Arielle Immortal Fury (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 6)

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Arielle Immortal Fury (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 6) Page 10

by Lilian Roberts

  “Do you want to sit down?” he asked softly.

  “No, I would like to walk a bit more.”

  Silence ruled for the next few minutes. Finally, Sebastian tightened his hold on her.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, squeezing her softly.

  “Nothing,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

  Sebastian cupped her chin and lifted her face until their eyes met. He raised a brow as he studied her. “Why would you lie to me?”

  Arielle pulled her chin softly away from his grip and gazed toward the ocean. “No, you don’t have to do that. I’m bloody angry that I let Annabel take over my thoughts when I should be thinking only about you and me.”

  “Oh, so it is Annabel again. What exactly is bothering you now?”

  She stopped abruptly and faced him. “Sebastian, why do you suppose Annabel has been a no show for these last few months?”

  Her question caught him off guard. “Arielle, I don’t see the point of discussing Annabel on a night like this. Are you trying to ruin our time together?”

  Arielle frowned. “Please be serious. This is something that bothers me more than you’ll ever know. It is a continuous nightmare for me. I suppose if I were Eva I wouldn’t worry about it, but I’m not an immortal.” Her facial expression showed that she was truly worried. He pulled her into his arms.

  “All right…let's talk about this,” he said softly. “Annabel knows that there are six guys actively looking for her everywhere she goes. She’s too busy trying to stay alive to worry about you and me. Undoubtedly, she realizes that she’s in deep trouble.”

  “What are you saying? She’s not coming back anymore?”

  “Arielle, I don’t want to paint the wrong picture for you.” He was struggling to find the right words. Shifting closer, he held her tightly against him. “I don’t think she is gone for good, but I don’t want you agonizing over this. I’m here, Arielle, and so are many of our immortal friends. They’re all ready to protect you.” His expression was unwavering.

  Arielle remained silent for a long time. She finally lifted her eyes up, biting her lower lip. “That’s what I was afraid that you might say. I wonder what she’s concocting now?”

  She was frustrated with herself for worrying about her nemesis. She met his gaze, pursing her lips. Shaking her head, she attempted to dispel all negative thoughts.

  Sebastian watched her, and his expression softened. “Arielle, the odds are against her. You are surrounded by immortals with extraordinary powers. She’ll have to unleash an army to be able to harm you,” he said with remarkable patience.

  “Don’t underestimate her. I know better than that. I’m not always in the company of immortals. There are ample opportunities to catch me on my own, and that’s what I’m worried about the most,” she said, drawing in a shaky breath. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that no matter what I’m doing, no matter where I go, I can’t help thinking that she might show up.”

  Sebastian smiled at with her love. “Don’t worry, baby,” he said in a gentle voice as his arms tightened around her. “I’ll never let anything happen to you. I’ve taken extra measurements to make sure you are safe at all times.”

  “Oh! Like what?”

  “Arielle, I don’t want to talk about this right now. I think if you aren’t aware of who is protecting you, their cover is secure and you are better off. Can’t you just trust me?”

  There was that question again. Can’t you just trust me?

  “Yes,” she mumbled reluctantly. She decided to let this go for the moment and enjoy their time together. But when she looked up, she saw that his face had adopted a more serious expression.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He cupped her chin and held her gaze. “Arielle, I want to ask you a question, and I want you to be honest.”

  Arielle’s eyes widened. “I’m always honest with you.”

  He dipped his head and brought his lips to hers, pressing softly.

  “You don’t talk about our wedding anymore. Are you still planning on going through with it?”

  The question was pointed. She pulled back softly. “What do you mean?” she asked, surprised.

  “I’m a very patient man except when it comes to you. I want for us to get married. I’m tired of waiting,” he whispered, running his index finger down her cheek. His voice was filled with wretchedness, his mossy eyes stern.

  “I’m trying to get things in order,” she said.

  “What things?”

  “Sebastian, I’m working on it, and I’m not ready to talk about it, not just yet,” she replied.

  He shook his head in clear disappointment. “So you don’t think I should be involved?”

  “That’s not what I said at all,” she said, pausing to wait for his reply.

  Sebastian's arms dropped to his sides. He stepped back and gazed at Arielle, unable to hide the depth of his disappointment from her. Mumbling something under his breath, he turned and started walking away from her. She stood and watched his back, stunned.

  “Wait…wait…let's talk about this,” Arielle called out, scrambling to catch up with him. “Don’t make suggestive remarks under your breath.”

  He looked back and blew an exasperated breath. She caught up with him, reaching out to take his hand.

  “Sebastian, stop. Talk to me, please,” she pleaded.

  He stopped and faced her, confusion spread across his beautiful face.

  “Arielle, I gave you a ring pledging myself to you for eternity. Your commitment to me was that you were going to plan the wedding,” he said gloomily. “I must say that all I see you working on are your life aspirations. I’m all for you achieving success in your career, but you don’t seem sure that marriage fits into those plans.” He winced anxiously, turning away one more time.

  Arielle moved fast and stood in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down. Locking them in a passionate kiss, she moaned as she moved into him.

  “Please hold me; don’t walk away,” she murmured. She pressed her lips at the hollow of his throat, and he moaned. His arms embraced her, and his eyes rested on her face.

  “Sebastian, I love you more than life. I’m always afraid that I’ll lose you if I say the wrong thing. I’ve been under a lot of stress with daily classes and trying to decide what I must do after graduation,” she said, lips tight.

  “What is it that you want to do?” he asked.

  “I’m trying to decide whether I should go to graduate school or find a position without a Masters degree,” she said anxiously.

  “I’ll support any decision you make, but you have to let me be part of your thoughts,” he whispered. “I don’t know what you’re thinking. All I know is that you’re not thinking about marrying me.”

  “Oh, Sebastian, you are the first and most important person in my life,” she whispered. “I just don’t know what to do, and you’re right. I could use your advice.”

  “Then why don’t you ask? I don’t like being shut out.”

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to bother you with my messy problems.”

  “Arielle, I love you. You are going to be my wife, my partner for eternity, the person I wake up with every morning. I want desperately to be included in your plans.”

  She smiled. Sitting down on the cool sand, she took his hand and pulled him down next to her.

  “What do you suggest that I should do?” she said, gazing into his eyes.

  “I think you should go to graduate school after you marry me. How much longer do I have to wait?” Silence stretched. “Arielle, you don’t need to work. I can give you the world, all you have to do is ask.”

  “I’m sure that you can give me everything, but there is one thing you can’t give me: my individuality. That’s something I’ve been working towards ever since I was a young girl and something that I desperately want.”

  “Oh! I thought I was what you wanted. At least that’s what you told me a w
hile ago. Are you saying that your feelings have changed?”

  Arielle noticed a deep crease across his forehead and a frown on his beautiful face. She held his hands. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled in frustration.

  “Sebastian, my feelings for you will never change. There isn’t a person or a thing on this earth that will ever take your place. I’ll never want anything or anyone more than I want you, but I also want to be independent. I want to become a successful human being, not a girl that relies on her husband’s money. I don’t want to exist like a stupid girl du jour that moves through life without doing a day’s work,” she said thoughtfully.

  “Arielle, you are the most beautiful and extraordinary girl I’ve ever met. You’re smart and wonderful, and you never stop surprising me.” He sighed deeply.

  “But Sebastian, in your eyes I want to be much more. Let me first say that I’m fully committed to you. I truly adore you and could never live in a world if you were not in it. But I want to be able to handle responsibilities whether small or large, without having to run to you for help every time. I want to make the right decisions and make sure that my dreams and desires don’t disappear in a puff of smoke. Do you understand how I feel?”

  Sebastian stared at her in amazement. He pinched the tip of his nose but kept his eyes fastened on her face. His eyebrows arched in wonder. “Arielle, I want to make our relationship permanent, and I want to know your plans. Why can’t you set a date?”

  “I am working on it.”

  “How long does it take to decide? We’ve been together over a year now.”

  “Why are you so anxious all of a sudden?”

  “All of a sudden!” he exclaimed. “I’ve been anxious about marring you since the day I laid eyes on you. Didn’t you know that?” He looked surprised. “You have touched my very soul, Arielle, and I want to cement our relationship. I want for us to start our lives as husband and wife. There is something timeless about endless love and marriage, don’t you agree?” he said softly.

  “Well…I want everything that you want, but I can’t understand why you’re so upset over this.”

  “I guess your desires are not as strong as mine,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. He looked down and taking a handful of sand, he let it run through his fingers slowly like an hourglass.

  “Don’t say that! I want to marry you just as much as you want to marry me. I just have a few things to work out. Can’t you just trust me? You always ask me to trust you, but you don’t seem to trust me.”

  He didn’t reply. Avoiding her gaze, he looked out at the ocean. Realizing that he was still upset with her, Arielle shook her head. She pressed her lips together while nervousness intensified in her stomach. Turning toward him, she watched as he stood perfectly still, staring at the ocean. He looked like a young boy with short, loose locks of sandy hair drooping over his eyes. She smiled warmly, pushing his hair back and letting her fingers gently stroke his cheek. She felt overwhelming pain at the thought that she was creating all the anguish he was feeling. She moved closer. Tenderly cupping his chin, she turned him to face her. For a moment their eyes locked. She was sure that part of heaven was nestled inside those emerald eyes. She leaned in and brushed her lips with his.

  “I love you, Sebastian,” she murmured, their lips still touching. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  His eyes searched her face. His arm moved around her back and pulled her to him. Their lips locked in a blistering kiss, and she got lost in the moment.

  He moaned deeply, and she gasped filled with anticipation. “I’m not mad at you, baby.”

  Arielle held him to the kiss, unwilling to let go. “Sebastian, I adore you,” she whispered.

  “Why don’t want to marry me?”

  Pulling back, she gave him a long, assessing gaze. “All right. Let’s talk about the wedding,” she chuckled. “Have you thought where we are going for our honeymoon?” she asked, trying to make their conversation lighter. She didn’t want to tell him that she was actively working on their wedding with her mum and her best friends.

  He leaned in and kissed her. “I wanted to have a date set for our wedding before I tell you.”

  “Oh, please give me a hint.”

  “No, not until I have a date.” His look was unyielding. “I’ve been ready to marry you since the first day I saw you,” he persisted.

  “Well, I’m not sure about the date,” she said, chuckling under her breath. “I’m full of constant insecurities when it comes to you. I’m extremely jealous of you. I’ve had emotional breakdowns, and I sometimes go on about things as if there is no tomorrow. Sebastian, I’ll drive you crazy after a while. Are you ready to do this?”

  “Arielle, I’m in love with you and that means I love every little thing about you.” Obvious pleasure made his eyes sparkle as he lay back on the sand and pulled her down against him. Arielle quivered with unbelievable desire as soon as their bodies touched. “I want you to know one thing. If I ever find out that you don’t love me anymore and that you don’t need me by your side, I’ll disappear, but this time it’ll be forever. I’m committed to you for eternity, and I want the same commitment back.”

  Arielle was stunned by his statement. It made her sad to hear, causing her to become still.

  “Look inside your very soul,” he said, “and if you have what it takes to sustain a relationship with me for eternity, then let me know. It’s better to be sure before you walk down the aisle.”

  “Oh my God, Sebastian, do you even know me at all? All this time together, and you don’t seem to have a clue.” She was so upset that she sat up and reached behind her neck to unclasp her necklace again. Her eyes went to his beautiful face. “How about you take a look deep inside my most private thoughts and let me know if I have to answer any of your silly questions?” she said with a twinge of annoyance.

  He immediately sat up and pierced through her eyes. He looked like he was reading her soul. A wide smile spread across his face. He stood up slowly and reached for her hand, drawing her into his arms. He held her tightly, and their lips met in a fervent kiss. He moaned. Arielle leaned back, sensing his excitement. Their eyes locked. He appeared enthralled.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You are planning the wedding!” he exclaimed, his voice jubilant.

  “Crap!” she yelled, hurrying to clip the necklace back on. He broke out into a hearty laugh. He picked her up as if she were weightless and twirled her around.

  “You spoiled my bloody surprise,” she called out with frustration.

  “I wasn’t the one that unclasped your necklace; don’t be mad at me,” he said, amused. He was right, and she was wrong. She just shook her head, disappointed with herself.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No,” she replied through clenched teeth.

  “Baby, don’t be mad at me. I love you.” He put her down and held her tightly against him. He put his finger under her chin, and lifting her face to him, he set his lips on hers. The kiss was so passionate, so deep that she didn’t want it to end. She moaned. Heat spread across her body, leaving her tingling from her head to her toes.

  “Tell me that you love me,” he whispered without breaking the kiss. It was so hard to stay mad at him. There was something extraordinary about his presence that always made her give in.

  “Are you compelling me not to be mad at you?”

  “I would never do that. I told you before that when it comes to your feelings I want to have a true picture. I want to know exactly how you feel about me.”

  “How come I can never stay mad at you?”

  “Because I never do anything that should make you mad. All I ever do is love you, Arielle. What is there to be mad at?”

  Arielle smiled, realizing that he was right again. “Now that that you know about the wedding can you tell me what you plan for the honeymoon?”

  “I want it to be a surprise,” he said. His voice dropped to a mere whisper.

  “Just a
little hint, please,” she begged, making him laugh.

  “All right, but no specifics. I’m going to take you away to secret, fascinating locations. I want to make love to you in the mist of rainforests and on white sandy beaches. I want us to immerse ourselves in our love and commitment to each other. I want to create amazing experiences for both of us. I want to surprise you each and every day you wake up next to me.”

  Arielle giggled as her eyes traveled from his face across the ocean and out in the distance. “That sounds wonderful,” she murmured.

  Her thoughts were aroused by the images of all the amazing places he had described, each spot a place she’d always wanted to visit. Arielle watched Sebastian with enchantment.

  “You have no idea,” he said meaningfully.

  “I can’t wait.” She reached up and brushed his lips with hers. “Sebastian, if there is anything that you don’t like about me, you need to let me know now. Are you sure you want to marry me?”

  “I’ve been waiting to marry you for over five hundred years. Do you really feel the need to ask me that question?” he said simply, holding a smile on his face.

  He put his arms around Arielle and led her toward the house. The sun had almost disappeared behind the horizon, and the moon rose slowly like a Chinese lantern, burning brightly in its travels toward the center of endless space. The amazing twilight glow made Arielle and Sebastian gasp in wonder.

  Tugging her closer into his embrace, he leaned and pressed a kiss on her temple. “What do you see when you look up there?” he asked, knowing how she felt about stargazing.

  Arielle smiled and glanced sideways to meet his gaze. “What do you mean?”

  “How about you describe to me what your eyes can see,” he said, waving his arm toward the sky. “Just tell me in your own words.”

  She hesitated before saying softly, “I see a gorgeous moon that is hung like a chandelier in the middle of a velvety, dark-blue dome. I see zillions of dazzling stars crowding the euphoric picture, creating a mysterious and captivating vision.”

  “Mmm…that sounds amazing.”


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