Bunny Tails Splitting Hares

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Bunny Tails Splitting Hares Page 4

by Camille Anthony

  Westyn inclined his head. “You do not know how pleased I am to hear you say so.” He turned toward the bed and picked up a long rope or… no, it was a leash and a collar.

  My brows came together as I studied the items, confused. “Is that for me?”

  He frowned. “No more questions. Remove your clothes and kneel naked at my feet.”

  My stomach tried to crawl up into my chest as I slowly eased my top up and over my head, fighting to control the fear trying to strangle me. I don’t know why it’s easier to flash breasts than it is to flash coochie, but I’d play odds in Vegas I wasn’t the only woman who felt that way. I gulped, fighting not to choke on my spit. I’d said I’d do anything, but suddenly trepidation inundated me as I pondered just what anything might entail…

  Chapter Four

  Westyn had warned me what to expect, informed me in no uncertain terms that Ouida must participate in the Fertility Festival. She was an outsider, non-pack. That she be allowed to live among us at all was a concession I was extremely grateful for. His offer to bring her into the pack was one I couldn’t refuse, regardless of how the thought of her being touched by my fellow officers had the hackles at my ruff standing up.

  In wolf form, I with the three other lieutenants stood ranged before the throne, our gravid queen’s first line of defense, as Westyn led my bitch into the room by leash. All about me, the males stirred, agitated by the smell of fresh pussy.

  My first response upon glimpsing her was pride. The strong emotion welled up as I noticed how she moved on hands and knees, her head up and shoulders high, titties hanging and swaying with each movement. If she’d had a tail, it would have been waving high over her plump round ass, the sign of an unafraid wolf, an alpha female and breeding bitch. In the midst of over seventy-five wolves, she advanced toward the throne and the judgment of the pack, radiating confidence and self-assurance. Instead of fear, her body gave off the scent of acorns and maple leaf; implacable determination.

  My second reaction, equally as strong, was anger. She’d cut off all her glorious hair. What remained hugged her scalp, looked soft and bouncy, a dark cloud of fluff I wanted to sink my fingers in while she took me in her mouth. Later, I decided. I’d spank her later, punish her for that rebellious act. I’d told her so she knew how much I enjoyed playing with her hair, getting lost in it.

  My third reaction was lust. My cock hardened, lengthened and emerged from the furry protective sheath. My lips curled back from my fangs as my muzzle wrinkled in a snarl of warning. Thrown into confusion, the other lieutenants pranced about me, fawning and placing their muzzles lower than mine. Licking at my chin and swiping their tongues over my nose and mouth, they signaled submission, offering no challenge to my declaration of interest.

  All their fawning couldn’t dismiss their hard cocks. I’d seen and smelled their helpless reaction to my bitch’s estrus, and I snapped at them, nipping their flanks to remind them I wasn’t inclined to share. I couldn’t stop them fucking her, but they’d damned better hold their human forms around her or I’d kill them. Only I would be allowed to mate her. Only I would take her while in my natural form.

  Westyn ascended the platform and sat, left hand trailing over the arm of the chair to caress Mala. She nudged his hand, accepted his attention without turning away from the drama happening on the floor below the dais.

  Ouida came to her knees, hands resting on her thighs. The leash trailed from the collar circling her throat, but even attired in air and that mark of ownership, she looked regal. She met my gaze and I saw in that dark brown almost black stare that she knew me even in this form. She hadn’t once looked toward any other wolf, but since Westyn left her side, she’d kept me within her sight.

  Noticing she had my attention, she opened her mouth and formed the words I’m sorry with her lips.

  I looked away. Sorry for what, I wondered, feeling spiteful. Sorry she’d rejected my honest offer of mating, or sorry she’d found herself in this sorry state, common fodder for fucking? I’d tried to save her from this. Now, we’d both have to get through it.

  My anger dissolved as quickly as it came. I was a wolf, and in this form, I was a creature of the now. I could not sully the present by dwelling on things past. This was my mate. I’d chosen her, marked her, done everything but seal our bond by impregnating her. I’d fucked her, though, and that was all it took to seal me. No matter what happened, I could never take another mate. Ever. So it behooved me to make sure I was able to keep this one.

  “Welcome, my wolves!”

  Westyn’s voice echoed in the silent hall. Every wolf went to their haunches; the ones in biped form went to one knee, inclining their necks. Whimpering and whining rose as all signified submission. The scent of urine flowered, a common event when so many cubs were present. Being around a large number of Alphas made the babies nervous.

  “There is a human among us during Festival time.”

  Howls and yips rent the air. My muzzle peeled back, the rumbling growl audible to the wolves around me. They sidled back and away, skittering from the threat I presented. Those closest to me found it wiser to stop advocating we hunt her.

  Westyn’s raised hand settled the pack down. “Be still. I have tested her and found she is not food.”

  A wondering murmur rose then. My heart leapt in my chest. If she was not food, I might yet win her as my mate. I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped at the thought.

  “Ancient records tell us it has been done. Rarely, a human will mingle with us, strengthen the pack with new bloodlines. This human seeks the right to do so. She is in estrus, ready to drop an egg, ripe for breeding.”

  Another round of howls and barks arose, these ones of rising excitement and lust from the throats of unmated males, yowling for the chance at sampling her ripe cunt, planting their seed in her fertile womb. Fights broke out among the betas, jockeying for position in the line that would soon be forming at her body.

  I swung my head toward Westyn, waiting for him to make the next announcement. He met my eyes, the gleam in his telling me he was enjoying himself too much. I growled, showed fang without apology. He grinned.

  “Peace! The human is Alpha among her kind. I name her an alpha bitch of this pack. Only those equal in status to her may mount her.”

  Groans and whimpers went up, fights dying out as the combatants lost the reason for conflict. The three Alphas surrounding me glanced at me from the sides of their eyes, watching for my reaction. They might be wary, but I noticed none of them, damn them to hell, had lost their erections. Neither had I. I felt my hackles rising.

  Westyn’s voice broke the growing tension. “Since none of my lieutenants are mated, all four of them will mount the bitch. As most senior, Vance will have the final decision on who plants their seed in her belly. If a cub takes, the bitch will be mated to the father.”

  When he finished speaking, all four of us took on biped form. I wondered if Ouida recognized the two males that had been in our room the first night I brought her to the lodge. They’d wanted a piece of her even then. Now they would get it.

  “Okay, Vance, how is this going to go down?”

  And none of us Alphas were small in that department. Regardless of what she might think, what was about to happen was not punishment. It was simply the way of life when there were too few females and too many alpha males hungry for female flesh. Ouida was going to be fucked and it would be better if she enjoyed it. A dry channel would not be conducive to taking so many cocks. I needed to put away my aversion for sharing long enough to ensure her pleasure.

  “First off, there’s no need to fight to determine our pecking order. We’ll go in reverse order of seniority.”

  Xen bristled at my command. “Why should I go next to last?”

  I sighed, swept my hair off my forehead with an impatient growl. “Look, I don’t want to let any of you near my bitch, but the Alpha has spoken and I’ll abide by his orders. But as far as I’m concerned, this isn’t about you, it’s about
making sure my bitch is pleasured. I don’t want her hurt.”

  Usher and Brax pushed past Xen to stand shoulder to shoulder before me. “We don’t harm pack, especially breeding females.”

  “Guys, I wasn’t saying you would do it purposefully. She’s human. And until I took her a few days ago, she’d never been touched that way. Our cocks are large and she’s very small.”

  Xen scratched his temple. “How the fuck did the males she lived around pass up a sweet morsel like that one?”

  I harrumphed. “Don’t ask me. Humans are strange.”

  “Well, I want to know why you keep calling her your bitch when the Alpha says the one whose seed takes will be…”

  I smirked as his words trailed off. He’d obviously remembered the rest of the Alpha’s words, but I didn’t mind reiterating them for him. “Yeah, and he also said I’d be the one determining who planted what, where. I’m telling you all right now, after the introduction, none of you better think about shifting into your true shape. No one fucks her like that but me. She’ll bear my pups and no one else’s or there’ll be hell to pay.”

  “Hell, Vance, that ain’t fair!”

  “Bite me, Xen. You think this is some fucking democracy? It’s as fair as I’m inclined to be. Otherwise, we can fight for the right and I’ll still end up planting my seed. You, however, won’t be in any shape to fuck at all.”

  Usher shifted from foot to foot, his nervousness showing. “Brax and I are of equal standing. How are we to decide who goes first without fighting over it?”

  “Easy. You two will take her together. Flip a tail to see who gets front if you like, but we’ll all prepare her, gentle her for the taking. I know what she likes. I’ll clue you in.”

  Xen placed his hand on my arm, halting me in my steps. “One last question…”

  He knew better. Now was not the time to try any of his underhanded power-plays. A hand on the arm was pseudo-aggressive. If he’d placed it on my shoulder I’d have ripped it off. I shrugged his hand off, gave him an under-browed glare. “Ask it.”

  “I don’t understand your reasoning. Why are you going last when you could be first?”

  I turned on him, then, let him see my true feelings about the situation. I included the others in the same livid glare. “Because she’s mine, damn it to hell, and after you’ve rutted in her, I plan on wiping your stench from her flesh with my own scent.” I pointed my finger in their faces. “You’d better be gentle, make her enjoy your touch. Keep your damned teeth in your mouths, too. No biting. Any of you mark her I’ll kick your ass.”

  I started down the stairs, vaguely aware of Westyn’s amused laughter rumbling behind me. Of course, he’d listened in on our conversation, not that I’d tried to keep it from him. I paused when I reached the bottom and turned to find my three cohorts still at the top of the platform. “Well, come on. I’m not going to bite you unless you ignore my instructions.”

  “I’m thinking I’d rather remain friends with you. If taking your bitch is gonna cause problems between us, I’ll pass.” Usher meant what he said, but his eyes strayed to my pretty bitch and clung… revealing his hunger.

  I looked and saw the same greedy need on all their faces and a reluctant understanding moved me. I’d known that desire: to touch soft skin, smell feminine aroma and to sink into tight, wet flesh that would glove so divinely. We so rarely got to experience that.

  “Ah, what the hell… Look, pack brothers, I’ve heard human females fantasize about having more than one lover at a time. If my Ouida does, I’ll grant her the fantasy.” I held my finger up, halting their excited rush forward. “This one time, I yield, this one Festival, only. Afterwards, no other will touch her and live. So enjoy the hell out of my bitch and help me pleasure her well. Trust me, it’ll be a once in a lifetime deal.” I shifted and headed for my mate.

  * * *

  My God, I was surrounded by wolves. Not the almost tame ones you see on the Nature Channel, that have been socialized by that wolf guy and his dyke-ish looking wife, but the wild, feral, the-better-to-eat-you-with animals that see humans as natural prey. And I was going to end up fucking some of them, maybe a lot of them. Hopefully, the sex would be enough and I wouldn’t end up being fucked up… as in dead.

  Keep it in your belly. Keep it in your belly… I chanted the mantra under my breath, putting to good use the instruction Westyn had given me in a crash course in Wolf Interaction 101. The first and most important lesson was never to radiate prey scent. If I loosed my fear here, it would be my death. So I kept it bottled and roiling in my gut and lifted my chin to stare down the beasts licking their chops at me. Hopefully, the Alpha was to be trusted and would soon set the record straight by proclaiming me part of the pack as a human adoptee.

  “Peace! The human is Alpha among her kind. I name her an alpha bitch of this pack. Only those equal in status to her may mount her.”

  Once I heard him make that announcement, I relaxed back on my heels, as instructed by him before we entered the hall. He’d had loads of commands for me to follow. I must not rise to my feet because it would make my stance higher than the wolves more alpha to me. That would be a deadly insult. I must not meet any wolf’s gaze unless I knew for sure I stood higher on the chain of command. Since I was the lowest cut of beef at the moment, I wasn’t thinking about holding any wolf’s gaze. Hell, I didn’t even want to catch their eyes.

  Except for Vance. I tried to catch his eyes when I first came in, but other than connecting long enough to mouth “I’m sorry,” he wouldn’t meet my gaze. Before he turned away, I caught a brief flash of anger and my heart plummeted to the depths of my belly. Was he disgusted with me? Did he no longer want me as his mate?

  The reality of my situation sunk in, believe me. I was under no illusions what my fate could be. If Vance abandoned my cause, I’d be relegated to being nothing but the pack whore; the most beta among wolves. Why is it we humans as a rule never appreciate what we have until we’ve lost it?

  When every wolf in the place shifted into their true forms and backed away from me, I came out of the fog my thoughts had conjured. I looked about to find I was center stage, my big body in plain view of upwards of seventy-five milling wolves. From small pups at their parents’ paws to grizzled old wolves lolling at their ease around the circle, everywhere I turned my head I met the same gleam of anticipation. It seemed the time had come for my initiation.

  Keep it in your belly, Ouida…

  The chant wasn’t helping. It was a good thing there was nothing in my belly because I felt like hurling. I swallowed, and my spit barely stayed down. I strained, trying to catch the nuances of conflict, but unlike the wolves pressing around me, I didn’t have superhuman hearing. The only reason I knew the conversation going on up on the dais was heated was by watching the angry gestures and testosterone posturing.

  The hall was huge, a vast round room beneath towering ceilings, so large that voices echoed, ricocheting off the distant walls. There were no glassed windows. The entire space was open to the elements, the walls no more than a span of three feet of wood between open arches.

  The wind blew through those arches, chilling my naked flesh, turning my nipples into hard caps and stippling my shoulders and arms with cold bumps. I shivered, shifting uncomfortably without moving my hands from where they rested on my thighs. I was too fat to rest my weight on my knees for so long and the pain was becoming unbearable. I’d shifted back on my heels but knew I couldn’t hold that position more than a few minutes.

  Resolutely turning my thoughts elsewhere, trying to keep my mind off my growing discomfort, I looked up and around and found my attention snagged by an altercation taking place among the group of males Vance stood with. While I watched, he scowled, shrugging off the touch of a black-haired male who gestured, pointing at me.

  I wanted to wrap my arms about me for warmth, feeling exposed and vulnerable as all four of the men turned to look at me, their eyes gleaming in the ambient light. With a shouted comment, V
ance shifted and bounded toward me, followed quickly by the other three.

  They advanced in regimented formation, four fearsome wolves with pelts of winter white, deepest black, dusky gray and russet red. Their huge yet oddly graceful bodies covered the space between us, bearing down on me in a wave of lupine testosterone that froze me in place deeper than the howling wind.

  They didn’t give me time to allow my fear to percolate but milled about me, buffeting me with their bodies, slapping at me with their swishing tails. There was a dance to it, I knew. The males were establishing their dominance over me, trying to push me over to ritualistically mount me. I sat firm, square, keeping my chin up, so as not to look submissive. I hunched my shoulders and tucked my head down low to protect my throat.

  One of them, the red-coated one, came up over me, forepaws heavy on my shoulders. Planting his head on the top of my head, he pressed down. My neck bowed forward and I let him ride my back for a moment, only. Then, pushing off my thighs, I stiffened my arms, straightened up and knocked him off. With a snuffle and huff, the wolf bounded away and circled to my front, sniffing at my crotch. A furtive swipe of his long tongue hit my clit, the rough tip scouring the tender nub.

  Keep it in your belly! Keep it in your belly! I held my breath, held in the fear now laced with heat as the gray wolf came up over me fast, testing my strength and resolve. He pushed his snout into the bend of my shoulder, nipping hard on air. I tucked and held, tucked and firmed. He couldn’t get to my neck and with a disgruntled huff, he backed off. Before I could guard, the red wolf snuck back in, licking my right nipple. While I was nudging him away with my elbow, the gray snatched the opening and dived for my crotch, digging his tongue through my nether lips and wedging it in my slit.

  I let out a startled yip and he backed away and pranced around me, waving his tail. I swear the damned beast grinned until the white wolf, Vance, pounced on him, tumbling him over onto his back. Muzzle open over Gray’s neck, fangs threatening, he growled in warning. The gray went limp, whimpering abjectly, but as soon as the stronger wolf let him up he was back to badgering me.


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