JAMES: A Night Of The Kings Novel

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JAMES: A Night Of The Kings Novel Page 9

by Shayne Ford

  She looks at me, her eyes glinting with tears, and I feel as if I just crushed a bunch of blooming flowers with my boots.

  I move my eyes away from her.

  “This is Lex’s place,” I say, pointing to a big gate that slides open.

  She makes a left turn and looks out the side window, hiding her eyes.

  We pull in, the silence bleeding between us.

  Lex and Ed stride to the car, both dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and boots.

  I step out so they could swoop in, and then I sink back into my seat as their voices crush the uncomfortable silence.

  “Take it easy, for fuck’s sake,” I say, laughing as they plop on the back bench.

  Rain’s eyes are still draped with sadness.

  “Oh... Look who’s driving,” Ed says, sticking his head between the front seats.

  He cups Rain’s face with one hand and gives her a kiss on her cheek.

  She growls and pushes him away.

  He recedes into his seat.

  “What’s up with the bad mood?”

  “Girls have foul moods all the time, Ed. That’s fucking basic. You should’ve learned this by now.”

  “Sorry. I never stick around long enough to learn about their moods.”

  We burst into laughter as Rain throws me a glare and glowers at them in the rear mirror.

  “It’s okay, babe. You’ll get used to us,” Lex says, stretching his arm, his fingers sweeping Rain’s shoulder, making her shudder.

  “Enough, Lex,” I say to him, and then glance at her. “You’re at liberty to slap him, honey, whenever you want,” I say locking her eyes briefly, the flame of a smile shining through them.

  “Where are we going now?” she asks.

  “To show you something.”



  * * *

  We leave the estates behind, drive back to the main road, cut through a small town and head north.

  Their voices fade in the background as James’ words still float in my mind.

  It’s difficult to say what saddens me the most, his admission that he’s never been in love, and the fact that he doesn’t believe in it, or what he said about the other men.

  Is my father one of them? Is Eve’s father?

  Thirty minutes later, we make a turn and roll onto an open field.

  “Here,” James says, and I bring the car to a stop in the middle of a patch of dirt.

  Not far from us, there’s a forest.

  They climb out of the car and stride away, James leading the way. He gestures and points to the land, and then they fist bump and cheer.

  A sober moon stretches a veil of pale light over the field.

  “What’s this place?” I ask as I finally catch up with them.

  “This is the new home for Sexton International, babe. A Casino and Entertainment Resort,” Ed says. “It’s Red’s on steroids,” he adds, and images begin filling my head.

  Gambling, women, sex.

  That’s the deal he was talking about. Another place–– a bigger place, where the men he was talking about could do what they do best. Cut deals, indulge on pleasure and feed the beast within.

  How is this place going to make things right?

  The conversation we just had comes back to me.

  If he were so jaded and convinced the world is a cold place, why would he add to that crap? Why would he make it easy for these people? And why does he enjoy it so much? Is it the money? He has money. He’s also young. He can make money in so many different ways. Why this? Why tap into this well of lust and greed so more hearts could be crushed?

  A strange sensation swirls inside me, making me physically sick. I make a few steps backward, my heels sinking into the moist dirt, and then I quietly spin around and head for the car.

  The moment I hear footsteps behind me, I start running.

  “Hey, hey... Where are you going, sweetheart?”

  He locks me in his arms.

  “Let me go!!” I shout, tears coming to my eyes.

  He presses me against the car, his arms on either side of me, boxing me in, my back glued to his chest.

  “What is it Rain? The real world is not good enough for you?” he growls in my ear. “Huh? What is it, darling?” he asks, his voice thick with frustration, his body warm against mine.

  Fear, disappointment and sadness roll over me.

  “Tell me, babe.”

  I fight my tears back.

  “Why would you build a place like this? How would this make things better?”

  A soft chuckle rolls off his lips.

  “Oh... How sad... Our sweet little angel had her wings tainted by the cruel reality of life,” he scoffs. “What’s the problem, Rain? Too much reality for you? Already washed with regret? You can no longer take it? Hmm? You just found out that the world is not the romping ground for the unicorns and you’re ready to bail out? What is it, babe?”

  His palms go down my body, gliding slowly to my hips. “Hmm... Tell my, darling. What is it?” he murmurs in my ear, his lips brushing my hair.

  He brings his hands to my front, sneaks his fingers inside my T-shirt, and slides them up, his palms cupping my bare breasts.

  A soft moan rolls off my lips.

  “Yeah, baby...” he says, pushing his knee between my legs. “The world is not the beautiful place you’d thought it’d be. It’s downright cruel and dirty,” he says, pressing his body against mine.

  I feel him hard, and big against my lower back. He lowers his hand and firmly, grabs my mound. Pleasure explodes between my thighs. Instinctively, I arch my back and push my rear against his groin.

  “How is it, babe? It feels good, doesn’t it?” he asks quietly as he slowly rubs me between my legs, his thumb pressed against my jeans, trailing my slit.

  My head tilts back, my nails scratching the top of his car.

  “See, none of us are as good as we think we are... It’s just that some of us are more honest than the others,” he says as he slides my zipper down, presses his fingers between my folds and strokes my clit through my panties.

  I gasp, and push my crotch against his hand, wanting whatever he is set to give me.

  As twisted as it is, it feels good. Fueled by fear and anger and the dangerous chemistry between us, it’s nothing like I’ve felt before.

  It’s the first touch of a man, and nothing seems to matter now. There is no wrong or right as I willingly submit to him.

  He pushes my damp panties down and coats his fingers with my arousal.

  My skin is soft, his fingers calloused.

  Breathing heavily, he slowly grinds into me, the thought that I affect him so much making me drunk on lust.

  He presses and circles, his fingers slipping further down, thrusting against my entrance. I jerk back and slam against him, my rear sweeping the bulge between his legs.

  He pins me with his body, his grip tense on me, his fingers still stroking me–– not entering me, his hips rolling, rubbing his thick shaft against me. He does it again and again as I scale up fast, a delicious need growing in my core.

  I lose control rather quickly.

  “James?” I called him desperately as I feel him hot, and so hard and eager to fuck me.

  He clamps his hand over my mouth to muffle my moaning and whimpering.

  “I was damn sure about you. You may be untouched, but you sure have the crave in you, babe,” he rasps, his breath rolling on my neck. “See, life is really simple...” he says, his fingers stroking me expertly, pushing me to the edge fast.

  I start heaving, and he lets go of my mouth.

  “Please...” I murmur as the pulse between my legs quickens.“Finish me,” I say, panting, my fingers slackening on the keys.

  He locks me in his arms, one hand curled around my neck, the other stroking my clit while a finger slides inside me, and I turn into a cloud of dust. Shudders go through me, the fast pulsations leaving me breathless.

  He tears away after a few more moments,
and I turn to him, my legs feebly, my breaths still shallow.

  His palm sweeps his erection, his fingers raking through his hair. He sweeps it out of his eyes, a small smile tilting his lips.

  Without a word, he snatches the keys and motions me to the car.

  “Get inside,” he barks, showing me to the back seat.

  I fix my jeans and pull inside as Lex and Ed saunter back.

  He climbs into the car and starts the engine, Lex taking the front seat while Ed sits in the back, next to me.

  I slump into the corner, and clench my thighs, holding onto that feeling of warm and wet, and throbbing.

  Ed’s eyes twinkle, playful, as he takes me in. I shift my position and look out of the window, turning my back to him.

  A dip in the seat puts him right behind me.

  “What did you do to her, James? She’s all hot and sweaty.”

  “Why do you ask me?” James says, his voice dry like hay.

  He jerks the car back onto the road.

  Ed's hand comes to my arm, and I push it away.

  “What is it, honey?” he murmurs, his voice warm and soft, as he tenderly strokes my hair. “Hmm?”

  His fingers trail my neck.

  “You smell good,” he purrs.

  James turns the music on, and I turn to Ed.

  “Can you move back to your seat?” I say, motioning to the other corner.

  A faint smile glints through his eyes, his gaze dipping to my lips. He slides his hand across my shoulder and pulls my hair to the side, then, leans to me.

  “I know you want it really bad, babe, and James is going to give it to you good but he’s not going to be your man, you know that. That’s why he’ll not mind to share you with us,” he says.

  I turn my head to him. His breath fans over my face, his lips brushing mine.

  They’re soft and fragrant, bearing a sweet citrusy taste.

  “What if I say no?” I say as I meet James’ eyes in the rearview mirror.

  “You can say no, babe,” Ed says, and Lex glances at us over his shoulder.

  “Is that what this is?” I ask.

  “It’s whatever you want it to be,” Ed says.

  “The Night of the Kings... ?” I ask, and a mysterious smile flashes across his lips.

  “That... is so much more, but in essence... yes,” Ed says.

  “So what happens if I say no?”

  Lex turns the music off.

  “We drop you at your home, and never cross paths again,” James says deadpan, glancing in the rearview mirror, his eyes guarded.

  “So.... the stories are true,” I murmur, but nobody cares to talk to me anymore.

  Ed pulls away from me and shifts his focus to Lex and James, and soon they start talking about their new enterprise.

  Few moments tick by and their chatter becomes muffled in my ears as my mind scrambles to make sense, my body still stirred up.

  “We’re getting close to town,” James says evenly. “Which one is it? You stay with us, or we drop you home?”

  We clash stares in the mirror, frustration choking me as he pushes me against a wall, forcing me to choose.

  “Keep driving,” I say.

  “Are you sure?” James asks.

  “I’m damn sure,” I blurt out, angry.


  * * *

  It’s hard to miss her tears.

  This was probably the hardest decision she’s made in her life, and it was way different than picking the color of her prom dress or the names of the people she wanted to invite to her birthday party.

  She hates me right now, and that’s good. I like hatred. It’s genuine. It teaches you about people. Sometimes it shows you way more than you want to know if you care to read through it. Hate peels the masks off, killing the lies.

  It’s ugly, but it’s real.

  By testing her, I know what she’s made of. It’s all spoiled fluff, or there’s some substance to her?

  I pull in front of Red’s and turn the engine off. Lex and Ed jump out the car and dart to the building.

  “Are you coming?” I ask.

  She freezes in her corner.

  Our eyes connect in the rearview mirror.

  “Is that what you want?” she asks after a few moments, her voice soft and woven with tears. She looks crushed. “Is that the only way I can be with you?”

  I shift in my seat and look at her.

  “You can’t be with me, baby. Not in the way you want anyway, and you knew that. I told you from the beginning. I don’t know why you’re crying...” I say, smiling. “The Night of the Kings is not such a bad thing. The name is stupid. I admit. I don’t know who came up with it. It wasn’t us for sure,” I say.

  “So it’s basically the three of you having fun with a woman,” she mutters.

  “Something like that...” I say.

  Her mouths pull agape.

  “Don’t worry... It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Even if you said ‘yes’, it means nothing. It was only a test.”

  “And if I said ‘no’?”

  “I guess, we’ll never know,” I say, and motion to the door. “Let’s go.”

  I climb out the car and hold the door open for her. She steps out and rises to her feet. She looks up at me and locks my eyes.

  Biting my lip, I crush a smile.

  She seems set to say something, but then she changes her mind. She slides her hand between us, curls her lips into a soft smile, and holding my eyes, she palms my groin.

  My eyebrows pop up with surprise, my blood pooling south fast. I tear my eyes away from her, my gaze sweeping the parking. The place is packed with cars. Good thing, no one’s outside.

  “You’re still hard,” she says, running the heel of her palm on the ridge of my cock, and I drop the door closed, and slide my hands on top of the car, on either side of her.

  “And you’re touching me on a public road,” I rumble, my cock stirring in my jeans.

  She strokes me slowly, her eyes glued to mine, a smile rolling on her lips, and as painful and pointless as this is, I can’t stop her.

  “I wish I could do something about it,” she says, and tilting her head to the side, she smiles tauntingly.

  I lean close to her and murmur in her ear.

  “There are things you could do to me, darling, but none of them if you hadn’t done them before.”

  She wraps the other hand around my neck, and I lower my mouth to hers, the air between us pulsing with electricity.

  We part our lips and softly touch, the hunger simmering beneath the surface. I capture her mouth and lock her lips as her fingers slide in my hair, her hand running firmly on my length.

  She trembles and moans, her tongue sliding over mine, and it feels as if she enters my blood.

  She pulls me to her, and we crash against the car, her body squirming beneath mine, our lips sealed together.

  Her fire comes into my mouth as our tongues mesh together, hers swirling around mine, mine plunging deep, feeding on that pleasure.

  It’s been some time since I’ve gotten hard from a kiss.

  She breaks the kiss and tauntingly runs her tongue over her lips.

  “I haven’t done those things with a man because nobody wanted to teach me,” she says, a sly grin lighting up her eyes.

  She dips her gaze, observing the slow motion of her hand stroking my erection, and my balls turn to steel.

  She teases me, and plays with me, knowing full well how this will end. She’s keen to make me take her, aware I’m set on her as much as she’s set on me.

  “How come no one wanted to touch you, babe?”

  She doesn’t say a word, her eyes narrowed with a smile, her gaze lingering on my lips.

  And that’s as much teasing I can take.

  I slip my fingers into her hair, and land my mouth on hers, no room to play with me this time. Holding her tight, I thrust my tongue between her lips, and fuck that little mouth of hers, making her body writhe, consuming the air f
rom her lungs.

  Her nails sink in my arm, the other hand squeezing me hard. Moans fall in my ears as she grinds against my body as if I’m lodged between her legs. I could easily rail her on my fucking car, and yet, reluctantly, I pull away.

  She runs her thumb over her lips, smiling like the devil, her hand stroking and squeezing my balls.

  “I haven’t met real men. That’s why no one has ever touched me,” she mutters, the flattery hard to miss, a trick I’ve seen so many times, yet right now I’m not thinking straight to give a fuck.

  “Uh-huh,” I groan, my voice heavy as my cock. “Let’s go inside. This may be a good time as any to learn.”

  I grab her hand and pull her up the stairs.

  The doors open, a few patrons going out as we slip in. A man recognizes me and wants to talk to me, and I mouth to him I’m in a hurry.

  The bouncers and hostess greet us. We slide by them, and stride past the bar, dashing straight to the back rooms.

  I push the first door open, pull her inside and lock the door.

  “On your knees, babe.”

  She looks at me, perplexed.

  “You either get on your damn knees, or I’ll have someone else blow me.”

  She sinks to her knees.

  “You have any idea how it’s done?”

  “In theory, yes. I’ve seen it.”



  “Good enough. No teeth, no grazing, no biting of any kind. The more you move your tongue, the better. Use your hands. It doesn’t take a genius really. If you’ve ever sucked a lollipop, you’re half way there.”

  I unfasten my belt, and my cock springs free. Her hands tenderly wrap around me, and I feel like a fucking teenager, getting sucked off for the first time.


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