Sexy Beast II

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Sexy Beast II Page 7

by Kate Douglas, Noelle Mack

  All of them.

  Here? In the cabin together? It would certainly explain the need for a room with what was essentially one large bed, but the image of four or five men making love, all of them touching and tasting, their huge bodies straining, thrusting…

  The sound of water running downstairs startled Tala out of her daydreams. She quickly pulled her hand from between her legs, frowning. She’d been totally unaware she’d been touching herself, so caught up in the images of Mik and AJ and their equally well-built though faceless companions. For that matter, she hadn’t heard the front door, either, but obviously someone was in the shower.

  Maybe two someones? She crawled out of bed and finger-combed her tangled hair out of her eyes, then followed the sound of running water to a bathroom on the ground floor.

  Steam billowed out of a partially open door. Tala quietly peeked through the narrow opening and saw the shadowed images of AJ and Mik in the huge shower together. Partially obscured by both the frosted glass on the shower door and the thick steam filling the room, their bodies took on a sensual, artistic flair. Mik, identifiable by his long black hair, had his back to the spray. He appeared to be washing AJ’s back.

  AJ bent forward with his forearms pressed against the wall, the edges of his lean body softened and distorted, but the lack of clarity made the scene in front of Tala all the more sensual.

  As if in a fog, she slowly pulled her sweatshirt over her head and stepped out of the pants. Without a word, she quietly slipped the shower door open and stepped beneath the spray.

  AJ had sensed Tala’s presence mere seconds before she joined them in the shower. Thank goodness he’d warned Mik or there might have been a problem. Trained to react on instinct alone, both men were killers. Just back from their first good run as Chanku, they were also primed for either sex or violence.

  Or both.

  It didn’t really matter when they were this wired and aroused. Nothing mattered but sensation, reaction…instinct. Tala was the last person either one of them ever wanted to harm.

  Mik closed the glass door behind her as she slipped into the steaming shower between the two of them. AJ turned around and sat on the small molded bench in the corner of the shower. His cock rose straight up, giving Mik a good idea of his mate’s intentions.

  Instead of settling herself onto his lap, Tala surprised both men when she knelt in front of AJ and took him into her mouth. Hot water streamed around her shoulders and swept her hair down her back like a curtain of dark silk. AJ threw his head back against the tile wall of the shower and gasped as Tala’s lips tightened around his cock.

  Watching them, the way Tala’s cheeks hollowed with each strong pull, the look of absolute rapture on AJ’s face, was too much. Holding his cock in his hand, Mik stepped over Tala and, with his feet planted firmly on either side of her kneeling form, fed his straining erection to AJ.

  AJ wrapped his lips around the purple crown and swallowed him deep. He wrapped one fist around the thick base of Mik’s cock; the other tangled in Tala’s wet hair. Water cascaded off their bodies, steam filled the air, and Mik braced himself against the dark blue tile walls of the shower.

  Mik opened his mind to AJ and found Tala instead. Tala, her thoughts unguarded and honest, as clear as if she spoke them in his head. He experienced her arousal, the sense of power she felt with two beautiful men at her beck and call. The love she had for both him and AJ, the fear they wouldn’t want her when this journey ended.

  Tala’s vulnerability was Mik’s undoing. The knowledge that, should he and AJ be wrong and discover Tala was not Chanku, this relationship would somehow have to end. It couldn’t. She was too much like them, had too many of the signs of the beast within to even consider she might not be one of them. Arching his back, Mik thrust against AJ’s hot mouth, welcomed the scrape of teeth, the tight grasp of his lover’s fist around the base.

  AJ, obviously aware of Mik’s tortured thoughts, sent his own message of love, of desire and hope. Filled Mik’s heart with the passion each man carried for the other, shared the heat of Tala’s mouth, the warm caress of her fingers as she held his testicles in her small hands.

  So close, each man hovering on the brink of climax, but it wasn’t enough. Wasn’t completely shared. Mik pulled free of AJ’s sucking mouth, lifted Tala away from AJ and turned off the water. Practically shaking with need, with emotion and fear, Mik wrapped her in a large towel and carried her out of the bathroom and up the stairs.

  AJ followed close behind, leaving a damp trail in his wake.


  Tala had been lost in sensation, in a wet world of heat and taste and texture. The thick cock filling her mouth and the salty taste of AJ’s pre-cum, the harsh rasp of Mik’s hairy legs against her sides and shoulders as she knelt in the shower with him standing over her.

  There’d been the hard porcelain beneath her knees, softened only by a thin rubber mat and the hot needles of water cascading off her back and buttocks. Lost in sensation and loving the feel of AJ’s testicles in the palm of her hand, the wrinkled sac that held them, the smooth, satiny skin over his unbelievably hard cock, the sense of power to think she had two gorgeous men all to herself, two men who wanted her, who cared for her.

  Then suddenly Mik was sweeping her up, wrapping her into a warm, fluffy towel and carrying her away. It took Tala a moment, so caught up had she been in the act of suckling AJ, to realize all three of them were now ascending the stairs into the sleeping loft.

  She stared at Mik, at the look of pure determination on his face and wondered if he was jealous of her attention to his mate, if for some horrible reason he’d decided what they all did together was wrong.

  “No. Never wrong.” His voice was harsh, the words sounding gruff, almost angry.

  “How did you know…?”

  Mik gently set her down on the mattress closest to the door and slowly pulled the towel from around her body. He sat nearby but not touching her, as did AJ. “I know because your thoughts are an open book to me…to AJ as well. I couldn’t stand it, watching you make love to AJ, knowing my cock was getting attention just as powerful, while you were left there doing all the touching. All alone, untouched and unaroused.”

  Tala laughed. “Unaroused? You weren’t reading me all that well, were you?” Mik and AJ sat next to one another, Indian-fashion, legs folded in front. Mik braced himself with palms planted firmly on the mattress. Tala rolled to her knees and leaned close enough to kiss Mik on the mouth. Thoroughly, using her tongue, rubbing her peaked nipples over his chest, trailing her fingers down his belly almost to the root of his cock, until she broke away and left him breathing as if he’d just run a mile. Then she turned and kissed AJ in exactly the same fashion.

  When she was through, Tala sat back on her heels, out of reach of both Mik and AJ. Their lungs bellowed in and out with each harsh breath, their cocks stood straight and powerful against their hard bellies, each with a trail of white flowing from the swollen crown. Two gorgeous men, obviously hanging by a thread, right on the precipice. On the edge of orgasm, barely under control.

  Tala felt ten feet tall. Not only sexually aroused but powerful, omnipotent. They wanted her. Wanted her so badly they ached with the need, yet they waited. Waited for Tala.

  Slowly, she palmed her own nipple, rubbing lightly at the taut peak, and took a deep breath. Both men watched, their gazes locked on the slow rolling motion of her hand. Fascinated by their extreme arousal, aware on some level of their deeply carnal thoughts, Tala slipped her other hand between her thighs.

  When she penetrated herself with two fingers and arched her hips forward to meet her own thrusts, she felt the tension in the room go up another notch and knew she had both AJ and Mik exactly where she wanted them. “Okay,” she said, slowly stroking herself. “Let’s get this straight. I love sex. I especially love sex with you two. Tasting you, feeling you close, both of you, turns me on as much as when you’re both inside me. Maybe it’s the power, the control I have when I’m
sucking you deep in my mouth, when I’ve got your balls in my hands.”

  She almost laughed aloud at the expressions of pure lust on each man’s face. She’d never seen any male this aroused yet still under control. Barely, of that she was certain. Tonight, something was different about them. Something even they might not recognize.

  It should have frightened her. It didn’t. Instead, Tala felt her own arousal grow, felt the fluids streaming from between her legs and the slow, steady clench of muscles desperate for something more than her slim fingers inside.

  “Point being, don’t ever think I’m not enjoying what we’re doing. It was my choice to go down on AJ. I’d planned to bring him off and then it was going to be your turn, Mik.” She shrugged her shoulders and grinned at both of them. “Don’t get me wrong, though. I would have come, too. At least twice, if not more. Sucking cock does that to me. It makes me very hot.” She dragged the words out, slowly, seductively.

  AJ’s eyes glittered. He reached for his own cock, hesitated, then put his hands back at his sides. Tala grinned in approval. “I loved what we did yesterday, when both of you were inside me. Would that make you happy, Mik? I hate to think of you feeling badly on my account.”

  Mik managed a strangled noise that might have been a yes. Tala grinned and rose up on her knees, still pleasuring herself.

  “Only this time, I want AJ inside my pussy, and you, Mik—I want you in my ass. What do you think?”

  Mik bent forward and crawled close, leaned down in what Tala thought of as a terribly submissive posture, and licked her between her legs. His tongue was hot and the pointed tip curled delightfully around her clit on the upward sweep. She moaned, but kept her fingers in place.

  He raised his head and stared intently at her. “I think I like your idea. You okay with that, AJ?”

  “Oh, yeah…definitely all right.” AJ cupped the back of her head in his broad palm and kissed Tala. This time, he controlled the kiss, using his tongue like a mobile cock, making love to her mouth until she felt as if her entire being were caught there, in the space between lips and tongue and teeth. When he pulled away and ended the kiss, Tala was the one breathing like a runner at the end of a sprint.

  AJ rolled to his back and brought Tala with him. His cock was swollen and thick, but so nicely lubricated with his own pre-cum that Tala slipped easily over him, eased herself down on his full length until the hard crown of his cock met with the equally hard muscle at the mouth of her womb.

  She paused then to settle herself and both of them sighed. AJ’s face was a picture of absolute bliss and she wondered if he’d ever had sex with a woman before.

  Yes, but not often…obviously not often enough. Damn, this feels good!

  Tala giggled. Would she ever get used to voices in her head? The pills must be working, because the sensation was growing stronger, more vivid. She leaned forward and slowly raised and lowered herself over AJ’s full length, at the same time kissing and nibbling his lips and chin.

  She felt Mik then, stroking her smooth buttocks, trailing one thick finger along the tight cleft between her cheeks. He’d coated his finger with something slick and wet, and the pressure against her sphincter lasted barely a heartbeat before he slipped beyond the tight muscle.

  She wiggled her hips, as much in invitation as to let him know how good it felt, this subtle penetration while AJ filled her so nicely.

  Another finger joined the first and Tala concentrated on relaxing, on giving Mik total access to her body. She heard his voice in her mind, the gentle words of praise and encouragement, then felt the pressure of his cock against her anus.

  Maybe it was the fact she’d just accepted AJ in this manner, maybe she was merely more relaxed with both men, but this time there was very little pain. She felt pressure, heard AJ’s sensual murmuring and soft whispers in her mind, and then the slick fullness of Mik’s cock sliding deep inside.

  He sighed and his breath was a soft whisper along her spine. Then he began to move, finding his rhythm with AJ, each of them filling and retreating in turn. AJ leaned forward and suckled her right breast. Mik’s fingers found the left while his other hand clasped the smooth contour of her belly.

  A moment came, a shared moment, when all of them escaped the mere logistics of three people fucking and concentrated solely on sensation. Concentrated and shared, so that Tala felt the slick heat of her pussy grasping AJ’s cock on each thrust, felt the slide of Mik’s cock against his mate’s with nothing more than a thin wall of tissue separating the two.

  Even more than the physical sensation was the mental. A sharing unlike anything Tala could recall, a sense of belonging, as if they were some sort of feral pack and she was the central part, the alpha bitch to their alpha males.

  She felt the cool forest and the darkness of a starry night, caught the scents of wild things and heard the scatter of creatures running through thick grass. Bits and pieces of images that were all too familiar, all a part of the dream world she inhabited night after night.

  Now, though, encountering them while wide awake, the images seemed to make some weird sort of sense, as if they were experiences she should know, should already be familiar with. Caught in the beauty of the dreamlike state, Tala gave herself over to both men, gave her body, her soul, and most of all, her heart. As her body tightened and readied itself for orgasm, her heart and mind spilled forth as well.

  When it came, when the light burst behind her eyes and her body convulsed in perfect synchronization with her two lovers, Tala saw a world, an existence, she’d always known but never touched.

  At the height of her climax, when her body twisted and writhed between both men, Tala suddenly saw the world of Chanku.

  Gasping, his mind reeling, Mik slowly rolled to one side, taking Tala with him. He felt AJ turn as well so as not to pull free of her welcoming heat. As tightly as Tala’s inner muscles hugged them both, it wasn’t nearly as difficult to readjust positions without losing contact as it might have been.

  He’d glimpsed something in Tala he couldn’t explain, had sensed an awakening that shuttered itself just as quickly as it breached whatever barriers held it. Brushing her long hair out of her eyes, Mik kissed her unresponsive lips.

  He felt her breath, knew from the tight contractions around his cock that she lived, but had no idea where she’d gone. AJ’s concern rolled through his mind.

  Is she okay? What happened?

  I don’t know. Try projecting calm, loving thoughts. Something weird was in her head, but I’m not sure what. Remember, this is a woman who only recalls the past three years of her life, and she’s got to be close to thirty.

  She looks about sixteen.

  Mik snorted. She’s not. Trust me. Tala? Sweetie? Are you there? Do you hear me?

  There was no response. “Tala? Can you hear me? Are you okay?”

  Slowly she raised her head, blinked owlishly, then smiled. “Oh, my. That was truly amazing.”

  “You okay?” Mik leaned close and kissed her cheek. AJ found her lips.

  “Hmm, I think so.” She clenched the muscles between her legs, squeezing both men. “Oh, yeah. I’m definitely fine.”

  Mik ran his hand along her hip. “Do you remember anything? Did something happen when you climaxed?”

  Tala opened her mouth as if to make some wisecrack, then stopped and frowned. “Yeah. Now that you mention it, I do. It was like I was in one of my weird dreams, a wolf running in the forest. Only there were two wolves with me and I was sure they were the two of you. It’s definitely odd.” She grinned then and laughed. “Shit, sex with you guys really is a mind-blowing experience, isn’t it?”

  AJ chuckled. “Definitely that.” He slowly pulled his cock out of her pussy. “I think it’s time for dinner. I’ll meet you guys in the kitchen. We can draw straws for who cooks.”

  He sauntered toward the steps, but Tala’s giggles stopped him.

  “What?” he said, standing at the top step with one hand on his hip.

  Mik c
ouldn’t help but grin. Damn but the man looked good. Every bit as good as the woman still holding a big part of his body inside hers.

  “I can’t cook.” Tala giggled again, then burst into laughter. “I forgot my past and forgot how to cook. How’s that for a memory lapse?”

  AJ just grinned. “We’ll teach you. Anyone who sticks with me and Mik better know how to put a meal on the table.” With that he turned and disappeared down the stairs.

  Mik wrapped his arms around Tala and felt her sigh.

  “I really can’t cook, you know? I can’t remember a lot of things, and cooking is one of them. Mik, do you think I’ll ever get my memory back?”

  He kissed her. Slowly and with feeling. “Yes. You’ll get your memory back. I promise. I also promise you won’t have to cook until you do. I doubt my stomach could handle it.”

  Reluctantly, Mik pulled himself free of her tight hold and headed into the bathroom for a warm washcloth. Tala was still lying in the same position when he returned, so he washed her carefully, aware of the emotions swirling in her mind.



  “I don’t know if I want my memories back.” She rolled over and faced him. Her eyes were dark and troubled. “Maybe there’s a reason I can’t remember. Maybe I shouldn’t know what happened.”

  He kissed her, even though his heart was breaking. If only they could be sure. If only he knew he wasn’t promising a lie. He was so sure, almost positive. Almost.

  “It’s okay, sweetie. Whatever it is, you know AJ and I will be here for you. You don’t have to go through anything alone. Not anymore. Never alone.” He shook his head for emphasis. “Never.”

  Never alone, he’d said. Then why the hell was she alone now? They’d all spent a wonderful night together in that big mass of mattresses, making sweet love without the violent undertones she’d noticed earlier. They’d slept, eaten a wonderful breakfast, hiked in the woods, then returned to the cabin for a nap.


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