Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3)

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Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) Page 19

by Alison Mello

  “You ladies are all sick.” He hands Stephan the toy that he’s thrown yet again. “It’s gotta be something erotic. Something that draws a woman in. What do woman like?”

  “Sex, diamonds, jewelry.” Sadie shrugs.

  “Yeah, anything sexy like toys and trying new things.” Kara looks at me with a dirty grin.

  “Women who are going to these places want to be wild and crazy. They’re either single or not happy in their relationship and want a man to fulfill a fantasy for them,” Sky adds.

  Katie wiggles her eyebrows. “Women like abs. You can’t do like Vixen and have different size men.” She tips her head to the side, “Well, you can, but they all have to be oily, sexy, and have abs.” The girls all nod their head in agreement and those that can reach give her a high five.

  “You’re all right. So, when naming the place you have to keep all of that in mind.” Mikey puts his fork down and pushes his plate away. “Come on, Katie and Miranda, you ladies do marketing for a living.” Mikey’s about to continue when Miranda cuts him off.

  “I have it…How about Oasis?” Miranda’s eyes light up. She’s so excited.

  “Now you’re talking.” Logan nods his head with a smile. He pulls out his phone and makes a note of the name. “Any other ideas?”

  “Platinum Entertainment?” Sky questions. “Platinum usually means high end, and that will give us that classy feel.” Logan nods and jots it down. They continue on like this for the next thirty minutes.

  Mikey finally changes the subject. “Okay, we have ideas for names, now tell me this, ladies. What do you want from a male strip club? What would make you to keep coming back for more?”

  Kara’s face lights up. “That’s an easy one. Channing Tatum.” She laughs and the girls start fist bumping again.

  Mikey chuckles and shakes his head. “I know this is LA, but I can’t get Channing fucking Tatum to strip for you.” He laughs.

  “EEEE, Uncle Mikey said a bad word, Stephan.” Logan turns on his baby voice as he talks to Stephan.

  Mikey closes his eyes, pissed that he slipped. “Sorry, little man.”

  “No, no, Uncle Mikey.” Stephan holds one finger out to Mikey and we all burst into laughter. It’s cute as hell. Mikey holds out his fist and Stephan bumps it.

  Mikey turns his attention back to us. “I can tell you all this. We don’t have a lot of time. Michael and I want this club open for Valentine’s Day. That gives us three months to get this shit squared away.”

  “Holy shit, man.” Shane shakes his head. “Have you started working on it yet?”

  “Yeah, demo is being done this weekend. We knew we wanted to change the stage and the seating area. We’re also changing the private rooms. They will still exist, but there will be less of them and they will be smaller, made for parties of five or less to get small, private shows. Plus we had to remove all the poles. Men don’t dance around no fu—” He stops himself “No damn pole.” He glances over at Stephan, who didn’t pick up on his near slip.

  Logan adds, “Plus we’ve already started hiring dancers and looking into a choreographer for them. Most of the time they will have control over what they do, but there will be times when we want them in sync with each other, like at Club Heat.”

  “They can use Heat’s stage to practice if need be until theirs is ready,” Sky tells them.

  “Good point.” Logan makes another note. “Here’s my vision. I want to have two screens up behind the stage that projects the show and we’ll have someone manning the camera, that will zoom in to give close ups. There will be plenty of seating, and parties can call and reserve tables closer to the stage for a fee. The back rooms will be smaller with a little stage and enough room to provide lap dances off the stage if need be. Of course we’ll have a full bar, as well as cocktail waitresses to serve drinks. Mikey and I need to finalize some details as far as the actual layout and color scheme and such, but we both think we can pull this off.”

  “That’s good, because your boy is going to need a little time off this summer.” Katie’s brows shoot up, giving him a look that says she’s dead serious.

  “Why? Are you guys going on vacation?”

  “No, we’re having a baby.” Shane spits out and everyone gasps.

  “We planned to tell you earlier, but you brought up the club, and we didn’t want to steal your thunder.” Katie giggles.

  “Dude, this is so awesome! You should have said something. I feel awful that we’ve been talking about all this club crap when you had such good news.” Logan shakes hands with Shane.

  “It’s all good. Our family is growing, that just means we all have to share the limelight.” The girls get up and start hugging each other.

  “When are you due?” Kara asks.

  “The end of May.” I can see the girls are all totally excited. She grabs her sister by the arms and looks her in the eye. “I know you two haven’t been together long, but listen, you two are amazing and I know deep down you’ll be together forever.” Kara’s staring at her totally confused, and finally Katie continues. “Will you two be our baby’s godparents?”

  She turns to me with a look of fear on her face. I smile and nod. “We’d love to.” They hug it out and then I get up and congratulate them as well.

  Katie is right. We will be together forever. I even have the ring tucked away for the right moment. I’m not sure when that moment will be yet, but I’ve taken what’s mine and I have no intentions of letting her go.

  The End



  I can’t believe tonight’s the night! It’s the big grand opening of Oasis, the latest addition to Logan’s list of clubs, and I’m pretty sure it’s his last. He and Mikey have busted their asses to get this place up and running for tonight, and anybody who’s anybody is going to be here. The girls have gone all out for tonight’s event, wearing special dresses, and us guys are all wearing button down shirts with dress slacks and ties. The place isn’t typically this formal, but tonight is a special VIP night, and Logan requested everyone dress a bit nicer.

  “Baby, are you almost ready to go?” I step into the bathroom to find her pinning a piece of hair out of her face.

  “Yeah, I just put the finishing touch on my hair.” She turns to me and my jaw drops. She looks stunning in her black dress. It hugs her curves and reveals just enough of her cleavage to make my cock twitch. Her hair is curled and pushed over her right shoulder. “Is the limo here?”

  “Will be any minute now.” I got us a limo for the night. I wanted us both to be able to enjoy yourselves without worrying about who is going to drive. Our entire clan is pretty careful when it comes to drinking and driving, and I think it’s because we see so much crazy shit working the club scene.

  We’re walking into the living room when there’s a knock at the door, and sure enough, it’s our driver. Kara slips her shawl over her shoulders and we lock up for the night. When we get into the limo, there’s a bottle of champagne waiting for us. She doesn’t realize that I wanted to make this night special for us as well. I pop the cork on the champagne and pour us each a glass.

  “Wow, champagne too, huh.” She giggles and takes a sip.

  “That’s because tonight is hopefully going to be a special night for us as well.”

  “Oh yeah, why is that?” she asks, slipping closer to me.

  I put my champagne glass down in the holder and pull a box from my pocket and open it. “Because I’m asking you to marry me. I’ve known for a while now that you were the girl for me and I patiently waited for the right time to make you mine. From that very first moment, I made it very clear to you that I had no intentions of letting you go. Tell me that you will forever be mine. Tell me that you’ll marry me.” She gasps and her hand shoots to her mouth. She’s shaking and hasn’t said a word. It feels like so much time has passed and I’m starting to wonder if I screwed up. “Baby…” my words trail off.

  She giggles. “I’m so sorry, Slade. Yes, yes, of course
I’ll marry you.” When she puts her glass down, I take her hand and slip the diamond on her finger. It’s a fourteen carat white gold band with a one carat princess cut diamond. It’s nearly flawless and looks gorgeous on her finger.

  “Thank you. I love you so much.” I lean in to gently kiss her. She’s got gloss on and I don’t want to smudge her makeup before we get to the event. The guys are all prepared to celebrate, because I told them I was asking her tonight. Her parents are even going to be there.

  “It fits perfectly, how did you know what ring size to get me?”

  “When I asked your father for your hand in marriage, he told me your mom had bought you a ring a few years ago for Christmas and that he would text me the size.” I give her a sly smile.

  “Awww, you mean Daddy actually approved?” Her brows shoot up.

  “Yeah, I think I took a few years off of his life, but we definitely have his blessing.”

  She giggles. “I’m sure you did. He was already struggling with me moving in with you.” She picks up her champagne glass and finishes off her glass as we pull up to the new club. “Wow, it looks amazing.” She looks out the window in shock. They redid the parking lot so that you can pull up to the front door and be let out, and that’s just what our limo does. When he gets to the entrance, the driver jumps out and opens the door, putting his hand out to help Kara out of the car. She gladly accepts and climbs out. One of the brand new bouncers that I helped hire is waiting at the front door. “Good evening, Ms. Cooper, Mr. Ryan.” He nods at me and opens the door.

  “Good evening, Jones.” We walk through the door to see the club for the very first time.

  This place is amazing. There a ton of small round tables packed around the stage with three and four chairs around each. There are reserved signs on some of the tables. The chairs are soft cushion chairs that look very cozy. The stage is black and dark except for the two screens that are showing the Oasis logo. Opposite the stage is a large bar that runs the length of the back of the room and has stools running all around it for added seating. The bar top is almost black and the wood all around it is an elegant cherry wood. The lighting is subtle but it’s just enough and makes the place look even better. The stools around the bar are black and cushioned for comfort as well. “This place looks amazing.” Kara’s eyes are roaming all over the place, as are mine.

  We get to the bar to find Mikey serving drinks. “Hey guys.” He comes around the bar to give me a hug and shake hands with Slade.

  “Congrats, man. This place looks amazing.” Slade pulls him in for a man hug.

  Her parents spot us next and come over for a hug as well. “Mom, Dad.” She gives them each a hug and a cheek.

  “You look gorgeous, baby girl.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. Do you think my new jewelry is too much?” She holds up her hand and shows her parents her ring.

  Her mother gasps. “Oh sweetie, it’s beautiful. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” She and her mother hug.

  Her father holds his hand out to me. “Congratulations, son. Welcome to the family.” He pulls me in for a hug.

  “Thanks, Dad.” He chuckles and pats me on the back.

  Logan and Sky join us at the bar. Sky looks stunning in a long red dress that hugs her body. You’d never know she had a baby only a few months ago, she looks amazing. As club owners, Logan and Mikey are both wearing tuxes, as well as the staff. There are women walking around wearing button down shirts with long black ties and short black skirts. The guys are wearing fitted suits with ties that match the woman. “Did I hear congratulations is in order?”

  “You sure did.” Kara holds up her hand to show off the ring she’s wearing.

  “Tyson, break out the champagne I ordered, please, and serve it up.” He lines the bar with champagne glasses and begins pouring. Now Katie, Shane, Miranda, and Stone are all here. Unfortunately, Sadie and Jonah couldn’t be here tonight.

  Logan hands out glasses to each of our dear friends and holds his up. “To the happy couple. May your lives be filled with years of love, laughter, and of happiness.” Everyone cheers and we take a drink.

  A short time later the party is in full swing and everyone is sitting around talking. There are a ton of people here and Logan and Mikey are running around like crazy giving tours of the private rooms and entertaining people. Sky takes the stage with a wireless mic in hand. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” She waits a second for the room to quiet down. “I want to take a second to thank you all for being here tonight for the grand opening of Oasis. As you all know, my husband has a dance club, a gentlemen’s club, and now he and his best friend Michael Scott have opened a club just for the ladies.” Everyone claps as Sky stands tall and proud on the stage. “Let’s hope this is the last club he opens for a while or I may never see him.” Everyone laughs. “I’m kidding. I’m proud of you and all the work you put into each of your clubs and taking care of your employees. You’ve done well. Now without further ado, we have a sample show for you.” She steps to the side and holds out her hand. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the men of Oasis.”

  A tall blond guy walks on stage wearing a tux. “Jax.” He waves and walks to one side of the stage.

  The next guy walks on stage and she introduces him as Damian. He does a move and walks to the side. Four more guys, Sebastian, Romeo, Ryan, and Dallas all take the stage. The guys wave to the crowd and suddenly the music changes. Their jackets come off and they toss them into the crowd. The girls go crazy, screaming as they begin dancing. Logan, Shane, and Stone come over to hang with me as the girls get a little closer to the stage. “I guess I know where the girls are going to want to hang from now on.”

  I start to laugh. “Not mine. She’ll be working, and you’re not to give her any nights off to come hang at this dump.” I laugh to show I’m joking.

  “Mine wants to manage the place.” Logan shakes his head. “As if I didn’t warn these guys that if they touch one hair on any of our women I would snap their cocks off.” Logan grins.

  “That’s cold,” Shane cringes.

  “They thought so too, but I guarantee they won’t go near our ladies.” Logan crosses his arms over his chest.

  Stone taps his arm. “Hey, what if the ladies come here for one of their girls’ nights and they ask for a private show? They’re going to flip their shit.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I told the guys if that happens they are to let me know. They can have their dance, they just need to tone it down a bit.” Logan nods like he has it all figured out.

  Mikey comes over. “I heard your plan and I hope you know what you’re doing. If the ladies figure out that you’re meddling around, they’re going to kick your asses.” Mikey’s eyes stay on Shelly, the girl who helped Cooper find me.

  They’ve recently started dating and it’s clear he has a thing for her. “How’s it going?” Slade nudges me.

  “Things are going good. She’s an amazing mom. You should see her kid. I don’t know how she does it.” He continues to stare at her.

  “Women are stronger than we think. They manage to make it work somehow.”

  He laughs. “Really? Did you consider Kara strong when you were freaking out over Noah?”

  I shove him. “No, that’s different, and not what I meant, you asshole. I meant they’re strong-minded and strong-willed. They figure out how to handle certain situations and when they put their mind to it, get it done.”

  “Yeah, I know how that goes,” he mumbles, barely loud enough for me to hear. Shelly seems like a great gal. I hope it works out for them.


  Get Instant Access to A "Secret" Bonus Chapter From Club Thrive: Deception by Alison Mello Now!

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  Getting this series done this year has been a real challenge thanks to a curve ball that was thrown at us, and as always, I had so much support from my family, and I need to thank them. First, my husband, who is always there for me. He listens when I need to vent, when I need to discuss a scene, or when I need him to tell me it’s time to take a break. To my son, buddy, I know Mama took a lot more time away from you this summer than I usually do, and I want you to know that your understanding was a big help. I love you more than words could ever say, and although you’re not old enough to understand what your patience means to me, someday you will. You’re such a good boy and I know someday you will grow up to be a great young man.

  To my betas team, again what I can say? Thank you yet again for your dedication to my work. You’re always putting in the time when I need you to and your input is always appreciated.

  To my queen bee, Karen. Girl I know I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. I love you seriously for all you do for me. From cheering me on to reading scenes though a million times over for me, you are always there for me, and honestly I don’t think I would be the author I am today without your help.

  Misty, thanks for being there to help me through that very last bit of betas reading I need to get done. Your support and input is always appreciated. I love you and am so lucky to have you on my team!


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