Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3)

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Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) Page 15

by Alison Mello

  My phone pings, and when I look it’s a text from Stone. He and Miranda are on their way here with coffee and breakfast for me. I was hoping Slade would have woken already, but still nothing. At least he doesn’t appear to be in pain. I take his hand and squeeze it gently. “I’m here for you, Slade. Please wake up.” Still nothing. His fingers don’t even react to my touch, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t scare me. I was really hoping to at least feel his fingers move this morning.

  I quickly slip into the bathroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I want to be dressed and freshened up before Stone and Miranda get here. I run the comb that was left for me through my hair and toss it into a ponytail. When I step out of the bathroom, the doctor is here checking Slade over. “How come he won’t wake up?” The doctor jumps. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s fine.” He turns back to Slade and continues checking him over. “He’ll wake when he’s ready. Everything is looking good. His vitals are all good and I can tell the swelling is already improving dramatically.” He shrugs. “It’s up to him now.”

  “Can he hear me?”

  “I’m not sure. There are people who will tell you he can and there are people who will argue he can’t. I’ll tell you my belief is he can and it honestly can’t hurt to talk to him.” He gives me a smile. “I’ll be back later today to check in before I leave.” When he gets to the door he turns around. “Oh, and I’ll be notifying the orthopedic specialist that he’s stable enough for his leg surgery.”

  “Thank you.” He nods and walks out the door. I’m sitting on the bed by his side, running my fingers through his short dark blond hair, hoping the contact will wake him up when the nurse comes in.

  “Good morning.” Her voice is cheery.

  “Good morning.”

  “I’ll take it from your tone he hasn’t woken yet?” I shake my head. She picks up his chart, looking it over. “He’s doing well. He could wake anytime now.”

  “Yeah, that’s what the doctor said.”

  “I’m going to clean him up a bit. You’re welcome to stay or you can go grab some coffee if you want.”

  “I’m fine. My friends are on their way with coffee and food for me.”

  She goes into the bathroom, where I can hear the water running, and a few minutes later she comes out with two tubs of water and two cloths. She closes the curtain, blocking out anyone who may come into the room, and then lowers his blanket and adjusts his gown to uncover his naked body. It’s the first time I’ve seen the bruises on his legs, and I can see some around the bandages that are supporting his ribs. Seeing him like this makes me angry, and she must notice it, because she pauses for a moment. “Sweetie, anger is a natural reaction to what you’re seeing, but it will won’t do you or him any good.” She continues to wash him as we talk, and I have to admit it helps. I was feeling awkward watching her. It should be me doing it, but I’m afraid to because I don’t want to hurt him. It only takes her about fifteen minutes to clean him up. He looks a tad better now that some of the dried blood has been cleaned off his body, but he’s still really bruised and swollen in areas.

  When she opens the curtain we find Stone and Miranda sitting there with a bag of food and a tray of coffee. “Why four coffees?”

  “Was hoping he would smell it and wake up?” Miranda hands me a coffee.

  “I wish. The doctor said he’s already made great improvements and it’s all up to him now. I’ve tried talking to him and the nurse just gave him a sponge bath, but nothing so far.” My eyes are heavy from lack of sleep.

  “Why don’t you take a nap while we’re here? I’ll wake you if he wakes up.”

  A nap sounds like a great idea, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep. “I think I’ll sit next to him and rest my head.” I place his hand in mine, lower my head, and rest my eyes.


  I must have fallen asleep because I’m startled awake. I’m not sure what time it is, but Miranda is screaming behind me. I jump up to find her standing behind me with fluid running down her legs. “Shit, your water broke.” My eyes go wide.

  “It sure the hell did.” She laughs.

  The nurse comes running in. “What’s going on in here?” She’s pissed at the ruckus we’re making until she realizes what’s going on. She sticks her head out the door and shouts. “I need a wheelchair, we have a woman going into labor.” Another nurse comes running in with the wheelchair. She helps Miranda into it and they start to wheel her away.

  “Wait.” Miranda grabs the woman’s arm. “Kara.” I run over to her. “I will have Stone keep you posted. Please do the same for us.” Her eyes are full of concern.

  I chuckle and shake my head. The woman is about to deliver her first baby and she’s worried about us. “I will. Now go deliver that baby. I can’t wait to meet Charlotte.” Stone rolls his eyes and they rush her out of the room while an orderly cleans up the mess she left behind.

  I take a seat by Slade and kick up my feet. I don’t know how long I was out, but I feel a little bit better. I open the book app on my phone and begin reading. I have nothing else to do while I wait for my man to wake up. I need the distraction because right now I want to shake the shit out of him and tell him to wake the hell up.

  I’m reading a short romance story that’s more sex than actual romance when Sky comes walking in. “Any news?”

  “No, Miranda was only whisked away a short time ago.”

  “Miranda?” she questions. “I was talking about Slade.”

  “Oh, Miranda went into labor while here with me this morning. They rushed her to maternity to deliver the baby.”

  “Holy shit. What timing.”

  “I know.” I tell her how I was napping and woke up to her freaking out and a puddle under her feet. “Slade still hasn’t woken.” I’m not sure where it comes from, but another tear rolls down my cheek. I’m tired and I want my man back. “I wish he would make some sort of movement. His lack of response is killing me.”

  “I know, sweetie. I’m sure it is. Have you spoken to the doctor?” She pulls a seat up next to me.

  “Yeah, and he keeps telling me the same thing. He’ll wake when he’s ready.” I squeeze his hand. “Don’t get me wrong, I want him to recover and get the rest he needs, but I wish he would wake, even if it’s just for a short time. I want to make sure he knows I’m here and that I love him.”

  “He knows. Give him time to gain some strength and I’m sure he’ll wake.”

  We both sit in silence. Sky is playing a game on her phone and I’m reading, but I’m not really focused on the book. All I keep thinking about is how lucky I am to have this support around me. Plus my father told me he would stop by today, and I’m really praying he has an update for us.

  Another doctor comes into the room. “Good afternoon. I’m Doctor DeMello, Slade’s orthopedist.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Kara, his girlfriend.” I hold my hand out and he shakes it. “This is our good friend, Sky.” I introduce her and they shake hands.

  “I wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m going to be scheduling him for immediate surgery. That break is in a tough spot, if I don’t get him in, he can end up with some issues later on, and with his job, he doesn’t need that.”

  “When do you think you’ll be doing it?”

  “Later today.” He writes some notes on his chart.

  “Is that safe? He hasn’t woken yet.” I’m a bit panicked that they want to put him under yet again and he hasn’t woken since he got in here.

  “I assure you I would not take any unnecessary risks. He is progressing nicely and this surgery will do him no harm.” He gives me an assuring smile. “I’ll have the nurse get you an exact time.” He shakes my hand and walks out of the room.

  “We can check on Miranda while he’s in surgery. That will occupy your mind,” Sky offers. I nod and try to go back to my book.

  “Why do you need to occupy your mind?” My father comes walking in.

/>   “Daddy.” I run over and give him a hug.

  “How are you, baby girl?”

  “I’m okay, but I’d be better if Slade would wake up.” I take my seat next to his bed.

  “Is that why you’re trying to occupy your mind?” He leans on the wall.

  “No, they’re coming to get him for surgery on his leg a little later. I’m concerned about them doing it before he wakes, but the doctor says he’s in no danger.” My brows furrow.

  “Baby girl. You have to trust the doctors. They know what they’re doing.”

  I sigh. “I’m trying, but I’m scared. What if he wakes and his memory is gone or there are other issues they didn’t realize he had while he was asleep?”

  “Sweetie, those are valid fears, but you still have to let the doctors do their jobs. Him having surgery won’t affect that, and it really won’t prolong him from waking much earlier.” He’ll only be under a short time and the anesthesia will wear off soon after.

  “Sky’s right. Your mother will be in shortly too. She’s bringing you dinner.” He pats me on the knee.

  “Good, I haven’t eaten lunch.” I grab one of the bananas that Stone and Miranda brought up last night.

  “I’ll go get you a sandwich from the cafeteria. You visit with your father for a bit.” Sky gets up from her seat. I try to argue, telling her there’s no need, but she’s not hearing it.

  My father takes her seat and my eyes go to the floor. I want to ask the question but I’m afraid of the answer. “Do you have any updates?”

  “I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me.” He sighs. “We have Noah in custody. We found him pretty drugged up, but once he sobered up he started talking to us. We told him we found the brass knuckles he wore when he attacked Slade. What screwed him is he cut himself while he was wearing them. He has cuts on his hands that match the fit, plus his blood was on them. Once he knew that, he flipped on the other two guys that were involved. We’ve located one of them, but we’re still working on locating Higgins and the last guy. They won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.”

  “But you still have to catch him. What if they come back after Slade, or worse, what if Higgins goes after Miranda?”

  “Relax, Zane is taking care of Miranda. He has guards on her door just as he has guys on you.”

  Sky comes running into the room with a sandwich, chips, and an apple in her hand. “What’s the rush?”

  “Eat up. I just bumped into Katie. She’s on her way to Miranda’s room. She said her labor is progressing quickly and Charlotte could be born any time now.” I open my sandwich up and start eating it. Then I realize that I’m not going anywhere until Slade goes into surgery, so it’s not worth rushing. The nurse hasn’t even come in yet to tell me when they’re coming to get him.

  “Sky, why don’t you go check on Miranda? I’m going to hang here until I know what’s going on with Slade.” I take a bite of my apple.

  She looks like she wants to argue but she doesn’t. “Fine, but if I don’t see you on the fourth floor soon, I’m coming to get you.” She grins and walks out of the room.


  Slade is on his way to surgery, my father has gone back to the office to check on things, and I’m on my way to meet Miranda before my mom gets here with dinner. Sky sent me a text saying that Charlotte has arrived and they are in room four hundred twenty. When I make it down to the room, I gently knock on the door and step inside. Logan, Shane, Katie, and Sky are already in here. Miranda smiles at me and Stone says, “Come on in.”

  Katie is holding Charlotte and Shane is standing over her. They are her godparents and I have no doubt they will be amazing. I give Miranda a hug and congratulate her and then do the same with Stone. Miranda looks amazing for someone who’s just delivered a baby. She’s in her own maternity pajamas with her hair back in a neat ponytail. I take a seat next to Katie and she hands me the baby. “Here, we’ve all held her already.”

  I take her in my arms and stare down at her beautiful face. She looks just like her mom. “She’s beautiful,” I whisper. A tear rolls down my cheek. Staring at her makes me realize just how hard and fast I’ve fallen for Slade. I need him in my life like I need air to breathe.

  My sister, being a great big sister, is immediately there for me. “What’s wrong?” She squats in front of me, trying to make eye contact.

  “Seeing her makes me realize how much I need and love Slade. I fell hard and fast. I need him to be okay, so I can tell him.”

  “Aww, sis, we can all see how much you two love each other. There’s no set amount of time required to be in love. You know when you know. Some people know from the moment they see each other. Others know but fight it. You two will have plenty of time to tell each other and show each other how you feel.” She rubs my arm. “Now stop crying on the baby and give us an update. Sky told us Daddy was here.”

  I chuckle through my tears. “He left when I came down here. They just took Slade down for the surgery on his leg.” Katie hands me a tissue and I wipe my eyes. “Noah’s in custody. They found the brass knuckles he wore at the club.” I tell them all the details about the blood and him flipping on the guys who worked for Higgins. I also tell them that Higgins and one of his guys is missing, but they’re confident they’ll catch him.

  Charlotte begins to cry, so Miranda closes the curtain to nurse her. The guys are hovering in the corner talking and we’re sitting by the door when Cole arrives. “Hey, I got to the room and it was empty, is everything all right?”

  “Cole, I’m sorry I didn’t think to call you. It’s been a long day, and I’m tired. Slade is fine. He’s having surgery on his leg, so I came to visit Miranda and the baby.”

  “When did Slade go in?”

  “About forty minutes ago. They said the surgery would be a couple of hours.”

  He nods. “Do you need anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good for now, and my mom will be here shortly.”

  “Okay, I’m going to hang with the guys. I’ll be back on your security detail in the morning. Zane made me take the day off.”

  “Thanks, Cole.”

  “He is such a good guy,” Sky says as we watch him fist bump the guys.

  “Stone,” Miranda calls out. “I’m done feeding her.” He peeks his head in the curtain to be sure she’s decent before he pulls it open again to reveal a sleeping Charlotte. Stone takes Charlotte from her hands and gently places her down in the crib. It’s really more of a large plastic bin on wheels so they can move her between the room and the nursery, but it works.

  We slip our chairs closer to Miranda and carry on with conversation. She and Sky are comparing maternity stories. Since Sky is pregnant with her second, she’ll be a pro at it after this one. They both delivered naturally, but with the help of an epidural. “There’s no way in hell I’m even going to attempt delivering without an epidural. That’s just nuts,” my sister blurts out and our heads all whip to her direction. “What? No, I’m not pregnant. I’m just saying.”

  “Shane, what are you waiting for? I want a niece or nephew.” I bust his balls.

  “Talk to your sister. I’m ready when she is.” He turns back to the conversation he’s having with the guys, but not before Katie shoots him an evil eye. My brows shoot up at the look she’s giving him.

  She turns to me with her arms crossed over her chest and she shakes her head. “I told him we needed to wait until things calmed down. Miranda was due, Sky is pregnant, and with all the Higgins business, things are stressful.”

  “In other words, you’re scared and need an excuse to procrastinate,” I push.

  Sky and Miranda laugh, and Katie sits back in her chair with a huff. “Stop pushing your sister, Kara.” My mother walks into the room with a bag for me and a gift for Miranda.

  “Thank you, Mom.” Katie rolls her eyes.

  “I’m only going to defend you so long. Your father and I would like to be grandparents before we’re too old to enjoy them.” She hands me a bag. “More
clothes for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  She hands a bag to Miranda. “For the baby.”

  “Thank you.” Miranda hugs my mom.

  I stand for my mom to take the seat, but she tells me to sit. “You’re far more tired than I am.” I sit back down. “I stopped by the room. Slade is out of surgery, but he’s still out from the anesthesia. Doctor said if he’s going to wake, it won’t be for at least an hour.” Mom picks up Charlotte and snuggles her. “I’m going to visit with this precious girl for a bit and then I’ll grab us dinner.” She’s using her best baby voice and it’s a bit funny. We laugh at the faces she’s making to a sleeping Charlotte.

  “Are you trying to wake that baby?” Katie gives her a look like she’s crazy.

  Chapter 18


  “Where the fuck is my angel, Miranda?” the fat fucker Higgins shouts at me.

  “Fuck you. I’m not saying a word. I’m former military police. If you think you can scare me into giving you information, you’re fucking crazier than I thought.” Noah steps up in front of me and I laugh. The pansy hit me earlier and hurt his hand more than he hurt me. This time I notice something on his hand, the fucker is wearing brass knuckles. “Pussy. You can’t hit like a man so you have to use brass knuckles.” He slams his fists into my rib. I grunt in pain. I try pulling at my restraints one more time, but it’s no use…they have them so tight they’re digging into my wrists. “Is that all you got, motherfucker? Untie me and let’s fight it out like men.” He slams his fist into my leg below my knee. Fuck, I think he just broke my leg.

  “Enough!” Higgins spits as he shouts.

  “Here’s the thing. I loved her mother, she was the sweetest piece of ass I’ve ever had, and now I want to experience her daughter. I’m willing to bet that apple didn’t fall far from the tree, and if she tastes half as sweet as her mother did, I’m in for a treat.”


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