JAMES: A Night Of The Kings Novel

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JAMES: A Night Of The Kings Novel Page 13

by Shayne Ford

  I let the water run and wait for her to walk away, my heart beating in my mouth.

  She stops knocking, and I slip into the stream of water. I wish I didn’t have to wash his scent off me.

  I take my time before I reluctantly step out of the shower, pat myself dry with a towel, shrug into a robe, pick up my clothes and walk out. I stop briefly to drop the clothing in the washing machine before I slither into my room.

  Quietly, I open my laptop and start typing.

  My ears perk up as I try to catch every little noise. Maybe she gave up.

  Steps roll from one end of the corridor to the other. A door swings open and closes, and then another one.

  She pushes through mine.


  “Hey,” I say, raising my eyes.

  She leans against the doorframe, a hand hidden behind her back, a smirk plastered on her face.

  “Where were you?” she asks, smiling cunningly, but I’m no fool.

  My lips go dry, my pulse racing through the roof as panic soars through me.

  “Eve’s,” I say evenly.

  She walks in, dragging the annoying smile with her. She slams the door behind her.

  “Does Eve have a dick?” she asks mockingly.

  Her arm swings and a scrap of fabric lands on my shoulder, the scent of James filling my nostrils.

  My panties slide off my chest and land on my keyboard.

  “What’s this?” I ask, playing dumb. “Oh... Where did you find them?”

  “You left them in the bathroom, or perhaps they fell on the floor when you rushed to throw your clothing in the washing machine. Care to explain?”

  “Explain what? You’re not my mom.”

  “Oh, okay. No problem.” She closes the gap between us and snatches the panties. “I can ask mom.”

  She heads for the door.


  She stops and spins back to me. Pacing herself, she nears the bed.

  “Okay, then... So, who’s cum is this?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Let me tell you something, sweet little sister. I was doing what you’re doing now when I was sixteen. The friend excuse, the slipping into the bathroom, the frantic rush to erase the evidence from my body, and hide the sperm smeared panties. It’s useless to play stupid, Rain. Plus, it may help you if you talk.”

  “I wouldn’t need your help, anyway.”

  “Really? What about birth control? Are you using any or you’re just playing it by ear? Is he allergic to condoms? Do you at least know who you’re getting in bed with? You have no fucking idea how to do this, Rain. You just went out there and opened your legs.”

  “Oh. Look who’s talking,” I retort, glaring at her.

  She makes another step that brings her closer, and looks at me, her hands gripping her hips.

  “I’m not clueless, Rain. I know what I’m doing. You, on the other hand, believe in all kind of stupid shit and trust all sorts of people. Men are not what you think you are. You think they’re some deities who can rock your world. They do rock your world, but not in the way you think, and after they have enough of you, they turn their backs to you, and off they go to chase some wilted flower they like to keep at home and make babies with while they’re still out there, looking to score. They don’t need women like you, Rain. Women with big dreams and ideas. Because it’s tiresome to try to keep up with some idealistic nymph's inflated image about men.”

  “I’m taking care of it. Don’t worry,” I say curtly, keen to cut her tirade short.

  “Really? How? You’ve always advocated against the pill, and apparently, the man is too much of a God to use condoms.”

  I move my eyes to my laptop.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m good. And, it’s my private life, after all. I don’t need to tell you anything. You don’t share yours, and I expect you to stay out of mine.”

  “Well, we’ll see how this works out. I hope you use something. Does mom know?”

  I raise my eyes.

  “Nobody knows.”

  She tilts her head to the side.

  “Which doctor did you go to, then?”

  “My private doctor.”

  “Your private doctor?! You don’t have money for a doctor of your own,” she says, and huffs.

  Biting my lip, I avert my eyes.

  “Oh... I see. He paid for it. Good for you,” she says, amused.

  She throws my panties on my face.

  “Wash your damn clothing, Rain. I don’t want your boyfriend’s cum on my clothing.”

  I wait for her to get out of my room.

  “That’s right. If you knew whose it was, you would’ve wanted to swallow it, dumb bitch.”

  “Mmm... That went well,” Eve says, letting out a small moan, and I’m not sure if it’s the cantaloupe or the story.

  “I want to fucking kill her,” I say, chewing on a piece of fruit.

  “Jesus... This gets worse and worse.” A small smile lights up her face.“And the sex gets better and better,” she says, and my face turns crimson.

  “It does.”

  “You want more?” she asks.

  “I’m good.”



  We pick up the plates and move from the terrace back into the house.

  “Where are your parents?” I ask.


  She motions me to a chair as she sets the machine for a pot of fresh coffee. Moments later, she fills two porcelain mugs, pours cream in mine and sugar in hers, stirs and brings them to the table.

  The summer light filters through the windows.

  “I love this time of year,” she says.

  “Yeah... me too.”

  She pulls out a chair and takes a seat.

  “You remember what we were doing a year ago?”

  “I sure do...” I say, smiling, melancholic.

  “It was the best time of my life,” she says, chuckling. “And that thing we pulled on... at their house. That was some adventure,” she says, her eyes twinkling warm, reliving the memory. “I was scared shitless, that night, and when they picked me up in their backyard I thought they’re going to chop me into pieces and throw me in the lake,” she mutters jokingly.

  Our laughter ripples through the air, filling the house.

  “You were hoping for something else, though,” I say.

  “That too… Well, I guess it wasn’t meant to happen. At least not for me.”

  She looks at me, and I shake my head.

  “I don’t know if it’s good or bad.”

  “Oh... I think it’s really good,” she says, optimistic as always. “It surely makes you look great.”

  I smile slyly.

  “Perhaps it’s the tan.”

  “That’s how it’s called?”

  She snatches a glazed chocolate cookie from the plate and takes a bite.

  “They’re good. Try one.”

  “I’m sure they are...” I say, picking one myself.

  “So... The story wasn’t true, then.”

  “What story?” I ask, the chocolate melting in my mouth.

  “The Night of the Kings thing.”


  Blood rushes to my face.

  “It is?” she asks, her eyes widening.

  “Mmm-hmm,” I say, my face burning.

  “Have you... had one?”

  “It’s not ice cream, Eve?”

  “So what is it?” she asks, amused.

  “It’s them... with a woman,” I say, having a hard time to swallow the last bit of cookie.

  “You mean as in... they all fuck the same woman?”


  “At the same time?”


  “Holy fuck. Are you kidding me?”


  “How did you find out?”

  I shift my gaze to evade her eyes.

  “Come on...You have t
o tell me. Please.”

  “It came up in the discussion...” I say.

  I dust off crumbles from my fingers and take a sip of my coffee, then finally raise my eyes.

  Her face beams with curiosity.


  “And nothing.”

  “He doesn’t want it,” she says, drawing the conclusion.



  “Yeah... He doesn’t. What about me? Aren’t you curious if I want it?”

  “Who wouldn’t want it? With them?Are you kidding me?”

  A small laughter rolls on my lips.

  “You have a boyfriend, Eve.”

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t dream about it.”

  “You’re such a big mouth. The reality is different.”

  “I bet it is. It’s probably much better than I imagine.”


  “So what did you say when it was brought up?”

  The memory of that night comes back to me.

  “I kinda agreed.”

  Her eyes almost pop out of their sockets as her eyebrows push up close to her hairline. She starts clapping her hands.

  My face melts.

  “It wasn’t serious, though, and it was before I hooked up with James. He’ll probably kill anyone before he lets them touch me.”

  “Okay... All right. I can understand that, but who knows... Never say never, right?”

  “Yeah...” I say, absently. “Listen, I wanted to ask you something,” I say, serious this time.

  I gaze out the window for a moment, my eyes following Eve’s dogs as they bark and run around, playing in the grass.

  “How expensive is life in New York?”I ask, shifting my focus back to her.

  Her eyebrows pop up, a questioning look sliding on her face.

  “You want to move?”

  “I’m looking at different options.”

  “Why not something closer?”

  “You’re in New York. James does a lot of business there. Plus, I think there are more opportunities there.”

  “You may be right, but life is expensive. The rent for a place in Manhattan, no matter how small, runs really high. And in the boroughs, it’s not much different. The good thing is, you don’t need a car, so if you find a roommate or possibly more to split the rent, you could probably be able to live there.”

  “How about jobs?”

  “Nothing entry-level pays much. And even to find one of those jobs, it’s mostly word of mouth. A friend of mine manages a bookstore. I could ask her if they have openings. It’s a small place, and they have turnover, but I don’t think it’s because of her. She’s not a bad boss, but they can’t afford to pay much. It could be something to start with, and then you can look for a second job.”

  “Can you call her one of these days? Maybe she knows someone who has a room for rent. I could probably get the money for the deposit and a couple of months up front. ”


  Her eyes darken as she studies my face.

  “Jesus, Rain. You’re really desperate.”

  “I am,” I say quietly.

  “He can probably help you with money. ”

  “Yes, he can, but I want him, Eve. I don’t want his money,” I say, my voice tinged with tears.



  * * *

  The door bell rings frantically.

  “I got it,” I say rushing to the entrance, swiftly glancing in the kitchen before I get to the door.

  Daria sits at the table, a cappuccino in front her.

  Her elbows rest on the table as she softly blows on her freshly painted nails. We lock eyes briefly, and she gives me a disdainful look.

  I swing the door open, and Eve’s silhouette fills the doorway. Discreetly I motion to the kitchen. The expression of enthusiasm falls from her face, an emotionless mask gliding on.

  “Hi, Daria, “ she says, with a clear, loud voice.

  My sister gives Eve a slow nod. We turn our backs to her and stride to my room. I close the door behind me, and motion Eve to follow me in the closet.

  As soon as we get in, she starts jumping up and down.

  “I received the invitation. Thank you... Thank you.”

  “You should thank him. It was his idea. Anyway, there will be a lot of people, families. It’s more like a business sort of event. We’ve all been invited. My dad can’t make it because he’s on a business trip and comes back on Monday, and my mom has absolutely no interest in parties. But she’ll be there,” I motion in the general direction of the kitchen.

  “Oh, of course, she will.”

  “To her dismay, her husband was invited as well.”

  Eve lets out a devilish laughter.

  “That’s good. Keep her occupied.”

  “At any rate, you’ll be my decoy,” I say.

  “I’ll be whatever you want me to be. I’ve never been to such a glamorous event. Ever,” she says rubbing her hands together, happy. “Oh, here... before I forget.”

  She slips her hand into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper.

  “My friend’s phone number. Her name is Joanna. They do have an opening coming up. One of their girls leaves in a week or so. I explained her your situation, and I also told her about your upcoming book. She was thrilled. She wants to talk with you on the phone, sometime next week. A formal job interview if you wish.”

  “That’s great. Thank you, Eve.”

  I hug her, and swiftly tuck the paper into my pocket.

  “Also, she might have a place to stay for you. One of her neighbors is looking for a roommate. The apartments are not big, but the building is decent. It’s not far from the train station, and it has a doorman and what not. The bookstore is only a few blocks away.”

  “That’s awesome,” I say, grinning.

  “I thought about it... Moving to New York may not be such a bad idea. We can get together from time to time. There are so many things we can do. It’s different than here,” she says.

  “I know...” I murmur, hope shining meekly in my heart.

  The cars crawl up the road, passing by the trees. The house is washed with light, the early evening painted with the sparks of glitz and glamor. Shimmering gowns, shining cars, and dazzling smiles.

  Eve gasps, wide-eyed.

  “It looks like a Hollywood party,” she mutters.

  “As if you know.”

  She starts to giggle.

  “How do I look?” she asks, and I give her a once-over.

  The silver sequined gown falls perfectly on her girlish body, bringing out the color of her eyes and hair.

  “Like a million bucks.”

  “You, too.”

  Her gaze dips to my waist making sure the small buckle holds my black wrap gown together.

  “Let’s go,” I say, nudging her to the stairs.

  “This is a nice house.”

  “It is,” I say and glance at his bedroom’s windows. “Filled with memories,” I murmur.

  As big as it is, the place becomes packed within the hour.

  We do our best to blend in, stopping here and there to talk with family friends, answering their questions about my book, or in Eve’s case, the college life.

  People start to dance, the music mixing with the people’s voices, all vibrating in the air.

  Close to ten o’clock, Eve elbows me.

  “Look who’s here,” she says.

  I flick my head toward the entrance and spot Daria and Nathan. She wears a chiffon, floral backless gown accessorized with golden jewelry.

  They saunter straight to the garden.

  “Where are they?” Eve says, swiveling her head, checking every car that’s pulling in.

  “I don’t know,” I murmur.

  I fumble through my small purse, my hand coming out empty.

  Cold sweat forms on my neck.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “What is it?”

  Eve’s gaze sets on me, her e
yes reflecting concern.

  “I left my phone at home,” I say, panicked.

  “Don’t worry. He’ll show up. It’s his party after all... and his damn mansion,” she mutters, smiling, yet a bad feeling washes over me.

  My pulse spasms in my throat as I try to remember where I saw it last time.

  “Oh, fuck. I left it on my bed after I talked to him.”


  “She usually snoops around, and chances are she’s found it. It’s not that hard to figure out who JS is. He’s the only person I talked to frequently in the last few weeks.”

  “Do you think she’d be so calm had she found your phone?”

  We lock eyes for a moment. Had she known, Daria would’ve come looking for me to bite my head off and grill me with her snarky remarks.

  “You’re probably right.”

  I let out a sigh of relief.

  “Jesus, Rain. You’re gonna have a heart attack.”

  Fanning myself, I take a few long breaths.

  “That’s much better,” she says, a small smile creeping up my face.

  Her gaze swings away.

  “Oh, my God!” she bursts out, in complete awe as a black Bugatti Veyron followed by a black Ferrari pulls in front of the house.

  The doors open, and James slips out of the first car as Lex and Ed climb out the second.


  We freeze, both looking at them, wide-eyed.

  “Why can’t they travel like us, mortals?” she asks, craning her neck out. “Is that how they look like?” she murmurs for herself. “How old are they?”

  “James and Lex are twenty-five, Ed is twenty-four,” I say, not much air rolling in my lungs either.

  I train my eyes on them as they saunter to the house, their tall, hard bodies filling their tuxedos perfectly.

  They flash charming smiles, their handsome faces drawing people’s eyes.

  “The fucking Kings. Some just have it all,” Eve murmurs. “Can you imagine being stuck with them in bed for a few hours?”

  “Shut up, Eve,” I say under my breath, pushing back a soft laughter.

  “Their hands and lips, and those hard bodies, not to mention their––”

  “Shut up!” I say, my chest rocking.

  “...smiles. I wanted to say,” she adds and smirks.

  They make a left and vanish into the house, and her eyes come back in focus, her neck resuming its natural position.

  “God, it’s hot tonight. I’m all wet, and by wet I mean...”


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