The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 4 (Sessions #4)

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The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 4 (Sessions #4) Page 5

by Kailin Gow

  I had never participated in a sexual act with a woman who delivered such tenderness to me, sweet and caring with a bit of wild animal. The nibbles, combined with creative kisses and licks catapulted me to an almost instantaneous orgasm.

  “My God, Lina,” I gasped as she nibbled on my chest. My hands went to her shoulders, not sure where to go, but know that it was urgent I touch her and feel this connection as much as I could.

  “So good, so damn sexy,” Lina murmured, moving back down to my cock. This time, she took it all, moving down its shaft in one fast, erotic move. She wanted it and she was claiming it. It was hers to do with as she wished; I was putty in her hands. In fast measure, she showed that she was completely into it, consumed by her passions. She brought to life the amazing strategies she used to make me orgasm the other day. As her mouth pleased my cock, her fingers found a way to manipulate the rest of me, heightening what I was feeling even more.

  My hands reached up and touched her silky hair and I caressed it gently. I wanted to distract myself from coming too quickly but alas…I could not hold it any longer. My hips tensed and I released, Lina taking it all in and cooing her pleasure. It was everything I had dreamed it would be…again, but I could not stand it. I had to taste her.

  I sat up and put my arms underneath Lina, easily guiding her up onto the bed and looked at her, seeing an expression that was so aroused that her chest was slightly heaving from her excitement. “My turn,” I said softly. I guided her onto her back and peeled off her sheer bra and panties, tossing them aside, and started with the nape of her neck, kissing it softly and then aggressively, mirroring what she’d done. She responded with renewed excitement, taking in my advances. I was willing to push her pleasure to the limit that she’d allow—the one that gave her every thrill a woman could want, while keeping her virginity intact.

  Hot steamy trails of my breath left goosebumps on her taut, firm stomach and my lips kissed her pelvis appreciatively, the center of all sexual energy for a woman. Then I finally reached her sweet spot, the place that I had been anticipating so eagerly. She tasted so good and the way she moaned when my tongue touched her wetness was confirmation of how much she wanted me.

  Not losing connection with my tongue, I slid my finger into her pussy and moved it back to her clit, pressing against it gently and making her grow wetter with each touch. My tongue was going, my finger was moving and my free hand was roaming her chest, touching and pinching her nipples in perfect rhythm to the rest of it. Her body was an orchestra and I was the conductor, taking it to a place that she would never forget, and hopefully crave more of.

  “Oh…my…Simon,” she gasped, her back arched and her hands now clenching my shoulders as she came, and continued coming. I would not stop or offer her any reprieve until I knew she’d had the most earth shattering orgasm of her life. I could have her for that alone, if nothing else, and I wanted to be the one who made her feel more alive than she’d ever felt.

  Finally, I sensed that Lina’s body was exhausted, no longer pent up with the unexpressed sexual energy that existed between the two of us. I got up and crawled next to her and smiled. She glanced at me and pulled me to her mouth by my tie, which I was still wearing, kissing me softly, me tasting myself on her and her tasting herself on me.

  “I want you so badly, Lina. I want to put my cock in you and make you feel something more amazing than you’ve ever felt before, to take you into new territory that you won’t want to leave,” I said. It was half a statement and half a plea. Maybe, just maybe, she felt the time was right.

  “You’ll have to wait for that, Dr. Sessions,” Lina said, smiling brightly and playfully. “That was quite brilliant, you know. Amazing, so selfless.”

  I will admit, it was easy to be selfless with Lina because I felt more connected to her than sex alone. “At least you said I would have to wait, you did not say no,” I said softly, playing with the damp tendrils of her dark hair.

  “At least,” she said, looking at me. Then I saw it, the flicker of hesitation came back across her face. She was done with her blissful escape and back to the reality of her life and the problems that were in it.

  “Let’s sit up, Lina. Tell me about what’s going on. I will help you anyway that I can, you know.”

  “I believe you, Simon, and that’s why I came to you.”

  We went to the head of the bed and plopped up on the pillows, still naked and facing each other. “So, what happened?” I finally said after watching her fidget in nervousness for a few seconds.

  “I am not stupid, you know, I’ve always known that Ralph is an asshole, but I’ve just tolerated it because I needed to. I didn’t feel I had a choice.” Lina shrugged her shoulders, looking helpless.

  Damn it, I wanted to save this woman. If only I could grasp from what, exactly. “I guess I just do not understand this hold his has over you or your parents,” I said. “Perhaps if you could give me some insight.”

  “Not an option,” Lina said quickly. “All this passionless foreplay that we have and seeing how he wants to destroy anyone who gets in the way from what he decides he wants just eats me up. It goes against my very grain and moral fiber, Simon.”

  I reached over her shoulder and my hand softly touched her back, rubbing it encouragingly. It was not the time for me to say anything, just listen.

  “And there’s this one sweet elderly couple, Ralph has decided he wants their business and he’s determined to get it. I do not even know why or understand its significance. It is an antique store, for heaven’s sake, but he wants it and now he’s manipulating the city to put all these ordinances and laws in place that would make it so they had no choice but to sell or just go out of business, broke. What type of person does that? Not a man! Only a monster could treat others that way and expect to be loved and revered.”

  Expect to be loved and revered, interesting, I thought.

  “You know you do not really want to be with him, you’ve broke the engagement off, and now, I guess I am wondering, what does this mean for your parents? How are you going to go up against Bixby to help them out and to save yourself from a loveless marriage, one where you give your most cherished gift, your virginity, to a man who honesty is not worthy?” My statement was bold, but it was heartfelt more than harsh.

  I quickly found out that her answer was not really an answer at all. Lina said, “It is my life, and I will work on Ralph to change what he has on my parents, but for now, I am angry at him.”

  Then Lina sprung off the bed and walked around the room and leaned over to kiss me. She silently put on her bra and panties, which I did watch appreciatively, and then kissed me again and walked out into the main part of the penthouse, where the rest of her clothes were, and mine were, too. I followed her out there and got dressed as she did. It was silent, but oddly pleasant.

  After she’d collected herself, Lina looked at me and simply said, “Thank you, Simon. I needed that.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek and left.

  What had just happened to me? I loved it and I was cautious of it, too. For the first time in my life, I was quite certain that I could not handle being around a woman without having a relationship with her. She spent me in a way I had never been spent before, and I loved it.

  Chapter 9

  I found myself in the same situation with Lina as I had been in when she would not return my text messages the previous week. I could not get the taste and feel of her off my skin or out of my mind from what happened at my penthouse. I had tried texting and calling but she didn’t answer. It was hard to focus, but I needed to get back to work. Too much of my time had been wasted and if it kept up, my reputation as being the best might be challenged, which would be unacceptable.

  So far, Pam was a gem of a receptionist; top notch and delivering above and beyond in such a professional way. She was worth the hassles of that excruciating interview process that I had endured, even if it was not very well.

  “Dr. Sessions, I have a client out here with an urgent requ
est to see you,” Pam said to me on the phone.

  “Get their info and book them out for this afternoon,” I said. I could not let a client dictate the appointment schedule that way. It created too many expectations that they could just demand whatever they wanted and get it.

  “Okay, Doctor…stop, wait, do not go in there,” I heard Pam say panicked.

  Now I was on alert and I stared at my door. Who should walk through? Ralph Bixby. What a pompous, presuming jerk. “It is okay, Pam, I will see him,” I said and hung up the phone. I had no idea if she heard me or not.

  “Thanks for seeing me,” Ralph said smugly.

  “I can’t imagine what you could want even,” I said. “Or why you could not schedule an appointment like a normal person.”

  Bixby looked at me and his lip snarled. “I am a man who gets what I want. Unlike you, a man who tries to take away everything I want.”

  Did he find out about Lina? That was my first thought.

  “I am not sure what I can do for you, Ralph. Every time you’ve been in this office it is been to try and manipulate or trick me in some way. That’s not going to work with me,” I said. I was still sitting in my chair and Ralph was standing there staring at me.

  Then he started to look around. “This is really nice, you know, Sessions, pretty decent taste, considering. I should make a set like this, it would be great for one of my fantasies to play out in.”

  “You want to pretend you are a sex therapist?” I asked cautiously.

  “Do not be ridiculous,” he said. Then he turned around and sat down on the couch, the couch that housed my more physical therapy sessions. Bixby stared at me, nodding his head and biting his lip like he wanted to say something, but didn’t know how.

  “What do you want, Bixby? I do not have all day here,” I said.

  It must have been hard for him to say, but Bixby blurted out, “I need your help!”

  “With what?”

  “I miss Lina and I want her back so badly; she won’t talk to me and it is killing me. She can’t do this to me!”

  I looked at Bixby and did a masterful job of hiding my pleasure that Lina was holding out on him and standing strong. That was good news, for her even more than for me.

  “I am not certain how I can help you with that,” I said softly. It was for selfish and protective reasons alike.

  “She trusts you, Simon. I do not know why, but she does,” Bixby said forthrightly.

  “What do you believe went wrong?” I asked.

  “Well, I am not sure I did anything wrong,” he began, “I just work with what I’ve been raised with and learned. That’s the world that I understand and am comfortable in.”

  “I am not certain that I understand what you mean,” I said. How could Bixby think he did nothing wrong? Was he that disconnected.

  “I’ve gotten everything that I ever wanted my entire life, except love and affection from my parents and relatives. They all knew that I was the one chosen to be my grandfather’s heir some day and the only time they ever gave a shit about me was when they thought it could get them something. From even the youngest days of my life, they manipulated me in order to get something. As I grew older, I mastered that art of manipulation because it is the only way I know to get people to do what I want them to.”

  “They manipulated you as a child? Why?” It made no sense to me.

  “Because I was my grandfather’s favorite and while he would tell them “no” to anything they asked, thinking of them as lazy, greedy vultures, he would say yes if I asked him about it. I am not certain why he could not say no to me, but he could not.”

  “When we become adults we have to learn to think for ourselves and make our own decisions,” I said.

  Bixby looked at me and waved his hand in the air, dismissing that thought. “The day I met Lina was one of the most memorable days of my entire life, Simon. She was a breath of fresh air with her intoxicating personality. But more than that, she was sexy as hell—and untouchable. It made me want her like I’ve never wanted anything before in my life. I had to have her and I admit, I went about it the wrong way.”

  “You are describing an obsession, not love. You should love your fiancé, Bixby,” I said.

  “I do love her, but am clueless on how to show it. Plus, there’s the other problems,” he said.

  “Such as?” I asked this, but I was fairly certain I knew the answer.

  “Sex. I love sex, the darker and dirtier the better. It gets me off and is the one place where I can lose control without worrying about a damn thing. It is the one place in my life where I can take complete control without anyone retaliating against it in some way. There are a lot of women who love to fuck, but far too few who are so consumed by sex the way that I am that they make for a good sexual liaison for me.”

  “Okay,” I said. This was actually interesting to me in a professional sense.

  Bixby looked at me and his face changed into a serious, controlled one. “I hate you for what you do, Simon. You are ruining everything for me. You help women solve these sex problems when what I need is for them to celebrate them. I rely on them and need what they do; the kinkier and wilder, the better. I do not know how you make them better, but you do. I need you to stop doing that.”

  “That’s unreasonable, Ralph. These women’s sexual problems have repercussions that are detrimental to them. As a professional, I need to help them address those things. Perhaps you might find a therapist to help you address them, too. Maybe you need to look at changing,” I said. My voice was not condemning but my message was quite serious.

  “You just do not get it. I thought you were smarter than that, Simon. With you spreading this ‘feel good’ messaging around about healthy boundaries and sexual relationships it makes people more resistant to have deviant sex the way I like it and need it. You have too much influence over women and it has got to stop.”

  “I assume you are referring to vanilla sex, Bixby, and it doesn’t have to be that way. However, there are healthy parameters to sexual experimentation and they involve both parties involved, or however many people are, and they are necessary. Without them, things can get dangerous, even deadly.”

  “You pretend to be such a do-gooder, but you have no problems fucking the brains out of these poor, distraught women before you help them. You just want the last hoorah,” Bixby spat.

  “Not true, and you do not know what you are talking about. My relationship with my various clients is confidential,” I said. Of course, I could not help but think of Gloria.

  “Gloria found you first, you know, she wanted to change. Then I found out about it and encouraged it. Now I know who you really are; certainly not the full of shit do-gooder you portray yourself to be.”

  “Excuse me, how am I supposed to help you if all you want to do is insult me,” I said. “It is not going to work with me.”

  “You are too good looking and smug for your own good,” Bixby said.

  This guy held the most outward grudge I had ever seen in my life. It was unbelievable, actually.

  “Bixby, feelings for me aside and your problems aside, there’s one question that remains. How does this all work with Lina? Where’s her tidy place in your world? You two are so different in so many ways, how exactly do you two even have a chance?”

  Bixby looked at me and a large smile spread across his face. “Oh, you do not know that is true, Simon. Lina and I are very much alike in many ways…especially when it comes to what she wants and her sexual tastes. It is amazing what she could do and still maintain her virginity. AMAZING!” He closes his eyes in bliss, as though reliving it.

  His words left me speechless. I could tell that Bixby was not lying because of his mannerisms and expressions. It left me feeling numb, null and void of any concept of who Lina the person really was. Maybe I was the one being played here. Lina could very well have been playing me all along to get what she wanted out of Ralph Bixby.

  This is the End of Part 4

SIONS Vol. 4.


  SESSIONS Vol. 5 will be out in February 2015

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