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Along Came a Ranger

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by Debra Holt

  Along Came a Ranger

  Debra Holt

  Along Came a Ranger

  Copyright © 2017 Debra Holt

  Kindle Edition

  The Tule Publishing Group, LLC


  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN: 978-1-947636-06-4

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  A Note from the Author

  Along Came a Ranger is the third book in my Lawman series. The setting in this book includes Austin, the capital of Texas, and my favorite hill country town, McKenna Springs. When I was told that I needed to create my own town for my series of books, I was happy to imagine building my own little town and began mapping it out.

  McKenna Springs is named after an ancestor of the hero of this book. Davis McKenna is an epitome of the new Texas Ranger, and he needed a special lady. The only problem with my heroine? She had a mind of her own. And she didn’t want to date cowboys. But she hadn’t met a determined lawman!

  In this book, you’ll meet more of the townspeople of this little spot of Texas heaven-on-earth. And this story has a hint of something extra in it that my other books haven’t to date… perhaps a bit of mystery? All I can say is that once a book takes over, the characters can lead me on a merry chase to the end. I hope you enjoy the journey this book takes you on!

  Happy Reading,


  “Mayor” of McKenna Springs

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  A Note from the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  The Texas Lawmen Series

  About the Author


  Hands roughened by tough ranch work moved with sensual sureness over her fevered skin. Long fingers rid the buttons of their closures and her blouse fell away. They next paused to linger on bare skin directly over the heart, beating wildly in the center of her chest. Her lips parted; her breathing became shallower and erratic with each touch. The blaze of sunset was blocked as he lowered his head toward hers, his lips pausing less than an inch from hers, his breathing as fevered and rough as was her need.

  “I want you, Eve. I mean to have you… each delicious, sexy inch of you. You want me, too. Say it.” His tone lowered, coaxing her submission. “Say you want me right now, right here. You want me.”

  “Yes, I want you.”

  “Excuse me?” The male voice was not the same as the hero’s that played in Stacy’s head and that fact brought her back to reality with a crash. Blinking, she forced herself to focus on the tall figure, standing a couple of feet away, dressed in a muscle-hugging t-shirt that showed a very firm and broad chest, workout shorts that left powerful thighs bare and… well, she determined quickly it was best she keep her eyes and mind focused away from further exploration of the male’s attributes. However, when she looked up into the blue eyes gazing steadily into hers, she lost her train of thought… again.

  “I believe you dropped your towel. This is yours, correct?”

  Her gaze fell to the blue terry material held in his fingers and her brain found its function switch once more. “I’m sorry; I must have been daydreaming, lost in thoughts while I do the last fifteen on this treadmill.” Rambling. Cool it. “Yes, it’s my towel. Thank you.” The towel was handed back to her.

  “No problem. Have a good last fifteen.” The smile he flashed her was felt in an instant all the way to her toes.

  She watched in mute silence as he reached down, picked up his gym bag, slid it over his shoulder then headed to the exit of the hotel’s workout room. The sight of the man walking away was almost as good as the sight of him standing in front of her.

  The beeping of the timer on the treadmill brought both her gaze and thought process back to the moment and Stacy realized she’d been standing staring after the departing male figure like some star struck teenager. He probably thought she was an idiot… assuming she registered at all with him after their momentary interlude.

  She had been playing out a possible scene between her latest hero and heroine in her current manuscript when she should have been aware of the gorgeous live male in the same workout room with her. Typical. For once, reality had been much better than she could have written it, and she had missed it. Slowly shaking her head, she stuffed the towel into her gym bag. A glance at her wristwatch told her it was time to get back to her work schedule. She wouldn’t dwell on the strange feeling of disappointment that settled around her. Simply two ships passing in the night.

  Chapter One

  “Wait! Please hold the elevator.”

  The elevator door was just about to close when he heard the voice. He placed his thumb on the “open” button and a moment later the woman quickly darted inside the car. Davis was pleasantly surprised to see the woman from the gym with the errant towel move to share the elevator with him. The day was looking up. He turned a smile upon her.

  “Thank you… again.” She reached over and punched in the number of her floor before he had a chance to ask. There was a brief smile sent in his direction before she stepped back into her space, her eyes zeroed in on the numbers flashing above the doorway. He noted the hands knotted together in front of her waist. There was a quiet nervousness in the lines of her body.

  “No problem.”

  A sudden grinding of metal on metal broke the quiet. The car jerked to an abrupt halt. Before either of them could react, the elevator resumed its upward climb. Davis looked at the woman beside him. Her eyes were wide in a face gone pale. Once again, the car jolted to a standstill. This time it did not move again.

  Was the woman about to freak out on him? Judging by the look in her eyes, she was very close to that edge. Stabilize the problem.

  He kept his voice calm and tone even. “Don’t worry. They’ll work out the problem and get us moving again in no time. Hotel elevators are notorious for this sort of thing happening.”

  There was another loud sound of metal squealing and another lurch of the car. Davis’s mind registered the soft gasp from the woman beside him, just before her body fell against his. His right arm automatically caught her and his left dropped the bag off his shoulder as he braced a palm against the elevator wall beside him to steady them both.

  Davis had an instant awareness of two things. One was the fact he had just experienced an overwhelmingly pleasant sensation along the right side of his body, and the second was the elevator had come to a halt between the tenth and eleventh floors. Somewhere in the building, there was a faint, muffled alarm so
unding. For several moments, neither moved inside the car.

  “Sorry! Excuse me!” Blue-green eyes, fringed with dark lashes, were wide with a mixture of surprise and fear, perhaps bordering on a hint of panic as they looked up at him. She recovered her balance and stood back on her own two feet, something that definitely disappointed him and his arm dropped away.

  “It’s okay,” he replied. “Hope you aren’t on a tight schedule… a flight to catch or an appointment to keep?”

  He noted the nervous way she drew in her bottom lip, followed by the drawing in of a deep breath in an obvious effort to calm her nerves. “I’ve never liked elevators. I’ve had this fear of being trapped in one and it plummeting to the basement floor like in a bad movie… people screaming and mangled steel.” She stopped abruptly. “I’m sorry. What did you just ask me? Oh yes… a flight. No, but I do have a meeting in three hours. I can’t miss it. What about you?”

  He liked the sound of her voice, even if it did have a bit of breathless tremble in it. She wore her nerves very close to the surface of her skin as evidenced by her need to ramble and the effort to focus. He couldn’t fault her for that. He wasn’t too keen on the present situation, but he wasn’t going to let her in on that information.

  “Don’t worry. You’re doing remarkably better than most people might do in the same situation.” He smiled encouragement. “The alarm has sounded and help is on the way. I have a meeting that I have to be at in two hours. I’m sure we’ll both keep our schedules with plenty of time to spare.” A couple of minutes of awkward silence followed.

  His hand went to fish inside the side zip pocket of his bag and withdrew a cell phone. The bars on his cell phone were nonexistent. Davis reached for the compartment on the wall with the phone emblem on the front of it. The alarm was sounding, but perhaps he could get a human on the phone. There was a faint buzz in the phone receiver. Someone answered on the other end, but it was garbled. He heard the words “alarm” and “maintenance.” He gave up after that and replaced the receiver on the hook and shut the compartment.

  “What did they say?” Stacy asked, concern still mirrored in her eyes.

  “It was hard to make out, but I believe they know our situation and are working on it. So, we hurry up and wait. Guess we should have a seat and do just that.” Davis moved his bag into the corner and sat down, his long legs folded Indian style in front of him.

  She eyed him silently for a moment or two, obviously weighing options in her mind. Finding none, she followed his lead, her back settling into the corner across from him, her legs drawn up in front of her chest, her arms clasped around them. A makeshift barrier of sorts.

  He experienced a quick feeling of relief. And pleasure? Davis’s eyes took in the fact her fingers were minus any rings. That was very good, unless she had left them in her room while she worked out? That was not such a pleasant thought. The fact that this woman had taken his attention in such a way when he saw her in the gym was still something he was turning over in his mind. Whatever it was, she definitely ignited an interest in him.

  “Is your family waiting on you to join them for breakfast?” he asked, deciding nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  “No, I’m here on business,” she supplied.

  Not exactly the clarification he was looking for.

  “How about you? Will your wife be missing you soon?”

  “No, there’s no wife. I’m here on business, too. What about your family? Are you from Texas?” He inquired next.

  “Yes. Austin. And there’s no family waiting. And you… where do you hail from?”

  Davis’s smile grew wider. Things were looking up. “I work in the Austin area. I live about thirty minutes west of the city, in McKenna Springs.”

  She gave him a small smile. “I’ve been through there a few times. Each time I tell myself that I should stop and visit some of those shops along the main street. However, I have yet to do that. It does look like a nice place.”

  “It is. My sister, Darcy, owns the diner located on the main street. In fact, that’s the name of it… The Diner on Main Street. You should definitely stop and try it sometime.”

  “I’ll remember that.” The conversation lagged for a moment after that. “Do you think it’ll take long to fix whatever the problem is with this elevator?”

  “It shouldn’t, but then I don’t know what the problem is exactly,” he qualified. “I can only guess that it won’t take all that long. Hotels don’t relish keeping their guests locked inside elevators if they can help it.” Another thought came to him and he grinned. “We should introduce ourselves. I’m Davis McKenna.” He offered her his hand with a smile that sent crinkle lines radiating from the corners of those very blue eyes.

  “Nice to meet you,” she managed, placing her small hand inside his for a brief moment. “I’m Sab… Stacy Smith,” she finished smoothly.

  “We’ll be old friends by the time we get out of here…” He began, but was interrupted by the car moving a few inches before it stopped again. “Which may be sooner, rather than later,” he added.

  They rose to their feet, resuming their original stances, side by side, yet still on their respective sides of the car. Davis knew that once the doors opened, he might lose her and he didn’t want to let her go so quickly.

  The car began another smooth ascent and the doors opened on floor sixteen. Her floor. It was apparent she didn’t want to take a chance the elevator would do something else strange; she took a hurried step outside, and then turned, but paused as if she needed to say something else but not certain of what. Surprise registered on her face as she saw he had followed her from the car.

  “I think I like the idea of taking the stairs up to the next floor to my room.” Davis smiled down at her. “No use to tempt fate. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a cup of coffee and some breakfast after that experience. How about we celebrate our survival over breakfast? Care to meet me downstairs?” He put the offer out there and waited.

  Davis couldn’t let her walk away. The why of that, he hadn’t figured out. This woman with the intriguing blue-green eyes and golden red hair—not to mention the perfect body decked out in workout gear—had caused a reaction within him that was hard to describe. Whatever it was bore more investigation.

  “After all, we aren’t strangers anymore, and we’ve been properly introduced. The restaurant downstairs isn’t half bad.” He did his best to entice her into his way of thinking.

  There were a few moments of hesitation as the jury behind her eyes weighed the case he made. The verdict was rendered with a warm smile.

  “Sounds like a plan.” She accepted. “I’ll be ready in forty-five minutes. Is that time enough for you?”

  “More than enough,” he responded along with a grin, feeling a sudden exhilaration in his veins at the prospect.


  Forty minutes. That was how long it took Stacy to shower, apply makeup, comb out her hair, and dress in the two-piece navy suit with the scarlet silk blouse and matching heels. In the elevator, with her makeup a mess from just coming out of the gym and her hair escaping from its ponytail, she had probably not made a great first impression. This was her opportunity to correct that. An antique brooch of marcasite and ruby colored stones was the last thing she applied to her outfit before grabbing her handbag and the leather binder which held her speech. If it was a long breakfast, which she hoped it would be, then she might not have time to make it back to her room for the speech outline and notes. One more glance in the full-length mirror and she stopped.

  Seriously? She was dressed as her brand… how her audiences expected to see her. But what about her dining companion? Too much? Too conservative? No time to go back through her wardrobe choices. The buttoned-up collar was undone and allowed to show a few inches of throat. The bling broach came off the lapel of the jacket. She twisted and turned in front of her mirror image and decided it was the best to be done in a short amount of time. She could step into a bathroom downstairs
and readjust the look before her speech. The jewelry went into her bag and she drew it over her shoulder. Done.

  All this for a man I met by accident in a hotel gym. When she had placed her hand into his, something had caught just in the midsection of her chest at that moment. Was there anything unattractive about him? When she had first looked into his amazing blue eyes in the hotel exercise room, her mind had instantly labeled him Mr. Blue Eyes. She quickly had a new name to add to the list for her companion… Mr. Devastating Smile. The deep grooves on each side of his mouth were just too sinfully perfect and her knees went quivery when she first got the full force of it.

  Stuck in a tiny box with a perfect specimen of male. Talk about luck… or irony? She had placed her hand in his and it had been swallowed by long fingers in a firm grasp. Their gazes had locked. Had he felt the instant zinging sensation that flowed from hand to hand? Okay. That was just her overactive writer’s imagination. If he had noted the small blip she made when she gave him her real name and not the name she wrote under, he had made no comment. There had been a momentary thrill shoot through her as his fingers had released hers slowly, a fact she did not miss.

  When he had invited her to have breakfast with him, Stacy had run a dozen reasons through her mind why she should go to her room and get on with her day, but none seemed to matter. Breakfast with a stranger. Okay, a semi-stranger. A gorgeous and intriguing semi-stranger. The very idea she had entertained the thought was something totally out of her usual context. But she had wanted to tempt fate with him. That sudden realization was the clearest reason of all. Take a chance. Her brain had demanded. Nothing to lose.

  There was a slight cringe when she recalled she had been almost content to stand with him in the hotel hallway and do nothing but return his grin with one of her own. It was almost the behavior of a giddy school girl. Giddy? Was that a real feeling? She had written it before on a book page, but had never experienced it. Then out of the blue, she had. Her heart was racing by the time she stepped from the elevator on the first floor. Her palms felt sweaty and she curled them tighter around the shoulder strap of her tote.


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