Hot Latin Men 1-5 Omnibus

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Hot Latin Men 1-5 Omnibus Page 7

by Delaney Diamond

  She loved it, the way he took control of her, the way he took control of everything. Her body strained to get even closer to him. She trembled in his arms and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, lifting her heels higher along his back so she could take him deeper.

  In their feverish craze, they hadn’t even bothered to remove their clothes. Her elegant green gown was crumpled around her waist, while his boxers and tuxedo pants were pushed just low enough to allow him the ease with which to penetrate her. It was uncivilized, primal.

  His heavy grunts intermingled with her tortured moans while they moved together as one. Nothing else mattered at the moment—not the misunderstandings, not the pain of the past, only the synchronized rhythm of each advance and retreat of his hard flesh into the moist heat of her body in the race toward fulfillment.

  Before long, the pending tension built up inside Alexa, her breath coming in short spurts. He knew her too well. He knew just the right spot, and he hit it over and over with swift but controlled drives until she cried out her release.

  She felt weightless, as if she were floating above herself, her untethered body spasming as the world tilted dangerously off-kilter. Leonardo could no longer contain himself once she contracted around him. He was no longer in control as he pumped faster into her. Finally, he loudly grunted his own release, his warm breath whispering across her collarbone as he emptied himself inside her.

  Moments later, Alexa lay in a daze, shaken by the power of her climax. She was half on top of Leonardo, his right hand placed loosely around her waist while his left dragged against the floor. Her dress had been pulled down to modestly cover her exposed bottom, but he’d refused to allow her to pull up the bodice of the dress to cover her breasts. His pants were pulled up, though not closed.

  Alexa shut her eyes, her languid body relaxed and contented.

  Chapter Seven

  Once in their bedroom, they removed all their clothing and made love again in a slower, exploratory fashion. Alexa was now cradled in Leonardo’s arms under the cream-colored sheets, her back flush against his hair-roughened chest. The curtains were drawn open so they could look out at the full moon and the inky black of the star-splattered sky. Their tawny limbs were intertwined, and his hand stroked in a soothing motion from her knee to her hip.

  Alexa hesitated to broach the topic she had shelved away in preference to enjoying the pleasure of being made love to by Leonardo. Nevertheless, she wanted to press him for answers about the growth into the Latin American markets.

  She stilled the movement of his hand by covering it with her own. “Joan mentioned something tonight I want to ask you about. What she said took me by surprise, and I want to know if it’s true.”

  “What is it?”

  “She said you’ll be moving to Brazil for three years. Is that true?”

  When there was no answer, Alexa twisted around in his arms. Their faces almost touched they were so close, but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His eyes were shuttered, effectively hiding his innermost thoughts.

  “I’ve thought about it.”

  The brief answer was unexpected. After the intimacies they just shared, she had hoped he would be more forthcoming and provide details about his plans. Deep down, she’d harbored the secret hope he was about to make changes that would affect their future—creating an opportunity for them to have a better relationship.

  “And if you leave, you’ll leave in two months?”

  A speculative look came over Leonardo’s face. He eased his arm from beneath Alexa and propped his head in his palm so he could look down at her as she lay nestled against the fluffy pillows. “Why are you suddenly so interested in my business affairs? As I recall, there was never any interest before.”

  “I’m just curious. It came as a surprise to me that you planned to move to Brazil for such a long time. I know how important the company is to you, and I was surprised that you planned to leave the U.S. headquarters to spend so much time in Brazil.” Important was an understatement. Radiant Communications was his oxygen. Sixteen-hour work days had made that clear enough.

  “The company is important to me.” He paused before continuing. “My father inherited Radiant Communications when he was a young man. Through my contributions, the firm has grown in size and revenue, and I’m proud of everything I and my team have accomplished. I decided to take the lead in Brazil because I understand the culture and feel comfortable leaving the company in the hands of some of the executives and a few family members. I’ll also enjoy the slower pace in Brazil.”

  “Is it really possible for you to slow down?” Alexa asked.

  “I already have.” He looked affronted, frowning down at her as if she’d insulted him. “As I showed you earlier today, I can leave work early.”

  “And what caused this change?”

  The intensity of Leonardo’s stare increased, and he lifted his thumb to trace along the line of her delicate jaw to her chin. “In my old age,” he began with a cynical smile, “I’ve realized there are more important things than work.”

  Breathing momentarily suspended, Alexa lowered her lids immediately to hide the feelings charging through her. She didn’t want to get her hopes up, but it certainly seemed possible their marriage could take on a new life. She was willing to take the plunge, to believe he was talking about their marriage, but she was unsure whether or not his mindset was the same as hers. To reconcile and wake up next to him every day would make the torment of the last four months worth it.

  He traced the same finger over the curve of her full lower lip.

  She lifted her gaze to him. How she loved this man!

  Could they start over? Would he invite her to Brazil after the period of their arrangement had expired?

  “What are you thinking right now?” Leonardo asked, lowering his head so that his lips were mere millimeters away from hers.

  He was in seduction mode again, which was fine with Alexa. She figured she’d learned all she could because she was now distracted by the mouth that hovered temptingly above her. The erotic memory of their frantic coupling in the library and then the sensuous manner in which their bodies came together in bed made her heartbeat pick up speed. With Leonardo’s tender touch, her body was coming back alive, and hope fluttered in her chest.

  “I was thinking about how much I want you,” she whispered seductively, lowering her lids so her lashes almost brushed against her cheeks.

  There was a rumble in Leonardo’s chest as he quickly settled himself over her.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Alexa slowly opened her eyes to find herself alone in the bed. She was mildly disappointed because she expected to wake up in Leonardo’s arms. She had gravitated to his side of the bed, like she always did. Her cheek rested on the pillow his head previously occupied. She closed her eyes briefly and inhaled sharply to get a good whiff of the woodsy scent of his cologne and his intoxicating maleness. She smiled, laughing at herself. She was behaving like a woman in love, and she couldn’t wait to see the object of her affection.

  Stretching, Alexa turned over and saw he had closed the curtains so the sunlight wouldn’t come in and awaken her too early. She smiled to herself again. It was Saturday. Maybe they could do something together today. She dared hope, even though she knew she risked disappointment. She felt optimistic after the passionate night they shared, and her wishful thinking propelled her from the bed.

  After taking a quick shower, she moisturized her body with a flowery-scented lotion and then threw on a white silk robe. She took her time going down the stairs. The house was quieter than usual because most of the servants had the weekend off. Only a small staff reported on the weekend, and they remained largely unseen unless called for.

  Since Leonardo’s office was on the ground floor, she searched for him there first.

  Knocking lightly on the oak wood door, she waited to hear a response, but there was no answer. She tried the doorknob, found it to be unlocked, and entered.
  “Leo?” she called uncertainly.

  Alexa peered around the office. It was similar in design to his office at the Radiant Communications building. The design was minimalist, with glass and leather furniture dominating the decor. This office had French doors that opened onto an outdoor patio, and there was a wall of shelves that contained numerous business books and knickknacks from Brazil.

  Thinking Leonardo must be in some other part of the house, Alexa was about to walk out when she heard his muffled voice just beyond the French doors. They were cracked open about an inch, and when she walked over, she saw him standing with his back to the house. He held his cell phone to his ear and was engaged in what must clearly be a very intense conversation.

  Unlike her, he was fully dressed, looking comfortable in a faded blue T-shirt that hung loosely on his broad chest. His worn blue jeans hugged his lean hips and encased his powerful, muscular thighs. He walked slowly back and forth, a clear indication of irritation etched in his profile.

  Thinking it was best to leave him alone, Alexa would have walked out except a folder on his desk caught her eye. The manila folder was partially hidden beneath a stack of blue folders, but the undercut was clearly showing. The handwritten label had “Xander Dixon” written on it. She hesitated. Why would Leonardo have a Xander file on his desk?

  Moving quietly, Alexa inched closer and slipped the folder from beneath the stack. She realized she was prying, but how could she not when it clearly involved her brother somehow?

  Heat rushed through Alexa’s body when she opened the folder and scanned the contents. Enclosed was a memo to one of the portfolio managers of Atlanta Finance Corporation from Leonardo, in his position as president of the board of directors. AFC held Xander’s loan!

  Alexa gulped as she read the instructions. To her utmost dismay, his instructions were to exercise the clause in Xander’s loan. She flipped through the additional pages, which included a full copy of Xander’s loan, supporting documents, and an e-mail from the portfolio manager notifying Leonardo he had done as asked.

  It was all clear now. The fact that AFC was enforcing the clause so quickly after Xander had missed his payments was always a surprise to her, but now it made sense. Leonardo had his hand in it, and the reason was clear. She thought he’d helped Xander, but instead he’d been punishing him because of her, and in order to get back at her. Then she’d gone to him. Like a fly, she’d flown straight into his spider’s web. All he had to do was wait for her to show up, and then he could get his revenge.

  Blazing fury took over at that moment. She would never forgive him for this. Leonardo was ruthless and unfeeling, and now she could add unethical to the list of disparaging adjectives reserved just for him.

  “What are you doing?”

  Alexa swung in the direction of Leonardo’s voice. He stood just inside the French doors. He looked like he knew exactly what she was doing, and by his furrowed brow, he wasn’t pleased. Well, neither was she.

  “I can’t believe you!” she spat. “You knew all along. You knew Xander was in financial trouble because you set it in motion!”

  Leonardo fixated on the folder in Alexa’s hand, and she itched to toss it and the contents in his arrogant face.

  “You should never snoop in someone else’s things,” he said coolly, taking his time to walk over to the desk. He placed his cell phone on top of it. “Especially when it’s none of your business.”

  “None of my business?” Alexa all but screeched. She slammed the folder onto the desk. “This most definitely is my business because I’m here as a direct result of what you did. You used your influence on the board to have the portfolio manager accelerate the payment on my brother’s loan, and you used that to blackmail me into coming back here and faking a reconciliation with you.”

  “You were never blackmailed,” Leonardo said between gritted teeth. He leaned forward on the palms of his hands. “You had a choice, and you made it. I never forced you back here.”

  Alexa laughed. It was a hollow sound. “You actually believe that, don’t you? In your twisted mind, I chose to come back here. Never mind that I practically begged you for an alternative so I wouldn’t have to.” She shook with anger. “So, did you get your revenge? Are you satisfied? Did you get your pound of flesh?”

  Leonardo straightened, dragging his gaze down her slender body covered in the robe. Self-consciously, she tightened the belt knot, pulling the garment closer against her body.

  A ghost of a smile hovered at the corner of his lips. “We have an agreement, remember? I haven’t come close to getting all the flesh I want.”

  Alexa’s treacherous body pulsed to life. Her weakness for him was annoying. “That agreement is null and void. There’s no way I’m sleeping with you again.”

  He looked unconcerned by her declaration. In fact, he looked amused, which only served to infuriate her further. “Do you really want to play this game, Alexa? Because we both know who will win.”

  “I’m not playing a game. You should have gotten a contract like I suggested. What choice do you have if I walk out the front door? You’ve already given the money to Xander, so you have no leverage.”

  Leonardo made his way around the desk. Alexa kept her distance by taking a step back.

  “On the contrary, I do have leverage. A check of that amount will be held by the bank for at least three days. Therefore…” He let his voice trail off dramatically, adding an elegant shrug.

  Alexa never considered that, and too late she realized she’d spoken too soon. “You can’t withhold that money. I’ve already given it to him, and he believes it’s his. He was so happy because his problems were solved.”

  “I did give it to him, with certain conditions.” Leonardo sat on the edge of the desk and did his signature move of crossing his arms over his chest. “But as of this conversation—what you just said—the terms have changed, so I don’t see any reason why he should still get that money.”

  “You’re the reason he needed it in the first place!” Alexa said in exasperation.

  “Xander is the reason,” Leonardo said firmly. “Don’t pretend with me, and don’t let your loyalty to your brother cloud your judgment. He’s a great baker, but you’re the one who took after your father when it comes to running a business. What I did was for his own good and gave him a wake-up call. You know as well as I do that Xander is incapable of managing his business affairs.”

  “You could have cut him a break. You could have used your influence to help him instead of hurt him.” Alexa shook her head slowly. “But we both know why you did that. You wanted to get back at me.”

  “I don’t usually give orgasms to people I’m trying to get back at,” Leonardo said dryly.

  Alexa straightened her spine, even more irritated by his comments. “Is that what all of this is to you—a big joke?”

  Leonardo sobered. “There’s nothing funny about this situation. Your brother needed to be taught a lesson in business. He had two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the bank’s money, and he was mismanaging it, like he always does. You would have swooped in and taken care of the situation for him before too long, and then he wouldn’t have learned anything or grown as a business owner. Now, he’s debt free—he doesn’t owe the finance company a dime. He’s also learned a valuable lesson, and I’m sure once he gets the office manager in place, he’ll be even better off.”

  “So you’ve done your good deed for the year?” Alexa asked snidely. “I don’t for one second believe you did that for the good of my brother.”

  “As you well know, I wasn’t being completely altruistic.” He let his heated gaze run over her body once more. “I did get something out of it.” When he lifted his eyes to hers, she could see the dilation of the pupils, a clear indication he was aroused.

  “Me.” There was no need for confirmation.

  To her shame, Alexa felt the answering heat in her body. Even her anger couldn’t prevent her from wanting him. She’d wanted him and wanted
to be near him, so that was why she’d searched out his company earlier, only to uncover the ghastly truth that had brought her back into his life.

  “So now we’re at a standoff,” Leonardo said softly. “You have another decision to make. Do you still want to walk away, or do you stay and finish out the terms we agreed on?”

  All her foolish, optimistic hopes and dreams were smashed against the rocks of reality. Leonardo set it all up to get back at her and teach her brother a lesson. He was certainly determined to teach the siblings a lesson, according to his own educational policies.

  It was time Leonardo was taught a lesson. He needed to learn the end didn’t justify the means, and he would no longer be able to coerce her into continuing her “wifely duties.”

  “This time I’ll make the right choice.” She wished she could hide the tremor in her voice. “I’m leaving, Leo. Xander and I will figure something out about the money.”

  An indefinable emotion flitted across his face. It was a combination of surprise and something else she couldn’t decipher.

  “You’re not leaving,” he said, his tone hard, brooking no argument.

  “What are you going to do? Tie me up and force me to stay here?”

  His eyes lit up at the offhand question, and Alexa suddenly remembered their honeymoon in Paris and how he’d bound her to the bed. It was the one and only time they’d done it, but it had been insanely pleasurable.

  She suddenly found it difficult to breathe, her chest moving up and down quickly as she fought to get more oxygen.

  “Is that what you want, Alexa?” He shifted to stand upright. “Do you want me to tie you up and force you to stay?”

  Yes. Because she would enjoy it. Because then she could blame him for what they would do the moment he put his hands on her.

  “No,” Alexa said instead. “What I want is for you to leave me alone. I don’t…” She couldn’t say it. She couldn’t deny wanting him. It was such a blatant lie.


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