Gods of Yulan: Book 4 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

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Gods of Yulan: Book 4 of the Coiling Dragon Saga Page 95

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  “Don’t rush. There’s the third requirement as well.” Beirut was still all smiles.

  No matter how good-tempered a person was, hearing this, they would still be irritated. What’s more, Adkins was an explosive, brutally tempered person to begin with. He couldn’t help but say, “Lord Beirut, how many requirements do you have?”

  “This is the final one.” Beirut laughed calmly. “If you don’t agree, then forget about entering the Necropolis of the Gods.”

  Adkins suppressed his rage and growled, “Speak.”

  “My third request is very simple. I don’t want to have problems in the future. So, please go kill Bluefire.” Beirut continued to smile faintly. “Alas, I don’t want Bluefire to come get revenge on me in the future. Thus, I’ll have to trouble you to kill him.”

  Adkins was instantly stupefied.

  Kill Bluefire?

  “If I, Adkins, had the ability to kill Bluefire, why would I be here speaking with you at such length!” Adkins said furiously.

  “Oh. Then there’s nothing I can do about that.” Beirut’s face sank. “Then Adkins, please go back.”

  Adkins instantly understood. He was so angry, his face turned white. Pointing at Beirut in a fury, he said, “Beirut, you… you played me for a fool!!!” The three requirements that Beirut required were completely unattainable. The first two requirements were already excessive, but this third one was impossible.


  Beirut began to laugh, and he looked at Adkins as he laughed. “Adkins, you just now realize it? Haha, I did indeed play you for a fool. I was originally planning to wait a thousand years, at which point I would just bring Bluefire into the Necropolis of the Gods. I didn’t expect that you would come here so quickly. But that’s for the better. It let me see how you look when utterly furious, haha…”

  Adkins’ face changed. “You never planned to let me enter the Necropolis of the Gods?”


  Beirut smirked. “I never had the intention of letting you enter. I only planned to let Bluefire enter.”

  Adkins’ entire body was shaking slightly.

  By nature, he was arrogant and never willing to be subordinate himself to others. Adkins had always dreamed of one day reaching the heights of power and exceed Bluefire and the other five Kings. But he understood that given his talent, his only hope was to acquire a Sovereign artifact, or perhaps a Sovereign spark, something he dreamed about.


  His hopes had been dashed.

  In the air above the Forest of Darkness, Adkins and Beirut stood there, looking at each other. Their conversation was separated from the outside world by the Godrealm. The distant Barnas, Ojwin, and others couldn’t hear their conversation at all. They only saw that Adkins’ expression had clearly become furious.


  With Adkins at the center, a black and white light suddenly shot out in every direction. The area covered by the black light caused space to distort, and the nearby trees began to be devoured. Wherever the white light shone upon, matter evaporated like snow in the face of the sun.

  Adkins had two mighty divine clones; darkness and light!

  Cocooned by darkness and light, Adkins was absolutely enraged.

  Adkins pointed furiously at Beirut, bellowing in anger, “Beirut, you are a despicable, base person who relies on having a Sovereign at his back! Today, I lowered myself to beg you and gave you face time and time again. I didn’t expect that you would insult me like this. Fine. Fine. You, Beirut, abuse the weak while fearing the strong. You are afraid of offending Bluefire, but you come insult me. You are garbage!!!”

  These words weren’t restricted by the Godrealm. They spread out in every direction, with Barnas and the others hearing them clearly.

  Barnas was greatly shocked. “Lord Adkins, no!”

  “Not good.” Hanbritt, Gatenby, and Ojwin’s faces all changed as well.

  Hundreds of kilometers away from Adkins and Beirut, Linley couldn’t help but turn his head to stare in astonishment as well.

  “What a powerful aura of darkness and light energy.” Linley was inwardly shocked. The explosive release of energy from Adkins had naturally attracted Linley’s attention. “Such powerful energy… can it be that Adkins and Lord Beirut are coming to blows?”

  Linley was mystified.

  And then, Linley immediately headed back.

  Beirut’s face turned cold, as though covered with a layer of frost. “Abuse the weak while fearing the strong? Garbage?”

  “You’ve trained for just a million years. Even if you have a Sovereign artifact, do you even know how to use it properly?”

  A semi-translucent long blade, seemingly made out of ice, appeared in Adkins’ hand. He looked disdainfully at Beirut. “If you don’t have a Sovereign artifact, then die. If you do, good. It is time for the Sovereign artifact to have a new master.”

  Adkins had never held Beirut in any regard.

  As he saw it, Beirut who had trained for just a million years was nothing more than an upstart junior. How many Elemental Laws could he have fused?”

  “Have a new master?”

  With a flip of his hand, Beirut revealed a pitch-black staff. This staff emanated a terrifying aura, and Adkins’ eyelids twitched, staring in astonishment at the staff in Beirut’s hands. With an insulting smirk, Beirut said, “The Sovereign artifact is here. If you have the ability, come and take it.”

  This was a perfect, undamaged Sovereign artifact, not like Linley’s.

  The black staff in Beirut’s hands emitted an aura so powerful that even the distant Barnas, Ojwin, and the others had their faces turn white.

  Adkins’ eyes couldn’t help but narrow. He secretly said, “This Beirut actually really does have a Sovereign artifact. All the better. At worst, today, I’ll lose a divine clone! I have to kill him and seize that Sovereign artifact.” Adkins had made up his mind, and now he acted straightforwardly.

  Barnas was frantic, but this time, he was no longer able to stop this battle!

  Ojwin, Barnas, and the others all watched the two Highgods face off from afar. Suddenly, the dark and light energy exploded forth, causing space to shudder. Even Barnas the other three immediately utilized their Godrealm to defend.

  Adkins divided his body into two, his divine light clone and his divine darkness clone!

  The divine light clone wielded that long blade, while his divine darkness clone was hidden within the darkness, disappearing within. Adkins’ divine light clone instantly charged towards Beirut, his face ferocious as he roared, “Die!” At the same instant he roared, his blade stabbed out, as eye-piercingly bright as the sun.

  At the same moment…

  The divine darkness clone hidden within the darkness appeared as well, as a black dagger silently stabbed towards Beirut.

  “Haha…” Beirut laughed loudly and gaily, sweeping out with his black staff.

  The black staff seemed to have turned into a blur, smashing directly down upon that brilliant blade which shone like the sun. “BANG!” The Highgod artifact blade instantly disintegrated, but the black staff didn’t slow down at all, smashing directly down upon the head of Adkins’ divine light clone.

  “BOOM!” The head completely exploded, leaving behind only a brilliant divine spark hovering in midair.

  Adkins’ divine darkness clone laughed insidiously. “He didn’t even move. He is asking for death!” In the same instant his divine light clone was destroyed, Adkins’ black dagger stabbed directly towards Beirut’s head.


  The black dagger stabbed onto Beirut’s head, but there was only a metallic ringing sound.

  “How is that possible?!” Adkins stared in astonishment, his eyes wide. His full-power attack with his Highgod artifact hadn’t been able to even break through Beirut’s skin? Beirut’s head was actually comparable in toughness to a Highgod artifact? This was utterly impossible.

  But… it had happened.

bsp; Beirut turned his head to glance at the boggled Adkins. “What, are you disappointed?”

  “Flee!” Adkins’ face changed dramatically. He finally understood that this Beirut was utterly terrifying. Even the five Kings of the Gebados Planar Prison wouldn’t dare to use their heads to take a full power attack of a Highgod.


  The black staff, moving at a speed that was seemingly dozens of times faster than when it had destroyed the divine light clone, instantly passed through Adkins’ head. Adkins’ head soundlessly disintegrated, leaving behind only a darkness-style divine spark floating next to Beirut.

  And then, both of the divine sparks entered Beirut’s hands.

  The two headless corpses fell from the sky. Beirut lowered his head to glance at them, murmuring, “Too weak, too weak. Compared to the former era’s Bloodviolet Fiend and the Twelve Winged Highgod Angel, he was far too weak.” Beirut, with just two casual sweeps of his staff, had killed Adkins.


  Extreme Joy Turns to Grief

  Barnas, Ojwin, Hanbritt, and Gatenby all stared, slack-jawed and eyes round.

  They had watched the battle that had occurred just now. In front of Beirut, Adkins was like an infant, completely incapable of resistance. The most monstrous part of it was… Adkins had delivered a full power attack against Beirut’s head, but Beirut hadn’t been hurt at all.

  “Funny. So funny.”

  Beirut shook his head, let out a sigh, then flew at high speed towards his metallic castle in the north. Actually, Beirut had been prepared for this battle long ago. If he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have left the metallic castle to prepare for battle with Adkins in mid-air.

  “Whew…” Ojwin and everyone else let out a long breath.

  Fortunately, Beirut had completely ignored them when he had left. Otherwise, all four of them combined wouldn’t be able to withstand a single blow from Beirut’s staff.

  “How terrifying.” Hanbritt let out a sigh.

  Barnas stared at the two headless corpses below. Utterly agonized, he said, “Young master!” Barnas directly flew downwards. He and Adkins had an extremely close relationship. The two had been together for a very long time, and now that Adkins was dead, Barnas was filled with agony as well.

  Ojwin’s eyes lit up.

  “The interspatial ring!” Ojwin saw that on the two corpses below, the divine light corpse was still wearing an interspatial ring on one of its fingers. “Adkins’ interspatial ring has a divine Highgod spark in it.” Ojwin’s heart began to tremble.

  Even in his dreams, Ojwin fantasized about becoming a Highgod!

  And now, the chance had come!

  “Perhaps that interspatial ring has a light-style spark,” Ojwin secretly said to himself. Ojwin immediately sneaked a peek at the nearby Gatenby and Hanbritt, but unexpectedly, Hanbritt and Gatenby were also glancing at him and each other.

  The three of them exchanged glances, then all grinned.

  They all knew what the others were thinking. Of the four subordinates of Adkins, most likely only Barnas wasn’t interested in that divine Highgod spark. After all, it wasn’t suited for him to fuse with. All three of them had the same idea.

  “Hanbritt, Gatenby, you also want that divine Highgod spark in the interspatial ring, right?” Ojwin directly sent a message via his divine sense.

  Hanbritt and Gatenby’s eyes contained a hint of amusement.

  Gatenby replied with his divine sense, “However, we have to deal with Barnas first. He is very powerful. If we don’t kill him, there’s no way we will be able to get that interspatial ring.”

  “Alright. All of us will join forces and pool our power to kill Barnas. As for the divine spark, after we acquire it, let’s see what element it is. Whoever it suits, that’s who will get it!” Hanbritt said, and Ojwin and Gatenby both expressed assent.

  The three exchanged a glance, and then flew downwards as if by prior agreement.

  “Lord Adkins!” Gatenby spoke out in a somewhat agonized manner.

  “Mr. Barnas, don’t be too heartbroken.” Hanbritt flew over as well.

  Barnas was currently lost in his agony. The scenes of him being together with Adkins over the course of all these years flashed through his mind, and tears couldn’t help but begin to trickle down Barnas’ face. He didn’t have any idea as to what Ojwin and the other two were planning.

  “Let’s do it!” Ojwin shouted through his divine sense to the others.

  Ojwin, Gatenby, and Hanbritt simultaneously had their weapons appear in their hands, and in the next instant, simultaneously charged towards the nearby Barnas. The three Gods revealed a murderous look in their eyes, not holding back at all.

  “Not good.” Barnas suddenly sensed this terrifying aura and immediately transformed into a ray of lightning, flying away and fleeing.

  Unfortunately, no matter how fast an expert was, fleeing still had a short wind up phase. In that instant, his speed wasn’t very fast, while Ojwin, Gatenby, and Hanbritt had already reached the limits of their speed as they pincer-attacked him.

  “What are you doing?!” Barnas’ divine sense swept into the minds of the three with a furious howl.

  Barnas had already turned and was facing Ojwin and the other two while he continued to retreat at high speed.


  A green sword flash, a holy light flash, and a warblade that carried within it a destructive aura. The three Gods struck out at full strength, and the ancient trees nearby that had existed for innumerable years were transformed into dust, with the earth itself sinking down as well.

  “Bastards!” Barnas was a smart man. He could instantly guess what the goal of these three was.

  He didn’t have any chance to flee right now. Grinding his teeth, Barnas transformed into a human-shaped bolt of lightning. The Highgod artifact in his hand, the ‘Spear of Cortez’, directly pierced towards Gatenby, as Barnas hoped to make a breakthrough at this point and flee with his life.

  But how could Ojwin and the other two let him flee?


  Three on one!

  The earth seemed to have transformed into a rippling pond. Within a thousand meters, the nearby boulders, trees, and magical beasts all transformed into powder. Dust flew everywhere, but the battle had already concluded. Barnas’ eyes had already grown dim, and he had collapsed, following in Adkins’ footsteps.

  “Bang!” Gatenby, a hole having been created in his chest, also collapsed at the same instant.

  The Spear of Cortez didn’t just possess a material attack; it also possessed a spiritual attack. That Barnas had taken the combined strikes of those three Gods, but although he died, even in death, he had pulled down the most powerful of the three, Gatenby, into death with him.

  This Barnas really had been the most powerful of those four Gods.

  “Whew.” Ojwin and Hanbritt were both shaking in their hearts. The dust slowly settled. The two exchanged a glance, feeling that they were lucky. If Barnas had aimed his dying blow at either one of them, they wouldn’t have been able to dodge either.

  “Hanbritt, whoever matches up with the element of this divine spark in the interspatial ring is the person who will get it,” Ojwin said with a laugh.

  “Of course.” Hanbritt laughed. “However, the person who doesn’t get the divine spark will get the Spear of Cortez. What do you say?”

  “Haha, of course I agree.” Ojwin laughed.

  Right now, the ground had four corpses. The two headless corpses of Adkins, the corpse of Gatenby, and the corpse of Barnas. Meanwhile, Ojwin and Hanbritt were happily discussing how to divide up the rewards.

  “Who will bind the interspatial ring with blood and withdraw the divine spark within?” Ojwin looked at Hanbritt.

  Hanbritt said, “Ojwin, how could I distrust you? You can go ahead and activate the interspatial ring.” Ojwin nodded and laughed as he walked over to Adkins’ divine light corpse. But as he walked past Hanbritt…

  Hanbritt’s eyes
had a cold light flash past them. He secretly said to himself, “Prepare to die. The Highgod spark and the Highgod artifact will both be mine.”

  Hanbritt suddenly moved, delivering his most powerful attack towards Ojwin.

  The strange thing was, at the same instant Hanbritt made his move, Ojwin’s body suddenly flashed backwards in a straight line, chopping out with that greatsword in his hands.


  The two both started slightly, astonished that the other was thinking the same thing they had been.

  “The Highgod artifact and spark are both mine!” Ojwin howled angrily.

  The longsword that was wrapped by that green light and the greatsword that was emitting that holy light simultaneously pierced towards each other. Ojwin and Hanbritt’s gazes met for an instant, and they each saw the murderous intent in the eyes of the other. If you didn’t die, then I will perish!

  Kill the other, obtain all the treasures!


  The green-light sword collided with the holy-light greatsword in a strange manner. The blue light shook, and it was as though space had suddenly been torn apart. An interspatial crack suddenly flashed towards Ojwin’s body. Ojwin retreated rapidly, but his body actually exploded. Only his head flew off into the distance.

  “Haha…” Ojwin, only having his head left, still laughed delightedly and loudly.

  “Boom!” Hanbritt’s body slumped to the ground. He was dead!

  Hanbritt trained in the Elemental Laws of the Wind. He didn’t understand much about profound mysteries involving spiritual attacks. His most powerful attacks were of the Dimensional variety. Although he had badly injured Ojwin, that sword blow from Ojwin had contained a spiritual attack that had destroyed his soul.

  Of the four mighty Gods, only Ojwin remained!

  “I finally succeeded.” Ojwin was so excited that his face was shaking. His head immediately floated over to Adkins’ corpse.

  At the same time, his body below his neck quickly began to regrow. Ojwin simply couldn’t wait. He immediately controlled a drop of blood and sent it onto the interspatial ring, which absorbed it like a sponge. By this point, Ojwin’s arm had already grown out.


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