Hot Latin Men 1-5 Omnibus

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Hot Latin Men 1-5 Omnibus Page 46

by Delaney Diamond

  “If they don’t, they’re blind fools. Every last one of them.”

  Samirah looked over her shoulder to find Miguel’s lowered head close to hers.

  “I appreciate the compliment.”

  “We have unfinished business.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  He stepped around her, blocking her view of the stage. “Yes, we do.” His steady blue gaze rooted her to the spot.

  “I’m not going to stand here and argue with you anymore. I don’t know how else to tell you I’m not interested.”

  “Too bad the message from your mouth doesn’t match the message your body sends.”

  Samirah took an unsteady breath, steeling herself for battle against him and her own weak control. “You’re one of those men. You think my mouth is saying no while my body’s saying yes.”

  “I don’t think, querida, I know.”

  Like a chisel, the word chipped away at her protective wall, forcing imaginary pieces to crumble around her. “Don’t use that word.”

  “What word?”

  “Querida. Don’t call me your sweetheart. I’m not.”

  “You will be before the night is over.” His confidence irked her while the upward slant of one corner of his luscious mouth continued to whittle away at her resistance.

  “You are unbelievable. What makes you so sure?”

  “Because Thomas had to leave you in my care.”

  “What do you mean Thomas had to leave?”

  He explained what had happened, and anger bubbled up inside her. “And you’re only now telling me this?”

  “I couldn’t find you before.”

  “You are not taking me home. If I have to walk barefoot on hot coals all the way back, I’ll take the pain.”

  He gazed down at her lips. “You have such a smart mouth.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “I would love to see what else you can do with this mouth of yours.”

  Breathe. “You’ll never find out.”

  His gaze narrowed on her. “Yes, you have a very smart mouth. I’m going to have to find something to put in it to keep you quiet.” At that moment, she saw the spark in his eyes. The need. The hunger underlying the teasing words. An answering heat unfurled inside of her. “Nothing to say?”

  “You took me by surprise.” Her voice sounded tight and strained. He didn’t play fair, and she was flirting with danger.

  “I have many more surprises in store for you, querida.”

  “You’re wasting your time.”

  “You’re so sure?”

  “One hundred percent. And you know what else I’m sure about? I’m not staying here another minute. Thomas is gone, and I’m leaving too.”

  “And who is this lovely young woman?”

  * * * *

  The hairs on the back of Miguel’s neck stood up when Esteban approached. He’d been so engrossed in his conversation with Samirah, he hadn’t noticed the program was at the halfway mark and a brief intermission.

  To his chagrin, Samirah blossomed under the compliment, her eyes filling with pleasure. Extending her hand, she said, “Samirah. Samirah Jamison.”

  Esteban took her hand. “I do not believe I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting you before.” To Miguel, he said in Spanish, “Where have you been hiding her?”

  “She speaks Spanish,” Miguel said in clipped English.

  “Even better.”

  Miguel’s attention focused on how the other man’s hands remained joined with Samirah’s. She laughed, a throaty, sensuous sound that jolted him from his daze. He liked the sound of her laugh, but he wanted it for himself. Had she ever laughed with him? He couldn’t remember an instance when she had.

  Esteban continued to hold onto her, his larger hands engulfing one of hers, lingering longer than was socially acceptable for new acquaintances.

  “Do you plan to hold her hand all night?” His irritated, gruff voice halted their one-on-one conversation like nails on a chalkboard.

  They both turned to him. Esteban’s eyes filled with surprise, but he let go. “Her hands are so soft, I forgot myself.”

  Miguel knew very well how soft her hands were. He imagined the rest of her body he hadn’t had the good fortune to explore the other night would feel the same way. Right now he needed to get control of the jealousy coursing through him. It was completely unfounded, and out of character when he considered this was his mentor, the man who’d taken him under his wing and been a father to him when he needed direction in his life.

  “I hope I will be able to speak to you again before the end of the evening. If not, it was my pleasure.” With a gallant bow and a mumbled comment to Miguel, Esteban left the two of them alone.

  “You weren’t very nice to your friend,” Samirah remarked.

  “And you were too nice.”

  “I was being polite, which seems to be a problem for you.”

  “It’s not a problem for me.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Miguel stepped closer and bent to her ear. The fragrance of her perfume filled his lungs, tightening the muscles of his neck. He wanted to fill his sheets with the same tantalizing smell. “My problem is with you and the way you smile and flirt with every man who comes within six inches of you.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger, but behind the flash he saw something else. Had he hurt her with his comment? Too late, he couldn’t retract it.

  “Flirting? Let me guess, you think I’m flaunting my…assets, too, don’t you?” She took a deep breath, fighting to keep her voice low and maintain her composure. “I’m sick and tired of you and everyone else who has a problem with me. Do you know how many times I’ve heard something similar? Stop. Tone it down. Stop being who I am, right? Because for some reason, it makes you uncomfortable.” She shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’m a social person, and I like making new friends. This is who I am, and I’m not changing for you or anyone else. If you don’t like it, too damn bad. It’s your problem, not mine.”

  “Keep your voice down,” Miguel said between gritted teeth as a few people nearby turned in their direction.

  Despite her obvious anger, she lowered her tone when she spoke again. “Go. To. Hell.”

  Miguel watched as she wobbled as fast as she could out of the hall. He managed to catch up to her, and when she pushed her way through the exterior double doors, he grabbed her arm before she could get down the stairs to the parking lot.

  Samirah snatched her arm out of his grasp. “I’m not staying here another minute, and I mean it. I’m not letting you or anyone else insult me. I’m not a slut, and I’m not a whore.”

  The tremor in her voice rocked him. “I never called you any of those things.”

  “No, but you think it. That’s why you think I’ll have sex with you, but I won’t.” She cursed and bent down to slip off a shoe.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” she hissed. Off came the other one, and she lost four inches. “My feet are killing me in these horrible shoes, and I knew good and well I shouldn’t have bought them in the first place.”

  “If you knew you shouldn’t have bought them,” Miguel said, “why did you?”

  “Because they went with the dress.”

  “Why do you women do such things to yourselves?”

  “Because of you men!”

  Miguel couldn’t believe he was standing outside, arguing about shoes, when he couldn’t care less about them. He pinched the bridge of his nose, indecisive about whether he should kiss her or throttle her.

  It was because of the sassy way she’d put her hand on her hip to give him a piece of her mind, the pout of those full lips, and the way the lights flicked across her skin, inviting him to touch. Each movement called out to him.

  “Trust me,” he said, enunciating each word. “Most men don’t care about what you have on your feet.” At least they didn’t when a woma
n was on her back under him. “Now put your shoes on and get back inside, and I’ll escort you home when the event is over.”

  Oh, she didn’t like that. Her eyes changed color, spitting fire at him. The hand holding the shoes went back to her hip. “Or what? What are you going to do? Nothing.”

  She turned away and said something in another language. He didn’t know what she said, but he was fairly certain whatever it was, she said it in French. She cursed at him. If he’d even doubted it for a minute, her next act confirmed his thought.

  When her foot connected with the bottom step, she lifted her hand and stuck her middle finger in the air. She held her hand upright for a long time and added extra energy to her walk. Daring him to do something.

  His eyes narrowed as he watched her walk away—in the red dress he helped pick out. A dress which fit like a second layer of skin on her ripe body. Her perfectly shaped butt cheeks moved up and down beneath the stretchy fabric, her hips rolling as she let them sway side to side like the pendulum on a clock.

  His blood boiled as she purposely taunted him, daring him to make a move, like she had that night at Seth’s Bar.

  Baiting him.

  His control snapped like a twig under foot. Her petulant anger shouldn’t turn him on, but it did. He wanted to claim her, put his stamp on her.

  What are you going to do? Nothing.

  Miguel started down the steps.

  It was time Samirah Jamison learned a lesson. And he was just the man to teach it to her.

  Chapter Nine

  Samirah was ill-prepared for what happened next. One minute she was walking away, the next she was thrown over Miguel’s shoulder like a piece of rolled carpet.

  A startled cry of protest left her lips. “What—what are you doing?” she sputtered. “Put me down!”

  “Be quiet.” His palm landed squarely on her behind, stinging through the material of her clothes, pushing a gasp past her lips and forcing her squirming body to freeze in shock.

  Who the hell did he think he was, hitting her like that? And why did she enjoy it so much?

  Her heart pounded beneath her ribs as she realized he was marching away from the building, away from the auction and any type of help she could receive from the attendees.

  “I’m going to scream,” she threatened.

  “I certainly hope so.”

  “Put. Me. Down.”

  “If you don’t be quiet, I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare! If you hit me again, you’ll pull back a stub.”

  She realized how ridiculous her claims sounded as she hung upside down over his shoulder, clutching her shoes in one hand, but she had to say something to counteract the physical response her body had to his words. She should be indignant that he thought he could get away with putting his hands on her. Instead, the threat of corporal punishment excited her, made her nipples hard and moisture emerge between her thighs.

  Miguel hit her again, never breaking stride as he marched between the cars. Samirah bit the inside of her mouth to refrain from moaning. The pulse created by the blow of his hand made her forget to breathe. When she remembered, breath rushed from her lungs. Embarrassingly aroused, she twisted and kicked, struggling to break free from his iron grip.

  Her actions proved successful. Miguel dropped her onto her feet between a row of cars. With his fists clenched at his sides, he loomed over her. “You are the most difficult woman I have ever met!”

  “Who do you think you are, carrying me off like some kind of caveman?” she fumed.

  He shook his head in frustration. “You need to be taught a lesson.”

  A promise or a threat, she wasn’t sure. At the same time, she realized she was so far away from the building that any attempt at screaming would not be heard.

  She saw the look in his eyes and knew what he planned to do. Stepping back, she lifted her hand to deflect his actions. “Don’t you dare!”

  The words fell on deaf ears. With one hand to the back of her exposed nape, he hauled her close and settled his mouth over hers. The shoes clattered to the tarmac from her nerveless fingers. An instant buzz of electricity zoomed through her as he pried her lips apart with the smooth glide of his tongue.

  Winding the other arm around her waist, he mashed her to him while he ravaged her mouth with angry kisses. “You need to learn to behave,” he said against her mouth.

  She pushed on his chest, but he only tightened his hold, trapping her arms between them. More kisses, hard, devouring her lips. Crushed along the length of him, she could hardly breathe. “You need to be brought under control.” He shoved his fingers into her hair and tightened them into a fist.

  The resulting pain only aroused her more. Her body quaked—not from fear but from anticipation. She trembled on tiptoe, clawing at the wool of his jacket, fighting him, yet impatient for what was to come. He breathed the next words against her neck. “You need to understand you can’t run around, shaking your sexy colita in a man’s face and not expect him to react.”

  With his hand in her hair, he drew her head back at a sharp angle to give him greater access to her throat. She groaned as his hot mouth sucked and kissed, traveling over her skin to the neckline of her dress. “So soft,” he rasped. More nibbling and sucking at the crest of her breast, his actions sure to leave a mark.

  Her feet disappeared from under her as he lifted her into his arms. She landed on her back with a gasp, knocking the wind from her lungs, her hot skin cooling wherever it touched the hood of the car he deposited her on. The bracelets on her wrists clanked against the metal when her hands landed on either side of her head. He moved fast, his deft fingers undoing the hidden clasp on her shoulder before he lowered his head to her exposed breasts.

  He sucked them, forcing the nipples into rigid peaks. His merciless mouth and teeth scraped along the tender flesh while his hands worked their way under her dress.

  “Miguel,” she moaned on a pant, clutching the hairs on his head. The need, the hunger was almost unbearable—fueled by anger and unsatisfied lust.

  “Are you done running?” he demanded. His pupils were dilated, and an almost feral brilliance filled his eyes. He dragged the scrap of lacy panties down her legs and tossed it away from him. His fingers found the incriminating wetness. Groaning, he fondled her, stroking his fingers across the wet lips between her thighs like they belonged to him.

  Samirah choked on the words she should say but didn’t. She closed her eyes, appalled at the impropriety of their actions in the middle of the parking lot where anyone from the event could exit at any moment and see them—see her, sprawled across a stranger’s car with her dress folded up to her waist and his hand between her legs.

  His fingers sank into her thighs, and he dragged her to the edge of the hood. The loose knot of curls on her head finally fell free. Heat radiated across her skin where he touched, and yearning wound its way through her body, shaming her with its intensity. She didn’t even have the strength to stop him.

  “Don’t ever walk away from me again,” he whispered raggedly.

  A thin thread of anger lingered beneath the urgent need in his voice. The soft grind of a zipper’s teeth penetrated the sound of their panting breaths as he undid his pants. He positioned himself between her legs and her eyes widened. She realized he aimed to do the unthinkable—right there, in the middle of the parking lot.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered in a last-ditch effort to stop him, stop herself, from what they were about to do.

  He leaned over her, blocking the glaring lights from the pole nearby. His dark brown hair fell forward and cast his features in shadow. He pushed her knees back to her chest, pinning her down. She felt the broad head of his penis against the entrance to her body. “Giving us both what we want.”

  The raw timbre of his voice exposed the imbalance of his emotions. He was losing himself, his accent so strong she could barely understand what he said.

  He pushed into her with such
force, she cried out. Her fingers trembled as she stretched her arms to grab onto his shoulders. Her body twisted and arched in a desperate attempt to accommodate his size.

  He withdrew slowly, bathed in the moisture from her body, and powered into her again. A sob of immense pleasure broke from her throat. She moaned, begged, struggled to breathe. Picking up the pace, he groaned, showing no mercy. But she didn’t want mercy. She got exactly what she wanted—heart-pounding, incredible sex that made her indifferent to their surroundings.

  He restrained her wrists above her head, and with her calves on his shoulders, she couldn’t move an inch. All she could do was take the pounding he dished out. His hips slammed against her thighs in quick succession, jouncing her naked breasts, rocking her body with each advance. Over and over. She took it, trembled from the sheer pleasure and force of it, certain he would dent the metal at her back with the strength of each thrust.

  The coiled tension in her loins loosened under the onslaught. Above her, his breath grew shallow, fanning her temple. His movements became more urgent as he chased release. Her head tilted back, and her nails bit into her palms. Stars burst behind her eyelids.

  The beat of ecstasy pounded through her veins as she gave herself over to such intense pleasure she couldn’t hold her screams. It was too good to keep to herself. Her throbbing cries drifted on the night air.

  He trembled, gripping her slender wrists in a tight hold as he frantically drove into her harder, faster, and with a mighty roar, found satisfaction.

  * * * *

  Beads of sweat dotted Miguel’s forehead. Tendrils of hair clung to his face where his hair had dipped forward across his brow. He eased from between Samirah’s legs and silently zipped his trousers while she slid from on top of the vehicle and adjusted her clothes.

  Her eyes remained downcast, not looking at him, and how could he blame her? He’d charged into her with the care and finesse of an Iberian bull.

  He watched her bend over to pick up her underwear, and his shaft swelled, wanting to get back inside of her.

  What was the matter with him?

  He uttered a stream of curse words under his breath.


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