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Arrested Heart

Page 1

by Yvette Hines

  Arrested Heart

  A novella of erotic romance by


  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Yvette Hines

  Santa’s Helper

  Speed Dating

  “To Have and To Hold” from

  Phaze Fantasies, Vol. VI

  Heated Restraints

  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  Arrested Heart

  Copyright © 2008-2011 by Yvette Hines


  Edited by Candi Bowen

  Cover Art © 2011 by Angela Waters

  Revised First Edition January 2011

  ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-585-5

  Published by:

  Phaze Books

  An imprint of Mundania Press LLC

  6470A Glenway Ave., #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, Mundania Press LLC, 6470A Glenway Avenue, #109, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211,

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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  To my husband who always respects my writing craft, even when I forced him to listen to hours of country music so that I could feel my characters. To the Zajdels for challenging me to write this story, it allowed my writing to grow in another direction. Cheers to the both of you.


  Family and Friends, you all are always in my heart and mind. Sorry for all the times I’m on deadline and forget to call, write, text, e-mail but, your support remains tireless. Hugs and kisses.

  Chapter One

  “Ohhh,” Danielle sighed.

  She would not have been shocked if her pussy caught fire at that moment. Every ounce of blood in her legs had pooled between her thighs and pulsed in her clit as her loving admirer worshiped her with his mouth. He’d wasted no time in pushing her feet toward the roof of her squad car and spreading her legs. She was his delectable feast and he was thoroughly enjoying the main course with the avid attention of his mouth.

  His tongue teased her as it slid along her slit. She would never cease to be impressed by the strength and agility of it. Palming the back of his head, she pushed him closer to the place yearning for him. His mouth drew on the lips of her sex, then circled around her clit and sucked it, making her toes curl.

  Biting down on her bottom lip, she attempted to stifle her moans. Soon, recalling that there was no one else around on the south end of the Claremont Wright Country Club golf course at three in the morning, she let her sounds of ecstasy free, coaxing and praising his oral talent.

  “Oh, baby, that feels so good,” she cried as he swept his tongue from her ass to the throbbing nub.

  His open-mouth kiss on her whole pussy made her grip a fistful of his hair and yell, “Don’t stop!”

  She could tell his arousal level had increased along with hers by the intense heat of his tongue. When they’d begun, his tongue had been warm, a small contrast to the night air, but now it was as if she were being licked by a flame and she loved every minute of it.

  Strong fingers stroked her juicy center, then one pressed against the puckered skin of her ass, letting her know what was to come. Excited, she pushed against it, encouraging him to proceed. When it entered, her clit felt as if it had swollen ten times its size, almost painful. Her thighs began to shake. Her orgasm was imminent.

  Torn between wanting to come and wanting the sensations to last forever, she was losing her mind. Giving in to the pleasure, she let herself go, fucking both his mouth and finger. He was the only one who could do this to her, the only one who had ever done this to her; willingly she fell into an erotic insanity.

  Coming hard, she screamed and heard a bird respond somewhere in the distance. As orgasmic spasms still shuddered through her body, her lover moved up her torso.

  Feeling drugged, she stared into his hazel eyes. Her gaze traveled the distinct angles of his face, his summer tan barely visible in the low glow of the interior car light.

  He brushed the back of his hand along her cheek. “You are beautiful and delicious,” he said, her scent a pungent sweet spice mingling with his breath.

  Leaning up, she kissed him, sliding her tongue into his mouth, tasting them and loving the mixture. She broke away. “Said the spider to the fly,” she answered, smiling.

  Chuckling, he slipped his thick cock inside of her, making her breath catch. His size may have been impressive, but his use of it always left her begging for more. Stretched and full, she squeezed his ass and urged him on. Being intimate with him consumed her. She felt at peace. Whole.

  Rotating his hips, he stroked the sensitive spot inside of her, along her upper wall. Arching her back and undulating her hips against him, she matched his movements. The air caressed her breast as he pushed the sides of her uniform shirt aside and her bra up. He continued to thrust, as he brought his head down and gave each breast his attention. The sucking and caressing of each nipple caused tingling sensations to race along her skin and her clit began to ache.

  His thrusts became more insistent as he buried his face in the curve of her neck. Wrapping her arms around his broad shoulder, she enjoyed his weight on her body and felt his trembling echo her own as they both progressed rapidly toward completion.

  Muscles bunching and tensing under her hands, he climaxed. His release sparked her own, and she saw stars for the second time that night. “Robert!” she shouted in ecstasy.

  “Danielle…you turn me inside…out,” he panted.

  Giggling, she danced her fingernails along his bare back. She didn’t know at what point he’d lost his t-shirt before joining her in the car, nor did she care.

  After a quick kiss, he pulled away and dragged his body back out of the open door. “So tell, sweetheart.” He adjusted his clothes. “Do all cops get aroused during rescue missions and apprehending bad guys? Or just you?” Reaching up he pulled his shirt from the roof of the car and put it on, giving her a wicked smile that made his eyes dance in the moonlight.

  Sitting up, her face became hot. Not because of embarrassment, but because she remembered just how aroused she’d been. Standing, she ran her hands down the buttons of his now fastened shirt. “I don’t know. Neither do I care as long as I’m the only cop you’re satisfying.”

  “Only you.” He laughed. “When would I have time for anyone else? You’re insatiable.”

  “I like to keep it that way.” Yanking
her sports bra back down over her breasts, she began looking around for her panties. She’d hate to lose them on the perfectly manicured golfing green and have them turned in to the authorities and her cream get analyzed for DNA identification. In Claremont County, people weren’t expected to have scandalous sex in public. It was in the unwritten rulebook. It was bad enough her squad car would already leave tire tracks.

  “In a few hours this course is going to be crawling with men.” Robert tucked his shirt into his slacks.

  “Yeah, old retired men and social climbers.” Spotting her underwear on the other side of the back seat, she turned and bent forward to reach for them. “So, what are your plans for the remainder—”

  If the loud smack of hand on flesh wasn’t enough to grab her attention, the stinging warmth radiating from her right ass cheek did. Her spine tightened instantly, and heat danced down from her bottom straight to her pussy and ignited in her clit. She dipped her back lower and offered her plump dark ass to the moon and Robert. “Please,” she panted.

  Obliging her, his hand made contact again, this time on the other cheek.

  “Morrre,” she planted her feet in a firmer stance and leaned back expectantly. Regardless of the two orgasms he’d just given her, her sex began to pulse again and become drenched with moist excitement. Until this moment, she hadn’t missed their usual play before intercourse. Now she almost regretted her pleas for him to take her when he’d shown up at the twentieth hole.

  Dragging her out of the car, he pushed her against the door, her hanging pants cushioning her back.

  “You want more?” His body was flushed to hers and his glorious hands stroke her stinging bottom.

  As if she were an alley cat in heat, she rubbed her body over his and her sensitive nipples beaded in response. “Robert, you know I do.” He couldn’t miss the trembling of her body, she wanted the erotic play that only Robert could give her.

  “Then come home with me,” he demanded.

  She buried her face on his chest and mumbled, “You know I can’t.”

  “Yes. If you really wanted to, you could.”

  The sadness in his voice was almost her undoing, but she knew she had to stand firm. “Like you said, Robert, it will be morning soon. If your neighbors see—”

  Stepping back, he lifted her chin, raising her gaze to his as his thumb stroked her bottom lip.

  She was lost in his hazel eyes.

  “I don’t care about what my neighbors or Claremont County sees—”

  Moving away, she kept her back to him as she put her panties on. “I know you don’t, but I do.” Facing him, she snatched her pants off the door. “I’d like to keep my job.” Pulling on her forest green pants, she attacked the button of her tan shirt next as she slid her feet in her shoes.

  “Danielle—” Moving toward her, he still towered over her.

  She was five-seven in her thick soled patent leather shoes, but she would never measure up to his six-foot frame.

  “No, Robert, we’re not going to debate this. As you said, in a couple hours this place is going to be packed. It’s Saturday morning and you should be out here with them. You’re trying to make partner at the law firm—”

  He grabbed her hand, bringing it to his mouth. “Being in a relationship with you isn’t going to jeopardize my chances at the firm.”

  Smiling at the brush of his lips on skin, she pleaded, “Can we talk about this some other time? I need to get some rest. I have to be back to work in a few hours.”

  His sigh was audible. “Fine.” He wrapped his arms around her, and bowing his head, he kissed her.

  His tongue mastered her mouth, sliding deep, consuming her. When he pulled away, she was breathless.

  “This conversation is suspended, but it’s not over.” His hazel eyes were intense as they stared into hers.

  She nodded, too relieved to let the subject of them be put on hold.

  Taking her hand again, he led her around to the driver’s side. “Now, it’s time for you to go before the retirees show. My dad included.”

  That was all she needed to hear. The last person she wanted to find her and Robert together was Major General Wright, the man whose family had been one of the original founders of the town. She opened the door and slid behind the wheel. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Maybe we can do dinner.”

  Starting the car, she rolled the window down and shut the door. “We’ll see. I don’t know how the night is going to pan out, especially after last night’s events with the drug runners.”

  “Call me when you get off.”

  “Promise.” She pulled away, noting the change of color taking place on the horizon. Morning would be here soon. Driving toward the authorized vehicle exit at the end of the course, she glanced in her rearview mirror and saw Robert’s silhouette become more obscure. There was no mistaking it, Robert knew she was making excuses. However, she would keep making them until he realized their relationship had to remain just how it had been for the last eight months. A secret.

  * * * *

  Robert watched Danielle’s car lights fade as she left the golf course. Running his hands over his head, he exhaled the pent-up air in his lungs. Turning around, he started on his one-mile hike toward the main building of the golf course, where he’d parked his car.

  He didn’t know what he was going to do about his relationship with Danielle. A year ago, he’d moved back to his hometown after finally finishing law school at William and Mary and passing the bar. It had been seven years since he’d lived in Claremont County. He’d only come home for holidays and didn’t stay long then. Now, he was back for good. This town was his roots, where he and his sister Liza had been raised. His great-grandparents had helped the other four founders build this town. They bought a little bit of property at a time until Claremont was its present size. Which wasn’t saying much with its two thousand four-hundred and three citizens.

  Taking care of the legal issues in Claremont was easy, but handling Danielle was another issue.

  He remembered the moment he’d seen her again after eight years, when he’d stopped into Juice Sips, the only smoothie bar and Internet café in town. He’d just finished his lunchtime workout at the gym and was headed back to work after picking up a protein shake. The sexiest pair of brown legs were swinging underneath a corner table. When he’d followed the cinnamon length to a narrow waist, full breasts and a face from his past, he’d almost dropped his drink.

  Danielle Smith had sat there engrossed in a book as she sipped her drink. He didn’t know if she felt his gaze or heard him whisper her name, but when she looked up it was as if time had stood still. They were back at her school’s Memorial Day dance during his senior year. He and a few of his friends had traveled up for the festivities and stopped into the dance, cruising for girls. Meeting the Nubian beauty had sparked a romance. They met and every other weekend after that the two of them snuck away to be with each other. Driving her little beater, she’d meet him at a hotel on the outskirts of Lowndes County. She never let him pick her up. When the summer ended, he’d left for college.

  They’d called it a summer fling, but by Christmas he’d known it was more. His feelings were deep, but when he got home his freshmen year and made inquires about a Danielle Smith among his friends in Valdosta, no one knew her. He arrived at his car. Disregarding the first employees of the Claremont Wright Country Club who were starting to ready the green and prepare breakfast, he pondered his current relationship with Danielle.

  A month after he’d met her in the smoothie café, they’d begun sleeping together again. Or having incredible sex was more like it. They’d always experimented as teenagers with their sexuality, but their bumbling ignorance didn’t compare to what they did now. Sex with Danielle always made him feel like an ocean wave had knocked him flat. He loved to dominate in the bedroom and Danielle was his perfect equal, she loved to be dominated. He only wished that outside of lovemaking he could command her as easily. She called t
he shots.

  Once again, they were hiding, but this time he refused to lose her or what they had.

  Backing out of the parking lot, he headed home to shower and get some rest.

  * * * *

  “Hey, Smith, are you doing the 5K run in two weeks to help raise money for the police department’s booth at the Fourth of July festival?” Mark Brantley, a tall mountain of a man with freckles and red hair that didn’t match his physique, asked when she walked into their small station.

  Danielle hung up her hat, then dropped her purse in her desk drawer and faced Brantley. “Of course, Brantley, anything for a good cause and I’m there.”

  Brantley jotted her name down on the paper. “You know, Chief Dennison was also looking for someone to sell raffle tickets at the town center by the clothing stores.” The sarcastic smile gave away his intent. “I told him you could do it easily while you were out shopping.”

  The male officers and the other female officers joined in on the laughter. Danielle was used to being harassed because she wore a little makeup and kept her nails manicured, but short. There were three female officers on the police force and one in the sheriff’s department and all the others were rougher in both appearance and mannerism. Her fellow cops always questioned her decision to be on the force. Sometimes she wasn’t sure. She’d always wanted to make a difference, but being an officer wouldn’t have been it.

  Allowing her co-workers their moment of joviality, her mind drifted to her life eight years ago. By the end of her senior year in high school, she felt like a bird without a nest. Needing to get away from home and take care of herself, she grabbed the first opportunity that came her way. The Atlanta police department had collaborated with a community college to provide an associate’s degree in criminal justice as long as the eligible candidates agreed to attend the academy and promise two years to any of the high crime rate departments. After three years working the inner city of Atlanta, she found out Claremont County had an opening and put in for a transfer.


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