Inferno-Kat 2

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Inferno-Kat 2 Page 19

by Vivi Anna

  “Kat.” His voice was strained, his throat sore. He could barely swallow the meager spit in his mouth.

  She looked at him, eyes wide, panting hard. “Don’t come near me.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  A voice sounded overhead. “She’s hungry, Hades. Hungry for you.” Baruch laughed.

  Glancing up, Hades spied an intercom speaker and a camera mounted on the ceiling. Baruch was watching the show.

  She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. Scrambling to her feet, she ran into the opposite corner and crouched into a small ball.

  Hades tried to get up. He brought up his knees and rolled over onto them. But he couldn’t push up with his arms. He was too weak. The movement caused more coughing. He hacked hard.

  Blood spewed to the cement floor. He collapsed onto his back, too weary to attempt to move again.

  He turned his head and watched her. “Is it the virus?”

  She nodded. “I can smell your blood from here.” The violent quakes of her body overtook her, and she had to wrap her arms around her knees to quiet them.

  “Fuck.” He sighed. “Now I know why they left me alive.”

  He scrutinized her. It made sense now why she looked at him as if he were dinner. Why her jaw constantly twitched and she licked her lips as if she smelled something delicious. She was scenting him. His odor. His blood. Baruch was hoping to kill two birds with one stone.

  Completely turn Kat, and murder him. But he wouldn’t let that happen. Kat was stronger than that. They were stronger than that.

  Reaching out to her, he said, “I trust you, Kat. I know you won’t kill me. You didn’t the last time the virus tried to take you. Remember?”

  Bringing her hands up to her head, she buried her face in her arms. She started to rock back and forth and keen. “Not the same. I can’t control it.”

  “Yes, you can. You’re stronger than it. You’re stronger than him.” Hades coughed again. His body wracked with violent shakes.

  Baruch laughed again. “Look at him, my love. He’s weak. He was never a match for you. Never an equal.”

  Kat leaped to her feet and screamed at the camera. “Fuck you! Motherfucker!”

  “That’s it. Fight him, Kat. You could never turn into one of them, even if the virus overtook you.

  You’d always be you. Hell Kat. The woman I love.”

  She glanced down at Hades briefly and then began to pace back and forth, her arms around her body, hugging herself.

  He’d never seen someone look so caged before. Kat had a wild look in her eyes. A look of savageness. He’d seen that look before. In every single Dark Dweller he’d ever faced.

  She was on the edge, and Hades thought it wouldn’t take much for her to tumble off. Would she kill him? From this point, he couldn’t be sure. In his heart he believed she wouldn’t. But looking at her now, doubt swirled around in his gut.

  Did it matter? He was dying anyway.

  “You need release.” Baruch’s voice came over the speaker again. “And by the looks of Hades, I’d say there’s only one way you’re going to find it.”

  “Kat? Kat, look at me.”

  She lifted her head and met Hades’ gaze as she continued to pace.

  “Come here.” He raised his arm, offering his hand. “Let me help you. We can do it together.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t offer. Don’t you dare fucking offer.” Tears started to fall.

  “I’m already dying, babe.” He let his hand drop to the cement. He was too weak to hold it up any longer. “If I can end your pain, I will.”

  She stopped and stared at him. He could see the indecision in her face. But he also saw the need clawing at her. It killed him to see her struggle. He could only imagine the agony she must be in.

  His wounds were nothing compared to hers. The ones on the inside.

  “How sweet.” Baruch’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “But it won’t save you, Hades.”

  “Don’t listen to that asshole.” He smiled at her. “You’ve saved me already, babe.”

  He nearly cried out when she flung herself at him. Within seconds she was on her knees next to him, her mouth hovering over his throat. He could feel her hot breath on his skin. He could smell her musky scent. The smell he always associated with Kat. With desire. With love.

  Closing his eyes, he lifted his chin and let her take him.

  “It will hurt a bit,” Kat whispered in his ear. “Might look better if you struggle.”

  Hades opened his eyes and stared at her. She could see the confusion in them. Moving her mouth over, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re right. I will save you.”

  He shook his head. “What the f—”

  She covered his mouth with her hand and whispered in his ear again. “The virus. It can heal you.

  If I bite you and transmit it, I won’t kill you.”

  She found it difficult to talk with the delectable smell of him filling her nostrils. The odor of his blood and sweat made her shiver with ravenous desire. But she was determined not to succumb to it. Not in that way. Not in the way Baruch wanted. She’d do it her way. Like always.

  “And remember, if we get out, Onyx still has the cure.”

  He nodded his head.

  “He’s watching in the camera. I’m going to bite you in the neck. I suggest you kick and scream to make it look good.”

  Hades wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down to his chest. She could feel his heartbeat pound against his ribs.

  And she could hear his blood racing through his veins. If she didn’t hurry up with her plan, it might backfire. She wanted blood. And she’d take it. She hoped she had the determination to stop after only a taste.

  She rested her head against his. She had the will. Her love for him would stop her insatiable thirst. She wouldn’t kill Hades. Instead, she would save him. Save them both.

  “On the count of three, I’m going to bite you.”

  “Get on with it, babe. I trust you.”

  “I know. I love you for that.”

  As she opened her mouth to bite him, her fangs descended from behind her eyeteeth. It hurt when they came down. Like two knives poking into her gums. Once elongated, she covered his neck and bit down.

  Blood surged into her mouth. Hot, sweet blood. It was like mulled wine in her mouth. Maybe because it was Hades’, it tasted so good. She didn’t know the reason. All she knew was that the hunger, the clawing, twisting need inside her was abating. She could still feel the virus humming inside, feeding off the crimson flow, but it didn’t make her feel any different. She didn’t have the sudden urge to rip out Hades’ throat.

  The beast she feared for so long didn’t explode out of her.

  Hades screamed and hollered as she fed from him. He kicked his legs and made a show of trying to pry her off.

  As she drank, Kat made sure her saliva mixed with his blood in his puncture wounds. When she’d been bitten, she could feel the virus almost immediately surging down her arm from the bite in her shoulder. She hoped Hades experienced the same effect. She was betting on it.

  When she drank her fill, the hunger sufficiently sated, she popped her teeth out of his flesh.

  “When I’m done, you need to pretend you’re dead. If I know Baruch, he’ll be in this room in a matter of minutes to gloat over his victory.” She pressed a kiss to his ear. “Be ready to finish this.”

  She didn’t wait for a response.

  Lifting her head, she let some of the blood in her mouth dribble down her chin. She licked her lips and glanced down at Hades.

  His eyes were open, but his head was tilted to the side, his face slack and lifeless. If she didn’t know better, she’d say he was dead. It disturbed her to see him like that. If this was to play out as she hoped, she had to stifle those emotions. She couldn’t let her horror of seeing him like this show on her face.

  Sitting back on her haunches, Kat waited for Baruch to come. To collect his treasure.

a few minutes had passed when the door to the cell opened and Baruch glided in alone, shutting the door behind him. She didn’t turn toward him. Didn’t acknowledge him in any way.

  She remained where she was, rocking back and forth on her heels as if the shock of what she’d done had made her immobile.

  She could feel him moving behind her. Her skin crawled from the sensation of him being near.

  Surprisingly the feeling was unpleasant. Somehow, succumbing to the virus had squashed her lusty reactions to him.

  “I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me, my love.”

  She remained still and unresponsive. She needed him to come closer.

  Taking another step toward her, he offered his hand. “Come, my darling. We will rule this city together.”

  Quicker than Kat could smile, Hades sat up and grabbed Baruch by the wrist. “No, thanks. I prefer to rule alone.”


  Baruch screamed in outrage.

  He yanked his arm away but not before Kat was on her feet and launching herself at him. He backhanded her across the face before she could reach him. She stumbled back but kept her feet under her.

  “Good trick,” Baruch snarled. “But it won’t save you. Either of you.”

  Remarkably Hades got to his feet. He wobbled a bit but remained standing. The virus was working quickly in him.

  After feeding on his blood, Kat felt invigorated. Even her leg with the gunshot wound didn’t bother her. She felt like she could take on the world. Or, at least, one angry Dark Dweller.

  Mustering all her strength, Kat launched at Baruch again. This time she came in low, intent on striking him in the midsection.

  At the same time, Hades took a run at him, his hands clenched into ham-sized fists.

  Baruch managed to block Hades’ fist coming at his head but not the one aimed at his side. He also wasn’t quick enough to impede Kat’s hands. She struck at his midsection with a double hammer wallop. The impact of both blows sent him flying back into the wall. But it didn’t put him down.

  Before they could launch another attack, the cell door opened and two of Baruch’s Dweller flunkies rushed in. Kat had the displeasure of seeing Sar’s ugly rat face.

  “Hello, Pussy Kat. Did you miss me?” Smiling, he twirled a knife in his hand.

  Fury swelled over her like wildfire. She swore she’d have her revenge. And she was damn well going to get it right now.

  Turning, Kat ran straight at Sar. Right before she reached him, she jumped in the air. When she came down, she swiped across his throat.

  The little rat didn’t even see it coming. He stood there wide-eyed and mouth agape. The fucker didn’t even move.

  Before he slumped to the ground, dead, his throat torn out, Kat was spinning back around to face Baruch.

  The other Dweller didn’t get two feet before Hades had him by the throat and tossed him into the wall.

  Baruch smiled as she marched toward him. He seemed unfazed by their attack. However, when he took a step toward her, she saw him flinch, favoring his side. The monster was not infallible after all.

  That knowledge gave strength to Kat’s resolve. Gave renewed energy to her gait as she approached him.

  “You can’t win, Kat. You can’t kill me.” Boldly he took another step toward her until they were only a foot apart. “My blood runs through you. It calls to me.”

  A sizzling whip of electricity flowed over her as he spoke. Her flesh began to tremble and quiver in response. The virus in her was replying to his summons.

  Kat wrapped her arm around Baruch and pulled him to her, crushing her naked body against his.

  Chuckling, he moved his hand around her and gripped her ass, confident that he had won.

  “Yeah, it says it’s found a new owner. Me.”

  With practiced ease, Kat slid the blade she had palmed from Sar’s hand up between Baruch’s ribs. Pushing as hard as she could, she nearly buried the entire knife into his heart and shoved him back.

  Stunned, Baruch looked down at his chest and at the hilt of the blade that stuck out grotesquely.

  He glanced back up at Kat and blinked several times in shock. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words formed, his eyes rolled back in his head and he slumped to the ground, dead.

  Kat didn’t know how long she stood over his lifeless form, staring, as if expecting him to open his eyes and smile that dread-filled grin.

  It wasn’t until she felt Hades next to her that she snapped out of it. Turning toward him, she sighed and let him gather her in his arms. All of a sudden she felt very tired. Like she could sleep for an eternity.

  Hades pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Let’s get the fuck out of here, babe. I need to put some clothes on. My dick can’t handle much more of this cold.”

  Chuckling, she let him lead her out of the cell. When they stepped over the threshold, two more Dwellers met them there. Kat instantly tensed and raised her fists.

  Shots rang out, and the two vampyres pitched forward, falling onto their stomachs, a bullet hole in each of their backs.

  Two of Satarah’s guards stood behind the Dwellers, guns pointed. However, they lowered their weapons and stepped aside, letting Kat and Hades pass. Kat was too weary even to wonder about it. She leaned into Hades as they walked.

  At the end of the hallway, they ran into Satarah herself with one of her beefy playthings. He was holding their clothes.

  “Here are your things.” She handed Kat her pants. “You can collect your weapons once you’re outside.”

  “Where are Leucothea and Onyx?” Kat demanded as she stepped into her leathers and pulled them up.

  “Safe and unharmed. They will meet you topside.”

  After Kat pulled on her shirt, she glared at the woman. “Why?”

  “Because I want my city back. Baruch was much too greedy.”

  “I should kill you for what you’ve done. For helping him.”

  Satarah smiled. “But you won’t. You have killed many times, Kat, but you’re not a killer.”

  “I could start, with you.”

  Laughing, Satarah stepped aside to let them pass. “Maybe we will see each other again.”

  “I fucking hope not,” Kat replied.

  Hades put his arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  Kat had to squint when they walked out of the brick warehouse. The sun was starting to set, but there was enough of a glow to bother her eyes. Glancing at Hades, she noticed he too shielded his eyes. Locating her goggles, she slid them on.

  Before she could take two steps, Leucothea pounced on her, hugging her tightly. “Oh, by the gods, you’re alive.”

  “If you keep hugging me so tight, I won’t be.” Kat patted her on the back, still uncomfortable with the girl’s affections.

  Leucothea released her hold on Kat and then turned and hugged Hades just as hard.

  He patted her on the top of the head. “I’m OK, kid.”

  Leucothea took a step back and smiled at them both, tears welling in her big doe-brown eyes.

  Wiping them away, she turned and pointed toward the vehicle in which Kat had been transported.

  “There’s our ride.”

  Onyx waved at them from the driver’s seat. “I’ve always wanted to drive one of these.”

  As Leucothea jumped into the passenger’s seat, Kat and Hades climbed into the back. The big canvas tent had been unfolded and laid out on the cold metal bed. Not a comfortable bed, but the best she’d seen in some time.

  As Kat stretched out next to Hades, she thought she heard every single bone and muscle in her body whimper. She’d never been so tired in her life. Before she succumbed to her weariness, Kat rummaged through the bag she had managed to grab from Onyx’s lab.

  “What color’s the cure?”

  Onyx turned and took the bag from her hands. He searched through the contents, pulling out every single vial and looking at it. He shook his head. “It’s not here.”

  Kat grabbed
the bag back. “What? It has to be.”

  “I’m telling you it’s not there.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Must have been one of the ones that broke in the shoot out.”

  Kat dropped the bag and looked at Hades. “Can you fucking believe that?”

  Nodding, he grinned, his dimple winking playfully at her. “Yup, I can.” He reached over, grabbed her arm, and pulled her into his lap.

  “Don’t worry, though,” Onyx said as he started the transport. “I can make more. It’s actually one of the easiest things to make.”

  As the vehicle drove down the dirty, desolate streets of Inferno, Kat snuggled into Hades. She’d never been so relieved in her life. They were back together again. And this time she vowed that nothing would keep them apart.

  She touched the bite marks on his neck. “Does it still hurt?”

  “A little.” He kissed her gently on the lips.

  She opened on a sigh and let his tongue sweep over hers in a long, languid dance. When they broke apart, she rested her forehead against his.

  She could hear his heartbeat as she curled into his warmth. It was in perfect rhythm with hers.

  “I’m sorry for biting you and giving you DD.”

  Hades chuckled. “Hey, babe, who said loving you would be easy?” He covered her mouth with his.

  While they kissed long and hard, Hades rubbed his hands over her back and down to her ass.

  Gripping her tightly, he pulled her in closer to him. She could already feel him growing hard.

  Breaking the kiss, she chuckled and licked her way to his ear. “How can you be thinking of sex so soon?”

  He nibbled on her neck. “You’re an aphrodisiac, honey. I can’t help it.”

  “This tent we’re sitting on can be erected in about two minutes,” she said as she laved his earlobe.

  “Onyx, we’re going to need to stop soon,” Hades grunted.


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