Bunny Tails Splitting Hares

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Bunny Tails Splitting Hares Page 6

by Camille Anthony

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  “I’m about to.”

  It wasn’t easy watching my brothers-in-arms fuck my mate, but the look in her eyes, on her face as they moved in her was phenomenally awe inspiring. She glowed like the goddess Moon, the expression on her face, transcendent. It would not pain me to see that look again, to know I’d had something to do with placing it there.

  But their part was done and I wanted my bitch to myself. I brushed the others off, taking Ouida in my arms and rolling with her, placing her on the bottom. I studied her carefully for signs we’d overused her, worry over her human frailty uppermost in my mind.

  She didn’t look like she’d been abused. On the contrary, she looked well loved. Her short hairdo was a fluff of curls all over her dark head. Heavy lids half hid slumberous espresso dark eyes that carried a new knowledge of what a male’s body could do for her. The sides of her face were abraded from our fur rubbing against her skin, marking her with our scent. Her pendulous breasts sagged to the sides, still hard nipples reddened from our teeth and tongues. She appeared worn out.

  Ouida moved with me, obedient to my wordless commands as I guided her into the traditional position for love making. On her hands and knees, she swayed, barely able to hold still. I was so lost to control about then that I knew she wouldn’t have to keep that position long. I wasn’t going to last.

  Moving to take my place at her back, I shifted, took on my true form and prepared to mount my mate. This time, Ouida twisted her neck to watch, her expression knowing and resigned. There was another look in her eyes, though, one that encouraged me to send my flanks flying forward, slamming my cock into her well-lubricated pussy.

  “Yes! Fuck me, Vance, take me. I want you to…”

  Her slit was a long tight cone of molten heat, gripping my penis in a fleshy glove made to fit. I humped her furiously, the strength of my jarring thrusts setting her teats to swaying. The sounds of her breathless gasps and sighs drove me on, pushed me higher, made me insane to come in her, mark her as the others had not… in wolven fur with teeth and claws.

  I growled, my baser needs overwhelming my reasoning mind, and lunged for her neck, sinking my fangs in her shoulder to hold her still for fucking. Her cries simply fueled my lust, heightened the roaring in my blood. The wedged shape of my lupine organ plowed through the buttery slick channel of her sex, hitting nerves and depths a human penis could never plumb.

  I grunted, moaned, slavered over my bitch as sperm churned in my heavy seed sacs, coming to a boil in the over-filled chambers. My knot began to grow, taking up the last unclaimed space in her full cunt. The walls of her convulsing sex squeezed my cock in a death grip, making me fight for every inch sawed in or out. Lava rose from my balls, bathed the base of my spine and shot straight up my cock to explode in a geysering spray inside her sealed pussy.

  “Come for me! Now!” If I’d had a human throat and voice box at the time, I’d have screamed those words. Instead, I bit down, breaking the skin, and drank my bitch’s rich hot blood, a sip to unite us, another to tie us tight for eternity.

  Exhausted, drained, I fell away, too tired to shed my true self and take on biped form. Curled around my bitch, I barely had the brainpower to worry if it had been too much for her.

  A shaking hand in my fur, an equally shaky voice in my ear reassured me. “Oh my God, Vance, I never… I’ve never…” She sucked in a deep unsteady breath. “I’ve never come so hard in my life. Lawdy mercy, I feel like all my nerve endings are on the outside of my skin.”

  I licked her hand, whimpering. My head flopped back down. I just wanted to rest. On the periphery of my attention, I registered Xen, Usher and Brax stirring. They’d retained their humanoid form, obedient to my stricture demanding they not change and try to impregnate my woman.

  Xen was arguing with the others. “This is not finished! Not to split hairs, but technically, I didn’t get my turn.”

  Ha! That was exactly what he wanted to do: split my hare.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Brax, as always, was in the dark. Unfortunately, I knew what was coming next out of Xen’s bold mouth. “I only got her mouth. I want my turn in her pussy.”

  “You don’t have to worry,” Usher said, bending to lift Ouida in his arms. “You’ll get your turn. The terms were we mate her for the duration of the Festival. This is the high Fertility Festival, celebrated once a century. It lasts a full year.”

  Well fuck, I’d forgotten that.

  “Where are you taking her, Usher?” Xen’s voice lowered an octave, the growling question raising the hairs at the back of my neck. I garnered enough strength to lift my head and stare at the wolf in question.

  “Back to the lodge so she can rest.”

  “Give her to me.” As second-in-command, Xen took control while I was incapacitated. “One of you, get the captain. He’s too worn out to move out under his own steam.”

  Brax scooped me up. At arm level, I could see Xen’s expression as he gazed down at our sleeping mate. Feeling the weight of my gaze, he lifted his head and met my eyes. After a long moment, I bowed my head in acknowledgement. A quick exchange with the others told the same story.

  I sighed. Splitting hares wasn’t the norm for us wolves, but it seemed for the next year, I’d be sharing my Christmas bunny with her temporary mates. I guess I’ll get used to it. If tonight was anything to go by, it wouldn’t be so bad.

  Camille Anthony

  A fertile imagination and a love of both romance and science fiction fuels Camille’s writing. Her favorite stories are those of strong, honorable people -- whatever the race or planet of origin -- who are driven by love and lust to find and do that one special someone. Camille likes her heroines feisty, her heroes dominant and her passion red hot! She loves to hear from her readers. You can e-mail her at [email protected] or visit her website at www.camilleanthony.com. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.




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