Home > Other > PREGNANT BY MY MOTHER’S RAPIST 2 > Page 6

by Niki Jilvontae

  I was so happy that my baby was okay I tried to sit up in the bed. I didn’t get far though before the pain hit me. so hard I fell back down.

  “Oh no Ms. Wright, you can’t get up just yet. Like I said, your baby is fine. You on the other hand, we’re a little worried about you. We had to perform an emergency c-section on you because your cervix wouldn’t open. Once we successfully got your baby out, we noticed some tearing and bleeding. We repaired what we could in the lining of your uterus, but now we have to wait and see if it worked. You will be here for a while hunni so I need you to just rest.” The nurse said as I began to cry again and she told me it would be okay.

  “It’s okay baby, you’ll be fine. You just need some rest and care. Look on the bright side, you will be here with your baby. It’s hospital policy we keep her at least a week, so hopefully you two can get discharged together. Now try to rest and I will send your guests in for a while, then you can go down to see her.” The nurse said as I cried and shook my head and watched her walk to the door.

  “Oh, by the way. What are you naming that beautiful little angel.” She asked as I stared into her chocolate, cheerful face.

  I thought for a second as I wiped away my tears and tried to figure out the perfect name for her would be. I wanted something that had meaning and represented strength, love and rebirth. That made me think about a book I read in school with a lot of African names in it. Without even thinking twice about it I smiled through my tears and told the nurse Asha.

  “Asha Zane Wright.” I told her as she asked me what it meant.

  “Asha mean life in African and Zane means noble. I want my daughter to have a happy, noble life; so that’s why I pick that as her name.” I told the nurse as she smiled and told me it was a good choice.

  I smiled back at her as she left the room and I thought about how right I was. My daughter was going to have a happy, noble life; and I planned to make sure of it by killing the bastard who hurt us most. I was going to erase Kenan and his legacy; and prevent my daughter from ever knowing my pain.

  “Mommy got you Asha. I promise I will always take care of you. My sweet girl. Your mama gonna make this right.” I said to the image of my baby in the picture I held before I kissed it.

  I snuggled up in my pillow and looked at my daughter until Kam and Rah came into the room. Once they came in they both hugged me as they told me they loved me and I told them how much I loved them too.

  “She big as hell sis to be almost three months early; and she look just like KJ.” Kam said with tears still in his eyes as he bent over the bed and kissed my head.

  I laughed as I told him that I knew and showed him the picture I had of her.

  “Oh, I can do you one better. We took videos of her from the nursery. Look at this lil diva laying up there with her hands behind her head.” Rah said as she took my phone out of her pocket and showed me the video of Asha.

  Just like Rah said, her little chunky, beautiful ass was laying with both hands behind her head. She looked so peaceful and perfect, I felt the worry in my heart disappear. Knowing that the sins of my parents hadn’t come back to scar my baby for life, helped to ease my mind a little. That didn’t last long though because I suddenly thought about KJ, Ky, and my mama. I turned and looked at Kam as he sat beside my bed and held my hand.

  “Kam, what happened to KJ nem? What they do with Jugg?” I asked my brother as he told me they were in Millington and they were straight.

  He told me how the hood was hot as fuck and two people were found dead at the scene. Esha had bled out from her wounds and the nigga Kam had shot died. I cried when he said that just thinking about my mama or brother going to jail for life. Kam told me not to cry though as he explained they had no evidence.

  “Don’t cry sis, we gonna be straight. You know we got this covered. Now, some of us might get picked up on suspicion, but everybody just gotta keep their mouths closed. They ain’t got shit on us. No Jugg, no guns, and no fucking eyewitnesses. They can’t even link the bullets back to us because you know we glove up before we load up. Don’t you worry sis. I’ll go in for a minute and lay it down. I can get to the other two lil niggas Ky found out Kenan had who locked up down there too. I’m gonna gone fuck them bitches off if I get flapped and stop they sick shit before it starts.” Kam said with that sneaky, determined look in his eyes that always lead to trouble.

  I knew right then he had planned to get flapped just so he could handle them. He really didn’t have to plan though, because it was inevitable. I just didn’t expect it so soon. As soon as I began to tell him no and that I didn’t want him to go to jail, the door to my hospital room flew open and three officers walked in.

  “Kameron Wright?” The big white officer said as he walked straight towards my brother.

  Kam jumped up as soon as he got close to him and let go of my hand as I cried. I knew my brother hated the law and would buck anytime he saw them. That time was no different as I watched Kam do a shake move and scoot past the first cop before the second one tackled him to the ground. He cursed and told them to let him go as I cried for him to stop. Kam didn’t give a fuck about that he just continued to give them hell. That was his fuck up though, because they were not in the mood to play with his ass. Before I knew it the little black female officer had hit my brother with 10,000 volts of power. Kam flapped around like a fish as his eyes rolled in the back of his head and I cursed and told them to stop. I tried to get out of the bed to help my brother as Rah held me and told me to calm down.

  “We can’t do shit Na. Just let Kam do his thang. He know what he doing and them bitches taking him anyway because he just whopped they ass. I don’t need you fucked off too, so just be calm sis.” Rah said as she held me and I cried for them to leave my brother alone.

  “Stop please. He’s only 15. He just a kid. Don’t hurt my fucking brother. Kam I love you lil bruh. Keep yo head up.” I cried as they drug my brother out face down as he yelled to the top of his lungs.

  “It’s okay sis, don’t cry. I’ll be out in 48. You just take care of yourself and Asha.” Kam said as he disappeared out of the door and my pain turned to rage.

  I blamed Kenan for it all and I wasn’t going to rest until he got what he deserved. I told myself that too as I fell back on to my pillow and angry tears flowed from my eyes.

  “As soon as I get out of here I’m going in sis.” I told Rah as she said she was with me.

  Chapter 4

  My anger and grief must have knocked me out after that, because I woke up some time later to the sound of Rah calling my name. I opened my eyes and stared into her face as she smiled at me with her eyes. I forced as smile back as I lifted my head and asked her where the nurse was at.

  “Where the nurse at Rah? I have to see my baby and make sure that she is okay.” I said to Rah as my heart raced and the hair on my arms stood up.

  I didn’t know why, but I had woken up with an eerie feeling that I just couldn’t let go of. There was no dream with a warning to put me on edge, so I couldn’t figure out why I felt so panicked. It dawned on me though when I remembered the fucker who had changed my life forever. I remembered his promise to take what was his at that moment and felt the air leave my body. Goosebumps popped up all over my arms as I thought about that promise. Suddenly, I felt like Kenan was around and our lives were in danger. I told Rah that too as she suddenly got what I was saying and jumped up out of her chair.

  “I’m about to go get the nurse then go check on Asha.” Rah said as tears welled up in my eyes and I forced myself to sit up despite the pain.

  I did it too as Rah disappeared out of the door and my mind moved a mile a minute. A dozen different scenarios in which Kenan slipped into the hospital and stole my daughter ran through my head. I tried to stop the screams that raged inside of me as I watched the door and hoped Asha was safe. After about three minutes and no one had come through my door, my panic began to escalate and I pressed the nurse call button. I pressed it and pressed it, but after three tim
es and no answer, I was at my limit. Hysteria began to creep in then as my mind told me something was wrong. I cried as I flung my left leg out of the bed and prepared to get up. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I was going to try no matter what. I got half way up too before the pain hit me, but still I kept going. I was able to lift my sore body halfway up after I got my right leg firmly on the floor. I stopped though and plopped back on to the bed in pain when my cell phone began to ring. I reached over to the bed side table and grabbed it up before I looked at the ID. Once I did glance at the screen, the number I saw had a 760-area code, which was one I didn’t recognize. I wondered who it was as I said the number out loud to myself a few times and the phone continued to ring in my hand. That curiosity made me answer it and when I did I quickly regretted what I had done.

  “Hey baby. I’m glad you answered for me. I been worried about you.” Kenan said in that wanna be sexy, Denzel voice as I felt the food in my stomach churn.

  Just the sound of his voice made me want to rip his fucking throat out. There he was calling me all cheerful and shit like he didn’t ruin my fucking life. I hated his crazy, sick ass for what he did and I couldn’t hide that rage.


  I bit my bottom lip and cried through my pain as I finally stood all the way up with the phone still to my ear. Kenan chuckled a little after hearing my rant then he told me to calm down.

  “You better stop all that yelling baby girl before you bust one of those stitches. Or did they use staples after that c-section? Either way you better be careful. Are you even supposed to be up out of the bed like that yet?” He asked in a calm, fatherly voice as I felt all of the hair on my body stand up again.

  I had just taken two steps at that point and only had three more from the door. I stopped after he said that though and looked around trying to figure out how he knew what I was doing. I wondered if he had a camera in the room as I looked towards the window and saw the blinds were closed. Just the thought of him going to such measures made me uneasy and want to see my daughter even more. That’s why despite the pain in my entire body I walked as fast as I could toward the door.

  As I walked Kenan laughed and the panic mixed with rage inside of me grew stronger. The closer I got to the door the better I could see out of the small window in it that pointed to the nursing station. That’s when I noticed the tall light skinned, ghetto nurse with red hair as she stared at me with her phone pointed my way. When she saw me looking and getting closer to the door, she quickly dashed out of sight and I increased my speed. I yelled to Kenan that him and his little flunky bitches had me fucked up as I snatched open the door. When I did open it and step into the hall I looked in the direction the nurse had run. No one was in sight as I glanced around and tears ran down my face. I hobbled down the hall in that direction with the phone still to my ear and my hand under my belly as Kenan laughed again and told me that I was crazy.

  “You crazy just like yo daddy baby, and that’s what I wanted. You just as crazy and evil as you say I am; you just don’t know it yet. I bet if you would have caught up with that bitch, you would have seen the real you. She long gone now though baby, so just turn around and go the other way.” Kenan said as I told him to shut the fuck up and busted out of the double doors at the end of the hall.

  When I got into the hall I was met by loads of people in the corridor as they rushed past me. The ratchet nurse was long gone though, just like Kenan had said. I cursed him out and told him that he was dead as I went back through the doors and down the hall to look for Rah and the nurse. Kenan told me that I was overreacting and fighting the inevitable and I told him to kiss my ass.

  “Kaniyah, I don’t know why but you just have to do shit the hard way. Eventually I’ll have you and my baby, so I don’t know why you fighting it. I mean…I already got her, so why don’t you just come on home.” Kenan said and I suddenly felt a jolt of panic and fear run all through my body.

  It was like I was one of the walking dead after that as I dropped the phone and tried to run down the hall. I cried as I growled and cursed Kenan out loud, all the way down the hall in pain. When I got to the double doors on the other side of the hall, Rah and the nurse suddenly walked in. Rah had a panicked look on her face as she asked me why I was out of bed.

  “Na, what you doing up? You not supposed to be out of the bed.” Rah said as she grabbed my arm and I rambled off my phone call with Kenan.

  The nurse grabbed me by the shoulder as I talked and made me sit in the wheelchair she was pushing. As she did that Rah texted on her phone and led us back to the NICU.

  “That bastard.” Rah said as she told me she had texted KJ then told the nurse that they had to find Asha.

  “What? Find my baby? Where she at?” I said frantically as my tears began to fall harder.

  I felt like I was going to pass out as I begged them to tell me what was going on.

  “Please calm down Ms. Wright, we have the situation under control. Asha is here, she just wasn’t in the nursery when we went there to check on her. Sometimes nurses from other departments come and get the babies that aren’t really sick for testing and pictures. That may be where Asha is, so please try to calm down.” The nurse said as I looked at her like she had lost her damn mind.

  I wanted to tell her that I wouldn’t calm down until I had my baby in my arms. I almost told her everything in that moment; but when I looked at Rah and she shook her head, I quickly shut the fuck up. I turned back to the nurse as she watched my expression then shook my head yes, letting her know I would try to calm down. That stopped her from looking at me suspiciously, but it didn’t stop her from inquiring as to what was going on.

  “However, Ms. Wright.” The nurse said as she stepped in between me and Rah to block my view. I guess she had seen Rah give me the mama eye to tell me to shut the fuck up. That’s why she stood in my line of view and asked me more questions. “If there is a reason you may think she has been abducted or harmed, please let me know so I can notify the proper authorities.” The nurse said as she pushed me on to the elevator and I thought about what to say.

  There was no way I was telling her that my father was a psycho rapist, who just so happened to be my daughter’s father too. Hell no, that was a cup of tea I never wanted to spill unless I had to. However, I knew that I had to say something in case someone actually had gotten my baby. That’s why I decided to give her an altered version of reality as we got off the elevator on the fifth floor.

  “My ex-boyfriend is a stalker who I need to get a restraining order on. He has said he will take the baby, so that’s why I’m so worried.” I said through my tears as Rah told me that it was okay.

  I didn’t feel like it was okay or that it ever would be as I wondered what was happening to my baby. The nurse told me that she would alert the hospital as she directed Rah over to finish pushing me to the NICU doors. I watched as she disappeared behind the nurse’s station desk and got on the phone as we suited up. I cried and shook as I bit my lip and clenched my fists in anger. I didn’t even know if I had put my gown, mask, and gloves on right, before I ordered Rah to push me inside.

  “Come on Rah. PUSH ME IN. I gotta know my baby okay.” I said as Rah quickly threw her gown across herself and pushed me through the sliding doors.

  As soon as we got inside my heart beat so loud and fast that I could hear it in my ears. Tears ran down my face as she pushed me past all of the tiny, sick babies to the row of bigger beds in the back of the room. As she pushed me closer to the beds of the babies who didn’t require all of the specialized treatment, I could see the beautiful face of my baby as she laid in her bed.

  “That’s her Rah? She here.” I said as Rah squealed and told me yes.

  I felt the tears falling from her eyes as they ran down the back of my neck and she told me that she knew As
ha was okay.

  “I told you sis. I knew she was okay. From now on though, until the day you leave here we gonna be watching her. I love you like a sister and her like a child of my own. Nothing will ever happen to you two as long as I can help it.” Rah said as I looked up and saw the sincerity in her eyes.

  I told my best friend thank you as she rolled me right up to the bed beside my daughter. As soon as we were at the bed the nurse popped up and said that she was glad we had found my baby.

  “Oh, thank God. You see that, she’s here and in no danger. It seems that the nurses from the photo department had come to take her for her birthday pictures.” The nurse said as she handed me a packet filled with my baby’s gorgeous pictures.

  I cried as I thanked her and took them from her hands and hugged them tight. She told me that it was no problem because that was how a mom was supposed to act.

  “That just shows you love your baby and you’re concerned about her safety. We are too, which is why we have altered hospital security.” The nurse said and I thanked her before I told her about the nurse too.

  I told her that my ex had someone inside of the hospital working with him, taping and spying on me. I could see flickers of fear and anger grow in her eyes as I told her how she had watched me through the door.

  “Can you describe her please; because if she works here and is doing all of that I definitely want her tail caught.” The nurse said before I gave her a detailed description of the hoe I saw.

  Once I did that she told me no one on my floor matched that description, but ensured me she would get to the bottom of it. I thanked her before I turned back to my baby and asked the nurse if I could hold her.

  “Of course you can. Here she is.” The nurse said as she stepped over, grabbed Asha up gently in her arms, and handed her to me.

  The moment her little, juicy, soft body was in my arms and I was staring down into her beautiful face, I fell head over heels in love. She was so little and gorgeous, I cried happy tears to be blessed with her. I leaned down and kissed her head before I inhaled that lovely new baby smell. She seemed to know who I was as she cooed and snuggled up in my arms.


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