Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3)

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Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) Page 2

by Alison Mello

  “Thank you. It’s stunning.” I have a huge smile on my face.

  He leans in and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “You mean a lot to me and I wanted to make sure that you saw that tonight.”

  “I don’t know what to think, Noah. I’m so confused right now. You’ve blown me off so many times, and then ask me to meet you at home after work. You quickly fuck me, and then we fall asleep together only for me to wake up alone.” I look down, not wanting to cry right now. I’m happy when the waitress walks in with water and two small cups of soup. I thank her and she quickly retreats. “I can’t get past the feeling that you’re hiding something from me, and it’s not a feeling I like.” I can’t let this one date erase all the bad ones we’ve had. I appreciate his first attempt at fixing things, but he hasn’t proven anything to me yet.

  We both finish our soup as the waitress arrives with our dinner. He’s ordered me filet mignon, which proves to me that he hasn’t learned anything about me in the time we’ve been together, because I hate beef. I only eat beef when it’s ground in a burger, and even then prefer a turkey burger. Beef upsets my stomach, and this is a conversation we’ve had. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to gain some control over my frustration. I decide to eat the mashed potatoes and spinach that’s on my plate, leaving the beef behind.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

  My brows shoot up in shock, because the fact I’m not eating the beef hasn’t rang any bells for him. “I don’t eat beef,” I remind him.

  “Since when?” His brows furrow at my comment.

  I sigh. “Noah, this is what I’m talking about. I very rarely even eat a beef hamburger, it’s usually a turkey burger. We had this conversation when we first started dating because you had recommended a steak from the restaurant we were at.”

  “I’m so sorry. I forgot. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.” He slips his hand into my hair at my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. “Can you forgive me?”

  I close my eyes and he deepens the kiss. I’m really trying to put my all into this relationship, but I feel like it’s going nowhere. I pull away. “Let’s just finish dinner.”

  He looks sad and defeated as he goes back to eating his filet, but what’s sad is it’s clear that I’m not on his mind the way he has been on mine.

  I’m glad he ordered us soup before dinner or I’d still be starving. The waitress comes back a minute later and asks if everything was okay. We tell her it was fine and Noah tells her she can bring the dessert and coffee. Lord help this man if he ordered anything other than something chocolate for dessert. I’m a chocoholic and I spend a lot of time in the gym, so I can feed my addiction and he knows it.

  “Tell me, how do you like working at the club?” He leans back in the booth and crosses his leg.

  “I love it. Shane is a great guy to work for, and now that I’ve started to prove myself, I’m getting offered more hours.” I twist in the seat to face him. “You should see if you can get on the night shift, that way we work the same hours and then we can try and fix this.” I point between the two of us.

  I think I see a look of fear flash across his face, but he quickly recovers. “I can’t just switch shifts. There has to be an opening, and there isn’t one right now.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Can’t you look to move to a different company or at least ask?”

  “No.” His answer is clipped and final.

  “You don’t want to.”

  “Kara, you don’t understand.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. We’ve been discussing this for a while now, but you choose to ignore it. Well, guess what. I’m done.” I start to stand from the booth as the waitress walks in with our dessert. She can see she’s chosen the wrong time to enter, but it’s too late.

  “You can leave the dessert, it’s fine.” She drops it on the table, quickly pours two cups of coffee, and exits the room in record time. I’m standing in the corner with my arms crossed, pretending to admire a painting but really I don’t want her to see me upset.

  Noah comes up behind me, placing his hands on my arms, and resting his chin on my shoulder. “Please understand, this isn’t something I can explain right now. I screwed up and I’m trying to fix it. Once I do I’ll explain everything, but I really don’t want to lose you over this.”

  I quickly turn to him. “What did you do? What are you mixed up in?”

  “I told you I can’t explain that right now, but trust me, I’m fixing it. Come home with me, let me show you how much you mean to me.”

  I step away from him. “Don’t touch me. Don’t come near me, and do not call me until you’re ready to tell me everything. How could you do this to me?” I bite my lip. “You know what I went through. You saw how messed up I was after being attacked, and now you think you can keep things from me and it’s just going to be okay. What is wrong with you?”

  I run to the booth, grab my purse, and pull out my phone. “Katie, it’s me.” I begin to cry.

  “Kara, what’s wrong? Where are you?” Her voice is pained.

  “I’m at that nice Italian restaurant downtown. Can you come get me?”

  “Of course. Wait inside and I’ll be there as soon as I can.” She cuts the call.

  I turn back to Noah, who’s seething with his arms crossed at his chest. “I meant what I said. Until you’re ready to explain yourself, do not call me or come near me. I won’t be the victim of your crazy world.” I storm out of the room, hearing something crash behind me. I flinch involuntarily.

  As my sister instructed, I sit by the door and wait for her to come get me, trying to think about anything but what just happened. If I think about it, I’m likely to break right there in the lobby of the restaurant. There’s a commotion behind me, and when I turn, I see two big guys escorting Noah out, and I have no doubt it has to do with whatever he smashed in that private room.

  My sister pulls up as the bouncers are walking back in. They hold the door for me, and I quickly run out, jumping into the front seat of her car. “Was that Noah getting thrown out?” She looks to me as I put on my seatbelt and she notices I’ve been crying. “Oh, sweetie. Talk to me.”

  “Just drive, please.” She pulls away from the place and heads in the direction of my parents’ house. “He’s mixed up in something—I don’t know what—but I told him he is not to call me until he’s ready to tell me what he’s involved in. I’m done with him.”

  “We all thought he was a great guy and maybe he just made a mistake, but you did the right thing. There are better men out there that will care for you.” Her voice is so gentle and kind. I appreciate it because she wasn’t a fan of Noah’s in the beginning, but I convinced her that he was a good guy.

  “It’s too bad, because this date started out amazing. He rented the back room for just the two of us and it was gorgeous. Everything was set up so romantic. He had champagne and he ordered our food so we wouldn’t have to wait.” I shake my head “But you know what the asshole ordered me? Beef.”

  “He what?” She glances over with a questioning look. “Everyone knows you don’t eat beef. It bothers your stomach.”

  I roll my eyes. “I had to remind him of the conversation we had when I told him that. He forgot, because he’s had a lot on his mind.” I shake my head. “I can’t believe it. I’ve thought about him constantly, missing him and hoping I’d get to see him, and he forgets something like that. I sigh. “It ruined the beautiful dinner he had planned.”

  “Why did they throw him out?”

  I shake my head. “I have no idea. I left the room right after I hung up with you, and as the door was swinging shut, I heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the door. I’m guessing he damaged something, and from the looks of the room, it was probably expensive.”

  “That place is expensive. I’m surprised he could afford that on an EMT salary. I’m willing to bet that cost at least three hundred dollars.” Katie pulls up outside my parents’ home.

  “I didn’t e
ven think about that. I mean, I know he’s been working a lot, but he still only makes about thirty-five grand a year, and he has his rent and a car payment. I can’t imagine with his other bills he can just drop three hundred dollars on one date. The roses he sent me the other day looked really expensive too.” I slip my hands into my hair and rub the top of my head. I can feel a headache coming on.

  “Listen to me.” My sister’s voice is full of concern. “Something feels off to me. Please stay away from him. I don’t trust him, and until we know what he’s mixed up in…” her voice trails off. “I don’t want to see you hurt again.”

  I sigh. “I know. Thank you for coming to get me.”

  She leans over to hug me. “Anytime, you know that. I’m always here for you, no matter what.” I give my sister a small smile and climb out of the car.

  When I get inside, I find my dad waiting in the living room watching TV. “Hey, Daddy.”

  “Why did your sister just drop you off?” He’s angry, I can see it on his face.

  “Because I broke up with Noah tonight. We’re done.”

  “What did he do to you?” He can see the tears building in my eyes.

  “Daddy, I just spent the entire car ride home venting to Katie. I just want to go to bed.” A tear slips down my cheek.

  My dad steps up to me and wraps me in a hug. “Have a good night, baby girl.” He kisses the top of my head and I run up the stairs to my room, where I let it all out. I don’t even bother to change, I just slip into my bed and sob. When I’ve finally calmed down, I pull my phone from my purse to put it on the charger and I see I have text from him. It basically says he’s not giving up and he will get me back, but I’m not sure I can ever trust him again.

  Chapter 2


  I can’t believe what a mess I am today. I’ve spent a good portion of the day crying over an asshole who doesn’t deserve my tears, and to be honest, I think I’m more upset that I thought he actually cared for me. Now, I’m not so sure. How can he say he cares when he couldn’t remember even simple things like I don’t eat beef? I know it’s something simple, but we’ve had the conversation more than once, and when you’re trying to plan something special, that’s a detail you don’t screw up.

  I’m pulling up to work and I need to get out of this funk. If I’m in a bad mood, then the patrons won’t have fun and I won’t make good tips. I’m working the bar with Kelly tonight, thank God. I climb out of my car, slamming the door a bit harder than I mean to. I pound on the employee entrance and Shane appears to let me in.

  “Hey, Kara. How are you holding up?” I love that my brother-in-law cares enough to ask.

  “I’m all right. I need to stop thinking about it and move the hell on.”

  “I’m sure you do. You’re working with Kelly tonight, and you know she has your back.” Shane wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives me a small hug.

  “I know.” I make my way out to the front of the club, where Kelly’s already behind the bar getting things ready.

  “Hey, girl.” She wraps me in a hug. “Listen, I’m the only one Shane has told because he’s worried about you. Do you need to talk?” She has her hands on my shoulders as she looks into my welling eyes.

  I shake my head. “He hasn’t stopped sending me text messages and it’s driving me crazy.”

  “Block his cheesy ass. If he can’t pay attention to simple details like the foods you can and can’t eat, he doesn’t deserve you. Not to mention he’s blown you off what, twice now?”

  “More like four times.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Girl, you can do so much better.” She wraps me in a hug. “Now, let’s get this place ready to open.”

  I take a deep breath. “She’s right. I deserve better than what he’s offering me.”

  The bouncers have all arrived and are having their nightly meeting. Jonah tells them where they’re stationed for the night. They always discuss any issues that came up the night before and Jonah informs them of any new patrons that were added to the black list for causing issues in the club.

  It’s a Saturday night and this place is about to get hopping. Kelly and I both hit the ladies’ room as we do every night just before opening. It’s too busy in here after eleven to even try to pee. I touch up my makeup, trying to cover the bags under my eyes from crying myself to a restless sleep last night. I turn to Kelly. “I’m done crying over him. I’m angry, but I’m done. I can’t let him do this to me anymore. He’s screwed up and he has to deal with it.”

  “Good for you.” She looks at me, proud. “You’re hot as hell. You don’t need him.” She hugs me and we both head back out to the bar. I don’t know why, but suddenly my mood has changed. I feel stronger and more confident.

  The music starts and the club doors open. It doesn’t take long for the place to start to fill up. It’s Saturday, so we have two cocktail waitresses walking the floor selling shots, and both bars are open serving drinks. Kelly and I are working bar two tonight, that means we make the shots for the cocktail waitresses as well as serving patrons. Shawna comes over to the bar. “Here you go.” I slide her a tray with shots lined up on it.

  “Thanks, girl.” She scoops up the tray and walks away. The music is kicking and the two of us start dancing between making drinks. I think it’s one of the things that the guys love about us. We both dance around behind the bar.

  “What can I get you?” I shout to two guys waiting for drinks.

  One of them winks at me. “Your number.” He flashes me his smile.

  “Nice try. What can I get you to drink?” I rephrase my question.

  “Come on. Seriously.” He tries again.

  “Hey, Kelly.” I shout over to her.

  “What’s up?” she dances alongside me.

  “Can you believe this dude wants my number?” I wink at her and she bursts into laughter.

  “Sorry, she’s taken.” Kelly wraps her arm around me and pretends to whisper into my ear. Kelly has a girlfriend, so she plays the role well. The guys start to cheer, excited that they think I’m Kelly’s girlfriend.

  “That’s so hot.” He laughs. Kelly walks away to make a drink. “Can we get a couple of Bud Lights?” I nod and hand over the drinks. He hands me fifteen dollars and tells me to keep the change. I thank him and they move on.

  “Girl, that was awesome. Thank you so much.” We hug and continue to work. Kelly has been out for a while now, but apparently only recently came out to her co-workers. She was worried we would judge her and it would affect her job. We all love Kelly, and her girlfriend is pretty awesome. It’s my understanding her girlfriend encouraged her to come out here. She wanted to be able to come to the club with her and not have to hide who they were. I say to each her own.

  The night is flying by and I’m glad that there are no other issues throughout the night. The place is slammed, but Kelly and I manage our bar well. Suddenly I look up to see Slade sitting at the bar wearing a tight black V-neck t-shirt. He nods at me and slowly a smile spreads across my face. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  “Logan asked me to stop in. I figured since I was here, I would grab a drink.”


  “Sure. Make it a Heineken.”

  “You got it.” I grab him his beer and place it on the bar before I run off to see what Shawna needs. I see she’s out of shots. It’s almost last call, so I make her a half batch and send her on her way. I notice a guy standing next to Slade waiting to be served. I mix his drink, and when I turn I see Slade checking me out as he takes a pull from his beer. He licks his lips, and for the first time I notice how hot he is. I always saw him as a professional, but seeing him sitting here at my bar, dressed down, gives me a different view of him.

  The DJ finally announces last call. I get Slade another beer, and then Kelly and I bust ass to get through the last round of drinks. Once we’re done, she runs off to start restocking the bar while I clean up the glasses that are left. Once I have them running, I begin wiping down
the bottles and the bar top. At this point most patrons are either starting to clear out to beat the rush, or they’re dancing, trying to enjoy the last few minutes before the DJ kicks them out.

  When Kelly gets back with a ton of bottles, I grab some, helping her get them put away, and then she takes off to grab the beers we need for the bar. It was seriously busy in here tonight. We went through a lot of alcohol, and being on the second bar, we are the less busy of the two.

  The music has started to lower and the club is dying down. When Kelly gets back with the beer, we’re ready to close this bar and help the first one get cleaned up. Logan still gives his staff a drink on him at the end of the night, and we want to be ready to help them by the time that happens. “Kick ass job tonight.” Kelly gives me a high five and wraps me in a hug.

  “Thanks. It really helped to take my mind off things and I love being here.”

  “It shows.” We both lean back and watch as the club clears out, people dropping their glasses on the bar as they go. We both get to work loading them into the dishwasher. Once it’s full, we’ll run it one last time and then bring the remainder of the glasses to the other bar to be washed. I didn’t notice but it looks like Slade left with the remainder of the crowd, and I’m slightly disappointed. We were at Miranda’s one night and he walked me to my car. It was really sweet. He got incredibly shy when we got there, but he opened my door and watched me pull away before he went back to guarding their apartment.

  “I’m going over to the other bar and see if they need help,” I call to Kelly as I walk around the bar. This place is pretty empty, and I’m sure they need stuff stocked, but when I get there, they actually have things under control and are almost done. Kelly joins us a minute later and the music completely shuts off.


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