Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 12

by Patricia Halladay

  “I was there when Queen Nyssa castrated King Harold.” Everyone turns to Tania and most of the guys are still holding themselves at the thought. “Believe me when I say he deserved it, Harold raped one of the guard’s daughters, he told the guard he would rape all the women in his family, if he didn’t slip the poison into King Edward’s food. When Nyssa found out how he beat Edward, she made him pay, and I was more than willing to help.” Tania finished saying.

  “Ok that’s great, now we have some answer to that, can I please have my other questions answered. I am not going to be able to relax, until I know my clan and family are safe.” I say starting to get very anxious. I just need to know my clan; my family are safe. I start to pace as I start to mind-link those of our mini council, and each tells me in turn what has taken place and how everything is working out well so far.

  Mac tells me that the clan numbers have increased by another 70 members. Some are rogues that slipped away from the invading pack and it was never noticed. Others are more survivors from Crystal River that have found a safe way into the territory. There are roughly 70 Crystal River survivors in total, they may be able to create a small pack again when the ones that are coming of age, find their mates. I might give the old pack lands to Thane and Morgana to start a clan or pack there, so that might work in more ways than one. Mac also says Brody left a 100 Royal Elite Guards, they are all working together with the gargoyles, and our Elite warriors.

  “I really don’t think we need to answer them because you just spent 20 minutes in a mind-link pacing back and forth. What didn’t Mac answer for you?” Brody smirks, as he and Mac have a thing for each other, neither of them ever acted on it in case they found their true mates. They should just go for it now, as Mac’s mate was human, that unfortunately died in a car accident 2 years ago and Brody never found his.

  “You're an ass, and I expect an invite to the coronation for Mac to become Queen. She told me about the clan and the increase of members because some of the invading wolves are against Uncle Tit. More survivors from Crystal River have made it also. So Alpha Nickolas and the attack.” I say and Brody has the biggest smile on his face, like I just gave him the best gift ever. I technically did, I just gave him permission to take one of my best friends and tactical adviser away to become his Queen. My permission isn’t really needed, as I am sure Arthur and Marie are going to have the last say, but he would have more of a fight with me than those two fluff balls.

  “Ok, so Former Alpha Nickolas has been effectively banished from all territories, that also applies to Uncle Tit. At least 75 percent of both packs have renounced them and the packs. They have been brought to the Northern Star pack territory and the wolf council there is taking care of finding out where they were originally from to get them back to family. There were actually 6 wolves that ran the other way when you were attacked, come to find out they too wanted out. So, they are being looked after by the council here. As for someone to interrogate about Tit’s plans, we have several of the wolves Onyx impaled at the fight.” Brody answers, I am shocked and stunned into silence as I look at Onyx in pure amazement..

  “Ok so what has happening with the Council while Merlin is currently looking after the clan since Tania is here?” I ask, that is the last of my need to know.

  “Well since the attack on you was an order from Alpha Nickolas, he has essentially accepted my Declaration of War, and every one of the Leaders present all agree and want Eric and Tim gone. Especially since the Council made all the evidence Leader Thomas had public. Surprisingly in doing so, they have linked at least 20 other attacks to them, that were not mentioned in the letters. Everyone is gunning for them, but they all want to witness you killing them in a public execution Nimue.” Kenneth says and everyone nods in agreement.

  “That just leaves my question that I asked you earlier to answer little one.” Bronx says with a look of “No I didn’t forget” pointed at me.

  “I am a Lycan, recently found out that my dad, your godfather Kai, was a god. More specifically he’s Chronos, or Father Time. I also have the ability to call and use metals from the earth as weapons. Silver has almost no effect on me, it just causes a rash. This is because I am a pure blood Silver Shadow Lycan, and from what I know I am the last of the direct descendants of the God’s Protectors. That’s why.” I say. He has gone quiet and looks completely stunned. My stomach makes an appearance that effectively brings Bronx back to reality.

  “Ok then let's get some lunch and let Morgana interrogate our visitors, doing what she does best!” I say, noticing a very shocked Thane. “What? You didn’t think she was just a pretty face did you? Ask Daniel the Royal Interrogator what it’s like to watch her work. I dare you!”

  “Please may I interrogate them? Please?” Morgana asks with a smile that sends shivers down my spine. I am thinking our conversation 2 days ago hurt her or she’s angry and I am more than willing to let her release it on them.

  “Have at her Beautiful! The pleasure is all yours. Come back and let us know what you find out. I will have a hot cleansing bath ready for you when you're done.” I say and she gets up to give Thane a hug and kiss before leaving. Thane goes to follow her when I catch him and hold him back. “If you want to sleep and be able to look at your mate still with all the love, respect, admiration and want you do now, then you will not go with her. And never, I mean NEVER piss her off ok?”

  “Who are we not pissing off?” Daniel asks as he walks in passing Morgana going out. He looks at me with saucer sized eyes and has gone a pale green color. Then asks, “Is she going to interrogate the men that attacked you Nimue?” I nod and Daniel looks at Thane. “Don’t follow her! EVER! If she offers to interrogate someone for you, when and if you get your own clan, just let her, and walk away. Otherwise, you will have nightmares and not be able to eat for weeks.”

  “Shit Thane, that has to be bad if the Royal Interrogator is saying it, and remember Christoff, our Royal Interrogator trained with Daniel. So, if he is scared then I would just do as they all say.” Bronx says to his now very white looking brother.

  “I just need to know how it affects her afterwards, so I can be prepared to support her. She will need me, and I want to make sure I am there for her.” Thane says with a truly worried look on his face, like he feels he is going to lose his beautiful, loving, and sweet mate.

  “Don’t worry Thane, letting her do this helps keep her from going dark.” Tania says and it seems to help Thane understand a bit more. “If we let our emotions build up, then we will go dark, it’s a spell casters way of going bloodlust like the wolves do. It’s not pretty and it ultimately results in thousands of deaths. So, letting her do the interrogation is a good thing, even though it's a very gruesome sight.” Tania finishes as Morgana walks back in barely gone 10 minutes.

  “Damn girl you’re getting really good!” Draven says and then continues … “What did they say?”

  “They won’t talk to anyone except Nimue. I didn’t even get to start! It kind of sucks!!” Morgana says with a pout and wrapping around Thane again.

  “Tell you what, while I talk to the one that says they will tell me everything, you interrogate the others. Then when he stops talking or tries to play games, you come in and interrogate him until he starts cooperating again, Deal?” I say with an eyebrow lifted.

  “Definitely! Can we go now please? Please?” A once again happy Morgana asks while bouncing on her toes.

  “Yep let's go. See you all afterwards. You three better be in bed by the time I get back, I will want to cuddle!” I say to Onyx, Scott, and Bronx. They just smile and nod. I already know they have something planned, horny men. It’s going to be a long day and night. It’s a good damn thing I have slept for 2 days straight. Morgana and I leave again heading downstairs to the cells under the house. These are only used for interrogation, once they are done here, they go to a general facility about 20 minutes away. If they live, to my knowledge only like 8 people have made it from here to the facility.

As we walk down to the end of the cell hall, Morgana grabs my arm and stopping me to give me a hug. “Nimue, I am so sorry for the other day. I had wanted to go, Thane promised to stay with you and keep you safe. He said he needed to earn the clan’s respect and trust. I should have gone with him and you. I am so sorry.” Morgana says, tears start coming and I know she has been hurting for a few days.

  “That’s fine in allowing him to gain trust and respect but getting mad at him for something not in his control, makes you lose it. Now, go release some emotions would you, you look like you could zap my heart any second now.” I say ruffling her perfectly placed hair, to which she swats at my hand giggling. Her eyes shift to a deep silvery purple. She walks into the cell on my left and there’s a huge hulk of a man standing beside a man sneering at her. The hulk comes running out quickly as Morgana sets up. He stays at the door; I chuckle and call him a wimp under my breath.

  “I am not stupid; I have heard stories from my dad and other interrogators. If she’s like her momma then I don’t want to be around.” He says. I chuckle and shake my head; oh he has no idea that even being outside the door isn’t going to save him. I walk into the room directly in front of me and I am shocked to see a familiar face sitting wrapped in silver chains.

  “Wow, Kyle I never thought you would go from trusted family friend to a murderous traitor, but now it all makes sense. You were always looking to climb the ladder of power. Just never thought that it was this bad. I honestly thought you would earn your way since you were never a stupid person.” I say, the shock wore off quickly and it’s now replaced by pure rage and hate. I have opened the mind-link so that all my clan can see who it was that helped the rogues that night.

  “I know right? I was actually hoping to kill Alpha Timothy when Alpha Nickolas and the others attacked. Which would have helped boost my way up the social ladder, but Alpha Nickolas beat the hell out of me and then went bloodlust because he thought your Uncle was trying to take his pack to become stronger. It backfired, and I ended up staying under your Uncle. No one else would take me in. Even my own family rejected me when they found out what I had done. My dad was so ashamed of me, he removed my blood ties to the pack.” Kyle says and tries to move but the silver digs in, almost like it's alive. Onyx’s handy work, definitely going to have to do something amazing for that man. “You found your mates, I guess the spell didn’t work like they wanted it too. I see it's not one but two. Congratulations, happy for you.” Kyle says eyeing my mark.

  “Three.” I say as he just looks at me kind of questioning but not voicing it. “I have three mates. Now about that spell, why use Hunter? He was the head sorcerer for the Crystal River pack, so his involvement is recent, as in the last 3 weeks recent. This spell was put on me for at least a good 3 years.”

  “The first caster was Neil from the Darkmouth Coven actually. Your Uncle held his daughter hostage after the attack. He put the spell in place but put a failsafe in. If your Uncle did anything to his daughter, then the spell would weaken, and it was actually put in place on your 8th birthday. Of course, there have been casters since then because your Uncle raped Neil’s daughter, then brutally killed her when he found out she was carrying his pup. Did you know that she was his true mate? Not your Aunt Sylvia.” Kyle says, it has shocked me. I always thought that my Aunt Sylvia was his true mate but then again nothing surprises me anymore.

  “That explains why he never claimed or marked her. I also know Jenna is Beta Steven’s daughter so again, not a huge surprise. Why me? It doesn’t make sense, other than my dad was the earth-bound god Chronos.” I say and now it is Kyle who has the look of shock.

  “Shit, then he’s in for a world of hurt when he gets to the Underworld. He was after you because of your mother, not your father. I honestly don’t think he knew his own brother was a god, and if he did then he has a death wish.” Kyle says and I am trying to think of what was so special about my mom. “You don’t know do you? About whom your mom really was?” Kyle says with a growing smirk, like he has leverage. “Wow, the great leader Nimue, has no idea about who her own family was. Amazing.” He is the second person to imply my mom was a goddess.

  “It really doesn’t matter to me, since I can ask the gods when they come to see me next, which is in 2 days. The 10 year anniversary of my parent’s death. The goddess Gaia comes every year. Now that Hunter is no longer tampering with my mind, I know it will be her real form and not an impostor. Enough of the background information, when is my Uncle planning to attack? If he wants me so bad, why attack me with wolfsbane coated silver bullets?” I ask tired of digging and wanting to get straight to the point. I also want to finish claiming my mates, eat a shit ton of food since I haven’t eaten since Sunday morning. Honestly it doesn’t have to be in that order, the food can certainly come first.

  “Wow they underestimated you big time. Especially considering, I heard what you said to that gargoyle when we attacked you.” Kyle says while laughing. Since he has stopped giving me what I want, time for Morgana. I get up and open the door, the hulk of a guard comes rushing in, he looks scared shitless. I can hear why; Morgana is interrogating someone really well and the sounds are absolutely horrifying. I looked back to Kyle and he realized what’s about to happen.

  “From the look on your face, she has moved cells. Which one is she in currently? I need her for a few in here with me.” I ask the guard and he points to the second door on my left. That means Morgana has interrogated 2 people for sure. She must have a lot of pent up anger right now. I cut off the link I created to the clan, so that I just get Morgana.

  “Hey Chickie, I got an old friend here, want to come say Hi?” I say and soon the door opens up, from what I can see that poor bastard is going to wish for it to end quickly.

  “KYLE!!” Morgana screams and the look on Kyle’s face is one of pure death.

  “He seems to think that he has something over me, since there was something really special about my mom. So, he has quit being helpful, would you be so kind as to make him helpful again Morgana?” I say looking at her, realizing she’s on the edge of darkness because of these people. “Afterwards, you need to take a break. Go have a cleansing bath and have your momma come down for a bit, I am sure she could use some release also. Just don’t kill him, I want your mom to have some fun with this fucker too.” I grab the guard as he has gone to shit with seeing Morgana come into this cell and we leave. I close the door and look at the guard.

  “Hey, go upstairs, have Elder Brenton mind wipe the last 3 hours ok? Tell him, I made this request because you were down here while Morgana did interrogations ok? Believe me, you tell him that, and he will gladly do it for you. Now go.” I say, he nods and runs for the stairs as the sounds of Kyle get louder. I mind-link Tania to help me block it.

  “Hey, can you run the cleansing bath for Morgana? She’s going to come up after she gets Kyle to cooperate again. She needs it and tell Thane to fuck her brains out all night, after feeding her.”

  “What do you mean when she makes KYLE cooperative again?” Tania says with venom dripping from his name.

  “Kyle was one of the wolves that attacked me, and he’s the one that wanted to talk. I guess it was the message the guard passed along before she could see him.” I replied back. Things go silent for a beat.

  “Ok, I have started her bath and put the herbs in, Thane’s getting dinner now, so it’s waiting for her when she’s done her bath, and I am on my way.” I can still hear the venom in her voice, oh goddess this is not going to end well for Kyle. The door opens and what I see is not surprising, blood is coming from Kyle’s eye, nose, and ears. It’s not enough to kill him but it’s enough to make him play nice. Morgana walks out and Tania walks up from behind me, I have to hold her back as I can see Tania wants to kill him.

  “Ok Morgana, thank you for helping. Go get into your bath, Thane has dinner being prepared for you, it will be brought to your room. Let Thane spoil you and take care of you tonight more than normal. He needs to know you are
ok.” I tell Morgana, her eyes have gone back to their normal bright purple color. She looks at me and grabs me hard in a hug. She’s holding on so tight it makes me wonder what she was able to get from them that has her scared. As Morgana leaves, Tania and I enter the cell and the door closes. He’s fighting the silver rope so hard; he could effectively cut his hands off to get out.

  “Shall we start?” Tania says and his eyes go wide in horror.

  Chapter 10

  ~ Nimue ~

  “So are you going to answer my question, or do I let Hecate have her fun with you?” I ask Kyle, who hasn’t taken his eyes off Tania.

  “Hecate? Fuck Tania is the goddess Hecate?” Kyle’s shaking so bad that you can hear the chair taping on the floor. I nod my head and then the smell of urine hits. I am letting Tania get set up when I notice someone from the corner. When I turn to look there is a tall man, with black curly hair, his eyes are red flames. He smiles at me and I notice his teeth, he has a full mouth of fangs like a shark. I tap Tania on the shoulder, and she looks up.

  “Don’t mind Tank, the Hellhound was sent by Hades. He is here to collect the people we are interrogating. This one in particular likes to watch Morgana and I work. It’s a sexual thing for him, whatever floats your boat I guess, so I let him watch.” Tania says and I just shrug and wave at him with a smile. He chuckles a bit and then his eyes grow bright as he is eagerly watching Tania with a tube like device. Tania uses her sorcery to remove Kyle’s clothes, placing him slightly off the ground in an X position. Tania places the ring on his cock and then turns it on. Kyle screams, his cock goes as hard as it can, and then Tania shoves the tube on it.

  “So, when is my useless Uncle planning to attack?” I ask again as Kyle has started to pant as a small suction has been added to the tube on his cock. I honestly don’t think he should be enjoying this because knowing Tania, it’s going to be simple but gross. She is being nice right now.


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