Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 16

by Patricia Halladay

  Chapter 13

  ~ Nimue ~ Amara ~ Nimue ~

  It’s Friday and there is lots to get ready for. We cut the Life Celebration week down to just 2 days. There will be many of the usual activities, but we also have the Welcoming Ceremony for the gargoyles and new wolves, and we have the New Beginnings Ceremony for those leaving. The New Beginnings Ceremony puts clan members in limbo, so they aren’t seen as a threat to another pack.

  I start to get up, when I’m hit with a sudden wave of nausea, and rush to the bathroom. I hear a loud bang and the rushing of feet as I empty out my stomach. The bathroom door goes flying open and Bronx is there with a look of urgency. The look softens when he realizes that I am fine, well so to speak.

  “Morning sickness little Firefox?”

  “Yea, and severe heartburn. Remind me that hamburger macaroni is off the menu until after I give birth! It tastes way better the first time.” I reply as another round comes up. “Amara is there anything you can do for this? I want to be able to eat and keep things down!”

  “I am sorry Nim there isn’t, and I think it has hit you so quickly because of carrying 3 pups from 3 different species. Ask each of the guys what’s usual for the women of their kind to go through in pregnancy. It may help to figure out what to do, because I’m feeling as sick as you are.”

  “Ginger and raw foods.” Bronx says, when I stand. He helps me to sit on the counter and get my toothbrush ready for me.

  “Huh?” Scott says, walking through the bathroom door with a blanket and a cloth.

  “Nimue is having morning sickness already, for gargoyles, we use ginger and raw foods. It was what a gentleman from China told my mom to use when she was pregnant with me. She used it for Thane and Emily too. The ginger helps with the nausea and the raw foods is because even the smell of cooking or cooked foods will cause nausea. Sorry babe this might be because I’m a gargoyle.” Bronx says nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

  “How long is the pregnancy with gargoyles?” I ask in between rinsing out my mouth from brushing my teeth.

  “35 days, little longer than a chicken's hatching cycle.” Bronx says and I just look at him, imagining him as a giant chicken. Shit he would make one scary ass rooster.

  “What is it for the cat shifters Scott?” I ask while wrapped in Scott’s blanket. He carries me down to the living room. Where I see that the loud bang, was an almost finished futon. Onyx walks in the front door and tosses a bottle to Bronx, while Scott sets me down and gets me settled temporarily on the cuddle chair. I am then handed a glass of water and two small yellow gel pills. I eye the bottle that Onyx tossed to Bronx and see it’s was ginger in pill form.

  “60 to 70 days, why?” Scott says, picking up the instructions to finish the futon.

  “And nymphs are the same as humans. So, 40 weeks or 9 months give or take.” Onyx answers before I could even ask.

  “Ok so it is going to be an average between the four species then when I will give birth.” I start to do the rough calculations on my fingers.

  “15 weeks, well technically 14 weeks and 5 days now.” Scott answers. The guys laugh as I throw a pillow at Scott. Soon the smell of food is filling the house and Scott gets the futon finished. The smell of bacon makes my mouth water, the ginger works great! There’s a knock on the door, which Onyx grabs, as he walks back over to the kitchen to grab more breakfast stuff to put on the table.

  “Damn do I know when to visit or what!?” An excited Brody says, while Jake just shakes his head, but smiles and comes in.

  “I made enough because I figured you would be here. Although I am sure Scott and Bronx would have enjoyed it more if you were here like 2 hours ago to help with the futon.” Onyx says nodding towards the now finished piece of furniture.

  “Yea right. Hey Nimue remember when I tried to put that stupid dresser together for Mom?” Brody says laughing.

  “Yes, we had to go buy a second one, because you destroyed the first one trying. Good thing they live close to Ikea!” I say remembering that poor dresser Brody tried to put together. “Just remind me not to ask you for help with the baby furniture for the triplets!” I say when we all sit down for breakfast. There is another knock and Onyx grabs it again on his way over with the orange juice. This time it’s Arthur, Marie, Mac and Rilyn, they are all carrying some kind of breakfast food. We make room at the table, there has to be a reason for this little group meeting that could not wait until I went to my office.

  “So, people, what is going on?” I look at Rilyn and Mac with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, see here is the thing, my whole clan wants to come with Rilyn and I when we leave for the Northern Star pack. That means there will be no Yeti’s left here to help protect the clan.” Mac says looking worried about the Yeti’s wanting to stay together. I can understand, Mac’s clan is descended from the original protector Yeti clan of Shangri-La, and yes it does exist. The clan has always moved together, even small clans that have branched out from the main clan do this.

  “What about your clan Rilyn? Are they all leaving as well?” Onyx says not missing a beat, I know he has already cataloged this information for the council for next year's conference.

  “No, actually having so many hinds in one spot isn’t good, we tend to be more territorial than wolves and will kill each other for territory. So, Natalie wants to stay here, she can take my position of Weapons Master and Trainer. She’s better at hand to hand combat than I am, and she’s quite efficient in long range weapons. Brooklyn’s going to Tiger Lily and the other 3 are waiting for approval from other leaders. If you take over the old pack lands from your Uncle, that would be a perfect territory size for Natalie. It also means another Golden hind won’t come and causing problems.” Rilyn says setting an individual plate of breakfast nachos in front of me!

  “Geeze and I thought we spoiled you!” Bronx says giving me a kiss and steals some breakfast nachos from me.

  “Dude, you’re asking to get killed taking her food. She stabbed former Beta Tyler with a fork when he did that, and she was 5.” Brody says.

  “He has nothing to worry about, just because he will spoil me while I carry these three little monsters. I can imagine I won’t be able to walk in the next 6 weeks. I am going to be HUGE!” I say and start to cry. Hell, I need to get a handle on the mood swings and hormones. I feel three separate little hearts beating, I place my hand on my stomach and Bronx places his over mine. The pups are strong already, it is crazy how fast they are developing.

  “Nimue, it will be easier for us to give birth in my form as the babies will be smaller and maybe come into life the same way you did. In pup form, you know, already shifted into their wolves!” Amara says beaming with happiness and pride that we will be a mom soon.

  “Don’t be upset if they don’t, and these won’t be the only pups we have, some of the others may come with their wolves already found. It would be amazing, that means you would have someone to play with too.” I tell her just as excited as she is. Even with the thought that they may not come out like I did during birth; she’s still glowing. I think it’s the thought that we are going to have more than just these three pups. Not everyone wants a big family, I do because I lost mine at such a young age and don’t ever want to be alone again. I am brought out of my thoughts by screaming. I look frantically at everyone in the room and see that Mac, Brody and Jake can hear it too. Where is Scott? I look and see the front door wide open. I rush out and hear the screaming again.

  “Scott, which way did you go? We will go in other directions to cover all areas.” I mind-link and get a quick response of south. We all quickly separate. When I get a mind-link from our Elite warriors to the northwest.

  “Nimue, your Aunt Sylvia and Jenna are being attacked but they have not come into the clan territory so we can’t help them.”

  “What about Hunter?” I sent back.

  “He is casting spells to get as many of the attackers off of your Aunt and cousin, but he’s tiring quickly. He just
made it within the territory.” The guard sends back.

  “I am on my way. Tell the others and send a link to where you are positioned. Be ready as I am going to throw those fuckers into the territory. When I do rip them apart!” I send back and an all too familiar feeling of rage and hate fills my body. It has become as familiar as the sound of popping and breaking bones when I shift.

  “Save them mommy.” A small voice whispers as I take off running, “I will Jessica don’t you worry.” I hear a small giggle as I know I have gotten the name right. It didn’t take long to get there and when I do I see Aunt Sylvia crying in Hunter’s arms. They have both made it into the territory.

  “Where is Jenna?” I ask, rushing past them, shifting into Amara.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Alpha, they took her straight ahead into the brush. How far in we don’t know. There are only 3 left, the others have been killed.” The guard from before says through mind-link.

  “Get Aunt Sylvia and Hunter to the hospital and tell Aunt Sylvia I WILL bring Jenna home alive and unharmed!” I send back. I already have an idea why they took Jenna, one to get to me and the other to brutalize the young girl. I soon slow down to a crawl, when I hear a snap of a twig and a girl crying and screaming for someone to not touch her. Suddenly I am tackled by a dirty gray wolf. He smirks at me; he must think he has the upper hand. Stupid wolf, obviously my Uncle and Alpha Nickolas didn’t tell them who they would be up against. He rushes me, and goes sailing over as I stop, drops and rolls. At the same time, bringing my claws up and digs in while rolling, slicing the wolf's stomach wide open. He hits the ground and doesn’t get back up. Seeing this, I walked over and take his neck in my jaws and with a sickening crunch crushed his windpipe, his spine and punctured his carotid arteries. When blood gushes into my mouth I let go and start moving again.

  I stop just behind a bush, and what I see enrages me even more. My Uncle has his former Beta tied to a tree as he is holding Jenna to the ground, while another high ranking wolf is stripping her to rape her. Jenna is crying and fighting when the wolf hits her hard, snapping her face into my direction. Jenna makes eye contact with me and she stops fighting enough to link her father. I look up and he is staring straight at me, this has caught Uncle Tim’s attention.

  “Do whatever you want to this little bitch. Let your wolf out to help, she can make a strong offspring for you. She is a beta by blood after all.” My Uncle sneers while looking at his Beta, who is fighting the ropes that keep him tied to the tree.

  “Amara, what do we do? We need to distract them, so Jenna can get her father loose and get to the clan territory.” Nimue ask watching what’s happening. She pacing in mt mind thinking of the best option.

  “I want them DEAD!!” I say seething with rage and I know she can feel it radiating off me.

  “They will be, but how? I also have a feeling the attack is going to be a lot sooner than our birthday.” Nimue say and I nod.

  “That’s good, because I want to send as many of them as possible to HELL!” I says and lunges at the Beta, taking both him and Uncle Tim by surprise and knocking them away from Jenna. I stand over Jenna to keep them from getting back to her. The Beta is on his feet, no longer fighting with his pants, and my Uncle realizes he is in a lot of trouble. I give Nimue control and shift back. Her eyes are glowing, and our claws are out.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Wow, Uncle Tit you’re as useless as a human as you were a wolf. Dane sends his wishes for a gruesome death, which I am happy to give you.” I say, the sneer to disappear and panic to set in.

  “Amazing, I want both of these little bitches Timothy, they will both give me strong pups!” The Northern Lake Beta says, stroking his cock he finally managed to get out of his pants. Good thing he isn’t going to get the chance to use it.

  “You idiot this is the one your Alpha wants.” My Uncle hissed causing the Beta to look even more determined. Without a second thought, the Beta back hands my Uncle, sending him flying into a tree, and knocks him out. I haven’t taken my eyes off the Beta but can see in the background that Jenna’s dad has gotten loose from the ropes. Jenna has untied him, with me keeping the Beta distracted.

  “Now little one, you're going to do as I say and come here!” He commands and I just give him a wicked grin. “What the fuck? Ahh” He screams as silver comes and wraps around him in a nice heavy blanket.

  “See you really should learn who your target is. Me, well I have learned that your dear Alpha, both former and current, wants to force me into mating with them, so they could become gods. Nimara killed your former Alpha and will do the same to his son. My Uncle is going to be an easier kill, since his wolf, Dane, left him for being a disgusting piece of shit. Speaking of which better take care of that now.” I say walking over to Uncle as he is starting to come too and pick him up by his hair.

  “If you kill us, Eric will attack immediately!” Uncle Tim says trying to buy himself more time.

  “See what you don’t understand is I don’t care. Just means I can grant the wishes of the God’s quicker. He is supposed to die, as are you.” I say running my claw down his neck to his groin. Cutting just deep enough to cause excruciating pain. I can see Beta trying to work himself out of the silver blanket, so I turn it to rope and tie him to the same tree Jenna’s dad was.

  “Nimue, where is mom?” Jenna asks while her father puts his shirt over her head to cover her.

  “Her and Hunter have been taken to the clan hospital. Steven follow my scent and it will lead you to the Elite guard positioned just near the border. I am sorry they could not help more; they are under strict orders to wait until attackers enter into our territory.” I say.

  “It’s alright Nimue, they were of great help when Hunter started to pull the other wolves in, instead of trying to fight them. He gave the guards the chance to kill them. Come on Jenna, let’s get you safe, away from these pieces of shit.” Steven growls as he walks away.

  “Now shall we get started? Oh wait, we need to go somewhere more secure and safe for me!” I say, and Onyx appears from a cavern, and two winged gargoyles land to take Uncle Tim and the Beta. I when step in the cavern with Onyx, Bronx sends me the image of the two coming in near the clan house. Just like Tiger Lily, our interrogation cells are under it. I let Surrey know that Jenna and Steven are on their way in. We start our walk underground back to the clan; Onyx seems awfully quiet. Suddenly he stops and pushes me to the wall of the tunnel. I don’t have time to think as he slams his cock hard into me and I am a moaning mess.

  “Onyx, oh fuck babe yes.” I can’t get the words out as he is being forceful but it's extremely pleasurable.

  “You were naked in front of other men, Nimue. This is my punishment for you, wait until Scott and Bronx get a hold of you.” Onyx says, thrusting deep and hard. Just as I am about to orgasm he stops and lets the climax die before he flips me onto my stomach and slams into me again. He keeps doing this and never once lets me orgasm. He spills his seed within me several times in the 40 minutes we were fucking but not once did he let me. When he finishes again before I do, he fully pulls out and braids his fingers in my hair and then whispers… “Never, and I mean NEVER let another man see what is ours! Do I make myself clear little Firefox! Or next time it will be all three of us fucking you over and over again and not once will you be allowed to orgasm!”

  “Yes Onyx, please let me finish? Please?” I beg, having the very gentle, caring, and respectful Onyx, become a dominate partner during sex is a major turn on.

  “No, you still have your punishment from Scott and Bronx to go through. Maybe afterwards we will see.” His eyes have gone completely dark green to an almost black color, he kisses my lips again and walks away from me, leaving me in a horny mess. When we get out of the tunnel we are at the back of our living den, and both Bronx and Scott are waiting. Like Onyx, Bronx’s eyes have gone black, and Scott’s are yellow. Fuc
k I am in for it.

  “You want to punish her first Scott or shall I?” Bronx looks at Scott.

  “You do it, right now I am pissed. I wouldn’t be able to even do anything.” Scott says turning and walking away from me. I am stunned, is he that angry at me for using my body to lure an asshole from raping a young girl?

  “I think it’s more that you didn’t use me or your gifts to do it Nimue. Dexter isn’t even talking to me right now. They’re both pissed.” Amara says whimpering. I know she just wants to feel her mates. I walk past Bronx and go straight to our bedroom and into the shower. I lock the doors behind me, I am in utter shock. I understand why, but I would never let another person touch me.

  Chapter 14

  ~ Nimue ~

  It has been two days since I was able to get Jenna away from the Northern Lake Beta and my Uncle. I haven’t seen Scott and I can’t connect to him or Dexter through the mate bond. It feels like I am empty now and my heartbeat has gone back to being incomplete. Bronx’s punishment was exercise and training to the point I am unable to move. My body hurts and I can imagine he is going to make me do it again today. My actions must have been really bad since none of them will even share a bed with me. I walk down into the living room and then into the kitchen. Onyx and Bronx are both there, and look like they are going to leave as I walk in.


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