Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 30

by Sierra Sparks

  “Thanks, Dani. Do you want a cupcake?” She smiles and I’m very aware of the true purpose of her visit. I let all of my friends eat as many baked goods as they want. Dani is for sure the one who takes advantage of it the most, but not in a bad way. More in a cutesy one.

  “Can I have one of Zara’s cuppies? They’re my absolute favorite.”

  “Of course you may.” I get up, to protests from Dani.

  “Sit down. I can get it. I know this shop like the back of my hand.” I let her do what she wants. The further along in my pregnancy I got, the more everyone around me has started to treat me like a porcelain doll. I know they mean well, but I’m not as fragile as they think I am. Sam is trying to take a step back because I got hella annoyed with him a couple of months ago, but every so often, he can’t help himself.

  Dani and I talk, eating cuppies until Sam gets back. He lets Dani and I stat seated while he takes care of everything else before the opening. There isn’t much left – we’ve spent the week getting ready and we’ve been really thorough. Now we just have to wait until it’s time to open our doors. We’re opening a little later than what we’ll normally do because we’re having an afternoon party. Everything is discounted because we want the town to get reacclimated to the shop.

  We open the doors around noon and, pretty soon, the bakery is full of patrons. Dani is acting as extra help, so we can keep things running smoothly. Old customers, new patrons, friends, and family all come to check out Sam’s Place. Sam is leading the helm. The bakery became like his pet project. He got a lot more involved than I expected him to. I wasn’t always planning on changing the name, but soon he was coming up with his own recipes. A good amount of what’s new on the board are Sam Wood originals. I kept everything we had from the old place and what Sam and I have created is a fusion of the old and the new.

  I’m currently resting while Sam and Dani take care of most things. Sam’s Mom, Wynonna is sitting with me. I’m telling her about all the latest doctor’s visits. She’s staying in the area since I was about six months. She wants to be close by for the birth and she’s been helping out with baby stuff when Sam is busy. We had gone shopping the other day and Sam and I officially have everything we’ll need for the new baby now.

  While talking to Wynonna, I start to feel a little discomfort. I try adjusting myself in my seat, but nothing seems to make it go away. I get up to go get an ice pack, but I feel something wet go down my leg and realize my water has broken. I stand still for a moment, not sure what I should do. Wynonna sees me at a standstill and gets up to see what’s wrong.

  “Zara, are you okay?” She comes around to my front. I don’t say anything until she looks down and exclaims, “It’s happening?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” She gets into high gear, remembering or birth plan. She goes to find Sam while I grab the go bag from behind the counter. I run into Dani on my way and tell her what’s going on.

  “You mean now, now?” I nod and Dani gets as excited as I’m feeling on the inside. “Oh my god! Oh. My. God! You’re going to have a baby!” She helps me to the front, yelling at everyone to get out of my way because I’m about to have a fucking baby. Her words, not mine, but it’s an accurate representation of what I’m feeling on the inside.

  Finally, Sam makes his way to me with his mother. He looks very freaked out – more than any of three women standing around him – one of whom is about to push a baby out of her body.

  “My Mom just told me you’re about to have the baby?” I know he knows this is happening, but I guess it isn’t quite real to him yet. That makes sense. Our baby has been more of an idea lately. But once they’re in the world – this is going to be as real as possible.

  “Yes, Sam. I’m having our baby and we need to get to the hospital.” He starts nodding a little aggressively, his entire confident demeanor from earlier today gone. He keeps quietly repeating the word okay until his Mom snaps him out of it.

  “God dammit, son! Get your girlfriend to the hospital before she has the baby right here!” He shakes his head and finally gets with the program. “Dani and I will be close behind. The two of us will close up shop. Just worry about the baby, okay?”

  “Okay, Mom. I’ll see you soon.” He kisses her cheek and Sam and I go to our car. He drives me to the hospital, wavering between going fast because I’m in labor and driving slow because he doesn’t want to end up in an accident. We get there safely and I have to take care of checking in because Sam is still a little shell shocked. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but I hope he snaps out of it soon. At least by the time our child enters the world. I’m quickly escorted to the maternity ward and while we’re waiting for the doctor, Sam keeps telling me everything is going to be all right. I feel it’s more for his benefit than mine, but I don’t make him stop. Soon the doctor comes and he’s explaining everything to the two of us, but while he’s talking my contractions get closer and closer together and it would seem this baby is coming now. I don’t know how long it takes or have a complete awareness of what’s going on. All I know is that it hurts, so much, I have a tightass grip on Sam’s hand, I think he’s crying and I know I’m screaming, and when it’s finally over, I’m tired as fuck.

  I relax entirely against the hospital bed, watching the doctor and nurse take care of my daughter. It would seem Sam and I just had a daughter. She’s offered to me and the first thing I notice is how tiny she is. I can’t believe such a little thing was so hard to push out, but I couldn’t be happier to see her and I say all that’s on my mind.

  “Hello, my little cupcake. You’re a lot smaller than I thought you’d be. I almost can’t believe you’re here with me now. You’re just so cute.” Sam is right beside me, watching as I say the first words our daughter is hearing. I look up at him and hold her up for him to take. With the utmost care, Sam takes her from my arms, bouncing her up and down with gentle movements. He’s whispering something I can’t hear, but I know it’s the sweetest words ever. I’m finally able to relax, but I know the next forever of my life will be spent worrying about this little baby girl and I’m ready to embark on that journey.

  Sam looks down at me and asks, “What do you want to name her?” The two of us discussed names, but we never settled on anything. He hands her back to me and I look into her baby face and know the perfect name for this bundle of joy.

  “Amber – after my mother.” Sam agrees, but before we can talk for too much longer a nurse comes in, saying there are some people who want to see us. I’m guessing it’s Dani and Wynonna. Sam leaves to go get them, leaving me with Amber for a little bit. “Hey, little Amber. Do you know who you’re named after. You’re named after your grandmother, my mother. She was an amazing woman. The two of us used to work in the bakery where your Dad and I work now. Your Dad was that Sam guy who just left. You’ll get to see a lot more of him. I named the bakery after him – it’s called Sam’s Place. I may have given the bakery Sam’s name. It’s because I loved the place where I grew up, but I gave someone even more precious my Mom’s name and that’s you. You are the most precious person in my life and I’ll spend whatever time I have on this earth showing you just how much I love you. Your Dad will do the exact same.” Sam comes back with Dani and Wynonna. “In fact, there’s a whole slew of people who love you and will make sure you know it. Some of them aren’t here right now, but I’ll make sure you meet each and every one of them.”

  Extended Epilogue: Zara (Two Years Later)

  Sam and I are finally getting that honeymoon we’ve always wanted. We put off getting married after finding out I was pregnant because we wanted to focus on getting the bakery open and then, when Amber was born, all of our attention was on her. But then Amber got a little older, but we started expanding our business. I opened a cake making company in the city. Guests at Sarah’s wedding started talking about the wonderful wedding cake. At first, they all thought Ruby had made it. She tried to coast on that publicity, but when she couldn’t deliver time and time again, people
began to suspect that she wasn’t the baker she claimed to be. Unfortunately, this caused her to go bankrupt. I’m not sure what she’s doing now, but I hope things work out for her.

  On the brighter side, I was able to get some traction for my own business. When people found out that I was one who made the cake, calls started coming in with requests for more and more cakes – and not just weddings, but all kinds of events. Sam and I spoke and we both thought it would be worth it to open another location – something a little more sophisticated for the city. Business was great and I was able to dictate how much work I wanted. I’ve started to show Zara what Mommy does, letting her participate in her own little ways. Whenever we’re at Sam’s Place she gets to try and make her own recipe – in a similar fashion to how Zara’s cuppies ended up.

  But today, Sam and I are headed off for our honeymoon. It’s the first time we’ll be away from Amber for an extended time, but Wynonna and Sarah are looking after her, so there’s nothing to worry about. Dani moved up to my hometown and she now runs the day-to-day for Sam’s Place. She ended up loving the area whenever she came to visit and I gave her some baking lessons, so she could take over. Everything has really been working out.

  Sam and I drop Amber off with Sarah. His Mom will be over later. Amber is asleep, so we put her in the bed we got for Sarah whenever Amber stays over. Before leaving, Sam and I go to talk to his sister. I guess she’s kind of my sister now too.

  “Thanks for watching her while we go on our honeymoon.” Sam has been thanking his sister and mom nonstop for agreeing to watch Amber. They haven’t gotten annoyed by it yet, but we’ll see what happens.

  “I am always happy to watch my niece. She is the cutest person in the world and who doesn’t want that in their house.” I’m pretty sure my daughter will get an inflated ego, hearing everyone complimenting her every five seconds. But I’m not too worried. At least she’ll have confidence for days.

  “How have you been Sarah? I feel like we haven’t seen you in a while.” I’ve been curious about Sarah’s life. It’s been a least a month since we’ve seen her. Her divorce from Neil went through a few months ago and she’s been going on quite a few solo trips. Whenever she’s home, all of us spend so much time together, but she only recently got back from her trip and we all haven’t had the chance to catch up yet.

  “I’ve been great. My last trip was amazing. The two of you should really go to Spain. I stayed in Barcelona and my time there was magical. In fact,” a secretive smile breaks across her face and I know she’s about to say something good. “I met a guy while I was away. Lucky for me, he’s moving to the city for work, so he’ll be here in about a week. I spent almost my entire trip with him. I really like this guy, but I’m taking things slow. I’m in no hurry to get married or anything.”

  “That’s wonderful, Sarah! I’m so happy for you.” Sam echoes my sentiment, adding a little more.

  “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. I would like to meet this new fellow at some point – if that’s okay?” Sarah says once we’re done with our trip, all four of us can get lunch. We say goodbye and head back to the penthouse. That’s where all of our luggage is and Rich will be picking us up from there.

  We’re waiting downstairs when a limo pulls up and it seems Sam has planned another surprise! A limo is driving us to the airport where we’ll take the Wood private jet to an island in the Mediterranean. Our wedding was some time back, so our honeymoon is a little late. It seems Sam wanted to go all out. Still, I shake my head at the extravagance, but I get inside, ready to get to our island getaway.

  “I can’t believe you got another limo.” I’m sat right next to him, my body hugging his. I have my head resting on his shoulder while we hold hands.

  “Only the best for my gal.” I pick my head to look at him.

  “You’re corny, you know that?”

  “I know.” I shake my head and return to my previous position, but Sam moves, causing me to have to relift my head.

  “What is it?” His hand caresses my face, his fingers running along my jawline until he’s holding my chin.

  “Remember the last time we were in a limo like this?” The last time we were in a limo just like this one was after we’d gone to dinner a couple years ago. It was the date that was kind of a date, kind of not a date.

  “I remember.”

  “Do you remember what we were doing in the limo?” My cheeks suddenly get very hot remembering exactly what we did in that limo. It was the first blowjob I had ever given to Sam. I remember what it was like tasting him for the first time, his come shooting into my mouth.

  “I do.” I don’t where he’s going with this trip down memory lane. He doesn’t respond to my last response. Instead, he gets off the seat, surprising me. I try to stay out of whatever way he’s moving. He gets in between my legs, pushing up my skirt. Oh, I remember this scene very well. He was going to lick me, but I’d turned the tables. Seems like Sam is about to finish what he started all those years ago. “I remember Sam.” He grins at my admission. He pushes up my skirt, his fingers tracing along the edges of my panties. I open my legs further, giving Sam all the access he needs. Without warning, he yanks my panties down, ripping them.

  He holds my legs open with his hands before licking right up my slit. My body arches, the sudden extra warmth all over my body startling me. Sam doesn’t let up, continuing to run his tongues all around my folds. I try to close my legs, instinctually doing what I think will relieve some of the pressure in my core, but Sam keeps me open, his mouth going to my clit and sucking deeply. I put my hands in his hair, pulling at the strands with a deep strength. Sam’s groans vibrate throughout my pussy and I bend my knee, opening my entrance even wider. His tongue goes deeper and deeper.

  “Sam! Sam! Let me finish. Please?” I plead with him to alleviate everything building up inside. The knots in my muscles tighten until I don’t think I can keep going. Sam’s teeth scrape my clit and I explode around him, my body spasming with each wave of pleasure rolling through me. My convulsions don’t subside for longer than I thought possible. Once I’m done, finally able to come down, Sam kisses up my body. I take his face in my hands, letting his lips part mine and tasting all the juices I dripped into his mouth. I drag my hand down his torso, down to the bulge in his pants. Softly, I rub him, hearing Sam groan into my mouth. He sits back on the seat next to me, breaking our kiss. I pull my skirt down to cover my exposed vagina. There’s no way I’m going to put back on my tattered panties.

  “Sorry about that.” Sam’s eyes follow mine to my torn underwear on the ground. I look at him, not buying his apology.

  “No, you’re not because now I won’t be wearing underwear until we get to our destination.” I could get something from our suitcases, but I also like the idea of only Sam and I knowing how exposed I am.

  “Is that a promise?” His eyes light up on the question. It’s pretty easy to get Sam excited. I’ve realized he likes having sex in interesting places. A limo isn’t the only unusual place we’ve made love. I will say, we do keep all cooking surfaces sterile. I wouldn’t risk contaminating the area. Kitchen sex has to happen in our own house. I know he’ll like a response that’s short, but provocative, so I reply,

  “It is.” He laughs, shaking his head and I get back to curling up against him. We’re still about an hour away from the airstrip, so I get to rest for an hour before Sam has his way with me on a plane. I told him earlier he’d be entering the mile-high club tonight. If I had told myself when I first moved to the city that I would have found love, I don’t think I would have bought it and I’d demand my money back from whatever psychic I had been to see. But I have a successful business, a beautiful daughter, and a man I don’t think I could love any more than I already do. I have a great support network of friends and a new family to call my open. My heart is full of the love I’m giving the time love I’m receiving. This life is one I would not give up for anything.

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