Hot Latin Men 1-5 Omnibus

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Hot Latin Men 1-5 Omnibus Page 5

by Delaney Diamond

  Alexa’s mouth clamped shut. It was too difficult to answer, to admit what she’d agreed to. She wished she could forget.

  “Let me remind you,” Leonardo continued. “You agreed to spend the next two months with me, living as my wife, in every sense of the word.”

  She let out a shaky breath. “I haven’t forgotten.”

  She wanted him, despite the anger and the pain that had resurfaced. He was just too good-looking, too tempting to resist. And he wanted her, too. She knew it as sure as she knew her own name. He liked sex, and he was incredibly good at it.

  “Good.” With a satisfied gleam in his eye, Leonardo turned on his heel toward the door. “Someone from your favorite spa will be here in about an hour to do your nails and makeup,” he said over his shoulder. His footsteps halted at the door, and he turned fully to face her. “Wear the green dress you bought on our honeymoon in Paris.” His eyes easily found the dress hanging from a hanger on the opposite wall. “I never got the pleasure of seeing you in it. We can rectify that tonight.”

  After he left, Alexa took a good look at the dress. She’d purchased it to wear on the last night of their honeymoon. He never saw her in it because their last night in Paris, when they were supposed to go out to dinner, he’d tied her to the bed. After their mind-blowing lovemaking, they’d ordered room service and eaten in the suite instead of venturing outdoors. Then they’d resumed their marathon session late into the night, loath to return to the routine of daily life they’d left behind.

  Alexa wasn’t a prude, but she felt her cheeks heat up anyway at the memory of the things Leonardo had done to her while she was bound to the bed in the hotel. Just thinking about it made her breathless.

  If just the mere memory of his lovemaking could have her so shaken, how in the world would she be able to handle what was to come and leave intact in two months’ time?

  * * * *

  Cool water from the massaging showerhead trickled down Leonardo’s body as the conversation with Alexa rewound in his mind.

  When did she start thinking he was involved with other women? Had she always been so insecure? He hadn’t noticed. Had he really been so preoccupied with work? She’d always been the epitome of self-confidence.

  It’s true she was different to him, but not in the way she’d indicated. The fact that she was African-American didn’t have any bearing on his interest in her. He simply never considered ethnicity when he saw her. What made her different wasn’t her race, but it was her personality, her beauty, and how she carried herself with quiet confidence and grace.

  He noticed her right away, in the boutique she co-owned with a friend at the time. After she helped him pick out a gift for his assistant, he found he couldn’t get her out of his mind and returned the same day to ask her out. After that initial date, he’d been sure that he would make her his wife.

  Nothing would stand in his way.

  She had been different in other ways, too. Unlike other women he’d known, she didn’t seem impressed by his wealth, and she never appeared to want anything from him. Her lack of interest was refreshing, and he wanted to give her everything her heart desired, anything to make her happy.

  Maybe that was his mistake. She never asked him for anything because she didn’t want possessions.

  Leonardo stopped the flow of water and reached for a towel on the warming rack.

  He wasn’t a man who dwelt on what-ifs and what could have been. He tried to learn from the past, because it couldn’t be changed. With that in mind, he figured since he couldn’t change what transpired between him and Alexa before, he would work on improving the future.

  Chapter Five

  Instead of having the driver take them to their destination, Leonardo decided to drive. The silver exterior of the vintage two-seater 1958 Porsche Speedster glowed in the dark night. The car was a prized possession. The moment he saw it, he knew he had to have it no matter the cost. He didn’t often drive it, but it brought him pleasure when he did.

  The engine roared to life once Alexa was buckled in and settled comfortably into the seat. She crossed her legs and proceeded to stare straight ahead.

  Leonardo cast a sidelong glance in her direction.

  He watched as she smoothed her fingers over the jeweled clutch on her lap. The silk material of the emerald green dress covered her body like a second layer of skin, emphasizing her narrow waist and full breasts. A split rose to midthigh and afforded a tempting view of her shapely leg.

  His grip on the steering wheel tightened. He was acutely aware of every sound she made and every movement of her graceful body.

  He wanted her. Badly. His loins ached with the need to possess her. He had been two seconds away from pressing her back against the bedroom wall when she’d emerged from the dressing room earlier. It would have been so easy for him to undo the gold clasp of the dress draped over her right shoulder and allow the soft material to fall away so he could feast his mouth on those tantalizing breasts that had haunted his dreams for the past four months.

  Somehow he’d managed to rein in his actions much better than yesterday. The same rigid control he exercised in business had enabled him to maintain control over his actions and postpone what he had planned until later.

  It had been difficult, though. It was always difficult with Alexa. He found it nearly impossible to keep his body in check when it came to her, and there didn’t seem to be a thing he could do about it.

  Leonardo turned to her. She wore makeup, but not much, because she didn’t need it. There was no need to spoil her defined cheekbones with blush. Her smooth, honey-colored skin had a healthy glow, and her full lips were moist from the flattering pale color that graced them. Her jet-black hair was straight and brushed back from her face, styled a little higher on the top. She looked sexy and stylish, but sat rigidly in the seat.

  “You look stiff.” He shifted gears and returned his eyes to the road ahead.

  “I’m sorry if my appearance doesn’t please you. I’m sure I made it clear I didn’t want to go out tonight.” Her voice was cool, but that didn’t stop him from having a very heated response to it.

  * * * *

  Leonardo turned the wheel slightly to shift lanes and speed past the car in front of them. “I didn’t say your appearance doesn’t please me. I said you look stiff. I hope you relax before we get there.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m just a little nervous,” Alexa admitted.

  A few seconds elapsed before he responded. “About what?”

  Alexa twisted her head toward him. “About tonight. Everything. How much do these people know about our relationship, Leo? Most of them are your friends. What kind of reception can I expect?”

  “I don’t know who all the guests will be, but you know Russell and Joan. They adore you.”

  She turned away again and began to chew on the inside of her lower lip. Before she’d said the words, she didn’t even realize just how nervous she was, and she certainly hadn’t intended to admit as much to Leonardo.

  “Stop doing that.”


  His eyes found hers in the dimly lit vehicle. “Biting the inside of your lip.” His words weren’t harsh. In fact, they were gently spoken. He wasn’t chastising her. “You have nothing to worry about. Russell and Joan like you. All anyone knows is that we went through a separation, and that’s it. No details. Rest assured I never once said a bad word about you. Once we get there, you’ll realize just how ridiculous your concerns are.”

  In an unexpected move, he reached across and covered her fingers with the warmth of his hand.

  The touch made her skin tingle, but there was something else, too. It was a comforting gesture, and Alexa felt tears spring to her eyes. The tenderness of his touch threatened to undo her, and she didn’t want to fall apart, start crying, and ruin her makeup. She appreciated his attempt to boost her confidence, because she’d only just recognized herself the true reason for her unease in attending the party tonight.

could the hardened, unfeeling man she went to yesterday be the same man providing comfort and assurance in her time of need? Why hadn’t he before they were separated? Had he simply not understood the depth of her concerns all along?

  Being apart for the past four months had done nothing to squash the feelings that blossomed inside of her whenever he was near. She hadn’t wanted to admit it, but working at Second Chance Closet and helping her brother with the bakery became welcome diversions from dealing with her broken marriage. She’d told herself it was for the best and eventually she would get over it. She’d even convinced herself she no longer loved him and the time away had been good.

  She was no longer deceived. Just over twenty-four hours after thrusting herself back into Leonardo’s life, she found she was wishing their temporary arrangement could become permanent.

  * * * *

  Russell Simpson was a successful corporate attorney whose firm worked closely with Leonardo on Radiant Communications’ telecommunications licensing deals. Over time they’d become very good friends and usually shared in the milestones in each other’s lives. Tonight, Russell and his wife, Joan, were celebrating their thirtieth anniversary.

  The two were complete opposites, but they managed to make it work. Where he was reserved, she was outgoing. He was conservative, and she was liberal. He was a Yankee from New York, and she was a born and bred Southern gal from Rome, Georgia. Yet, they were perfect together, and thirty years of marriage hadn’t changed that one bit.

  The Simpsons’ home was located in an exclusive gated community in a suburb of Atlanta. Theirs was one of the few homes situated on the lake. Standing outside the door was a group of attendants hired to take care of the guests.

  After the Porsche was driven away by the attending valet, another young man escorted Alexa and Leonardo into the house, through the grand foyer, and down a hall to the room where the anniversary party was in full swing.

  Several large stations were set up with food for guests to help themselves. There was a hot table, a cold table, and a dessert table. Meanwhile, uniformed servers circulated with glasses of wine and champagne and even more food to nibble on. In one corner was a bar with an attending bartender making mixed drinks. Tables and chairs were strategically arranged in the room to encourage conversations of two or three. Two beautiful Strass crystal chandeliers punctuated the elegance of the room and its high-end decorations.

  After a short while, Alexa was surprised how easy it was to fall back into her old routine as she mingled with the other guests. She was proud to stand beside Leonardo and be introduced as his wife. He was handsome in his well-fitting tuxedo, his wavy dark brown hair tamed and brushed back from his face, resting across his collar.

  They spent the next forty minutes or so chatting with the other guests. From time to time, they were drawn into separate conversations, mostly because Leonardo was pulled away to talk business. He never strayed too far or too long, and Alexa wondered if he was doing it on purpose—purposely returning to her side so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable or alone. She wouldn’t be surprised, not since he’d shown her such gentleness in the car. Part of her warmed to the thought that he was being so considerate, and her resolve to remain cool and distant melted against the warmth of his attentiveness.

  “Well, hello!” That high-pitched Southern twang could belong to none other than Joan Simpson.

  Alexa turned just in time to be drawn into the older woman’s warm embrace. “Do my eyes deceive me?”

  Alexa returned the hug. “No,” she said, smiling into Joan’s stunned face. Joan had been friendly from the first time they met, and this meeting reminded Alexa of how welcoming she was and how much she had missed the camaraderie when she left Leonardo.

  “What’s going on here?” Joan asked, eyeing one and then the other. She propped her hand on her hip and tilted back her platinum blonde head to give Leonardo a questioning look.

  Leonardo’s arm snaked around Alexa’s waist and drew her close to his side. The intimate gesture made her body tingle in hidden places. “What does it look like?” he asked with a roguish grin.

  “It looks like you two are back together,” Joan answered, looking as if she’d just learned a juicy bit of gossip and couldn’t wait to get permission to spread it around the neighborhood.

  “Then you would be right.” Leonardo’s fingers moved slightly up and down Alexa’s side and came to rest on her hip. She wondered if he had any idea the havoc he was wreaking with such innocent physical contact.

  “Woooonderful!” Joan gushed. She grasped Alexa’s hand to draw her away. “Do you mind if I borrow her?”

  “Only for a moment,” Leonardo chided.

  “I haven’t seen her in so long, I need to catch up.” Joan then carted Alexa off to a corner of the room. She grabbed two glasses of wine and handed one to Alexa before they both sat down in two thick-cushioned armchairs with a small table between them.

  “How’ve you been, darlin’?” she asked finally, taking a sip of the fine wine. Her well-manicured fingers were covered in jewels.

  “Well, I’ve been really busy the past few months.” Although she and Joan were friends, Alexa wasn’t sure what she should and shouldn’t say. Considering she would be out of Leonardo’s life in a couple of months, she almost felt guilty at the pleasure their reconciliation gave to Joan.

  “Busy, huh?” Joan looked at her out of the corner of her eye while keeping her gaze trained on her guests circulating in the room. “That’s good to hear, I suppose. If I were you, I would have been falling apart over missing that fine specimen of a husband you have there.”

  Alexa shifted, unsure of the direction in which Joan was taking the conversation. “I did miss him,” she admitted, which was the truth.

  “I know you did.” Joan nodded her head and placed her glass on the table. Resting her elbow on the arm of the chair, she leaned toward Alexa. “He missed you something awful, too. I tell you what, whatever happened to make the two of you separate, I hope it never happens again. That poor man looked like death warmed over right after you left.”

  This was news to Alexa. Joan was implying that Leonardo had missed her and their separation had been difficult for him.

  “Death warmed over?”

  “Mhmm.” Joan waved a greeting at someone nearby. “I wanted to call you, but I didn’t know if you’d even take my call. Russell and I were friends with Leonardo first, and since y’all were no longer together, I assumed that you had washed your hands of his friends, as well.”

  “No, nothing could be further from truth!” Alexa reached out and touched her friend’s arm. “To be honest with you, Joan, I missed you. I wanted to call, but like you, I wasn’t sure if I would be welcome to contact you since you were Leo’s friends first.”

  “Well, isn’t that something?” Joan laughed, squeezing Alexa’s hand between her own. “You never have to worry about calling me, darlin’. I’m always available.” Joan picked up her glass again and took another sip. “Oh, before I forget, I’ve got some things for The Closet I think you’ll love. I was going to give them to another charity, but I’d rather you have them. I can have them brought down to the store in a couple of days.”

  “That would be wonderful, but we have a van available for large donations if that would be more convenient.”

  “Oh, no, I won’t hear of it. It’ll give our driver an assignment that doesn’t include us so he can take care of some personal errands. He likes getting a break from us once in a while.” She winked.

  “Thank you so much, Joan. Your donation will make a lot of women so happy.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, until you see the loot.” Joan sucked in her stomach with a deep breath, and then she let it out with a huge whoosh. “I’ve done lost my girlish figure, and there may not be that many women who can benefit from clothes that size.”

  Alexa thought Joan was being too hard on herself. She was certainly not fat, and her womanly figure was appropriate for a healthy woman in her
late fifties. “I’m sure Russell’s not complaining, so I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  Joan had the grace to blush. “Well, I suppose you’re right.”

  “Congratulations, Joan,” a woman said, stopping to plant an air kiss near Joan’s cheek. “I hope the two of you have thirty more years together!”

  Alexa almost choked on her wine when she recognized the red hair. Her hair was in an updo tonight, but it was definitely the woman she had seen outside the restaurant with Leonardo.

  “Thank you, darlin’.”

  “Who was that?” Alexa croaked when the other woman floated away.

  “Oh, that’s one of the attorneys in Russell’s firm. Smart girl.” A look of embarrassment came over her face. “Smart as a whip, but I can’t for the life of me remember her name. Russell assigned her as the lead attorney on the Latin American expansion.”

  Alexa felt the tension drain from her body. At least there was a reasonable explanation for why Leonardo had been with the other woman. They really had been working. She vaguely remembered Leonardo working on the deals to enter the markets in Central and South America.

  “Oh no,” Alexa heard the older woman groan.

  She turned a questioning eye in the direction Joan was looking. Russell was signaling to Joan near a table piled high with heavy hors d’oeuvres.

  “What is it?”

  “He wants to make a toast, and of course that means one of his so-called funny stories about our married life.” She made a dramatic roll of her eyes.

  Alexa smiled to herself. Although Joan acted as if she were embarrassed and annoyed by her husband’s anecdotal tales, she also knew how much Joan loved him and thought the world of him. Their marriage was rock solid despite their differences, and to the amusement of friends, they often bantered back and forth, giving each other a hard time.

  Joan rose from the chair, but before she walked away, she said, “We need to get together for lunch one day to catch up. And definitely before that husband of yours whisks you away in two months to spend the next three years in Brazil.”


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