Ruthless Temptation

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Ruthless Temptation Page 5

by Ravenna Tate


  “What if I guaranteed no one will ever know what Ralph did?”

  “How can you guarantee that? What if he was talking to someone who doesn’t work for HCS?”

  “I’ll find another way to use the information you get. I won’t hang Ralph out to dry. Will that ease your guilt?”

  She took another sip of wine to collect her thoughts. He was after information, nothing more. And obviously what she’d overheard was true or he wouldn’t go to this much trouble. She wasn’t out to get Ralph fired. She’d only wanted to find out what the hell was going on. Granted, she’d jumped in without thinking, but Viggo was already past that. If she looked at the big picture, she’d be doing something important enough to affect the entire planet. And, she’d likely end up working for him when it was all said and done. She’d have a chance to use her skills, and maybe she’d be able to walk away from HCS without more disappointment. Perhaps she’d even develop a new perspective on her time there.

  “And that’s all I have do?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Nothing more. Just find out what I need to know as quickly as possible.”

  Madison still felt she was missing something. It seemed too easy. “I don’t have to have sex with you?”

  A slow grin spread over his face. “No, you don’t have to, but I know you want to.”

  He moved closer, and the scent of his cologne tickled her nose. The fire was warm, he smelled great, and looking into his eyes this much had made her dizzy with need. It would be so easy to give in.

  “Why don’t we both stop playing this silly game and admit what we want?” His voice was coaxing and confident. The effect was intoxicating.

  “Because I don’t want to be one of your playthings.” Her voice sounded shaky and unsure. She hadn’t meant for it to come out that way.

  “I don’t play when it comes to sex. I’m dead serious about it.”

  “You know what I mean. You’ll seduce me and then suddenly all bets are off. There will be no job for me with your company, you’ll find what you need from Ralph another way, and then you’ll move onto the next woman.”

  “What an imagination you have.” He brushed a lock of hair off her face, and she had to bite back a moan. “Firstly, if I could find out how Ralph got this information another way, I wouldn’t have persuaded you to find out for me.”

  He scooted closer. She could now count his eyelashes. “Secondly, I gave you my word on the job, and I never go back on my word, Madison. Never. When I say I’m going to do something, it’s a done deal.”

  She swallowed hard against the sudden lump in her throat. She had the power to resist his charms, but it struck her that she didn’t want to. She wanted him to seduce her. She wanted to have sex with him. She might as well admit it, because he certainly had seen it coming.

  “And thirdly, I don’t fuck around. When I’m seeing someone, I don’t date or have sex with other women at the same time, despite what the tabloids like to infer.”

  That was news to her, but he looked and sounded sincere. Had she misjudged him? “They also say you never date anyone longer than a few weeks or months.”

  “That part is true. I don’t. But while I’m with that person, I’m with only her.”

  Did he sound sad, or was she imagining it?

  “Madison, I don’t do the happily ever after thing. I won’t lead you on about that. I’m honest about what I want. No one can say otherwise. I like you. I’m intrigued by you, and you’re a very pretty woman. I want to make love to you, but sex is not a condition of what we discussed earlier. If you say ‘no’ then it’s ‘no’ and it won’t affect our business arrangement.”

  “If I don’t want to tonight, will you have me over for dinner again, or take me out, or ask me to have sex with you again?”



  “Stop fishing for compliments. I already told you I think you’re pretty, and you know I want you in bed. What else do you think you’re going to hear from me?”

  Before Madison had any time to react, he leaned over and kissed her, right on the mouth, and it wasn’t a chaste kiss. She made a surprised sound and then slowly brought her arms up, but before she got them around his shoulders, he released the kiss.

  “Yum. You taste good.”

  She stared at him, stunned, and very unsatisfied that he’d stopped.

  “You’re very pretty, Madison, and very sexy. Now that I know what your lips feel like on mine, I want you more than ever.” He stroked her hair, and this time she wasn’t able to bite back the moan in time. “I know you want me, too. Why shouldn’t we have some fun while we ferret out the bad guys?”

  “You’re very sure of yourself.”

  His voice and his expression were so confident, and instead of finding that arrogant, she was even more turned on. It was nice to be with a man who wasn’t falling all over himself, trying to kiss her or paw at her with no more skill than a fourteen year old boy would display.

  “We’re both adults,” he said. “We both know what we want.”

  She stared into those blue eyes and knew she was toast. She couldn’t lie to him. He saw the truth in her eyes, on her face, and in her body language. If he shoved his hand down her pants right now he’d realize how wet she was, but he likely didn’t need to prove it. He already knew she was aroused.

  “I’m not on the pill.”

  “That’s all right. I use condoms on general principles. I have no social diseases. May I assume the same of you?”

  “I don’t have any either. Thank you for bringing it up.” Should she tell him her limited sexual experience, or would he figure that out on his own? How wonderful would it be to make love to a man who had as much experience as Viggo?

  He rose and offered his hand. “Why don’t I show you where you can take a few moments to take care of any personal needs?”

  Her gaze went straight to his crotch, where an impressive bulge tented his pants. She stood and forced her eyes to his face. “All right. Thank you.”

  His slight frown sent a sliver of doubt racing through her. “Don’t be afraid of me, Madison. I’m not going to ask you to do anything you don’t want to do. There are no whips or chains in my bedroom.”

  She couldn’t help smiling. “I’m not afraid.”

  “Something is bothering you. I wish you’d tell me what it is.”

  “I have limited experience.” He’d find out anyway. Might as well get it over with before this went any further.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  Here it comes… “Define virgin.”

  His face filled with concern, and she watched her chances of making love to this extraordinary man evaporate like mist burning off a lake when the sun finally hits it.


  Viggo hadn’t expected that. It wasn’t a deterrent, but he hadn’t anticipated the possibility. Every other woman he’d met who was this stunning and charming had been experienced. He realized what an assuming ass he’d been.

  She was waiting for him to answer the question with a look on her face that suggested she expected him to send her packing. He needed to dispel that notion and quickly. “Has a man put his penis in your vagina, yes or no?”


  He barely heard the answer because her voice was so soft now. “Have you had sexual contact with a woman?”


  “Has a man put his penis in your ass?”


  “How about your mouth?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  Oh shit… He didn’t want to ask, but he had to know. “Was it consensual?”

  “Yes, but I had no clue what I was doing.”

  Thank goodness. That was an easy fix. “I’m sorry. Not ever having sucked a cock myself, I can’t relate from the same point of view, but I know I always prefer new sexual acts to be fun.”

  She almost laughed, and he was relieved. Her reaction could just as easily have been the opposite. “It wasn’t that it w
asn’t fun. I felt … I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do. Tell me.”

  “He was far more experienced than me, obviously, and like I said, I had no clue what I was doing.”

  Now he understood. Anger bubbled up inside him. “The asshole mocked you for it, didn’t he?”

  She nodded. Viggo cupped her face gently. Those big brown eyes looked at him with lust as well as something desperate. An emotion that suggested she needed someone to validate that she was a sexy, desirable woman. He normally avoided virgins for that very reason. He didn’t want to be the man to awaken any woman’s sexual desire. It made the entire act too damn emotional for them, and that’s when things got squirrely for him.

  But something about this adorable girl called to him, and he knew there was no way he could let her leave tonight. He would make love to her, and he would show her how fucking fantastic it could be. He certainly wouldn’t mock her inexperience. It had been a long time since he’d had the chance to teach a woman something new in the bedroom, and if that caused him some emotional discomfort, tough shit.

  He’d started this, after all. She was here because he had practically blackmailed her into it. He had no one but himself to blame for the way his pulse raced when she looked at him. He’d walked into this with his eyes open and his cock hard.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you. Any man who would do that is a stupid pig.”

  “I agree. Thank you for saying so.”

  “We’ll go slowly. I promise.”

  “Why would you do that for me?”

  “I’m not an asshole, Madison. I said I wanted to make love to you, not simply take you.” His voice came out harsher than he intended. Now that he knew she’d never actually had sex, some of her comments tonight made a lot more sense. He’d have to temper his tendency to shoot from the hip. He didn’t want to hurt her. He was simply used to a different kind of experience.

  “I know you’re not an asshole.”

  He stroked her hair, his dick so damn hard now it was painful. “It’s going to be all right.”

  “I believe you.”

  He took her hand. “Come on.” He led her upstairs and showed her to one of the guest suites. “You’ll find everything you need in there.”

  She glanced toward the doors to his suite. They hadn’t gone inside before because Nick had come upstairs to tell them dinner was ready. “Should I come to your room when I’m ready?”

  “If you want, or I can wait here for you.”

  She smiled. “You’re a gentleman.”

  “I told you I am.”

  She laughed softly, and his heart soared. She was okay now. This was going to be an incredible evening for both of them, if he had anything to say about it.

  “I’ll come to your room in a few moments.”

  He bowed slightly, and she laughed again.

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  She went inside the suite and Viggo went to his room, resisting the urge to pump his fist in the air until the doors were closed and no one could see him.


  Madison stood behind the closed door for a few seconds until her breathing returned to normal. What was she doing here? This had all happened so fast. What the hell had she been thinking this morning when she’d barged into his office and demanded to know what was going on? Seriously… The plan had seemed so solid two days ago when she’d come up with it. Now, she felt like a damn fool.

  If she’d never done it, she’d be home right now, watching an old movie on her computer and eating popcorn. She’d fall asleep on the sofa and wake up hours later, popcorn stuck in her teeth and her computer long gone into sleep mode. How exciting.

  She had a chance to have sex with one of the infamous Weathermen. Real sex, for the first time. She was about to get her cherry popped by none other than Viggo Ingram. Not only that, but she’d likely be working for him before all this was over.

  Of all the things she had imagined might happen after her visit to his office, this was definitely not one of them. She was both excited and a bit afraid at the same time, but not because she thought Viggo would hurt her. Far from it. She was more afraid of not being able to keep up with him, but she also had the suspicion he wouldn’t let that happen. Despite all the stories floating around about him, at his core, he was a gentleman.

  Maybe barging into his office this morning hadn’t been such a terrible idea after all?

  Chapter Seven

  Madison walked into the bathroom and shook her head. Every imaginable hair and skin care product a woman could want was in there, all brand new. There were toothbrushes still in their packages, and little bars of bath soap still wrapped in paper. He had thought of everything.

  She brushed her teeth and took care of a few other immediate needs, then wondered whether she should leave her clothes here and wear one of the robes hanging in the closet. They looked new, and there were various sizes. She couldn’t help notice that none of the sizes were as small as she would have thought. That gave her hope that he wouldn’t take one look at her naked curves and change his mind.

  She selected a satiny red one with delicate embroidery of the same color lining the edges. She’d never seen anything like it, and couldn’t imagine buying something so chic for herself. It would cost way more than she could afford.

  Surveying herself in the full-length mirror, she decided she looked pretty damn sexy, especially after messing up her hair a bit. Then she remembered what was about to happen and her pulse raced again. This was the boldest thing she’d ever done. It was even more daring than going to his office this morning because this made her far more vulnerable than that event had done.

  He was going to see her naked. He was going to kiss her, put his mouth on her body, and stick his cock into her. She hoped it didn’t hurt too much. She’d waited a damn long time for this and didn’t want anything to spoil it.

  “Time to go,” she whispered.

  Madison peeked into the hallway, but no one was there. She closed the door behind her and strode toward the double doors that led to his room. She almost knocked, but that would be silly. He was waiting for her.

  Instead she opened them slowly, taking in the candlelight, soft music, and the combined scents of sage and vanilla. Yummy! How perfect. The ultimate seduction space. It reassured her because she knew this wouldn’t involve him fumbling around. She smiled and stepped across the threshold, then closed the door behind her and allowed her eyes to adjust to the dimness of the room.

  “Come on over,” said Viggo, his voice low and sexy.

  He sat on the biggest bed she’d ever seen. Four posters and enough room for three people, at least. She almost laughed at the absurd size, but stifled the urge in time. She suspected the impulse was more from the giddy excitement flowing through her than the look of the bed.

  She walked toward him. Is he naked? Yes. Completely. He certainly wasted no time. A wide grin covered his face. “You wore the red one.”

  “I thought it was the least I could do.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “Does the color look like you’d expected it would on me?”

  “Stunning. Stop there for a moment. I want to look at you.”

  Oh, he was good. Her gaze dropped to his dick, which was bigger than she’d expected. It’s all right. They do fit. Or so she’d been told.

  “You are so pretty, Madison.”

  She swallowed hard. “Thank you.” Her gaze roamed over his body. It was dusted with fine, light hair and boasted muscles that made her shiver slightly. “You are … wow. I’m sorry. I sound ridiculous. You’re just so damn beautiful I don’t know what to say.”

  “Thank you. That’s kind of you to say so. Drop the robe for me, please.”

  That voice! It was soft yet commanding, and so silky smooth, but he didn’t sound phony. Rather, the tone gave her the sensation of melting into it, and she knew it would be difficult not to obey every command.

  She untied the robe and the
n closed her eyes. Maybe if she didn’t look into his she could do this?

  “Keep them open, please. I want to see the expression in them.”

  She opened her eyes and kept her gaze on his face. Okay, then. Time to take the plunge. Madison slid the robe off her shoulders and let it fall. His gaze roamed over her, slowly, while his lips parted slightly. When he finally met her eyes again, she nearly came at the look of lust in them.

  “I knew you’d be this beautiful. Come over here and join me, Madison.”

  She forced her feet to move. When she reached the bed, it was difficult to keep her gaze from his cock. It was so red and looked ready to burst.

  “Climb on top, next to me.”

  She did, and then he stroked her hair gently. That simple touch forced a soft moan from her.

  “Touch me, Madison.”

  She’d never initiated any sexual contact or touched a man, beyond that failed attempt at giving her then-boyfriend a blowjob, but she wanted to. Especially a man who looked as incredible as Viggo. She knelt next to him and touched his face, loving the slight stubble on his chin. Then she ran her fingers through his hair, which was as soft as she’d imagined.

  “That feels nice.”

  “It does to me, too.”

  He took her hand and placed it on his chest. “Feel that? My heart is racing. That’s because you’re here with me.”

  “Viggo, you’ve been with so many beautiful—”

  He placed two fingers against her lips, preventing her from finishing the sentence. “The only woman here right now is you, and I am thrilled that you are.”

  Oh my… Madison pressed both hands over his nipples, and his soft groan made her pussy wet all over again. She moved them down his abdomen, admiring the muscles there, and then she bypassed his dick and brushed them down his thighs.

  “Not fair,” he said, his voice low and dark.

  “I’m coming back up there.” She touched the shaft with her fingertips, then grasped it with her entire hand.

  “Oh … shit…”

  Well, he certainly looked like he was enjoying that, so Madison moved her hand up and down, loving the contrast in texture between the veins sticking out, and the velvety smoothness. He groaned and covered her hand with his, helping her with the rhythm for a moment or two. Sweat broke out along his hairline, and she felt like a goddess watching him. To realize she could evoke this kind of a reaction in this man, with such a simple touch, was damn exciting.


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