The Volkov Affair

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The Volkov Affair Page 16

by Taylor Lee

  The gang members stood back, creating an impenetrable circle while their leader systematically took on Yuri’s battle-hardened bodyguards in what could only be described as a one man blood bath. In a lifetime of violence, Yuri had never seen a more accomplished fighter than the lean young man. As consummate as his skills, it was his eerie calm as he took on one fighter after another, and as many as three or four at a time, that made him seem almost mythic, not human. As each of Yuri’s men fell either dead or mortally wounded, the gang members stepped in and retrieved their bodies, stripping them bare of weapons and anything remotely of value.

  When the killing was over, and the blood of his men ran in the alleyway like the river Seine, Yuri stood quietly and prepared to die. He was strangely unafraid. He raised his hands and shrugged. If this was God’s will that he die at the hands of this avenger, so be it. His only regret was that he would never see his beloved daughter again. Standing close to the fierce fighter, Yuri was stunned to see that the man was a youth, perhaps seventeen but likely younger. Only his eyes the icy green of a glacial lake were ageless. They were the eyes of long dead warriors, the kind who never really die, but return from the past to avenge the evil of the present.

  The young tyrant barked out an order in what sounded like Algerian and several formidable men stepped forward and relieved Yuri of his wallet and jewelry. Kicking aside the bodies of the hapless victims in the street, the young man came within inches of Yuri. Eyeing him for a long moment, he held up his hand to stop his men from killing him. Later the two of them would try to name what it was that Rafe saw in Yuri’s eyes that saved Yuri’s life. Many years later, Rafe confessed that it was Yuri’s pain. In that moment, the prescient youth decided that he could hurt the older man more by letting him live than by giving him the easy out of death.

  Yuri returned the favor by springing Rafe from a French prison, where he awaited the death sentence the French government had gleefully imposed on the sixteen-year-old national menace, who was a hero in the simmering cesspool of the banlieues. Yuri was determined not to let either the French or Russian governments that he despised rob the world of the man who had spared his life. He convinced an undercover agent with whom he’d traded secrets over the years, to ease the sixteen-year-old into the relative safety of the U. S. Army. When the powers that be saw him fight and heard of his polyglot skills they knew that this young man would be invaluable in the caldron of hate perpetually brewing in Africa and the Middle East. In a matter of days, a new life history was created with all the requisite documents, making Rafe the youngest recruit in Delta Force history.

  Four years later, Rafe returned from his deadly stint in Rwanda a changed man. He was harder, darker, more dangerous than Yuri thought possible. Rafe had built an impenetrable wall around himself, and that resonated with Yuri. He recognized the building blocks—fury cemented with grief. Three years ago Rafe confessed what he considered to be his unforgivable sin. Yuri knew that the guilt wracking Rafe would rule his life, make it impossible for him to find peace. Yuri could only sympathize, not comfort. He had committed as big a sin, as unforgivable. But the long years of silence had made it impossible for him to confess his sin to the one man who would understand.

  Chapter 24

  Nicki glared at Rafe, not trusting her ability to speak without shrieking. How dare this arrogant man presume to tell her that she was off limits…that because of her “untried” state, she wouldn’t be able to avail herself of the carnal pleasures that countless women coveted? When Nicki first read his text message, she was stunned, disbelieving. She’d received it after she and Katya returned to the dormitory to prepare for dinner. In words she was sure he considered rational, even kind, Rafe had explained that because of a previous engagement, he wouldn’t be able to explain in person, but said essentially that he wouldn’t be available that evening… or likely in the future. She’d thrown the phone with such fury it was a wonder that she only broke the floor length mirror she hit, and not the high-end cell phone.

  Marching through the corridor to Rafe’s office, she threw open the door without knocking. Her escalating anger must have been written on her face, because Grayson jumped up, almost knocking over the chair he’d been sitting in. Exchanging a startled glance with Rafe, he held up his hands, signaling his desire to escape the certain fireworks.

  “Whoa! Hang on there, Nicki. Before you come charging across the room trading those angry darts for real live knives, allow me to be the coward I am and get the hell out of your way!”

  Nicki stepped aside without answering, as Grayson ducked by her. He turned at the doorway, gave Rafe a jaunty salute, then closed the door behind him. Nicki waited until he was gone then turned her wrath on Rafe.

  Sitting back in his chair, Rafe crossed one nonchalant leg over the other and took a lazy sip of whiskey. He motioned with his shot glass to the chair Grayson vacated. Nicki ignored the gesture and stormed up to his desk. Leaning over, she grasped the edge of the desk with both hands and glared at him.

  Before she could spit out the words frothing in her throat, Rafe shook his head, a frown furrowing his brow.

  “Sit down, Nicki. Please. I apologize. It was insensitive of me to send you that message rather than speaking with you in person. Please, sit down. Let me explain.”

  Nicki gasped, certain that the roar in her ears signaled a rupturing brain aneurism. When she was able to speak, she spit out incredulously, “Insensitive? It was insensitive to text me a message that said as much as you’d like to you, weren’t going to be able to fuck me, now or ever, because of my unfortunate ‘situation.’”

  Rafe’s gaze hardened, the lines bracketing his mouth tightened. He tipped his chair down and met her furious gaze head on.

  “First, that is not what I said. Look, Nicki, I said I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have sent that text. At least not all of it. I wanted to explain that I had plans for the evening and wouldn’t be able to see you. I…I shouldn’t have added the last part.” He gave a self-effacing shrug. “It would have been more efficacious to relay that component of my message in person. Again, my apologies.”

  Nicki stared at him, disbelieving. His smug expression confirmed that from his perspective, except for the method of conveyance, his insulting message was appropriate. Coupled with his casual reference to “other” plans for the evening, her anger roared to the surface. To keep from launching herself over the desk and smashing his face, she took several steps back, clenching her fists at her sides.

  Nicki’s voice shook. “You arrogant son of a bitch. How dare you? How dare you assume….”

  Before she could finish her sentence, he’d rounded the desk.

  She threw up her hands, backing away.

  “No! Don’t come near me. Don’t you dare touch me.”

  Rafe quirked a dismissive brow, but his voice was low, tight with controlled anger, belying his superficial indifference.

  “I thought we’d already established that I am an arrogant son of a bitch, Nicki.”

  Nicki summoned up every ounce of restraint she could muster, determined to mimic his casual arrogance. And equally determined not to burst into tears.

  Thrusting her chin in the air, she crossed her arms tightly and glared at him. She took a deep breath, her voice filled with righteous scorn.

  “I’m sorry that you don’t ‘do’ virgins, Rafe. If I’d known that, I wouldn’t have thrown myself at you. I wouldn’t have made such a fool of myself.”

  She bit down on her lip to stop it from trembling.

  Assuming a nonchalance she was far from feeling, she huffed, “Tell you what.

  I’ll be on the lookout for a guy, any guy, one who doesn’t have your foibles. Then maybe, at your convenience, when you have a vacancy on your dance card and an itch to scratch, I can fill in for one of your adoring women.”

  Ignoring the darkening cloud of anger seeping over Rafe’s face, Nicki edged closer to the door. She said with a dismissive nod, “I know you don’t like being first,
Rafe. But I should thank you for the orgasm you gave me the other night. It’s the first orgasm I’ve had, that I didn’t give myself.”

  She added with an airy toss of her head, “At least now I’ll have a standard by which to judge my next series of partners.”

  Silent as a cat, Rafe’s coiled body ate up the distance between them. Pouncing on her, he grabbed her arm and jerked her toward him. He shoved her against the wall, his body shaking with anger. She felt his heart hammering against her chest… but then it could have been hers. She gasped, stunned at his fury.

  Pressing his lips hard against her ear, he issued a low guttural warning.

  “If another man so much as touches you, I’ll kill him.”

  He added, his voice harsh with suppressed rage, “Don’t test me, Nicki.”


  Katya reached over and refilled Nicki’s glass, emptying their second bottle of Pinot Noir in the process.

  “It’s not as if he can have it both ways, darling.” Katya sighed. “Although knowing Rafe as I do, I’m confident he not only thinks that he can, but he believes it’s his right to do so.”

  She shook her head and grinned as she removed the cork from yet another bottle of wine. “Poor baby. I almost feel sorry for him.”

  “What?” Nicki cried, rising up on one elbow. After storming out of Rafe’s office she’d fled to Katya’s room. Alternately crying and raging for what seemed like hours, she’d lodged herself on the chaise lounge in Katya’s suite and hadn’t moved in the last hour except to proffer her wine glass for more healing liquid.

  She continued, sputtering with anger. “You feel sorry for that arrogant.…”

  Katya put up her hand to ward off another tirade. Nicki was actually relieved. Her head was pounding. She didn’t know how much more rage she could handle. She was drained.

  Katya frowned as if pondering a difficult problem. She nodded thoughtfully.

  “No, there is only one solution. You will have to seduce him.”

  “What?” Nicki shrieked again. She rose up then pressed her hand to her pounding forehead. “Are you crazy, Katya? Haven’t you heard a word I have been saying? He’s decided he won’t have me. He won’t take me.”

  “I understand, honey.” Katya soothed. “All the more reason you will need to seduce him.”

  Nicki didn’t hide her anger. “Apparently you do not understand, Katya. I do not want to be anywhere near Rafe Boudin. I hate him. Despise him.”

  Katya waved her away dismissively.

  “Yes, yes, yes. I understand.” A wicked smile quirked the corner of her mouth. “You’ll have to trust me, Nicki. Anger—masked as hate—is a powerful aphrodisiac.”

  The leap of sensation in her groin at Katya’s provocative assertion, confirmed that Katya might to be on to something. The more Nicki thought about it, it seemed exactly what she needed to do. She would make love to him—then she would leave him, turn her back on him. And this time nothing that the conceited despicable man could do would keep her from leaving.

  As good as that solution sounded, her excitement nevertheless quickly crashed. Deflated, she turned to Katya whose eyes were sparkling with mischief.

  “But…but how, Katya? Rafe won’t come near me. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t insist that I leave ISA immediately.”

  “It’s simple.” Katya grinned. “We’ll use the best weapon we women have.”

  Nicki frowned, despair swallowing her earlier elation.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Honey, I know you don’t believe me right now. You are angry with Rafe. Hurt. You will have to trust me, Nicki. Rafe loves you. More than either you or he can imagine. This is not about your “status” or level of experience. Rafe is scared spitless. He knows if he ever gives into the passion he feels for you, he will never recover. He’d be lost to you forever.”

  Nicki hesitated. She knew in her heart that Rafe did love her and God knows, she loved him. But she also knew that he was determined to push her away. His hateful actions made that abundantly clear.

  Weariness threatened to swallow her. “I know you mean well, Katya, but I don’t think you understand how determined Rafe is to drive me away.”

  “That’s why we will have to use the best weapon we have against him,” Katya repeated with a cocky grin.

  Nicki couldn’t help but smile at the excitement in her friend’s eyes.

  “And what my wise woman friend, would that weapon be?”

  “Easy. Another man.”

  Nicki gasped. “Oh, my God, Katya. You are crazy. Rafe told me that he would kill any man who as much as touches me!”

  “I know, I know. That’s what makes this the perfect plan.”

  “What? I get one of the men to play around with me and Rafe kills him? And then what, Katya. I take them on one by one until Rafe comes to his senses and agrees that losing more men is worse than making love to me?”

  Katya shrieked with laughter.

  “No, silly. Not one of the men here. They’re off limits. Besides they’re all in love with you as well so it wouldn’t be fair. God, honey, even now, Caleb is about one smart crack away from losing his dangly parts. Trust me, Rafe is about ready to blow.”

  “Then who, Katya? Some poor sap I pick up off the street and convince him one night with me is worth dying for?”

  Katya chortled. She grabbed both of Nicki’s hands in hers and pulled her down next to her on the bed. Her eyes danced with anticipation.

  “Hear me out, girlfriend. I promise you. The only person who is going to enjoy this ‘seduction’ more than you and Rafe, is me.” She added with a broad grin. “And of course all of the men who get to sit back and watch their little ‘hotstuff’ take down the big bad Rafe Boudin.”

  Chapter 25

  Katya clapped her hands in delight. “Oh my God, Nicki, you look stunning! I actually feel sorry for Rafe. The biggest problem we’re going to have is getting you out the door before he can grab you and lock you in a cage.”

  She bubbled with laughter, then seeing Nicki’s face, she added, “Honey, don’t worry. Both Caleb and Grayson are as excited about this plot as I am. They know exactly what they need to do. But, damn, when they see you, they may decide the hell with Rafe and haul you off to sample the wares and never bring you back!”

  Nicki laughed but couldn’t hide her nervousness. They had been so busy today that she’d barely had time to think about the outrageous plan Katya had hatched. Even after she and Katya spent several hours going through her wardrobe, it had all still seemed like a lark, not something she would actually do. Katya was stunned at Nicki’s gorgeous array of lingerie. Pawing through gobs of lacy bras, every kind of thong and panties imaginable, and a whole wardrobe of garter belts and silk stockings, Katya couldn’t hide her amazement.

  “Damn, Nicki. No wonder you are a virgin. If any guy got an inkling of the kind of packaging you have for that sensational body of yours, he’d never get his tongue back in his mouth. Where did you get all of these sexy things? You could open a store. The only thing you seem to like more is those ‘fuck me’ shoes.What do you have, thirty pairs? I promise you, Nicki, you get down to this layer of underwear and a pair of those shoes, and our Mr. ‘I don’t do virgins’ will be crawling on his hands and knees begging for you.”

  Nicki smiled. “Well, for one thing, I have a very indulgent father. I don’t think he picked out the underwear himself. But just like all the weapons he gave me over the years, he found a munitions maker he trusted, and ordered whatever the expert recommended. I’ll bet there are lingerie shops in Paris that rely on my father for a quarter of their annual business.”

  While Katya oohed and aahed and finally settled down to choose between a hot pink silky set and a black lace ensemble, Nicki screwed up her courage. If anyone could answer the questions she had it was Katya.

  Knowing that her cheeks were flaming she forced herself to ask Katya the questions tormenting her since she and Rafe were together.

nbsp; “Here’s the problem, Katya. Rafe has already seen some of this underwear and he really seemed to like it. At least at first. But then he still pulled away, or a better description is that he pushed, no shoved, me away.”

  When Katya frowned, clearly ready to argue, Nicki held up her hand to stop her.

  “No, let me finish. I think the problem is that I look like I know what I am doing—that I have a lot of experience, just like I have all these sexy clothes and shoes and lingerie but when it comes down to …doing it…well, let’s face it, Rafe’s big concern is that I am a virgin. He obviously isn’t interested in dealing with a woman that he has to train. And Katya there’s only so much you can learn in books, someone has to be willing to be a guinea pig, show me the basics.”

  Nicki could tell Katya was trying not to laugh and she turned away before the tears burning her eyelids embarrassed her.

  She muttered, anger creeping into her voice, “I know what you are thinking. How could someone get to be 24 years old and not know anything? But you don’t understand. Between my father and Griorgi and Maiya, I could’nty go to school without an armed escort. My father was terrified that something would happen to me. By the time I was a teenager, there was always at least one bodyguard somewhere close behind. Even if they tried not to get in my way, who wants to date a girl who has a 250-pound driver who carries a poorly concealed weapon and only speaks Russian? Then when my body started looking like it does now, everyone thought I was a slut and I gave up. Besides, I’d rather fight men then date them. That’s what I really know how to do.”


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