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by Niki Jilvontae

  “I can’t baby. I gotta do this alone. I need you out here with Asha. I love you Ricardo.” I said as I ran from the door, grabbed my bag, and left the room.

  When I got out into the hall I could hear Ricardo yelling as he tried to kick in the door. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before he broke free, so I hauled ass out the house. I could still hear him yelling my name as I made it outside and hopped in my car. I ignored his yells and the aching feeling in my heart that came from leaving him as I pulled out and sped off.

  Tears ran down my face as I sped towards Millington alone with nothing but my weapons and anger. I fumed and gripped the steering wheel as I thought about what I was on my way to do. Just as I got to the Millington state line my phone rang and I answered it without looking. I expected it to be Ricardo calling to curse me out, but I was so wrong. Kenan’s voice filled my ears as soon as I said hello and I punched my car even faster.

  “So you sent our baby away huh? Do you think that will keep me from her? After I handle this business I’m going to get her without yo funky ass. You fucked up your chances for that position as my queen lil girl. You gotta earn that back. I’ll give you that chance though, after you come back from where you’re on your way to. Just know that daddy loves you Kaniyah. See you in a minute.” Kenan said as I yelled into the phone and cursed his bitch ass.


  “Just know I’m always two steps ahead of you princess. Go ahead and do what you think you need to do and I’ll see you after you’re little vacation. In the meantime though, stop driving so fucking fast before you flip that car.” Kenan said as he laughed and I looked around paranoid as fuck.

  I wondered what he meant about being two steps ahead of me as I searched the passing cars for him. He laughed in my ear and taunted me as I growled and told him that he was dead. I said that shit, but I doubted that it would happen just like Kenan did. He told me that I could try and he’d be waiting before he hung up the phone on my ass. I went crazy when he did that as my rage took over me. I drove like a demon as I weaved in and out of traffic while I cried and cursed out Kenan.

  By the time I pulled up on Navy road out in the middle of the country and the big blue house was in sight, I jumped out irate with my bag in hand as I slipped my mask over my face.

  “This is it Na. Time to do what you gotta do.” I told myself as I stealth through the woods and up to the back door of the house.

  That bitch was all lit up like there was a house full of people. I crept up on the steps and put my ear to the door to see if there was noise inside. I could hear the sound of a TV playing in the distance as I listened, but no other sounds were around. That’s why I felt confident enough to slip on my gloves and try the door knob; and to my surprise it was open. If I were thinking in my right mind at that moment though, I wouldn’t have went inside. However, I wasn’t in control because the voice was back so I ignored my gut and went in.

  As soon as I was inside my skin began to crawl and I felt my heart beat in my throat. I glanced around the country style decorated kitchen with a boiling pot on the stove as I made my way through the house. It seemed weird to me that the stove was cooking but no one was there to attend to it. I didn’t dwell on that though as I crouched down and slipped into the living room. As soon as I did I dropped my bag and nearly lost my mind. Inside sprawled out everywhere was the remains of Kenan’s family. The bitch from the party who had delivered the gift, Kenan’s sister mama, was gutted by the door. I threw up all over that bitch’s body as I looked past her and saw the hands and feet of a child. I could barely stand up as I hobbled over her body and saw that there were more dead bodies on the couch. Blood was splattered all over the walls too and the floor was soaked in blood. I screamed out before I covered my mouth with my hand and shivered at the sight. The voice in my head told me that everything was good and I should just focus on Kenan.

  I yelled out for that bitch to shut up as I heard something move in the hallway. That was enough to bring me out of my shock and I ran over to my bag to grab my 40. I pulled that bitch up and cocked it as the voice in my head continued to rant. I yelled for it to stop as I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them back up I heard something in the hall again. I didn’t dismiss the noise that second time, I just lifted my gun and began to bust. I shot into the hallway as I backed up, then suddenly I tripped over a body. As I fell I got a glimpse of the hall and saw a pair of shoes walk by. I was just about to look up and see the face attached to those shoes when my head hit the floor hard. It hit so hard I was out in a second and when I woke up I felt funny. There was a stinging sensation in my neck and I felt like I had smoked fifteen blunts. I put my hand to my neck and rubbed the spot that burned as I pulled my aching body up from the blood.

  When I did I felt woozy as fuck and that feeling increased when I saw the blood on my hand. I began to panic at that point and everything in the room began to move slowly. Suddenly I saw dead bodies began to move and talk and I thought I had lost my mind. I screamed out what was going on as things continued to swirl around me. I felt like I was falling off a cliff as I held on to the wall and tried to stop the hallucinations.

  “What’s wrong with me? What’s going on?” I yelled as I tried to get myself together enough to get out of the house.

  I had just gotten my brain to understand the command for my feet to move when someone answered my question.

  “What’s wrong is you’re on dope and you came in here and killed my family. My mama was just about to help you take me down and you went crazy and killed her. You killed everybody as you can see, with your baby psycho ass.” Kenan said as he stepped around the corner with a syringe still in his hand.

  As soon as I saw him I went crazy screaming and shit while I tried to raise my gun. My arm felt so heavy at that moment and I was so out of my mind, I ended up shooting right by my foot. Kenan laughed at my effort as he made his way to me and snatched that bitch out of my hand.

  “I told you baby girl, I’m always two steps ahead of yo silly ass. You should have listened to me. Now you gonna take that vacation I told you about and think about what you did; and while you gone I’m gonna get our baby and groom her for her role. We’ll be waiting on you Na, when and if you ever get out. Love you daddy’s baby and don’t you ever forget that.” Kenan said as he rubbed his gloved hand across my face then tried to lean in and kiss me.

  I fought those drugs as hard as I could then and got my hands to move on my command. When they did they unleashed a maylay of hard, slow punches to Kenan’s face. He backed up and tried to get away, but I forced my legs to let me chase him. As I did I dug my nails in his face and screamed how much I hated him, He grabbed my hands just as I dug into his eye and told me I had him fucked up. At that moment that nice, crazy Kenan was gone and I was facing the true fucking lunatic that I hated. He shook me by my hands, so fucking hard that my head jerked violently from front to back. I felt dizzy as fuck after that as Kenan cursed and told me he would kill me. I told that bitch to do it because I was dead anyway and he told me he would be happy to oblige. As soon as he said that he let go of my hands and hit me so hard that I flew into the glass china cabinet in the corner.

  I felt darkness creep in all around me as Kenan stood over me and called my name. Just as he was about to stomp me in the face a shot rang out and I saw Kenan’s ass flip around. He hit his knees then jumped up and ran out the room so fast you would have thought he was a scolded dog. I laid there and whimpered as my head throbbed and I teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. I held on for as long as I could though and suddenly Ricardo was leaning over me and asking me if I was okay. That was the last thing I heard before the darkness took me then I was awakened sometime later.

  I opened my sore, puffy eyes and looked around just as the police strapped me to a stretcher.

  “She headed to Lakeside, and his ass is headed to 201. This is the biggest mass murder we’ve seen in a very long time. These muthafuckas going down in history for this shit.” The police who strapped me to the stretcher said as I tried to talk but my head throbbed.

  Before I knew it I was out again and lost in the images of the massacre. I saw everything as it happened like I was right there when Kenan did it. That made me wondered if I had in fact killed them as I lost myself in my nightmare.

  “Ms. Wright. Ms. Wright. Are you ever going to wake up?” Someone whispered into my ear as I slowly pulled myself out of my nightmare and opened my eyes.

  When I finally got my eyes open I stared around at the all-white room I was in. That made me panic as I lifted my head and looked down to see that I was still strapped to a bed. I tried to pull my hands free as I glanced over at the nurse who had whispered in my ear. I gasped as the fucking sour patch nurse bitch I thought was working with Kenan and had gotten reassigned smiled brightly at me. I felt my heart race as she pulled a needle out of her coat pocket and shot some of the fluid in the air. I asked her why she was there and what she was doing as she smiled and told me I would see.

  “Well bitch after you got me demoted and reassigned to over here, I started thinking about you every day. I wasn’t even working with Kenan; not really at first, but you pushed me to take that plunge. Now, I’m here to help him fulfill his mission and get me some revenge on you at the same time. Now, it’s your turn to suffer little bitch. So how does it feel?” She asked as I cried and growled in anger then spit in that hoe’s face.

  I wasn’t about to beg like a bitch if she was going to kill me anyway. No, I was going out like a G no matter what.

  “Fuck you sick bitch. I hope you rot in hell right with him.” I said as the nurse continued to laugh and stuck the needle in my IV line.

  I tried again to get away as she slowly began to push in the liquid. That shit burned like hell and made me feel like I couldn’t breath as it surged through my veins.

  “Oh, you feeling that huh bitch? Yeah I got you now. You want me to burn in hell huh hoe? Well, guess what? You’ll see hell before me. 24 hours a day for the next five years yo crazy ass will be right here. Locked behind these walls with people crazier than you and no help in sight. You wanna know what’s gonna kill you more as you rot here though bitch?” She asked me and I told her to fuck herself as she got close enough to whisper in my ear again. “What’s gonna kill you is knowing that Asha is out there and we have her, and you can do nothing to stop us. She’ll be pregnant and stepping into her role by the time you hit the streets bitch. So, how does knowing that this shit is going to happen make you feel?” The bitch said as she emptied the syringe in me and I began to feel myself fade.

  I cried and begged her not to do it as everything around me went black once again and I saw my baby in my mind, wrapped in Kenan’s arms.


  Okay, so now we are back to where this book began, with me locked behind the walls of this mental hospital reevaluating my life. Every day for the past two years, I have went over that day in my head trying to see where I went wrong. Each day I would relive the events of the massacre to see if I could figure out how I allowed Kenan to frame me. I was mad at myself because I hadn’t realized his ass had been watching me the entire time. I could finally see that he was right when he said that he was always two steps ahead of me. That’s why he was able to kill his family just as I made my mad ass way to the house. He played on my emotions and my need to get rid of him to get my ass locked up. He did a good job too because they threw the book at our asses…at first that is. During trial, they deemed me criminally insane and sentenced my ass to 80 years in the mental hospital. Of course that shit didn’t stick because my brothers had money and a fire lawyer on my team. They were able to get that shit reduce to 20 years with only five I had to serve. That shit still didn’t sit well with me, so I bucked and had to be removed from the court room. I wasn’t even there to hear them sentence my baby to life. Like my charge though, his shit was reduced to 30 years or 15 with good behavior.

  We both got a raw deal, but at no point did Ricardo say any fucking thing. My baby remained a soldier throughout the process and just waited for his day to come. His day is right around the corner now though, just like mine is. I had two years to think about shit and plan my next move. I planned to just get away and live my life when they finally rolled those doors for me. I knew that wasn’t possible though with Kenan still out there since they had never found his body. That’s why I planned to always be on guard and ready to end him when the time came.

  “Mommy’s coming home soon baby girl and I’m gonna kill daddy before we disappear.” I said to Asha in the picture I held of her looking all cute in her Easter dress.

  My baby had grown into a beautiful two-year old girl and she looked happy living with my mama and brothers. I wanted her to be happy with me and Ricardo though, where she was supposed to be. That’s why I had stared out of my door every day for two weeks waiting on that call. KJ had promised me I would be out soon with some new information he had given to the cops. I wanted to believe him too, but I found it harder with each day that passed and I got no word. That day was different though because as I sat down to finish the letter I was writing Kenan an Officer suddenly called my name.

  “Kaniyah Wright, grab your shit. Your sentence has been overturned. You the first crazy hoe to kill 11 people and then walk out this bitch. Consider yourself lucky little girl. Now hurry up and get ready.” The officer said as I put the finishing touches on the letter I was writing and jumped up.

  I left it on the desk for the nurse to find as I grabbed my bag and walked out of the door. I looked back just as she walked in glaring at me and I laughed my way out. I laughed because I couldn’t help but to imagine her face as she read the threatening letter I had left for Kenan telling him I knew where he was. I sent him names and locations on everyone he loved and vowed to finish them if he came near us. I know that letter did the trick too, that along with my psychotic laugh; because as I got on the elevator headed to freedom the nurse ran to the door.

  I glared at her with crazy eyes as she shook her head no and begged me not to do it. I knew then she had seen her kids names and schools on the list because she was hysterical as fuck. I shook my head yes and laughed even harder before I put my finger up to my neck and acted like I was slitting her throat. She cried out how she was sorry as the doors closed and I left her there feeling like I had felt many days of my life. It felt good to have that revenge too, and when I got off the elevator headed to the front door I felt light. I felt like all of the weight I had carried around had been lifted off my shoulders as I walked out the doors to see Ricardo. There he was with my brothers beside him waiting on me. I ran into his arms and he laid kisses all over my face before my brothers hugged us both. When we finished our special moment I looked at them all and asked them if they were ready.

  “Y’all ready to kill a few more demons and then disappear to paradise?” I asked them all as they said they had been ready and we hopped in the car.

  As soon as we got in KJ handed me a phone that had only one number saved in the call log. I pushed the number for Kenan and sat back in my seat as Ky handed me a blunt. As soon as he answered I took a long drag from the blunt, held and blew out the smoke, then asked him if he was ready.

  “I’m on my way to get you bitch. That’s my word. Be ready when I get there” I said calmly in this sadistic tone as Kenan cursed and asked who I was.

  I laughed in his ear hearing him frantic like I once was before I hung up on his ass.

  “Let’s go get this bitch so I can go get my baby. I’m ready to see him bleed.” I said out loud as KJ said we were headed straight to him and we hopped on to the e-way.

  I smiled and held my hand out the window enjoying my freedom as we drove towards the devil. I was finally on my way to happiness and the life I deserved as soon as I killed my mama’s rapist. I ju
st hoped it would be as easy as I thought it would be, but something in my heart said that it wouldn’t….

  To be Continued…..

  True Glory Publications


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