Pretend I'm Yours_A Single Dad Romance

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Pretend I'm Yours_A Single Dad Romance Page 46

by Vivian Wood

  He came from money, she reminded herself. And what, he’s just supposed to start slumming it now that he’s with you?

  “So, tell me,” Rosalie said.

  Even in her buzzed state, she didn’t lose that special grace. Her cheeks had turned pinker and her smile was bigger than normal. It gave her a softness that enhanced her beauty even more.

  “Tell you what?” Addy asked. She could hear a slight slur in her speech.

  That’s what you get for drinking on an empty stomach.

  “Why you’re here alone,” Rosalie said. “The real reason, not the PC one.”

  “Oh.” Addy blinked and cradled the little empty shot glass in her hand. “I dunno,” she finally said. “I just needed to get away.”

  Rosalie raised her brows.

  “With how much both of you work, I’m surprised you don’t take every chance you get to be together. I remember how it was with our sched—sorry, forget I said anything.”

  “It’s okay,” Addy said. “I mean, I know you two were together. It’s not like pretending otherwise will change that.”

  “It’s still awkward. I get that. I wouldn’t be stoked either if I were in your place.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If my husband worked with his ex all day. Especially the kind of long, odd shifts the hospital requires,” Rosalie said with a shrug. “Plus, it’s your turf, after all.”

  Addy laughed. “My turf?”

  “You know what I mean,” Rosalie said with a laugh. “I mean, this is your hometown. And then you have this whirlwind romance with a new man in town, just to have his ex show up and throw a wrench in the whole thing. It’s got telenovela written all over it.”

  Addy shrugged.

  “I’ll admit, it was kind of weird at first. The whole thing, not just you,” she said quickly. “Trust me, it wasn’t in my life plan to marry someone I’d only known for a short amount of time.”

  More like less than twenty-four hours, she thought.

  “The greatest things in life are rarely planned,” Rosalie said. “But can I tell you something?”


  “Honestly, if Jack had ever looked at me the way he looks at you? Just once? He and I wouldn’t have had a problem.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Part of the alcoholic veil lifted briefly. Addy was aware that this was important, but she couldn’t quite find it within herself to surface to soberness.

  “It means he’s in love with you!” Rosalie said. “It’s obvious. With Jack and me, it wasn’t ever like that. I mean, I think we both pretended and maybe even hoped one day it would evolve into that—into love—but it just wasn’t in the cards.”

  She shrugged.

  Addy laughed.

  “You’re crazy,” she said. “And drunk. And so am I. This probably isn’t the best time to be having deep conversations. ”

  Rosalie shook her head and peered into the empty glass. “You’ll see.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The stars have aligned.

  Jack looked at his phone and smiled at the text from Philip. Ellipses skittered across the screen.

  Neither of us are scheduled until Thursday. You and Addy up for an overnight hike? There’s a group of us going.

  Yes, thank God, he thought.

  When Jack had seen the schedule, he knew it was supposed to be a gift. Nobody who worked the ER got two consecutive days off. He should have been grateful, but instead all he could think about was how awkward it would be at home.

  Addy was still pissed as hell, and he didn’t have a clue why.

  Just tell me where to meet and what to bring, he texted back. Addy can’t make it, work.

  Addy’s whole “will they or won’t they” bullshit was getting out of control. At first, he’d been into her whole angry housewife ploy. And then he realized it wasn’t a ploy.

  Angry sex was hot, and for a while he’d thought maybe that’s what she was into. However, when she’d returned home buzzed from the bar the other afternoon, it was clear she wasn’t playing games.

  Philip texted him an address downtown and Jack quickly stuffed his camping backpack full of his gear.

  This is exactly what you need, he thought as he tossed his tent, bag, and gear into the back of the Jeep. A night under the stars, a few beers with friends, and a drama-free, Addy-free evening.

  He started to smile as he headed downtown.

  Why have I been so stressed out, anyway? he wondered. So what if Addy’s acting crazy? It’s not like we’re really married.

  Jack bounded into the meeting place, a little diner known for catering to the numerous campers that passed through the area. He stopped short when he saw Rosalie and Addy side by side in a booth.

  “What, uh—”

  “Hey!” Philip appeared at his side and clapped him on the back. “I thought you said Addy couldn’t make it?”

  “I didn’t think she—”

  “She got the day off,” Rosalie purred up with a smile.

  “She… okay. And what are you…”

  “I invited everyone from work,” Philip said. “Can you believe all the new kids got two consecutive days off?”

  “I invited Addy when I ran into her getting coffee,” Rosalie said.

  “And I’d just given up my shifts so Dawn could make a little extra. Perfect timing,” Addy said with a smile.

  But Jack at least knew her well enough to recognize it was forced.

  Shit. I can’t back out now, he thought. What were they up to? And since when were Addy and Rosalie friendly?

  “The crew’s all here.” Jack turned to see Jeremy approach, a backpack slung across his shoulder.

  “What—” Jack searched for the words to figure out what the hell was going on, but nothing came out.

  “Jeremy! Hi!” One of the nurses that had just started last week jumped up and wrapped her arms around him.

  God, does it ever stop? Jack wondered.

  Jeremy slung an arm around the girl and surveyed the group.

  “This should be fun,” he said. His eyes lingered on Jack.

  “Let’s figure out the car situation. Jack, your Jeep is four-wheel drive, right?”

  “Yeah, but I removed the back seats, so there’s just room for two.”

  “My Range Rover is four-wheel drive,” Rosalie piped up.

  “I’ll go with Rosalie to keep her company,” Addy said.

  “Awesome, okay if I ride with you?” Philip asked Jack.

  “Uh, sure.”

  “Everyone has the address that works with the GPS, right?”

  As Jack tore through the town with Philip in the passenger seat, he tried to untangle whatever mess he’d stumbled into. Philip only talked about the trail, the details of his favorite camping site, and gossip from work.

  Was he in on it, too? Whatever “it” might be?

  The group arrived en masse and everyone immediately started to sort out tents and equipment. Jack had to admit the place was beautiful. Deserted except for them, the lush greenery framed a crystal clear stream seemingly untouched by humans. He could see all the way to the depths.

  “Jack!” Philip’s voice made him jump.

  “Huh, what?”

  “I said, how many people does your tent sleep?”

  “Oh. Just two.” Immediately, he regretted his words. Obviously, he’d be alone with Addy in his tiny tent.

  “Oh, alright. You and Addy then, and then I think my tent sleeps…”

  He shook his head and went back to staring at the pristine landscape.

  “Okay! Everyone ready?” Philip asked. “The hike should just take about an hour round trip, and that’ll give us plenty of time to finish setting up the tents when we get back. Jack, you wanna take the lead with me?”

  He was grateful at the offer. Addy and Rosalie whispered together in the middle of the pack as the group started toward the trailhead.

  What were those two up to?

p; “Hey,” Philip said quietly as they started the incline. “What’s up with you and Addy?”


  “Marital woes,” Jack finally said. “No biggie, though.”

  “You want to talk about it?” Philip asked. He glanced behind them, but Addy and Rosalie were in their own world yards behind them, chattering like schoolgirls. “If I can help—”

  “I said it’s no big deal,” Jack said. “Can we just enjoy the trail?”

  Philip clamped his mouth shut. Five minutes later, he started to talk about work, and Jack settled into the safe subject, thankful to forget about Addy for a few hours.

  By the time they circled back to the campsite, Jack had almost forgotten that Addy—not to mention Rosalie and Jeremy—were right behind them.

  The brief but challenging hike had given the adrenaline junkie in him a little high. When he saw Addy’s tanned legs before him as he hunkered down over the little tent, he looked up with a smile on his face.

  To his surprise, it seemed like the fight in her had been drained.

  “Can I help?” she asked.

  He glanced around to see if someone was nearby, if there was a show they needed to be putting on. But everybody else was busy setting up their own tents.

  “I’ve got it, but thanks,” he said.

  “Yeah,” she said quietly. “You’ve got it all figured out by yourself.”

  His eyes shot upward. She acted like nothing had happened between them, but now he recognized that simmer below her surface.

  “Maybe, uh, maybe we should set this up a little over here,” he said, and pulled the tent away from the main group.

  “Oh, someone needs some privacy!” one of his coworkers called out. He ignored the kissing noises that came their way.

  Great, he thought.

  By the time everyone had their tents set up and their equipment put away, it was dark. Philip had built a roaring fire in the pit, and the group had assembled a circle of chairs around the flames that licked dangerously toward the sky.

  “Cheers!” Rosalie said as she opened a bottle of wine and everyone filled their red Solo cups with a sweet red.

  After just one drink each, everyone who worked at the hospital began to yawn.

  Wow. We really are lame, Jack thought.

  “You guys,” Rosalie said. “I hate to be that person, but I’m exhausted.”

  “Seriously?” Jeremy asked. He shook his head in disgust and pulled out a silver flask.

  “I’m pretty tired, too,” said the nurse who’d brought Jeremy.

  He shot her a look of disappointment, but said nothing.

  “I think it’s safe to say most of us are beat,” Philip said. “I don’t have a problem calling it a night and getting an early start on another hike in the morning. I mean, we came out here to relax, right?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Jack watched Addy trace a design into the dirt with a long stick. She shot a look of daggers at Philip.

  Wow. She really doesn’t want to be stuck in that tent with me, Jack thought.

  It was going to be a long night. He prayed that the glass of wine would do its trick and just put him to sleep.

  As Philip doused the fire and the group began to disperse to their tents, Addy shot toward theirs at lightning speed.

  “Someone’s eager,” Philip said quietly and nudged Jack with his elbow.

  If he only knew.

  Addy had left the entry flap open and was already curled up in her sleeping bag. Jack opened the flashlight app on his phone and made his way into the cramped tent.

  He slipped out of his jeans and t-shirt, bundling them into the corner. Addy faced away from him.

  As Jack slipped into his own sleeping bag in boxers, he let out a sigh. It looked like she’d just ignore him the entire night, which was fine with him.

  “Do you mind?” she hissed.


  “You didn’t bring any pajamas? You’re just going to sleep naked—”

  “How do you even know—Jesus, Addy, I’m wearing boxers!”

  “Keep your voice down!” She flipped over as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

  Overhead, he’d kept the flap off the top of the tent to let the stars shine through. The moon was bright enough that it dimly illuminated their tent. Addy glared at him and squinted as her own eyes adapted.

  “What’s your problem?” he asked, incredulous.

  “You’re my problem,” she growled.

  He opened his mouth to argue, but something about her in that blue light made him stop. Jack lunged for her. Her lips were soft and tasted wild, yet familiar.

  Addy made a small squeak and weakly pushed him away. It just made him want her more. When he kissed her a second time, there was no resistance. Instead, she parted her lips and welcomed his tongue against hers.


  “Shut up.” She rose to her knees and the sleeping bag fell away from her. In one swift motion, she pulled off her t-shirt to reveal full breasts with hard nipples that begged for his mouth.

  Chapter Twenty

  She hated herself for it, but she just couldn’t stop.

  The feel of his mouth against hers, his tongue as it flicked across her teeth, it was all too much.

  Addy scrambled out of her sleeping bag and Jack reached for the little shorts. He tore them off with ease. When Addy reached for her underwear to pull them down, he grabbed her wrists and stopped her.

  Jack pushed her against the thin material of the tent, grasped her ankles and spread her legs wide. As he crawled toward her, hand still on her ankles, she whimpered.

  In nothing but panties, which were quickly becoming soaked, goosebumps broke out across her flesh and her nipples grew harder. Jack nuzzled into her neck and began to trail his tongue down her collarbone.

  As he moved downward, she pushed her chest out, desperate for his mouth on her nipples. He kissed her breasts and outlined her areolas with the tip of his tongue.

  Jack teased her and she moaned in frustration. Finally, when he pulled a nipple into his mouth and started to suck, Addy cried out.

  Jack worked toward her other breast and she wound her fingers through his hair. He kissed down her stomach. Addy started to pant as he neared the hemline of her panties.

  He kissed her clit through the lacy material and she moaned, on the edge of explosion already. When she looked down at the sight of his head between her legs, his big hands wrapped tight around her ankles, it was almost too much to bear.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Please, what?” he asked, but he didn’t look at her. “Tell me what you want.”

  “Come on,” she said. As much as she didn’t want to, she pushed her center toward his face.

  “Tell me what you want,” he repeated.

  What do you want? Emboldened, she gripped his hair tighter.

  “Rip my panties off,” she said.

  He released her ankles just long enough to oblige. The chill in the air instantly hit the warm wetness of her center.

  “Now?” he asked.

  “Eat me.”

  “Eat what?” he asked, and blew lightly on her clit.

  “Eat my pussy.” The voice didn’t sound like her, low and hungry.

  Immediately, Jack’s tongue was on her clit. Without the buffer of the lace between his tongue and her, the pleasure hit hard. She closed her eyes and lifted her head upward.

  “What else do you want?” he asked between kisses and sucks.

  “Put your finger in me,” she demanded.

  Addy didn’t even realize that’s what she wanted, to feel only partially full of him, until she said it. He released one ankle and easily slid a thick finger through her wetness. She moaned and pressed against it, but needed more.

  “Two fingers,” she said.

  Addy opened her eyes and she looked down at Jack, so eager to please her. The power of it, of telling him exactly how to fuck her, was intoxicating. She started to play with her breas
ts, to pinch her nipples.

  But why should I have to?

  “Here,” she said, and took his hand that still gripped an ankle and brought it to her breasts. Eagerly, he started to roll one nipple in his finger. It inched her closer to orgasm.

  “Yes,” she said, and spread her legs wider. Every part of him was for her pleasure. “My G-spot,” she said, her voice shaking. “Hit my G-spot.”

  Jack’s fingers inside her changed rhythm and position. In seconds, she felt the waves he commanded inside her start to move.

  As she got close to orgasm, she forced herself to stop—and Jack.

  “Slower,” she managed to say. “Slow down.” He obliged, but even she could tell how difficult it was for him. “Give me your hand.”

  Jack slowly slid his fingers from her center.

  “Let me taste,” she demanded.

  He raised his hands to her lips while his tongue lazily circled her engorged clit. As she sucked his fingers, slick with her wetness, to the depths of her throat she heard a feral purr deep inside her.

  “Do you want to fuck me?” she asked as she released his fingers from her lips.

  “Yes,” he said from between her thighs.

  She squeezed her legs together, trapped his head between them. “How badly do you want to fuck me?”

  “More than anything.”

  “From behind.”

  As soon as she’d spoken the words, he was on his knees and tore off his boxers. Addy bit her lip and admired his swollen cock.

  She got onto all fours and smiled at him from over her shoulder.

  “Fuck me now,” she said lowly.

  Jack gripped her hips and buried himself deep inside with a groan.

  “Oh, fuck,” she whispered.

  His length pressed hard against her G-spot and her clit began to throb. As he began his rhythm, she squirmed.

  “Wait,” she said, and he stopped immediately. The power was incredible. “Like this.”

  Addy raised onto her knees, perched on top of his thighs with his cock deep within her. At this angle, the pressure against her G-spot was almost too much to take. Jack kissed her neck from behind.

  “Harder,” she said, and he bit down just enough to make her yelp. One of his hands reached for her clit and the other ran across her breasts.


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