Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four

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Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four Page 3

by Sinclair, Drew

  "Okay then." Suzy said defiantly. "I won't. Come on Ruben, take me to your bedroom and fuck me. I'm ready." She stood up, took Ruben's hand and marched off to the plane's master bedroom. Ruben gave a Nadia a 'fuck you' wink and smile as he followed his angry lover to the other end of the plane. If her head could have exploded with rage….

  When the steaming couple got inside the bedroom Ruben locked the cabin door behind them and then turned to face his woman.

  At last. After all this time. And not only was she coming to the bedroom, she had literally fought to do it and then dragged him there.

  "That was good." He said. "I have to say that this is more than even I expected."

  The look she gave him made him wince.

  "Don’t touch me." She hissed.

  "Excuse me?"

  "You heard me. Nadia's right. Deal's off until Boyevik is out."

  "Suzy, I didn’t tell the Hargrave brother's anything. I meant it when I said that it didn’t surprise me they had tracked us down, but it had nothing to do with me. You have no idea how smart my two associates are. We're in for a contest here, but between the three us, you, me and Nadia, we can take them. Clay has an instinct for situations like this that even I envy sometimes, but I've never had people like you and Nadia to work with before."

  "Stop sweet talking and flattering. You're full of it Mayweather. There's no way they could have tracked us here and there's no way it's a co-incidence, or instinct or any of that crap."

  This was getting to be too much. Even for Ruben and his legendary self-control. He figured it was time to stand his ground.

  "If the deal's off then this aircraft is returning to New York City and I'll be in radio contact with Clayton and Dale on the way. Give me one good reason why I should risk guaranteeing the freedom of a notorious Mafia boss who I have unlawfully imprisoned on my personal property if you are not going abide by the terms of our agreement."

  "You already have your reason. If you really want me, then you'll wait. You'll prove to me that you're honest and once Boyevik is out then you will have me at your complete disposal."

  "I've already had that before Suzy. So forgive me if this sounds forward or even greedy, but I'm going to need more than that if you want this plane to stay on course for the South Pacific."

  Suzy could feel herself getting hot again. It was something in his look when he talked about his requests from her. Maybe it was the intensity of his need. Or maybe it was the clinical, inexorable way in which he approached them, slowly trapping her in, word by word, move by move like a game of chess.

  The sexiest game of chess in history.

  If he wasn't so damned gorgeous, so athletic, so confident, so well dressed and so perfect in his manners and grooming… Christ, how could any man make this kind of perversion so damn sexy, so crazily addictive?

  "What else can I give you?" She said with desperation in her voice. "You've… you've already seen me… you've already seen me go as far as I can go and I've promised to follow all of your instructions, to the letter, in the bedroom. I can't think of anything else you could want."

  "I can." He said instantly. His breathing had quickened, his cock hardened. He had planned for a marathon session together on the twenty eight hour flight to the remote island, but now the idea of waiting even longer in return for even more specific demands was turning him on intensely.

  "Do you know how much I want to see you climax again right now?" He said.

  "Fuck." She hissed involuntarily and turned her head away. Somehow he always made her feel prudish, sheltered and aching to be fucked.

  "Don't say those things." She said. "Not yet."

  "We're adding to our bargain Suzy. Isn’t that what this is? Don't turn away from me." He stepped closer to her and cupped her head in his hands, gently as the most caring lover in the world and tilted her face upwards to his. "These things need to be discussed in detail. If you really expect me to wait for you until we have that reptile Boyevik free from his deserved incarceration, then you are going to have to give me something very, very special indeed, something even more exciting than watching you come for me, tied up on my bed like the perfect little Santa's gift."

  Suzy struggled to look away but he held her firmly. She was already wet and fearful that she might come right then and there in his hands without even an article of clothing removed. The light touch of his hands on her face, the slight tilt of her head, his implacable eyes staring down at her and bending her to his will. She arched her back slightly as sensations of tantalizing pleasure seared through her thighs and gripped her pulsating clit.

  Whatever the outcome of this she would have to enjoy a long, intense and very private shower in order to relieve herself when this conversation was done.

  "I will expect you to wait. Without questions." She said with difficulty. "Now tell me what it is you want me to do?"

  "It's what I don't want you to do." He leaned down towards her, his lips close to her ear. "I expect absolute exclusivity." He said. Suzy felt relief but also something damn near close to micro orgasm at the words. She had always been monogamous in her relationships, sleeping around was not in her relationship vocabulary, but being claimed as the exclusive sexual property of one male so overtly, so unashamedly, was something she had never experienced and she was turned on to boiling point at the prospect. If he asked for something now, no matter how twisted, sexy or crazy, she wasn't sure she would be able to refuse him.

  "Not a problem." She said in a choked voice. Every tiny movement of her body felt uncomfortable, as though she were liable to soak her panties with girl cum even from the vibrations of her own voice.

  God how she needed that shower badly. A solitary cold shower with warm, exploring hands. Soon, very soon.

  "And that includes you." He said, with restrained, perverse glee in his deep sexy voice. "You don’t get to touch yourself. Ever. Period."

  Her back arched violently. She would never have believed that request could seem so cruel or damn impossible to fulfill.

  "I don't… I don't do that sort of thing--" She said, trying to convince herself.

  He released her head from his hands, drew his own head up to look in her eyes and then went down on his knees in front of her, looking up at her with raised eyes. For the first time she realized what he meant when he said her coy glances up at him made him want to drag her to his bedroom. He rested his hands lightly on to her hips and blood rushed to her center, engorging her straining clit, screaming out voicelessly to be touched, licked, exquisitely kissed, just as he had done before.

  She was sure that just one single kiss would do it for her again right now.

  She put her hands to his shoulders and pushed down but she might have been pushing a brick wall away from her for all the good it did. He drew her inexorably closer and pressed his impossibly desirable lips to her lower abdomen, making her cry out.

  "Oh God. No." Her back arched again but he moved his hands to her ass and pulled her in close. "Fuck." She groaned as the mini-orgasm first eased and then seared its way between her legs and into her very core. The sensation subsided leaving her more turned on, unsatisfied and craving than she had been before.

  The bastard had done it again.

  She grabbed his head, her fingers curling into his thick hair and began to push him in again but now he released her ass and stood up. She held on tightly to his hair but he seemed not to feel a thing. He picked her up in one quick scoop and she instinctively circled her arms around his neck. This embrace was the most intimate they had become. He had hardly touched her before, despite her screaming orgasm, but now she was close to him, feeling the pounding rhythm of his heart against her body, the heat of his breath on her neck.

  He brought her to the bed and laid her down, pulled her arms away from his neck.

  "I don't want to wait." She said. "I'm yours now. I want this."

  He shook his head.

  "Impossible. We have a new bargain and I expect you to uphold your end of th
e agreement. I won't make you do anything until Boyevik is free." He was struggling to maintain his calm. The truth was that he had never wanted to fuck anyone so badly in his life, but he also knew that waiting would be better, more intense than ever and intensity was what it was all about.

  Nuclear intensity. Volcanic. The more desperate and insane the better.

  "I will however, insist on you maintaining the latter part of our agreement."

  She nodded her head.


  "No. The final clause. Exclusivity from your own hands. Your body belongs absolutely to me." He put his hand down softly to her lower abdomen. Her back arched again and she writhed in response. A single bead of perspiration trickled down his forehead and fell to the bed. He swallowed hard.

  "And I will need to ensure that at all times. Personally."

  "Just fuck me now Ruben. Then there's no problem. We don’t have to wait any longer."

  She put her own hand to his, pushed it between her thighs and then tightened her legs around his fingers. He went to his knees by the side of the bed but didn't remove his hand from the spot.

  "I don't 'fuck' Suzy. I thought you had gotten that by now."

  She pulled his hand higher between her thighs, pressing his fingers against the clothed, hidden, pouting entrance to her pussy and then squeezed her thighs even harder around his hand.

  "Then don’t fuck me, just do whatever you want to do with me and I'll obey you."

  "It's not enough. And now you are presuming to tell me what to do in my own bedroom."

  She felt an absurd flash of anxiety go through her. Had she broken an unspoken rule and displeased him? What would he do? She felt his strong hand push deeper between her legs. It was intense pleasure and punishment at the same time. His powerful fingers pressed to the door of her channel, threatening to push her over the edge again.

  "I will not touch you again until after the first condition of our agreement has been fulfilled. However, I insist on being present when you groom yourself. This means that I will watch you shower and bathe until Boyevik is free and Nadia has conducted her interview with him."

  Suzy's heart raced and she felt her panties moisten. A man, watching her bathe. Of course she had been naked in front of men before but none had ever demanded as a condition of ownership the right to observe her while she showered.

  Fuck. She thought. I need some time alone if he's really not going to… to.. fuck you Nadia. This is all your fault.

  "We will sleep together." He continued. "If necessary you will be bound to my bed to prevent you taking any pleasure from yourself, now illicit under the terms of our agreement and which forms a part of my personal property."

  He placed his other hand to her knees and began to push them apart but she was clamped tightly, worried now that an unsightly wet spot may have stained her jeans.

  "Open your legs." He said firmly, but she didn’t move, couldn't take her eyes off him.

  God he was so perfect.

  This was a man you could lay down in front of you and lick from head to toe.

  "That is not a request." He said, applying more pressure to the tightened lock of her knees. "Open your legs and do it now." He said. This time she complied, allowing her thighs to fall open while his hand remained where it was, pressing to the soft, engorged flesh of her starving pussy. He pressed a little harder, just for a second, causing her to arch her back again, before sliding his fingers away and bringing them under his nostrils. She watched him, hypnotized, fascinated, as he took in a long breath and then exhaled with an air of agitation.

  "You smell good." He said with difficulty. "But I will have to punish you for that." His eyes glanced down between her legs and she followed them. Sure enough she had stained herself, one perfectly round, moist dark spot between her legs. She clamped her thighs shut again.

  "You soiled yourself without my permission. You spilled cum into your panties without asking me if I wanted it first."


  "Shut up. I am speaking to you."

  The thrill of his words, of his claiming of every part of her body, including her physical reactions to his words threatened to make her soak the same spot even more.

  "Good." He approved her taut silence. "Now listen to me. You have wasted your cum without asking me if I wanted it first. Do you understand?" She nodded her head obediently. He leaned in closer to her and moved his hand between her legs again but stopped short of touching her. He might as well have inserted two thick fingers deep inside her and circled her clit judging by the reaction she felt in her drenched and aching pussy.

  He brought his mouth close to her ears.

  "Now you owe me." He said with an edge of vindictiveness. "Because I did want it Suzy. I wanted every single fucking drop you thieving little bitch." He whispered the words into her ear and she gulped in shock before releasing an involuntary.

  She sounded for all intents and purposes as though she were choking on her own hunger and desire.

  He drew away from her again and stood up again.

  "However, under these extraordinary circumstances I am willing to overlook this selfish behavior just this once. Another transgression like this and believe me you will pay dearly."

  She was still lying on the bed, almost afraid to move in case he turned her on again so bad that she would 'steal' more come from him.

  "You will pay with your ass." He continued. "You will pay with your pussy and with your orgasm. Do you understand."

  Holy fucking hell. What have I gotten myself into…

  She nodded her head.

  "Now get off my bed, go into the bathroom and strip. I want to see you shower and if I see any hint of you taking what belongs to me then I will take note and you will regret it. Do you understand?"

  She nodded stiffly.

  "Good. Now go."

  She got up slowly from the bed. Although they had hardly touched she felt as though she were getting up from bout of all-night love making. She crossed the room carefully, self-consciously and entered the bathroom. She found the strength from some where to send one coy, glance behind her in revenge as she disappeared inside.

  You're not the only one who can play games you sick, twisted bastard. She thought.

  He entered the bathroom, closed the door and then turned to her.

  "Strip." He said. He hadn't planned any of this, which made it even more exciting for him. These clever girls. He thought. Things never go according to plan. It was what he loved about them, but none had ever worked themselves into quite such a state of 'debt' to him as Suzy and she was by far the cleverest of them all.

  He watched her slow, stunned response to his blunt command.

  "Everything?" She said hesitantly. Obviously she had never done anything like this before. This was going to challenge every ounce of his self-restraint.

  He just looked at her in response with a 'what do you think?' expression on his face.

  "I thought you weren't going to do anything more to me until Boyevik was free?"

  "I'm not. But if you're not naked in the next three minutes then our deal is off and this plane turns around."

  She began hurrying to undress.

  Don’t think. Just do. Remember, he's the one who wants this which puts me in control.

  Even if she didn’t believe it much, it helped to steady her resolve.

  "Isn't forcing someone to strip while you watch doing something to them?" She said as she slipped off her jeans and noted with anger how big the wet stain in her panties was. It had at least been small, round and neat on her jeans, but on her small, white cotton drawers it looked immense.

  "I'm not forcing you to do anything. You agreed to this. If you have any reservations about my request then simply don’t do it. I won’t attempt to force anything on you but our agreement will change. That's all. The sky won't fall down. This is the very definition of free will Suzy. You are stripping in front of me because you have chosen to. It's not rocket science. Not even
computer science, both of which I'm pretty sure you have no problem with."

  He was right. Rocket and computer science were a breeze for her. The art of the striptease however, hadn't been an elective at MIT.

  She stripped down to her bra and panties and then stood there waiting. Ruben looked at his sixty thousand dollar Breguet Double Tourbillion watch and then turned his disapproving gaze towards her.

  "You have 40 seconds left."

  She turned away from him and then reached behind to undo her bra. It dropped to the floor in front of her along with any illusion that she was the boss of the situation in any way shape or form.

  "Twenty-nine, twenty-eight… " he began counting down as she slid her wet panties off and then held them out to drop them on the floor next her bra.

  "Wait." He said firmly. "Those are mine. Give them to me."

  She didn't move. That would mean turning around and she had only one hand with which to cover herself if the other was holding wet panties. Hell, he was already looking at her bare ass and no matter how uncomfortable and crazy it all felt, still she was getting turned on.

  If this sick situation didn’t resolve itself quickly she would owe him another batch of girl cum pretty soon.

  "Turn around slowly." He said. "I don't want you to be shy Suzy. For the record I find your body perfectly exquisite. But that doesn't excuse you from your duty. I have asked you to turn around once. I won’t ask you again."

  Electing to cover her breasts with her free hand and holding the panties in front of her crotch with the other, she forced herself to turn and face him.

  What confronted her had an effect on her she could never have predicted. When he had said he would watch her bathe she had assumed that he would bathe too. Now that she thought about it there had been no reason to think that at all. He was fully clothed in all his hand tailored finery and if she had felt naked before, suddenly she felt rent of her clothes.

  "Aren’t you getting undressed as well?" She said nervously.

  "No." He said. "I'm not the one who needs a shower. Now please come here Venus de Milo of the soaked panties, and give me those." He held out his hand towards her looking like a photo shoot from GQ with his loosened tie, tussled hair from her grip on him earlier and his shirt casually open at the neck. She could imagine girls happily going down on their knees in front of him.


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