The Doctor's Forbidden Fling

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The Doctor's Forbidden Fling Page 6

by Karin Baine

  He’d hesitated with good reason. The ‘no’ had danced on his tongue where he couldn’t quite catch it. This was everything he’d sworn to stay away from—Violet, Strachmore, and a commitment to be there for someone for more than purely physical reasons. It might’ve been easier to draw that line if they had slept together. But he couldn’t bear to see that dejected look on her face again if he rejected her a second time.

  Violet bit her lip and nodded her head. From everything he’d heard over the years, she’d had her life all figured out without assistance from anyone. He knew she must’ve been out of options to turn to him for help after all this time apart. A huge step backward for her. Lord knew he wasn’t in a hurry to go back to the Dark Ages either, where everything revolved around her father’s will, but he had to consider the long-term benefits. One pride-swallowing favour could render him guilt-free for the rest of his days from everyone who might expect something from him in the future. This would be a one-off.

  He resigned himself to whatever fate had in store for him next as punishment for not learning his lesson the first time around. If he approached this new relationship with Violet with the logical side of his brain instead of that useless emotional one, he might just come out of this with what was left of his heart in one piece.

  ‘Okay, then. First things first, we’ll need to pay off the most pressing bills before applying for any licences. We can’t have them cutting off the electric, or, God forbid, your father’s champagne-of-the-month subscription before he gets home.’

  Another nod. She was going to have to move from the back seat and take over some of the driving duties if his involvement here was to remain short-lived. He was assisting her in her hour of need, not enabling her to ignore the problem.

  ‘How do you want to proceed with this, Violet?’

  She was going to have to make decisions for herself and not get too comfortable with him being around. Once his idea was up and running, so was he. He’d thought he’d found his ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card by coming up with this venture in the first place. A pair of storm-coloured eyes had been his undoing yet again. Perhaps he could persuade her to start wearing sunglasses and prevent any further forced promises being made in a hypnotic trance.

  Violet inhaled a deep breath as though she was girding herself for the challenge ahead. The first good sign she was in this with him. ‘We should sit down and go through the paperwork together to see exactly what we’re dealing with.’

  It was the logical first step and the proactive approach he wanted to see from her. However, it also meant spending more time together. Inevitable, he supposed, and also the main reason he’d initially resisted volunteering for being her second in command. He’d already proved how weak-willed he was when it came to Violet, barely surviving the last test of his strength.

  ‘If you have everything with you now we could go through it in my office. I have some time before my cardiac clinic.’ His attempt to avoid a repeat of their previous one-to-one at Strachmore earned him a raised eyebrow and a grin.

  ‘I understand why you don’t trust me not to rip your clothes off if we’re left alone for too long, but I’m afraid I don’t carry my father’s shame around in my handbag. We’ll have to come up with an alternative venue. Somewhere with a glass partition, perhaps, to protect you from unwarranted advances? Or would you prefer I was immobilised and trussed up à la Hannibal Lecter?’

  It was his turn to give the dirty looks. He was simply taking necessary security measures to make sure this remained a platonic meeting.

  ‘Let’s not make this weird, Nate. I’m sure even you’ve been knocked back on occasion without being made to feel like a sex fiend by the other party.’

  She was right. By shying away from being alone with her he was turning this into a bigger deal than it should be. There’d been instances where he’d turned down advances from patients and colleagues alike and he’d carried on without giving it a second thought. He shouldn’t treat this, treat Violet, any different from anyone else. That was what had got him into trouble thus far.

  ‘I can’t say I’ve ever encountered that particular problem myself...’

  He hit the jackpot with that one—a ‘tut’ and an eye-roll combo.

  ‘Well, Mr Smooth, I defer to your superiority in these matters. What shall it be? My place, yours, or somewhere neutral? Say, Belfast City Hall? It’s a bit of a drive but there’ll be plenty of people around to keep you safe.’ This snarky Violet put him more at ease than the meek version even if she was making him the butt of her jokes.

  If he was honest, he’d seen enough of Strachmore this last couple of days to last him another lifetime. The city hall was tempting but that merely compounded the theory he didn’t trust her, or himself, not to act inappropriately. That only left one other option.

  ‘My place it is. I can swing by after my shift to pick you and the paperwork up. Maybe even grab some takeaway to eat while we work?’ He was going on the theory that at least if they were at his house they’d be playing by his rules. There was no chance of any last-minute sleepovers and absolutely no reminders of their shared past. He would set the boundaries and time limits on tonight’s escapade.

  ‘That would be great. I’ll pop in and say goodbye to Dad and head back to get things organised.’ The smile back on her face was because of him. Her peace of mind came at the price of his but at least those eyes had their sparkle back.

  ‘And I’ve got a waiting room full of patients to attend. Unless there’s any emergencies I should be away around seven p.m.’ He made a move to get back to Outpatients, where he was confident in his decision-making process.

  ‘Thanks, Nate.’

  Why did every pat on the head from Violet seem like a reward and a step back at the same time?

  * * *

  Violet couldn’t sit still. She’d changed, twice, carefully applied, then removed, her make-up, and cooked a lasagne. All so she wouldn’t come across to Nate as though she was trying too hard. This wasn’t a date, it was an intervention of sorts. Yet the butterflies in her stomach were the same ones she’d had when she’d waited for him to take her to their fake prom.

  Sure, she’d swapped her baby pink swing dress for jeans and the grey hoodie she usually wore for jogging, but it was the same sense of excitement making her fidgety at the prospect of spending the evening with him.

  Until yesterday she’d forgotten the effect he had on her. It was entirely possible her subconscious had locked those memories away with the bad ones, fearing they were equally damaging to her equilibrium. Her London-based liaisons held no element of surprise when she was the one calling the shots. Having the upper hand enabled her to bail when things got too serious. Just as she had done with Nate. That had been a bigger step for her than leaving home, but one that had also given her the courage to protect herself first and foremost in her following relationships.

  Now she was back to hanging around this big house waiting for Nate to rescue her. Except this time he was whisking her from a mountain of debt instead of the school dance she’d been dreading and taking her to his place instead of the old boathouse.

  That had been the night her feelings for him had begun to change. He’d dressed in his best shirt and tie to escort her to their alternative prom. To this day no one knew she’d ditched the fancy hotel venue her classmates had attended for an evening in the draughty wooden shack. She’d been more comfortable there, safer, than in a room full of her peers.

  Sweet sixteen and never been kissed but in his strong arms as they’d danced to the mix tape he’d made specially, she’d thought about it. He’d been the only one who’d taken her pleas that she hadn’t wanted to go to her prom seriously but still wanted to make the night special for her. He’d always known what was best for her and it would be easy to sit back and let him make those judgement calls for her now, but deep down she realised thos
e days were long gone.

  She’d seen it in his reluctance to get involved, felt it when she’d had to ask for help rather than have him pre-empt it. It was down to her that things had changed between them and she hadn’t regretted that decision until she’d had to come back and face him. It had been easier not to miss that close relationship when she wasn’t seeing him every day.

  She covered the lasagne dish with aluminium foil and put the salad ingredients into a portable container. This way she was simply bringing dinner to a friend’s house, leaving no room for misunderstanding when Nate wasn’t paying for the food they’d eat together.

  She’d been listening for a car horn to sound his arrival and hadn’t expected him to ring the doorbell. Neither had she expected to see him waiting on her doorstep. All he’d needed were the bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates accessories and she’d found her dream date.

  Not a date. Crisis management.

  If she kept telling herself that they might both come out of this unscathed.

  ‘Hey.’ He scuffed his shoes on the stone steps the way he always had when they were kids, eager to get away from here as soon as she was ready before her father spotted him.

  ‘Hey. I’ve just got to grab a few things and I’ll meet you at the car.’ She knew he was only standing here out of courtesy, being the gentleman her father had always told her she’d deserved.

  After a quick dash inside to collect the makings of dinner, she joined him in the car.

  ‘What’s that?’ He sniffed the air and peered at the mini tower of food containers on her knee as if she were using his vehicle to transfer toxic waste across the country.

  ‘Dinner. Lasagne, to be more precise. I can’t take credit for the salad but I made everything else from scratch.’

  The car swerved as Nate turned to stare at her. ‘Since when could you make more than burnt toast?’

  Violet reached across to straighten the steering wheel so he didn’t run them off the road. That split second of closeness made her heart beat a little faster. His breath was hot on the back of her neck, his frame strong around her and his spicy aftershave so enticing she wanted to sink back into him. She didn’t.

  ‘I know it was our secret snack of choice in the days of sneaking into the kitchen but the single life called for something more exciting and nutritious. The lack of a social life gives me plenty of time to experiment in the kitchen after work.’ She was rambling now but since she was practically sprawled in his lap things could get awkward quickly if they let silence descend.

  ‘ we’re good now.’ He gave her the nod to extricate herself from his side of the car.

  Their brief encounter had given her more than a warm feeling inside. A tingling sensation had started at the top of her thighs and was steadily making its way south. It took a few seconds staring at the upturned dish in her lap before she made the connection.

  ‘Ack!’ The bottom of her sweatshirt and her jeans were now coated in a hot tomato and minced beef marinade. Thankfully the pasta layers had remained intact between the foil and the dish so she was able to rescue it with a quick flip.

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I spilled dinner. Don’t worry, I caught most of it.’ In her lap, which was now stinging beneath her denims. She tried not to make a scene and draw even more attention to her stupidity.

  Hs curiosity deepened his forehead into a frown when he cast a glance in her direction. ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘Fine,’ she said through gritted teeth as molten lasagne lava singed her flesh.

  ‘We’re here now anyway. I’ll take a look once we’re inside.’

  They pulled up outside a very modern, very secluded two-storey glass building overlooking Dundrum Bay. Nothing like the city-based apartment she’d pictured him in.

  ‘I had no idea you lived so close.’ Even more surprising than this sophisticated bachelor pad with only the local wildlife for company was the fact Strachmore was merely a ten-minute drive away.

  ‘Only for this last couple of years. I’ve worked all over Ireland but when the position opened up in Silent Valley, I decided to move back. It turned out I missed the peace and quiet out here. And it’s still far enough away to deter my parents from dropping in when they feel like it.’

  Violet imagined no one got beyond the gates without some sort of personal invitation. She tried not to think about those who had passed through here and took comfort in the fact she’d been personally chauffeured door-to-door by the owner.

  Nate climbed out of the driver seat and walked around to her side of the car. He opened the door and took possession of their dinner remains in one hand. Even as he helped her out with his free hand, it was obvious he was assessing the extent of her injuries.

  Violet groaned as the cool air made contact and increased her discomfort.

  ‘That’s it. Get inside and take your clothes off.’ Nate opened the front door and practically shoved her inside.

  ‘I bet you say that to all the ladies,’ Violet snarked with a grimace.

  In a different situation that line would’ve got her hot and bothered for other reasons. Now she was simply cringing at the turn this night had taken already. It wasn’t the civilised evening she’d planned.

  ‘Only the ones who turn up on my doorstep with third-degree burns.’ He chivvied her upstairs to the bathroom while he carried the source of tonight’s humiliation to the kitchen.

  Violet eased her jeans down to reveal angry red welts across her thighs. They were throbbing so badly now as she sat on the edge of the bath she wasn’t sure how she’d ever put her clothes back on again.

  She took a towel from the rail and ran it under the tap before draping it across her sensitive skin. The relief was only temporary as the heat from her burns began again in earnest.

  There was a knock on the door. ‘Violet? Are you okay in there?’

  She wondered how it had come to sitting in her underwear in Nate’s bathroom nursing a lasagne scalding.

  ‘Umm...have you got any antiseptic cream I can use?’ With any luck a dollop of cold cream and a few glasses of wine would help her forget this had ever happened.

  ‘In the bathroom cabinet but I think I should take a look first. Can I come in?’

  Her mortification was complete as Nate joined her, fully dressed, in the confined space.

  ‘May I?’ He hunkered down in front of her asking permission to see her mishap for himself.

  She slowly lifted away the towel covering the last of her dignity. In keeping with her not-a-date mantra she’d forgone all sexy, lacy underwear in favour of the comfy cartoon knickers one of her friends had given her for Christmas. Her cheeks burned as much as her thighs.

  ‘Ouch. It looks painful but you’ll live. It mightn’t feel like it now but it’s pretty superficial. You won’t require hospital treatment, although you should really keep those burns under running water for a few minutes.’ He reached for the shower attachment over the bath and turned the tap on.

  As Violet swung around to put her bare legs into the bath she was grateful he hadn’t made her strip and get into his fancy-pants shower cubicle in the corner with more nozzles and buttons than she’d know what to do with.

  Nate rolled his sleeves up as he administered the cooling jets of water to the burn site. After a few minutes of relative silence her teeth began to chatter from the cold.

  ‘I think that should do for now.’ He patted her dry with another towel then retrieved a tub of cream from the bathroom cabinet.

  There was such a calm, gentle manner about him Violet could see what made him a great doctor. He applied the cream in soothing strokes, not batting an eyelid at her choice of underwear. It was unnerving having him so close, paying such attention to delicate parts of her. He was tender and considerate, and Violet was forced to clamp do
wn on inappropriate thoughts as arousal took hold of her.

  Nate was still intent on treating her burn, apparently oblivious to the erotic nature his touch had taken on in her corrupted mind. If his strong fingers massaged any further up her thigh she might spontaneously combust. And probably not very quietly.

  As if reading her thoughts. Nate withdrew and got to his feet. ‘We’ll get you some painkillers but you should be fine. I wouldn’t try and get your jeans on again though—they’ll rub too much against the skin.’

  ‘I’m not prancing around your house all night in my undies. Imagine the gossip.’

  Nate looked as horrified by that suggestion as she was. Clearly all that electricity had been surging in one direction only.

  * * *

  Nate was having difficulty putting out of his mind that image of Violet wandering through his house in the altogether, not least because she was already half-naked in front of him. ‘I’ll go see if I can find you something to wear and throw those clothes in the washing machine before they stain.’

  He needed space, and a reality check. Violet might not be his patient per se, but he definitely shouldn’t be thinking about the softness of her skin while he was treating her. Not even her novelty underwear was helping to rein in his wayward libido. It reminded him he was one of the few who’d ever seen that fun side of her. A reminder there was more to her than glamour and pain.

  He retreated to the sanctuary of his bedroom where there was nothing to stimulate his Violet fantasies any further. Except the huge bed with the black leather headboard dominating the room. He turned his back on his pride and joy and yanked the wardrobe open. He’d known nothing in here would ever fit her but he’d taken the time out to compose himself before more than his trousers became uncomfortable.


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