New York Bound

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New York Bound Page 13

by Rachel Wesson

  “Mrs. Quinn, you simply must make them leave. They are upsetting our regular guests,” Mr. Floyd demanded.

  “I will not make anyone leave shelter with the weather conditions outside. These people are my patients and they will leave when I say so.” Erin didn’t even look at the man as she spoke.

  “Mrs. Quinn, this is a hotel not a hospital. May I remind you, you are a paying guest not the owner of this establishment? Therefore, these people are to leave immediately.”

  “Mr. Floyd, I reckon you best do what Doc Erin tells you. I don’t take kindly to the way you’re speaking to a lady,” Aaron said. “I reckon a lot of the men in here feel the same. Right folks?”

  Erin saw the fear on Mr. Floyd’s face increase as the men rallied to Aaron’s call.

  “Mr. Floyd, I appreciate your concerns and know you’re worried about your job. I will make sure your employer knows of your continued attempts to evict these people out into the snow. In the meantime, if you are not going to help look after my patients, I suggest you return to your own quarters.”

  Floyd’s face reddened at her genteel put down. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times but under Erin’s penetrating gaze, he recognized he was beaten. Turning swiftly, he marched off toward his room.

  “That guy makes Charlie Staunton look acceptable.”

  Erin smiled at Aaron’s remark. Charlie Staunton was one of her biggest critics back in Clover Springs, a racist, self-opinionated, sexist man who most people despised. But, yes, he was marginally better than Mr. Floyd.

  Chapter 36

  “Nora, I think we should try to get back to the hotel. It's closer than your apartment.”

  “Can't we just stay here”

  “You can. Harry and his friends will look after you and I will come back to get you when the storm is over. But I can't stay here doing nothing. I am sure there must be those who need help.”

  Nora looked at him, knowing he was right but wishing he wasn't so honorable. Half of her wanted to stay here where they were safe and warm. But the other half knew there were people who might need help. She bit her lip trying to conquer her fear.

  “You stay. I’ll be back before you know it.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips across her forehead. She put her arms around his waist and her head on his chest. “I want to go with you. I don't want anything to happen to you.”

  “You mean you'll protect me?” he said, his eyes teasing her.

  “No but I might stop you from doing something stupid,” she responded pushing him away.

  He laughed and taking her hand in his, led her to the door. “Thank you very much, Harry, but we will be on our way. Nora is concerned about her family.”

  “God be with you but if you change your mind, there is always space here especially for such hard workers. Thank you, Robbie, for all you did.”

  “Tis nothing,” Robbie muttered but Nora saw the pink on his neck.

  They weren't outside longer than ten minutes before Nora was wishing they had stayed in Harry's church. The stinging wind and freezing snow underfoot was bad, but in addition they had to be careful of flying debris. Everything from frozen manure to broken glass seemed to be flying their way.

  Robbie put his arm around Nora sheltering her as much as possible from the worst of the winds. They staggered along together, using the sides of buildings to buffet themselves from the wind.

  “Robbie look...” Nora tugged on Robbie's arm trying to make him hear her voice above the screaming of the wind. He didn't turn so obviously couldn't hear her. She pulled away from him and staggered towards what she had seen. He followed her, screaming her name. But she had to check, she wouldn't forgive herself. He caught up with her but before he could shout at her, she pointed to the figures huddled in the doorway.

  “It's children. Oh my God what are they doing out in this?”

  “Nora, don't move. I am not losing you to this storm. Stand right there.”

  Nora did as she was bid and watched while Robbie crouched down to the children's level. She saw them talking but couldn't hear the conversation. As Robbie spoke to them he seemed to be arguing. Then he stood up, anger all over his face.

  “They are waiting for school to open but their teacher didn't turn up. They've been here over two hours already,” he said.

  “They can’t stay here, they’ll freeze to death.”

  “I know that,” he said sharply before apologizing just as fast. “Sorry, it's just I told them that but they are too scared of getting into trouble.”

  “From whom? Their teacher can hardly do anything to them seeing as they didn't turn up.”

  “Their parents.”

  “We can handle them. Come on, let's make them form a line and we will take a hand each. You lead the way and I will bring up the rear,” Nora said reaching out for a child’s hand.

  “Nora, that could be dangerous. If anything happens, you don't know where you are.”

  “I was born in New York, do I look dumb to you?”

  “No darling, anything but. However, in this storm, it’s easy to get lost. I don't want anything to happen to you.”

  She saw the concern in his eyes, reaching up she kissed him gently on the lips. “Nothing will happen to me. I will follow you. Wherever you go.”

  She saw his eyes widen at her last comment but he said nothing. A cough from one of the children drew his attention. He crouched down telling them more firmly this time that they were coming with him. He instructed them to form a line and hold hands. Nora saw him take his scarf off and wrap it around the head of one of the smaller boys. She did the same for another little fella who didn't have a hat.

  “Thanks, missus, me ears were cold.”

  “What’s your name, love?”

  “Callum, Missus.”

  “Mine is Nora. Now hold onto my hand.”

  The little party headed off down the street. As they walked, the children tried to sing a song no doubt on Robbie's instructions but the biting winds soon put a stop to that. Nora was losing feeling in her feet and becoming concerned about the children. How much longer would it be? Callum lost his grip and was picked up by the wind just like a child's toy. The wind buffeted him this way and that before dumping him unceremoniously into a large snow drift. Nora shouted for Robbie but he didn't hear her. She knew he'd be mad but she didn't have time to think. She had to save the child. She clambered across the snow and started digging the young boy out of the snowdrift. There was nobody to help so it took longer than she realized. By the time she reached Callum, he was no longer conscious. She held him close trying to warm him up. “Come on darling, wake up. We have to get back to the others. Callum love, you have to open your eyes.”

  “Ma, you came back.” Callum sat up looking at Nora, an accusing look in his eyes. “You ain’t my ma,” he said.

  “No darling, I’m not but we need to get you out of this cold and into the warm hotel. All your friends from school will be there, you remember?”

  Callum nodded his head in reply. Nora wiped away a tear of relief before it froze on her face. She bent down to pick him up, “Come on Callum, I am not leaving you here.”

  With strength she didn't know she had, she pulled the child up into her arms and slowly weaved her way in the direction she thought the others had taken. Callum snuggled into her neck making her feel warmer. “We will be fine, Robbie will come back and find us.”

  “Is Robbie your husband Missus?”

  “No love, he is a good friend…” Nora didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence as a piece of flying debris hit her on the side of the head. She faltered and her foot twisted under her. Down into the snow went the both of them, Nora using her arm to shield Callum. Her last sight of him was his face, screaming for his ma.

  Chapter 37

  Robbie finally arrived at the hotel. He led the children in single file.

  “Robbie, thank goodness you’re okay. We were worried.” Alicia said before seeing the children behind him. “Who have
we here?”

  “Some kids who tried to go to school but got locked out. We found them in a doorway. I think they’re all fine apart from being rather cold. What's going on here?”

  Alicia followed Robbie's gaze. “Erin turned the place into a makeshift hospital. There are so many injured—not just from frostbite although that is the main problem. We have had people hit by falling debris, a man who touched one of the wires and goodness knows what else. Each person's tale is worse than the one before.” Alicia looked behind Robbie. “Did you leave Nora at her home?”

  Robbie felt the color drain from his face. Nora? Where was she? She was supposed to be following him but now all the children were inside and Nora was nowhere to be seen. He did a quick count, there were ten children at the school and now there was only nine.

  “Who's missing?” he asked the children.

  “Callum Bennett, Sir. He was behind me but he let go. I couldn't find his hand. Matthew in front of me was tugging on me to come so I had to leave him. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn’t have.”

  Robbie exchanged a look with Alicia before crouching down to the child's level.

  “What’s your name son?”

  “Chester, Sir.”

  “Chester you did the right thing to hold onto Matthew’s hand. I told you to do that remember?” The child nodded, but the tears kept falling. “Can you tell me how long ago it was since you felt Callum let your hand go?”

  “About ten minutes, not much longer than that. Do you think you can find him?”

  “Yes, Chester, I'll find him,” Robbie said with conviction.

  “You can’t go back out there Robbie, you are frozen stiff and soaked through to the skin. We’ll have to send someone else.”

  “I have to go. Nora is out there.”

  “Nora? You mean she isn't at home? Oh lord.”

  “Mrs. Higgins, can you take care of these kids? I got to find Nora.”

  He didn't wait to hear her answer but taking his scarf back, he rushed back out into the storm. He had to find Nora before it was too late.

  Robbie cursed himself in his head as he fumbled his way back in the direction they had come. Why hadn't he made her stay at the church with Harry where she would have been safe? Why hadn't he insisted on taking her home on Sunday before all this happened? Why? He berated himself while calling her name but there was no answer. Visibility was poor, he could barely see in front of his nose. When he opened his mouth to breath, it seemed as if the snow was filling his lungs. He inched forward putting one foot ahead of the other. He couldn't see anyone resembling Nora.The few people he passed were men, including a couple of police officers, but they hadn't seen anyone fitting Nora's description.

  “You got no chance of finding her, you best get inside.”

  The officer's comment went unanswered. He wanted to punch him on the nose for even suggesting he leave Nora alone out here but he knew he wasn't being fair. The man was just trying to be helpful.

  Robbie trudged on doing something he couldn't remember ever doing. He started praying, not anything official like what they taught in church, but just talking to God asking him for help. He kept going until he almost fell over a person in front of him.

  “Excuse me,” he apologized as he made to walk around them.

  “Mister, can you help us?”

  He looked down to find sky blue eyes returning his gaze. Callum? Where was Nora? Crouching down so he wouldn’t frighten the boy, he held out his hands. “Callum, I’ve been looking for you. Where is the lady who was with me when we got to your school?”

  “She’s here behind me. She ain’t movin’. I tried to keep her warm but I think she might be...”

  Robbie had to restrain his howl of anguish. He lifted Callum and moved quickly to Nora’s still body. He bent down and rubbed the snow off her face. She didn’t move. Was she dead?

  “Callum, we need to get both of you out of this. Can you walk if I carry Nora?”

  Callum nodded but he saw it took almost every ounce of energy he had. He took off his scarf and used it to tie Callum's arm to his so he couldn't lose him. Then he picked up Nora in his arms and turned slowly in the direction of the hotel.

  “Come on Callum, you can do it. Your friends are waiting for you.” Robbie did everything he could to quicken their progress. “Now just put one foot in front of the other. We are nearly there. Soon you will be sitting down with a sandwich in your hand.”

  The child didn't answer. Robbie guessed he couldn't. Callum’s steps slowed down. Robbie pulled and pushed as he fought to get them back to the hotel.

  “Come on Callum, move faster. You don’t want Nora to die do you?” He wasn't being intentionally cruel but he had to find a way to get through to him. All the time he spoke to Nora too. He had to get through to her subconscious, to tell her to fight. “Come on Nora love, you got to wake up. Otherwise we will never get back to the hotel and it will all be your fault.” But there was no response. He could feel a light flickering of her pulse but it was getting weaker. Where was the hotel? It had to be up ahead. Once there, he would make sure she was looked after properly. He was never letting her out of his sight again. Ever.

  He remembered to send up a quick prayer of thanks before asking for help in getting back to the hotel. Finally, he saw the lights up head.

  “Come on Nora darling, look. Doc Erin is waiting for us just at those lights. You can do it darling.”

  His own legs were working slower than he'd like and his arms felt like they would fall off. He was worried about Callum although relieved to find he was keeping up. Nora’s pulse was still flickering but it was growing weaker. He had no idea if she would make it or not but she wouldn't stand any chance until they got into the hotel.

  Just as he felt he couldn't go any further, two men came to his aid.

  “Okay, Robbie we got Nora, let her go lad. Give me the child. Come on now.”

  Robbie gave up his charges reluctantly despite recognizing Aaron and Mick. With one last look at Nora, he collapsed out cold.

  Chapter 38

  When the storm cleared, no one could believe what they saw. The city was devastated. Whole streets were covered in broken telegraph, telephone and electric wires. The poles on which they had hung having fallen over.

  Charlie Doherty picked his way through as carefully as he could as he headed home.

  “Charlie, is that you? I am so glad to see you. Let me look at you. Are you sure you aren't ill?”

  “Gran stop fussing. I'm fine. I got caught on a train in the middle of nowhere, but we managed. They finally cleared Grand Central Depot yesterday but we were stuck behind a number of other trains. How's everything here? Where's Ma? Nora?”

  “Your ma has gone out to check on your da.”

  “Don't tell me he went drinking.”

  Carmel didn’t answer. What could she say? Charlie knew what his da was like. “Forget about your da for now. Your ma is real worried about Nora. She never came home. She went to see Doc Erin on Sunday but we haven’t seen her since.”

  “Sunday? Where's Doc Erin staying? I'll head over there and check what’s going on. Just need to change my clothes first.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “No you won’t Gran, you look awful.”

  “It’s nothing but a chill,” Carmel protested but in reality she was glad he had told her to stay put. She was tired, more tired than she had ever been.

  “Gran, stay here and mind the little ones. I will be faster alone. Don’t worry.” He bent over to give his Gran a kiss on the head. “I will be back with Nora before you know it.

  She handed him a mug of tea after he’d gone and changed into dry clothes. He drank it quickly. “I’m grateful for the heat but I best get on.”

  “Go on then boy, but look after yourself. If ya meet anyone ya know, ask for word of your cousin Jamie and the rest of the Headfords.”

  “I will Gran.”

  Carmel sent up a series of prayers Charlie was right but her insti
nct told her something had happened to Nora. Her granddaughter would have climbed over a fire to get back to her ma to tell her she was safe. She wasn’t the type to let anyone fret about her.

  Nora awoke to the sound of someone calling her name and holding her hand. Slowly, she opened her eyes.

  “About time beautiful, you gave us quite a scare.”

  “Robbie? Where am I?”

  “At the hotel. Doc Erin is looking after you. Don't go back to sleep, she wants to speak to you.”

  “Don't leave me alone.”

  “Never sweetheart, just be patient for a few seconds.”

  Nora waited for him to come back. She hated feeling so weak, so dependent but she didn't want him to leave her alone. The last time she'd lost him, in the snow, everything had gone wrong. She'd felt so cold, convinced she would die. She could remember a child crying beside her. Callum. She tried to sit up in the bed but fell back on the pillow, an agonizing pain in her head.

  “Nora, are you alright? Are you in pain?” Robbie asked, sounding concerned.

  Nora couldn't nod to say yes. She opened her mouth but found she couldn't speak either. Terrified, she started to cry.

  “Don't cry, love. Your body is just reacting to what happened,” Doc Erin said calmly. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll give you some laudanum for the pain. It will help you to sleep. I have hot stones at your feet too to keep you warm. I don't want you to eat anything yet in case you vomit.”

  Nora could hear Doc Erin talking but it was as if she were speaking from a distance miles away. She tried to talk back but nothing happened. She reached her hand across the bed and Robbie gripped it. With a smile, she fell back asleep. As long as Robbie was there, nothing bad would happen to her.

  Robbie stared in shock at Doc Erin. Why wasn't Nora speaking? She had been able to ask him where she was but then seemed to forget how to communicate. He scrutinized the doctor’s face but she was hard to read. He waited for her to finish her examination, his hand in Nora's the whole time.


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