
Home > Nonfiction > Shy... > Page 11
Shy... Page 11

by Unknown

  “Give it to me, Tinkerbottoms! Now! I command you! Give me all your –“

  But here she paused for a moment, just as I had quickened my action. Then those lecherous hands of hers pushed me away, causing the hefty breadloaf to fall free of her toasty oven. Although Mrs. Moundrammer immediately lunged forward, taking it into her mouth like a man dying of thirst who’d just found a fountain of life-saving water fountain. So greedily the woman sucked. It seemed beyond a doubt that she felt physical pain to have the pulsating rod away from her body.

  “Quick turn me over and throw your oven mitt in!” She howled.

  The next thing I knew Mrs. Moundrammer had flipped onto her stomach, rising to her knees, lifting the dress up from her bottom and…

  “Be my little baker!” came her desperate command. “Spread those buns, Tinkerbottoms! Spread them hard. Knead the dough! Harder! Grab it with your hands – yes, that’s it! Remember this is an aged cookie, and so you must make your equipment go in extra deep and hard. Ahh yes, Toysin! You dirty little man! Now bring out your thick rolling pin! You know the one I love, take it out! Slam it down deep and hard! Pound the dough! Yes, that’s good. It wants to be softened, it wants to be touched. Now do as it wishes. Yes! Don’t stop kneading, Toy! You’re almost there… Quick another round of the rolling pin! Use all your might! Toss your nuts in! Yes! Yes! Oh dear me, yes! Oh good boy, you’ve certainly softened this dough sufficiently. Now you know what needs to be done, don’t you?”

  “Huh?” I gasped, breathless but exhilarated.

  “Coat my loving dough with another batch of your special frosting. I want even more this time! Make me sick from the sweetness. Right here!”

  She slapped a portion of her rear-end, right where the panties had been slid to the side minutes earlier.

  “Don’t keep me waiting!”

  My mind blanked as the tension built so forcefully in my naughty bits. Like a cannon’s fuse that had burned out and now everyone waited in anticipation, with ears covered, to see the blast. And so I saw explosions of white lust and burning-hot mirth. I removed the throbbing rolling pin from her cookie dough, and like a lone hero trying to control a raging fire hose, I held on for dear life as the liquid erupted from the end.

  Mrs. Moundrammer shrieked as I had never heard before. My tasty, thick frosting landed all across her undergarments and lower back, continuing on up to the shoulders (when I had lost control of the powerful hose).

  “Tinkerbottoms,” she sighed, falling flat on her stomach, “You ARE a star employee!”


  Our little affair, these memorable dalliances continued on for quite a spell. As I went on working hard in the tinkering shop during the days, I would, most nights, receive a letter from the lustful Mrs. Moundrammer – asking me to work hard in another kind of shop with her…

  We would secret away, allowing ourselves uninterrupted bliss. The cheerful and appreciative woman visited many lessons and educational sessions upon me. I had battered her cake, creamed her cookies, stuffed her turkey, burned the oven, and even cleaned the chimney a time or two if you’re familiar with that reference (but that incident was a bit scarier than I care to mention). I couldn’t get enough of the woman! She continued on using me as her play toy – something to tinker her bits when they needed a good tweaking – and I did tweak all she had to offer. Moundrammer was restless and insatiable, sometimes calling me over at least five times a night! Every day was like Christmas morning to me… the moment I pulled her underwear aside and stuck my face low to taste the desserts…unwrapping those priceless gifts! With her thighs clamped tightly around my head, squeezing the ears so roughly I began seeing stars as she allowed me to drink ambrosia from the pink chalice. Again and again we shared in this adventure.

  But as you know, all good things must come to an end…

  And so it was on one fateful day, just before the big opening day of the season, that the unthinkable happened…


  Joan Moundrammer's shop became rather busy as zero hour approached. Toys were being rushed this way and that way. The place was alive with excitement and preparation. And apparently, so was Mrs. Moundrammer’s tasty treat – as in the middle of this hustle and bustle, I received a missive from the ol’ gal asking me to come right away (rare for her…).

  Into the evaluation chamber I went just as requested, already full sized below the waist.

  “Mrs. Moundrammer?” I shouted, undoing my pants with eagerness.

  “Back here,” she called from one of the adjacent rooms.

  I ran to the sound as fast as my little legs would carry me. Things needed to progress quickly, I needed it badly today. And upon rounding the corner, my jaw dropped, as the sight nearly knocked me flat on my back…

  “Mmm, Toysin how I’ve missed you,” said the sexpot.

  And there she was, on all fours, bent over on the side table with her ass high in the air – one hand pulling her panties to the side already. She didn’t need to invite me this time. I knew the drill... and just where to drill.

  “Well,” she said, “Get to it!”

  Not a second later I had my love lance stripped, licked, and inserted… Evidently the rush season excites Mrs. Moundrammer more than usual, as her delights were absolutely drenched. I could scarcely feel a thing, with no friction to be had. She kept groaning and forcing me to let her lick the southern pole, soaking up a bit of the wetness before implanting it in the holiday ham once again. I loved the sight of Mrs. Moundrammer removing her own juices from the dipping spoon of mine.

  Back and forth we went. Again and again. Over and over. Things heated in an unusually passionate fashion – much more so than I had ever known her to do. Something must have been turning her on extra good today! Shouting out all sorts of innuendo and sordid references which I had no idea of their meaning. Still, I played along... so long as my girthy shaft received its just reward!

  And suddenly I heard it.


  The sound of a nearby door unlocking! I glanced all around me to spot where it came from. Mrs. Moundrammer’s head shot upright at the noise (causing her bouncing booty to halt).

  “What is it?” I squeaked.

  “Shhh!” she barked.

  Then we saw it, both her and I together, we saw the doorknob over to the right. It turned slowly, in a tortuously frightening manner… as the door swung open and there appeared…


  “What is the meaning of this, Margo!” Jonah Moundrammer shouted at the top of his lungs. His entire body shaking with agitation. There he was, the Big Moundrammer himself, standing in the doorway – decked out in his finest suit, wearing a look on his face that sent shivers down my spine. I saw the disbelief rush over his eyes… but strangely, the lusty twinkle remained.

  “Mrs. Moundrammer! I’m shocked!” he bellowed. Then he glanced at me. “Is that, is that the little lad we—“ Jonah stormed forward, reaching downward.

  I would have run from the room, but two things prevented me from doing so: Both my desire to stay inside the sensuous Mrs. Moundrammer… and her two hands gripping my arms, holding me still. And I wish I could say differently, but I must admit that while all of this took place, I continued pumping deep inside Mr. Moundrammer's wife, right as he looked on. The sloppy noise echoing throughout the room. Not my proudest moment... but one of the best!

  “Unbelievable!” Mr. Moundrammer uttered, still shaking with fury. He charged forward. Here I thought he might kill me with a single blow… but as I closed my eyes and turned my face to the side for whatever protection it would provide… I didn’t feel a punch or a kick or a wallop. Instead I heard the loosening of his belt! And when I dared to peer at him again, yes, it was true! The big man had removed his belt and was in the process of peeling off his trousers!

  “You’re doing it all wrong,” he cackled with a wink. “Here – uh, Tinkerbottoms was it?”

  I nodded, disbelievingly.

  “Go like this – let me see you
r hand. Yes, good. Now grab her on the wrist. Feels good doesn’t it?”

  More nodding.

  “Now you can use her body for leverage to pull your southern pole in harder. She loves it that way,” Jonah laughed, again with a wink – I stared on, unblinkingly. “Don’t you, Margo?”

  And there I found myself… penetrating Mrs. Moundrammer, with her husband, Jonah (THE MR. MOUNDRAMMER, HIMSELF!) standing there cheering me on, offering pointers and even slapping her rump once or twice. The only awkward moment came about when he, in a fit of mania I suppose, smacked my tail!

  Suddenly, several minutes later, Jonah broke from his lascivious trance and reached down, taking hold of his wife’s bottom cheeks, spreading them far apart.

  “Did she use the baker line on you, boy?” He giggled. “Such a wonder, this woman!”

  He then rammed her ass into my hips – forcing the full extent of my mirthful dipping spoon back into the heated dough – it nearly blew my mind. Again and again he did this. I became amazed at how well Mrs. Moundrammer endured the punishment. Even I myself began to experience the soreness in my bones from such force. But thankfully it was not to last much longer, as the horny boss quickly released his hands. He was now stripped naked with his own, extremely stout staff, exposed for me to see. I never knew packages could be created so large. But he was, after all, the master of packages and gift giving. It looked like Mrs. Moundrammer was about to receive a big present!

  Mr. Moundrammer stepped around to the front of his wife.

  “I look forward to this every year, Tinkertons!” He laughed, reaching down to locate his wife’s jaw. “It’s not opening day without a good ol’ naughty spit roast, is it Margo!”

  “No, no it isn’t, daddy,” she replied with a happy expression.

  The large employer spread her mouth open wide and rammed his treat inside! All that would fit, anyway. I heard the sounds of gagging, like someone choking, trying to shove too much popsicle into their mouth all at once. And again, I may be ashamed to admit this, but the noise coming from Mrs. Moundrammer only served to further my excitement. I only wished it were me inside her mouth causing the spit to drip out. Instead I was to be made content with her sumptuous, thick, meaty rump and the constant leaking of her liquids.

  “Don’t look so glum, lad!” He chuckled – Jonah must have seen the look on my face as I stared forward. “We can switch in a moment.”

  Now I too smiled and chuckled.


  The night continued on in this passionate orgy. I on one end, my boss on the other, and Mrs. Moundrammer filled from sides! The Moundrammer's were in a fit of passion – the likes of which I'd never seen before, or since... Yet, he did remain true to his promise. We must have swapped back and forth at least half a dozen times. Mrs. Moundrammer never complained or asked for a break – quite the contrary actually, she only begged for more. Demanded more. She ordered us to give her more!

  The woman was insatiable. I loved it… although something told me perhaps not quite as much as she did, try as I might.

  And during the midst of all this lewdness, we somehow managed to hear the sharp whistle blaring out over the intercom.

  “Goodness me, Margo!” Jonah said, growing white in the face. “Is it time already!”

  “Sounds like it,” Mrs. Moundrammer replied. “You’d best hurry up and finish or you’ll be late for the big opening.”

  “Oh, he's made a big opening right here...” I muttered, laughing slightly.

  Ah yes, the final delivery warning whistle. Tonight was the big night, wasn’t it? And in more ways than one for me!

  “Swap me places, Tinkerboy,” Moundrammer moaned frantically as he scrambled around to the rear-end of his wife, pants still stuck around his ankles. “I finish faster this way. Just be sure to hold her steady so she doesn’t go flying,” more belly laughter.

  Mrs. Moundrammer took me in her mouth as I felt the ground begin to shake with each thrust from her sizable husband. We began sliding along the ground – forcing me to dig my feet into the floor, inadvertently driving my southern pole deeper down the throat of Jonah's wife! And here, oh thank heavens, I heard those salacious gags I so desperately longed for. Oh my, how arousing they were! Her lips went to work as expertly as always. I felt myself losing control and knew the time was near…

  “Right there…” The big man groaned, just as I heard myself utter the same.

  Slap. Slap. Slap.

  He rammed against her with ever increasing force as the low grumble emanated from his beard and he shouted…

  “MAAAAAAIR-REEEE OOOOOPENNNNING …Oh it’s gonna be a glorious explosion for you alright, Margo!”

  The eruption from his massive mallet caused a heavy rumble – just as I fired my special frosting down Mrs. Moundrammer’ gullet. She gagged and moaned, moaned and gag all at once, being filled and stuffed from both ends. I felt her teeth clamp down ever so lightly on my stiff sword as her eyes closed with delight. And after I had emptied the entire contents of my container in her, I attempted to pull out, but her hand instantly shot up and took hold of my pulsating rolling pin. She refused to let me withdraw! Now the eyes were opening and staring up mischievously at me… Her thumb went to work, squeezing out the final drops and then, only then, was I allowed to extract the red and raw, yet supremely satisfied southern pole.

  Jonah Moundrammer stood on the opposite side of her, pulling up his pants with haste, like an embarrassed college lad trying to exit the scene of his shame.

  “You know,” he began, “Since you did so well here Tinkertots, I’ve got a little proposition for you!”


  The room smelled of sex and debauchery – oh so perfect! Mrs. Moundrammer put her dress back on, and evidently not totally content, began rubbing her own nipples while giving me a look of pure sex. I wasn’t sure what to make of this…

  The hefty arm of Mr. Moundrammer found itself wrapped around my tiny shoulders. The grand opening would be upon us soon. All those little eager customers were counting on him to deliver these highly sought after items! And yet all this stalling.

  “As I said, uhh Tinkerbottoms! That’s right, Tinkerbottoms – since you did so well, I’d like to make you a proposition. How’s that sound?”

  “Uhh, great Mr. Moundrammer!” I gushed, not knowing what he had in store for me.

  “It’s a rare request, keep in mind. Not just anyone gets asked to do this. But I feel you can handle the job,” he winked at his wife before redirecting that twinkling eye of his back to my face. “How would you like to be… My personal assistant!”

  I nearly fainted…. Mr. Moundrammer's personal assistant?! I’d only heard of this in storybooks! I wasn’t even sure it existed.

  “Well Mr. Moundrammer… I’d like to, but… I’m not sure what the job all entails,” now I winked at Mrs. Moundrammer. She licked her lips, running a hand through the impressive cleavage and down to her naughty bits.

  “Oh come now, Tinkerbottoms!”

  “Already did that, sir,” and we both laughed. “Okay, you’ve convinced me. I accept!”

  “Wise choice, my not so little assistant!”

  “I think so too,” Mrs. Moundrammer intoned.

  “Good, then it is settled!” Jonah laughed. “Now, I must be off to deliver these valuable toys to the people of the world! Being a billionaire isn't easy, you know! Now, Mrs. Moundrammer will instruct you on your first order of business as our personal assistant. Though I imagine she has already taught you more than a few of the required tasks...”

  Winks all around. And with that Mr. Moundrammer was out the door.


  What a wonderful decision it turned out to be all that time ago when I first stepped into the evaluation line outside of Moundrammer's shop. This place is where the fun of manhood was shown to me. Where Mrs. Moundrammer has ravaged me over and over. Where I learned of cookie dough and rolling pins. She continues on, to this day, providing me with ample lessons on countless salacious adve
ntures and romps between the assembly lines. The woman is insatiable – I wouldn’t have it any other way!


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