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Balk Page 11

by Joy Eileen

  “As you know this does not put you in a good light.”

  “We’re just friends. I was at his nephew’s t-ball game. I didn’t do anything wrong.” My throat gradually opened up, allowing me to defend myself.

  I truly hadn’t done anything wrong. We really were just friends, and I shouldn’t be reprimanded for something innocent. Why couldn’t anyone see that?

  “I understand he’s also your college softball coach.”

  “He is, and I never hid that fact from you.”

  “McKenna, I’m not sure what’s going on here. I’m very disappointed in you to say the least. You’ve always conducted yourself in a mature manner and made the right decisions. That alone is the reason I want to leave my practice to you when I retire. You’ve always upheld a moral ground most people can never reach. Especially at your age.”

  “I’m still the same person. Trip’s a friend and nothing else. The photographer was able to get a couple shots making things seem different than what they were. I even left the game early because I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression.”

  Dr. Bert frowned as he tapped his fingers on his huge mahogany desk. My shoulders pulled back and I held my head up high. Disappointing anyone, let alone someone I respected like Dr. Bert, was something I never wanted to do, but I refused to shrink into a puddle of guilt when I was innocent.

  “I believe you, McKenna. You’ve done nothing for me to doubt you or your behavior. I will say I do hope to see you stay out of the tabloids from now on. You’re a part of this office and your reputation reflects on your job here.”

  “I understand. I appreciate you believing me.”

  Dr. Bert gave me a weak smile. “I want you to think long and hard tonight when you go home on what you want the public to see. I need to know you’re committed to this office and its reputation. After your two patients I suggest truly assessing your life decisions.”

  “I thought I had three patients today.” I refused to acknowledge Dr. Bert’s reprimand.

  As it was, I was biting my tongue to keep from blowing up at him. He was treating me like a child. A child who was incapable of making the correct choice. The only thing stopping me from going off on him was the respect I had for him. This was the first and hopefully last time he addressed me as he was.

  “Mr. Butler canceled his appointment.”

  It was my turn to frown. Trip’s progress was impressive. His athletic build allowed him to heal faster than most, and watching his body return to its top physical state was fascinating.

  “Am I still treating Mr. Butler?”

  Dr. Bert tapped his fingers faster on his desk, showing his frustration. “Mr. Butler called this morning and spoke with me. He explained you two were friends and the tabloid article was incorrect in its account of the two of you having an illicit affair. He asked that you not be reprimanded, as it was his fault you were put in the position you were in. He also requested you continue to oversee his treatment.”

  My jaw twitched as I clenched it harder. Trip had already called and vouched for me and my professionalism. Yet Dr. Bert still felt it was necessary to lecture me. I needed to get out of his office immediately before I burned a bridge I didn’t need to burn.

  “Thank you for allowing me to continue treating him. His healing process is motivating. I would have felt deprived if I wasn’t able to see him through his complete recovery. If you would excuse me, I’m sure my first patient’s waiting for me.”

  I didn’t wait for Dr. Bert to excuse me. I shot out of my seat, forcing myself not sprint to the office door.

  “McKenna,” Dr. Bert’s voice rang out just as I reached the handle.

  I closed my eyes but didn’t turn to face him.

  “You’re a good girl. You always make the right decisions. I’m hoping you continue down that path.”

  I opened my eyes and nodded, rushing out into the hallway, taking deep gulps of air, needing to get rid of the burning pit in my stomach. Jessica watched me with her tiny little smirk still in place. Her smirk was enough to sober me. I smiled back at her as I walked toward my first patient’s room with my head held high.

  “Aunt Kenna, we have Chinese food.” Norah beamed when I walked into the apartment.

  Seeing her smiling little face almost brought me to my knees. Renee and Norah had been staying at Brian’s more and more lately. Having her in front of me after an extremely trying day made all my troubles disappear.

  “Squish, that’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  I reached down and settled her on my hip, pushing my nose into her hair and breathing in her baby scent.

  “Momma said you had a rough day. We got pie too.”

  “My saviors.” I tickled Norah until she squealed, laughing right along with her.

  Renee came into the living room, her wet hair pulled into a bun on the top of her head, dressed in sweats and a hoodie.

  “Hey, Kenna. How are you holding up?” She hugged me and I held on to her tightly.

  “Better now that I’m home. I miss you guys.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I abandoned you. With the new work space I have in Brian’s garage I’ve taken on so many orders. I think I may have taken on too much.”

  “I’m proud of you. Just don’t forget me when you’re rich and famous.”

  “Never. Are you hungry? I thought we could stuff ourselves, and watch a ton of mindless TV.”

  “You’ve just described my perfect night.”

  We scarfed down Chinese food and pie while Norah painted our toenails and most of our toes. I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time.

  My phone rang and I decided to ignore it. Unfortunately that was impossible with Norah around.

  “It’s Grandma.”

  I exhaled the breath I was holding. I texted Trip and let him know I was having an impromptu girls night, and I would talk to him later. When my phone rang he was the first person I thought of.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Don’t hey Mom me. I’ve been patient, McKenna Raine, but my patience has been exhausted. Why haven’t you called me?”

  The back of my head bounced on the couch when I threw it back to stare at the ceiling.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier. I had a rough day and when I got home Renee and Norah were here to cheer me up with food and pie.”

  “What happened? Did Coach Mae try to kick you off the team? Talk loudly, honey, you’re on speaker and your dad’s next to me.”

  “Hi, Dad. No, I’m still on the team. Coach Mae stood up for me. The team tried to make the article a bigger deal than it was, but Trip explained we were friends and he’s dating someone.”

  I heard my parents inhale sharply, which was impressive since the amount of noise Renee made when she overheard that little tidbit was deafening.

  “The team will get over it,” I continued. “Dr. Bert gave me some shit too. But Trip called him and I’m sure it will smooth over soon as well.”

  “What did Dr. Bert say to you?” my dad demanded.

  “It isn’t a big deal. He just wanted to make sure I was committed to the office and I wasn’t going to drag its reputation through the mud.”

  “That insufferable asshole,” my dad seethed over the phone.

  “It’s fine, Dad. Please don’t say anything. I’ll fix it.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong to have to fix,” my mom insisted.

  “I know. It will blow over soon. Can we please drop it?”

  We talked a little while longer about our day, the article no longer being mentioned. I passed the phone to Renee and Norah so they could say good night before we hung up and started in our bad TV marathon.

  “Thank you for doing this for me,” I whispered to Renee when I noticed Norah passed out on the floor.

  “I missed this. I miss you,” Renee admitted, getting up.

  “Let me put her to bed. It’s been a while. You clean up and I’ll meet you in my bed.”

  Renee smiled and b
ent to give Norah a kiss on the forehead. After tucking Norah in and watching her sleep for a minute I crawled into bed. Renee moved to stare at the ceiling, taking the blankets as she did.

  “Brian wants us to move in with him.”

  My body convulsed with pain. I knew it was going to happen, but the words still hurt. Hell, they spent most of their time over there. It was inevitable.

  “Well, it’s the next logical step.”

  “Not for me. We’ve known each other less than six months. I’m not ready to uproot Norah without any type of commitment.”

  “Nene, he loves you. You know that, right? Hell, Mom and Dad married three weeks after knowing each other.”

  I wanted to kick myself for encouraging her to leave me. But in my heart I knew it was the right thing to do. Renee’s relationship with Coach Rutching ruined her ability to trust. Brian was the real deal, and as much as it was going to hurt, her next step was going to be making a life with him.

  “He thinks he loves me.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure he knows he loves you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you during dinner. And he’s amazing with Norah.”

  Renee blew out a long breath. “I’m scared.”

  I squeezed her hand as I tried to keep my tears from falling. “It will be perfect. And I’m always here if he hurts you. You know I’ll kick his ass.”

  “Have a good day at school, squishy face.” I kissed Norah’s powdered sugar lips, making her laugh when some of it transferred over.

  “Do you want to come over and hang out while I sew today?” Renee asked, grabbing her purse.

  “No, we have a late game today. I think I’m going to study for the NPTE until I have to go. I’ll call you later.”

  “Love you.” Renee blew me a kiss and I blew her one back.

  When the door closed I flopped on the couch to study for my PT exam. It was coming up and when it was over and done with my future would be right on track. Nice and orderly just like I liked it. Nothing in the gray area of right and wrong.

  My phone alerted me of a text message and I dropped my notes on the ground when I lunged for it.

  My heart dropped when I noticed it was a link sent from Claire’s number.

  Don’t open it, McKenna. Nothing good could come from it.

  Under the link in confusing spiteful words was.

  I guess you were

  telling the truth.

  Trip looks better

  with her than you


  With a shaky finger I clicked the link and chewed on my lip as the page loaded. Well, fuck, Trip wasn’t lying when he said he was dating someone.

  Right there in full color was a picture of him smiling down at Robin Sands, the all American sweetheart and pitcher for the US Olympic softball team.

  Robin matched his height in her elegant dark blue pumps, which accented perfectly with her tight white dress. Trip was dressed in a fitted sports coat his tousled hair combed into submission. They were perfection.

  The article stated Trip and Robin were a match made in heaven, and it eluded to Trip’s turn in behavior hinging from his involvement with Robin.

  Readers’ comments showed how much they loved the two of them as a couple. Some even mentioned me and how I couldn’t compare to Robin and they were glad Trip came to his senses. My phone almost slipped out of my hand when I read a comment asking if Trip’s claim to everlasting bachelorhood had finally been put into submission.

  A drop landed on my phone, obscuring the cruel words in front of me. It wasn’t until I saw the evidence on my screen I realized I was crying. I swiped my eyes with the back of my hand and closed the article.

  Before I could descend into the blackness calling me, my phone rang. I snatched it up with pathetic swiftness, hoping it was Trip calling to tell me it was all a sham.

  I didn’t recognize the number and almost didn’t answer it, but any distraction seemed like a good one.



  “I know this is a little unorthodox, but this is Selina Butler, Trip’s mom.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Butler, how are you today?”

  I took the phone from my ear and glanced at the screen as if it would give me some indication on what was happening.

  “I’m fine, dear, and please call me Selina. Trip told us last night that you had a late game today. I was wondering if you would be free for lunch.”

  I glanced around my living room, waiting for someone to come out and point a camera in my face like I was on some sort of prank show.

  “McKenna?” Trip’s mom sounded hesitant and I realized I’d been quiet for a long time.

  “Sorry, I was checking my calendar.” I smacked my forehead at how stupid I sounded. “I can do lunch today.”

  “Perfect. I’m looking forward to seeing you.”

  After Selina gave me the name of the restaurant and we agreed on a time I hung up. On my couch, I stared at my phone in confusion.

  I was about to have lunch with Trip’s parents. With that startling thought I jumped up and ran to the shower.

  I walked into the quaint restaurant ten minutes early, which was a miracle considering the time I took curling my hair and applying makeup. Before I got dressed I researched the restaurant and felt somewhat confident in my tight jeans and burgundy Pappies top. When I noticed my reflection in the window, Robin’s picture popped in my mind. It wasn’t hard to understand why Trip chose her grace and sophistication over me.

  I was surprised when I saw Trip’s parents already seated. They waved me over, and I forced my feet to move one step in front of the other.

  “McKenna, I’m so glad you agreed to meet us.”

  “Selina, Al, thank you for inviting me.” I smiled and took my seat, grateful when the waiter hurried and brought the iced tea I ordered.

  “I’m sure you’re curious as to why we invited you to lunch,” Selina said, her eyes cutting over to her husband’s.

  My mind whirled. Until that moment I couldn’t think of one reason they’d invite me out. But sitting in front of them now, it was glaringly apparent. They were here to warn me away from Trip.

  Trip was now a part of a sports power couple. His time as my pitching coach was winding down, and there was no reason to remain friends. My heart sank into my stomach and suddenly the iced tea I was so grateful for seconds ago went sour.

  “It was actually my idea to invite you out,” Al stated.

  I bet it was, Alfred, the worst butler to Batman ever.

  “I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you at Bruce’s t-ball game. The things I said were inexcusable.”

  Well, I wasn’t expecting that. Maybe he isn’t Batman’s worst butler.

  “It’s fine. I understand why you said what you did.” I tried to dismiss his apology, uncomfortable with the conversation.

  “It’s not fine. I was out of line. When Trip got into his accident he almost lost one of his biggest sponsors.” Al’s gaze was directly on me.

  “I know. He told me.”

  Both Selina’s and Al’s eyes widened.

  “His manager fought hard to keep them from dropping him. Trip and I got into a huge fight. It was the first time I ever yelled at my son.”

  Selina patted his hand on the table and Al gave her a sad smile before continuing.

  “When I saw the change in Trip’s playboy ways, I was hopeful he really was turning his life around like he said he would. When you told me you were one of his players I was scared he was going back into his old ways. I shouldn’t have taken my fear and anger out on you.”

  “I appreciate your apology, but I don’t understand why you are telling me this now,” I said, confused at what had made Al have such a huge change of heart.

  “Harley explained to us most of the changes in Trip were because of your friendship. Gwen made it seem as if her PR Company was the one to swing the pendulum in the right direction. Harley corrected us saying it was actually your influence that has help
ed my son find his true potential.”

  My cheeks burned with the heat surfacing on them. Most of it was from the compliment, but another part was anger.

  “Trip’s solely responsible for his change in behavior. I just agreed to be his friend. He’s a good man and you should be proud of him for who he is and not because of me.”

  “Oh, honey. Are you in love with him?” Selina whispered, her hand flying over her mouth.

  “What? No, we’re just friends,” I stammered as Selina stared at me, both of us mortified at her words. My hands whipped around while I spoke, knocking a tray of drinks from a passing waiter.

  Glass exploded while liquid splashed everywhere. Al looked amused while Selina’s hand remained across her mouth, still staring at me.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, scrambling to help the waiter clean up.

  “It’s no problem. Please don’t help anymore,” the waiter grumbled as I made an even bigger mess.

  I climbed back into my seat, humiliated as the mess I created was cleared away. It was Al’s turn to pat my hand.

  Another waiter came over and took our order as I glanced around for a portal to take me away.

  “I’m sorry I blurt things out sometimes. Don’t mind me, dear, I’m just a silly old woman,” Selina replied with a weird half smile.

  “Trip’s dating Robin Sands,” I countered.

  Al and Selina scrunched up their noses and glanced at each other.

  “Have you talked to Trip?” Al asked.

  “I just saw the article today, but yesterday he mentioned to the team he was dating someone. I haven’t talked to him today.”

  “He told you he was dating someone?” Selina’s eyebrows rose to her hairline.

  “Not me individually. He told the team yesterday before practice started.”

  “So you two haven’t discussed it directly?” Al questioned as I shook my head. “I think you need to let him explain before you jump to conclusions. Look how well assuming worked out for me when it came to you. I could have missed out on meeting such an intelligent young woman.”

  “Exactly, how old are you, McKenna?” Selina asked as the waiter set down our food.


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