utterly bizarre.

  “Yes,” he said. “So now we have a problem. We are now forever linked. This process cannot be replicated, just as atoms cannot be divided. We are now and forever ‘mates’.”


  “Yes. It is rather ironic. How I had given up to be with a woman all these years. It is a special type of torment. But with you, we will always be connected. Entangled.”

  “Well I don’t mind sharing my mind with you..” she said inching closer to him. “But what about my body? Do we have any sharing of that as well?”

  “That has nothing to do with our union. Ours is outside the physical plane.” He said observing how she frowned. “I told you, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “But you will not hurt me. Listen,” she said sliding her hands on the hard panels of his chest. “If we are of one minds, then we should also be of one body. You cannot have one without the other. It’s like an electron.. attracted to the charge of a neutron.”

  “Proton” he corrected as he snapped her forearms possessively like how he did earlier. “You don’t seem to understand Gina.” He tied her arms to her back

  “I am wolf Gina.” he said slowly inching his mouth just below her ears. Whispering he said, “Do you know how wolves are Gina?”

  The only experience of wolves were from teen drama TV show called Werewolves. Asides from wolves, she had very little experience with anything wild. She had to admit, she was as domesticated as any modern woman could ever be.

  “I have no idea.” She said placing her cheeks next to him. He trailed his nose on the singular vein that popped from that most sensitive space of her the neck. That luscious, fleshy part of creamy skin underneath the jawline.


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