Gillian came to see me because she felt she was on the brink of divorce from her husband of sixteen years. She complained bitterly that he had no respect for her and treated her “like a cleaner.” When I suggested that she ask her husband to tidy up his stuff, she explained that she was too frightened to do this because he got angry very easily. Her report sounded so negative that I personally doubted her marriage could be rescued. However, after Gillian used a healing symbol to visualize them both within two bubbles of love for two weeks, things improved dramatically. Gillian became able to ask her husband for what she needed and, to her great surprise, he became amenable to her requests. As a result, the atmosphere between the two became quite loving. These improvements continued to deepen and stabilize in the months that followed.
• • •
I want to mention here that I always work toward preserving a marriage, except in cases of violence and unaddressed addiction. In these cases, I always urge the couple to separate.
The Healing Power of Color
The healing symbol we receive from our higher consciousness needs to have a bright and beautiful color. It is well known that bright colors have a strong effect on our moods and physical well-being. For example, trains are often decorated in soothing blue to stop people from vandalizing them, and newborn babies suffering from jaundice are effectively treated with nothing more than a bright orange light. It is also interesting that in terms of effect, it doesn't make any difference whether the colors are real or imagined.
Higher-consciousness healing uses the healing effect of color by flooding our body and surroundings with the beautiful bright light that radiates from our healing symbol. This further enhances the effectiveness of the method and brings about profound changes in our psychological and physiological well-being.
The Healing Power of Smiling
Higher-consciousness healing is an altogether positive approach that completely dispenses with rummaging through our old traumas and painful emotions. Instead, we go immediately to the solution of our problem, including feeling joyful and happy. Therefore, when we focus on our healing symbol, it is very helpful to jump-start feeling positive by smiling gently. At first, this smile may feel a bit strained, but most people quickly find that it helps them regain a good mood more readily. This is particularly true for those who suffer from sadness and depression. Once they feel better in themselves, they are more able to solve their various problems. The next case study shows how this looks in practice.
Holly, who is twenty-nine, contacted me because she had suffered from depression all her life. This painful feeling began at the age of ten, when her parents took her to India and she couldn't cope with the sight of abject poverty. In contrast to traditional counseling, I did not ask Holly to relive her painful memories. Instead, I asked her where in her body she felt her sense of depression. After a little introspection, Holly discovered that her depression felt like a black rock in her brain. Then I guided her to send love to herself with the help of a healing symbol and to smile gently to herself. I also asked her to try to “relax the black rock in her brain” by seeing it open like a beautiful flower with every out breath. Within ten minutes, Holly's persistent feeling of depression was gone. However, once she went home, she had difficulty maintaining this happier state. When she came back two weeks later, she reported that her depression was better, but not gone. The “black rock” in her brain now felt like “gray smoke.” Once again, I guided her through the process of higher-consciousness healing and, from then on, her depression disappeared completely.
Resolving Negative Emotions
Some people may be concerned that higher-consciousness healing is just a powerful way to suppress negative emotions. Fortunately, this is not at all the case. I have had many opportunities to ask my clients months, even years, after working with them whether they have been able to maintain their improvements. To my joy and delight, virtually everyone reports that their improvements are lasting and stable. What's more, I find no indication that the initial problem has been replaced by different or more severe problems. In general, people are led by higher-consciousness healing to a genuine and healthy solution, and live an altogether better life.
Ron tried higher-consciousness healing because he had experienced problems in his relationship with his wife for a long time. They both felt dissatisfied and their relationship had been chugging along without any significant highs or lows. When Ron tried my method, he simply expected everything to get better. Instead, however, something happened that was quite unusual for him. He suddenly felt an urge to sit down with his wife and really discuss all the little problems and irritations that had accumulated over the years. And this urge grew stronger and stronger, even though talking about their problems was the very thing that Ron and his wife had avoided throughout their relationship. They had both always been afraid that any kind of argument would mean the end of their marriage. To his astonishment, however, Ron noticed that his fear of discussing problems significantly decreased. So he asked his wife to talk with him and she agreed. Their conversation was not nearly as difficult as Ron had expected, and they found compromises that worked much better than their usual silent, half-grudging arrangements.
• • •
After all this explanation, you may still be wondering exactly how higher-consciousness healing brings about all these wonderful results. I have to admit that I don't have an answer to this question. The deeper working principles of the method remain inexplicable, as do any other explanations that touch on the primordial ground of our being. The method works by connecting us to the source of deepest love and wisdom in the universe, and this source will always remain a deep mystery. In the same way, the dramatic improvements in well-being that result from the method cannot be explained from a purely rational or psychological point of view. Something much deeper is at work here and we need to value these forces in order to harvest their full results. Therefore, we need to have a little faith in order to give higher-consciousness healing a serious try. Let's get started!
Our higher consciousness penetrates our entire unconscious mind and can change our problem at its root. We don't even need to know the cause of our problem.
In higher-consciousness healing, there is no risk of upsetting or traumatic material coming to the surface as happens in many forms of therapy that work through regression.
The most effective way to communicate with our higher consciousness and our unconscious mind is through symbols, not words.
By far the most important aspect of higher-consciousness healing is the love that radiates from our healing symbol—first to ourselves and then to everyone involved in our problem. Loving someone means to wish this person to be happy. It does not mean taking away someone's guilt or liking them. A genuinely happy person would immediately repent all their wrong-doing and become very likeable.
It is not the actual traumas from our past that make us suffer, but our current resentment and victim mentality. Once these negative attitudes are dissolved with the help of a symbol, we are free to fulfill our dreams.
Every negative emotion corresponds to an area of tension in our physical body. By learning to relax these tensions the negative emotions will disappear.
In higher-consciousness healing, we use relaxation, correct breathing, the visualization of bubbles surrounding us, color therapy, and smiling to support the healing process.
Chapter 4
THE FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT step in higher-consciousness healing is to define our problem precisely and correctly. If the definition of our problem is broad and vague, the effects of the healing will also be broad and vague. The more precisely we can point to the core of our problem, the more effectively the method will work.
When I started to train people as practitioners of higher-consciousnes
s healing, I found that many of my students were almost addicted to overanalyzing their problems and trying to find “deeper layers.” My clients often do the same. Many of them try to explain to me all the underlying causes of their problems, to the extent that I start wondering who is the psychotherapist—them or me. Higher-consciousness healing doesn't require all this “psychologizing.” In fact, too much “deep” analysis of our problem is not only superfluous, it makes things unnecessarily confusing. In any case, it is often impossible to know the underlying reasons for our problems, because they are stored safely away in our unconscious mind. “Deep” analysis is often no more than guesswork that makes the whole process vague once more.
Pinpointing Negative Emotions
The core of every problem—no matter how complex and complicated—is our current negative emotions. Many who come to my life-coaching practice tell me long stories about all the aspects of their problems. It is important to talk about all the details of their issues and I always empathize. However, in terms of solving their problems, I only need to know one thing: What is the most painful emotion connected to the problem? Once I know this, I can go straight to helping them receive healing symbols and then letting their higher consciousness do the rest of the work.
Unfortunately, it is easy to get confused when we confront all the intricate aspects of a problem. The best way to clarify is simply to ask: Which negative feeling do I experience most often when I suffer from this problem? Is it mostly like anger, mostly like sadness, or mostly like anxiety?
To get the best results from higher-consciousness healing, we must always work with the emotion that is causing us the most suffering at the moment. For some people, this is very easy; they know very clearly that they are anxious or depressed, for example. However, there are many who are not really in touch with their emotions and who find it difficult to name what they are feeling. For them, the following table can be very helpful. It shows the three main categories of negative emotions: anger, sadness, and anxiety. Virtually all painful emotions belong to one of these categories.
Table 1. Categories of Negative Emotions
Feelings like jealousy, envy, and greed belong in one of these categories as well, depending on whether they are a more angry form of this feeling, or a more anxious or sad form. For example, in greed, either anxiety (to miss out) or anger (about having missed out) can be the most predominant feeling.
If we find it difficult to pinpoint our negative emotion, we can ask ourselves whether our negative feeling is most like anger, most like sadness, or most like anxiety. Knowing the main category of our feeling is usually enough to get good results with higher-consciousness healing. If we suffer from stress at work, for instance, it is not enough to define our problem simply as stress. Is our stress mostly like anger, like sadness, or like anxiety? Once we know our negative feeling, we should define our problem in exactly the following form:
We must always work with the emotion that is causing us the most suffering.
I suffer from feeling (emotion) about (problem).
The exact definition of our problem is important in order to receive clear feedback later on. Let me give you an example. If we are one of the many people who suffer from being overweight and who want to shed some pounds, it is not enough to define our problem simply as “suffering from being overweight.” If we want to use higher-consciousness healing for this problem, we need to ask ourselves: What exactly do I feel when I experience the suffering from being overweight? Is my feeling mostly like anger, sadness, or anxiety? Not everyone feels the same negative emotions about the same problem. Some may be depressed about their weight (sadness category), while others may be very frustrated (anger category). If we feel emotions from two categories (for example, self-loathing and fear), we need to decide which of these feelings is the more painful and work with the strongest emotion first. For example, if self-disgust (anger category) is our worst emotion, we may define our problem like this: I suffer from feeling disgusted about my body.
If we have a problem that involves many different emotions (like a divorce, for example), always start with the most painful one. Later, we can work through the different layers of emotion with different symbols. (See chapter 13 for how to work through complex problems.)
Sometimes, people tell me they are not suffering from negative emotions, but they have an unfulfilled wish. If they only had a partner or a job, they would be happy. However, in every situation where we feel unhappy, we can also find negative emotions. If we wish for a partner, for example, we may be suffering from feeling sad or frustrated. If we are unemployed, we may be suffering from feeling worried or depressed. When we use higher-consciousness healing for problems like these, we may not get a job or a partner right away, but we will definitely feel better in a genuine way. Once we feel happier, we will also be more successful in our search for whatever we desire. (See chapter 17 for more details on wish fulfillment.)
If we suffer from physical pain or fatigue, we can simply name our problem as “suffering from feeling pain” or “suffering from feeling tired.” Pain and fatigue are obviously not emotions, but defining our problem in this way will work well.
The Body-Mind Connection
Once we have named our negative feeling, we need to explore where our emotion manifests in our physical body. All feelings always have a physical aspect that manifests as tension in various parts of our body. Knowing our unique pattern of tensing up will help us dissolve our disturbing feeling more effectively later on in the process.
For some people, the body-mind connection is very obvious; they know immediately that their anxiety feels like a big knot in their solar plexus, for example. However, for some, emotional tension is a new concept and they need some support to find the physical manifestation of their emotions. As a general guideline, anger often manifests in the arms and legs, sadness or depression can often be felt in the chest, eyes, or head, and anxiety can often be felt in the solar plexus, throat, and shoulders. However, it is important that you find your personal pattern of emotional tension in your own body. Here is a little exercise to help you.
For a short moment, think of your problem and feel the main negative emotion that is associated with it (anger, sadness, or anxiety). Once you feel the negative feeling, ask yourself: Where in my body do I feel this negative feeling?
Don't worry if you can't answer this question immediately. Instead, scan your body in search of your negative feeling. Start with your toes. Is the negative feeling in your toes? In your feet? In your ankles, knees, thighs, abdomen? Is it around your waist, in your chest, or in your shoulders, arms, hands, neck, face, eyes, or head?
If you suffer from fatigue, do the same exercise and look closely to find where in your body your sense of tiredness manifests itself.
Once we know where in our body we feel our painful emotion, we can relax again and continue with the process of higher-consciousness healing. We will come back to these emotional tensions later in order to dissolve them.
Defining Our Problem Correctly
Once we have named our negative emotion and explored its mind-body connection, we can define our problem in the following format:
I suffer from feeling (emotion) about (problem).
In my many years of working with higher-consciousness healing, I have found that this form of problem definition brings the best results. And once we have clear feedback that the method works for us, we will be motivated to carry on with this approach. Table 2 provides some examples of correct and incorrect problem definition.
Sometimes, people feel anxious or depressed about nothing in particular. If we experience this form of free-floating negative emotion, we can simply define our problem like this: I suffer from feeling sad/anxious/irritable.
Table 2. Correct and Incorrect Problem Definition
In some cases, people worry that higher-consciousness healing may help them get rid of their negative emotions but not solve their problems. This worry is unfounded, as th
e following case study demonstrates.
Jane came to see me because she was depressed about her nonexistent career. When I helped her to define her problem, she said that it was more important for her to find a job than it was simply to feel better. My answer was that if she were happier, she would be much more able to solve her problems. Jane, for example, was so depressed that she couldn't even get out of bed in the morning. Therefore, we defined her problem like this: I suffer from feeling depressed about my career. She received a purple gemstone as a healing symbol, which helped her decrease her depression substantially. Once she felt better, she was able to go to the job center, write applications, and cope with rejections.
The most important aspect of the problem definition is the current negative emotion associated with your problem.
There are three main categories of negative emotions: anger, sadness, and anxiety. Try to pinpoint which of these you feel when you experience your problem.
Explore where in your body you can sense your negative emotion or sense of fatigue. Knowing this will help you dissolve your feeling later.
Define your problem in the following way: I suffer from feeling (emotion) about (problem). Don't try to guess what the underlying cause may be.
Chapter 5
The Five-Minute Miracle Page 4