New York Bound

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New York Bound Page 5

by Rachel Wesson

“It’s Mrs. Quinn now but you can call me Erin, or Doc Erin if you prefer.”

  “Sorry, Mrs. Cooper, I mean Quinn.” Carmel corrected herself.

  “Mrs. D, you aren’t my housekeeper any more. Couldn’t you call me Erin?”

  “No, ma’am, that wouldn’t be seemly. But I can call you Doc Erin if it pleases you.”

  “It would very much.” Erin had to cough in order to clear her throat. Every time she looked at her old friend she felt like crying. She was so ashamed it had taken her this long to check up on her. Her instincts had told her all was not well. But now that she was here, things were going to change. Starting immediately. She thought Nora could make a strong ally. She remembered some of what Mrs. Doherty had told her of her young granddaughter. Her pride in the girl was something she couldn’t hide.

  Chapter 13

  “Nora, Alicia and I have some business in the city and wondered if you would be free to accompany us?” Erin asked.

  “Me?” Delight and alarm both played over Nora’s face.

  “We don’t know our way around and we keep getting lost. We’d appreciate your guidance.” Erin hoped by making out she had a problem, Nora would feel obliged to help her.

  “Nora would be delighted, wouldn’t you dear?” Carmel asked.

  Nora exchanged a look with her grandmother, her face displaying a lack of delight but she said yes all the same.

  “Thank you. We will be off now, Mrs. D, but we’ll see you again soon. Ruth, thank you so much for your hospitality. I am sorry the visit was short but we will catch up properly the next time,” Erin promised.

  Ruth didn’t argue. In fact, she seemed to have lost the ability to speak. Erin rubbed her arm. Her heart went out to the poor woman who seemed to have lost everything but her pride.

  The ladies walked quickly out of the tenement in silence with Nora having to run slightly to catch up with them. Only once they were out in the main street, did they stop to take a breath.

  “Sorry, Nora, but I had to get out of there. I thought I was going to break down and cry. I didn’t want to embarrass your grandmother or your mam,” Erin said, her voice quivering as she struggled to get her composure back.

  “That’s alright, ma’am. I guess it isn’t what you’re used to.”

  “Call me Erin, please, I am only about ten years older than you.” Erin gave Nora a long look and decided she had to be blunt. “That place isn’t fit for anyone to live in, let alone your family. We must find you new lodgings today.”

  “Today?” Nora asked.

  “Yes, why? Is that not convenient?”

  “No, it is, of course it is, Doc Erin. But why are you doing this for us?”

  “I owe it to your grandmother. But first, I want to go back to the hotel. I would prefer Robbie came with us.”

  “Is Robbie your husband?” Nora said looking at Alicia, who smiled.

  “No, he isn’t. My husband’s name is Aaron. Robbie works for a friend of mine.”

  “What does he do?” Nora asked.

  “My friend Mr. Prentice has a lot of investments. I think Robbie helps out in his clubs as well as doing other odd jobs for him.”

  Shock ran through Nora. She recognized the name Prentice. Didn’t he have some dealings with the Duffys? Did they know Ned Duffy? No, of course they didn’t. They wouldn’t associate with someone like that. Would they?

  “What type of clubs?” Nora asked, trying to keep the suspicion from her voice.

  “Hotels mainly, although I think he has a number of businesses. I never thought to ask him,” Alicia replied.

  Nora fell silent, it wasn’t her place to start bad mouthing a friend of these ladies. Anyway, her gran had always said it paid to listen more and speak less, especially if you wanted to find out something.

  She was very impressed with how fast Erin and Alicia moved when they got an idea. In no time, they were in a cab heading to a hotel Nora had tried to find work at only last week. The manager was an odious man who had given her the impression he would employ her in return for an awful favor. She was desperate for a job but not that desperate, as she told him on her way out. She hoped he wouldn’t be there when she turned up with the two women. She didn’t want them getting the wrong idea about her.

  Not only was Doc Erin everything her gran had said and more, but she was going to help them. All of them. Nora wondered what she would want in return. Nobody gave anything for free these days. But then what could a lady like her need from the Dohertys? Looking at Alicia’s clothes, Nora rubbed her hands on her skirt self-consciously. It wasn’t that she didn’t look as good as them, of course she couldn’t, but she didn’t even look the part of their maid. She couldn’t just follow them.

  “I can’t go into that hotel.”

  “Why not?” Erin asked her.

  “Look at me. My clothes, well, they need a wash. They’ll show me the door.”

  Erin put her arm around Nora. “No, they won’t. Alicia is a special guest. She could bring in the local chimney sweep and they wouldn’t question her. Please don’t worry. We’ll get you a change of clothes once we get to our rooms. You and I are a similar size.”

  “Lily might have something too,” Alicia added. “I think mine may be a little big.”

  Nora followed Erin and Alicia, for once speechless.

  Nora tried to keep her mouth from falling open as she walked through the lobby of the hotel. When she’d interviewed for the job she used the servants’ entrance round the back. She was afraid to touch anything in case she dirtied it. Erin had been right, the staff had given her a funny look but the presence of Alicia had stopped them coming near her.

  “Pretend you are wearing the most expensive dress you have ever seen,” Doc Erin whispered to her as they walked through, everyone staring.

  Nora walked straighter. Sure, she might not have the best clothes but she was honest. She’d never done anyone any harm. Wishing Ned Duffy dead didn’t count.

  They took the elevator to the top floor. She didn’t enjoy it much. She preferred the stairs, at least then she knew the ground was under her feet.

  They had almost reached the door of their hotel suite when she stopped.

  “I can’t. Your husbands won’t like me coming in there. With you.”

  Alicia smiled at her kindly. “Our husbands aren’t like that, believe me. They won’t mind at all. They can’t wait to meet all of the Dohertys.”

  Nora wished Alicia wouldn’t be so kind. It made her want to run away, but she knew she couldn’t.

  Alicia opened the door and kissed one man on the lips and the other on the cheek. She guessed it was her husband and the latter Erin’s husband. She shook a third man’s hand. When Nora looked up at him, her heart stopped. He had the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen. She stared back at him, hoping her heart would stop beating so fast or she would find it impossible to speak. She only stopped staring when Mr. Quinn called her name.

  “Miss Doherty, we are so pleased to meet you. My wife told us about your grandmother and what a good friend she’s been.”

  “Thank you,” Nora mumbled wondering how the man could treat her like an expected guest given the state of her. She had looked bad on the street but not as much as she did standing in this luxurious room. She hadn’t taken a seat. She preferred to stand in one spot so she didn’t ruin anything.

  “We want to show Nora something. Please ring for lunch, Mick, but ask them to deliver in about an hour. We are somewhat exhausted from our trip,” Erin said.

  “Mick, could you ask them to deliver lunch to our suite, please. Perhaps you and Robbie would be comfortable in there as we ladies have things to do in here,” Alicia said firmly.

  Mick laughed. He had a kind face, Nora decided.

  “I guess we’ve been booted fellas. We best get out of here and order tea to be delivered to your place, Aaron.”

  “Where is Lily?” Erin asked Mick as he moved toward the door.

  “She took the boys downstairs to watch out the wind
ow. They wanted to see the streetcars moving along the street. Michelle is asleep.”

  Erin’s smile at her husband was so sweet, Nora had to look away. This was something like a dream. Not only the surroundings, but being with men who treated their wives so kindly. “Lily is our friend from Clover Springs. She’s about your age. She is wonderful with my daughter Michelle and the Higgins boys absolutely adore her too. I’ll introduce her to you when she gets back,” Erin explained.

  Nora nodded. She couldn’t speak anymore. Everyone was treating her like a real person. She wasn’t invisible to them.

  Chapter 14

  Nora glanced around the room, her gaze locking with that of the young man. Her cheeks heated and she knew she should look away but she couldn’t.

  “Nora, this is Robbie whom I told you about. Robbie, we have to go out again after lunch. Could you please accompany us?” Erin asked.

  Nora rolled his name around her head. It was different, yet it suited him. He looked familiar but she couldn’t place where she knew him from.

  “With pleasure, Doc. Nice to meet you, Miss Doherty,” Robbie said.

  She wondered where he came from, he didn’t sound like he was born in New York, yet he had a slight accent. His voice sounded softer than she’d expected. “Likewise.” Nora was amazed her voice sounded so clear. She was sure it would sound just as shaky as she felt, especially as those blue eyes were still looking at her.

  “Nora, why don’t you come in here and we’ll see what we have for you.”

  Nora followed Erin into a massive bedroom. Alicia was already at the wardrobe pulling out some dresses.

  “What do you think of this one?” she asked.

  “It’s lovely,” Nora said. Lovely was an understatement. The dress was incredible. She yearned to touch the fabric to see if it was as soft as it looked but she daren’t. Just in case she dirtied it.

  “That is pretty but I think this one might be nicer,” Alicia said discarding her first choice and pulling out another, equally beautiful, dress. “What do you think, Erin?”

  “You’re the clothes expert. I think they’re both pretty but, first, I am sure Nora would appreciate a bath.”

  Nora stiffened. It wasn’t her fault they didn’t have a bath where she lived, but she always washed daily.

  Erin continued as if unaware of the effect her statement had.

  “Nora, come in here and see this. As soon as I saw its size I had to jump in. It’s like having your own private beach.”

  Curious now, she followed Erin into the bathroom. The bath was huge, bigger than anything she had ever seen before. Erin was already running hot water into it, the stream smelling of rose petals.

  “There you go. There are plenty of towels. Make yourself at home and enjoy.”

  Erin was gone before she could protest. She held the bath coat in her hands as the water kept rising. She should walk out of the hotel and never return but the water looked so tempting and the smell was heavenly.

  She could hear her gran telling her not to cut her nose off to spite her face. She undressed quickly, noting with dismay the state of her underthings. Closing her eyes, she got into the water, sinking into its depths. It was heaven.

  Robbie stood staring after the ladies long after they had left the room. He should have followed Mick and Aaron to the other suite, yet he couldn’t move.

  He’d never had a reaction to someone like he had when his eyes met Nora’s. It wasn’t because she was attractive, though she certainly was, it was more than that.

  Thick black lashes framed her dark brown, almost black, eyes, her Spartan diet making her cheekbones even more prominent. She had rose-colored lips and he imagined a beautiful smile, but he’d only seen them closed in a mutinous line. He could only guess at her discomfort. Given her clothing, she wasn’t used to the luxurious surroundings of the hotel. She looked as if she’d wanted to run, but her pride kept her back. She was a stubborn piece, that much was obvious. Well capable of looking after herself like most girls who lived in similar circumstances, yet he found himself wanting to protect her from everything and everyone. He wanted to take her away somewhere she felt comfortable and feed her. To remove the gaunt look from her face and the fear of hunger from her eyes.

  But he wouldn’t be able to do any of that. He had a job to do and once the family returned to Clover Springs, he would never see them again. But maybe he might see Miss Doherty. She was a New York native. If he pleased Mr. Prentice, his boss was likely to give him more work. He could request that work be situated in New York. Nearer to Miss Doherty. He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but he also knew more than anything he wanted to get to know her much better.

  Nora stayed so long in the bath, the water turned cold. Shivering, she got out and wrapped herself in a warm, fluffy bath towel. She washed the black tidemark, too embarrassed for the ladies to see the stain.

  Catching sight of herself in the mirror she stared at her appearance. She was cleaner than she had been in a long time. It made the prospect of putting on her underthings too horrible to contemplate, but what choice had she?

  “Nora, have you finished? We heard the water but feared you might have disappeared down the drain hole.” Erin shouted through the door.

  “I’m out. Just getting dry.”

  “Alicia has already gone to the other suite. It’s only me out here. Remember I am a doctor so don’t be shy. We have some things to give you. Why don’t you put on the bath robe and come out?”

  Nora did as she was bid. To her delight, the ladies had put a new dress on the bed accompanied by a slip and everything else she could need. She looked up at Doc Erin, a lump in her throat preventing her from speaking.

  “I’ll leave you to get dressed, but give me a call if you want help with your hair. When you’re ready we will join the others.”

  “Thank you.” Nora’s thanks were barely audible. She sat on the bed as her legs gave way. Stunned at the generosity of the ladies, she picked up each piece of clothing, rubbing it against her face. It not only felt so soft but it smelled gorgeous too.

  Suddenly she had to see what she looked like dressed as a real lady. She tried everything on. The clothes were a little too loose for her but she didn’t mind. She stood staring at her reflection. Nobody from the tenement would recognize her now. If Ned Duffy saw her, he would fall over his own mouth.

  A light knock on the door broke into her thoughts. “Come in, Doc Erin, please.”

  Erin walked into the room, her smile growing wider as she took in the change in Nora.

  “You look incredible. Your grandmother and mam won’t recognize you.” Erin said, looking at her proudly.

  “These clothes are beautiful but I can’t take them. I can’t pay you…”

  “Your grandmother has paid me a thousand times over. You have probably heard my story?”

  Nora nodded.

  “I doubt you’ve heard all of it,” Erin said taking a seat on the bed. “My first husband was a controlling, abusive man. He pretended to support my ambition of becoming a doctor, but instead he did everything in his power to prevent my dream from coming true. Your grandmother protected me more times than I care to remember. I made up my mind to leave him but, somehow, he found out. He came to see my mam off—she was going to Ireland. He put on such a show of being a loving husband, I should have been suspicious but my mind was caught up on my mam leaving. Anyway, we returned to our house and the servants weren’t there. Everyone including your gran had been given the night off. He tortured me that night, burned my upper arm. He said I had shown him up at the hospital.”


  “He had a young patient who wasn’t breathing properly. The staff couldn’t find Anthony so I performed a tracheotomy.” At Nora’s confused look, Erin explained. “I cut a hole in his windpipe to help him breath. He survived. But Anthony was furious. He made me pay the only way he knew how. Afterward, I decided to divorce him. He was so incensed, he started shouting at the judge telling
him if anything happened to him, I would be to blame.”

  “So what happened?” Nora asked, enthralled.

  “He shot himself the day the divorce was granted. However, his father was a powerful man and made sure that I was charged with his murder.”

  “That is so unfair,” Nora interjected.

  “Yes, but since he was wealthy and I wasn’t, I was in serious danger. Your grandmother stayed with me the whole time. She could have left, but she didn’t. Right up until the hospital terminated my contract and then she only left me because I was leaving New York. That type of loyalty is impossible to put a price on.” Erin’s voice wobbled as she stopped talking.

  Nora knew her gran was brave but even she was amazed at how far she had gone to protect the doctor.

  “I know you have your pride, Nora, but please let me help you. I want to help your whole family.”

  Nora looked at her reflection and smiled.

  “Thank you, Doc Erin. Dressed like this, I’m sure I could get a proper job and help my family too.”

  “Wonderful, now why don’t we go find the others and introduce them to the real Miss Nora Doherty?”

  Nora stood up to follow Erin when Erin stopped suddenly.

  “Your feet. I can’t believe we forgot to give you shoes. Let’s see what we can find.”

  Erin’s feet were too big but Nora stuffed the top with newspaper. “These will be fine, no one will notice.”

  Erin didn’t look convinced but Nora insisted.

  “Okay, but we’ll get you your own shoes later,” Erin whispered as she propelled Nora out of their suite and into Alicia’s.

  Chapter 15

  Robbie eyed the opening door out of habit. After years of working in security, he was always on the lookout for trouble. If he were any judge, trouble had just entered the room and his heart was its target. If he had thought Nora Doherty was an amazing looking woman before, she now looked stunning. She was smiling, not a wide, confident smile, but one that showed she was a little shaken. Her hair was gleaming and looked darker than before. Her dark eyes sparkled with pleasure at their reaction.


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