Jen's Journey

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Jen's Journey Page 15

by Avery Gale

  After she’d learned those things, she’d seen the entire BDSM scene in a whole new light. Sure there were elements that scared the crap out of her and there were some things she knew she would never be able to even consider trying. Nope, nobody is going to pee on me. Jen had visited the Masters of the Prairie Winds website religiously, so she’d known every rule by heart before she’d been unceremoniously left in the Wests care after the disaster in Costa Rica last year.

  Sighing to herself, Jen tried to refocus on the man sitting so patiently in front of her. He was studying her intently as if he could read her thoughts just by looking at her, and with his experience as a Dom perhaps he could. Each man in the room was watching her with the same intent expression…except Kent who seemed content, as if her acceptance was already in the bag. Shaking off her distraction, she asked, “Can you tell me specifically what you would be asking me to do? I want to make sure I’m really clear on what you’re expecting…because, well frankly, your offer seems a little bit too good to be true.”

  For the first time since she’d returned to Prairie Winds a week ago, Jen saw Kyle West smile. She was taken aback momentarily at how much such a simple facial expression change could transpose the man’s appearance. Holy shit, he is absolutely stunning when he smiles. No wonder Tobi worships both brothers. Jen had actually wondered on occasion why Tobi seemed so smitten with the more serious Kyle West. But when he smiled everything about him changed and as a student of body language the lesson wasn’t lost on her. “I have to say, Jen, I am impressed with your wisdom. Asking for clarification before making any decision is only smart. But letting us all know up front that you see the offer as “too good to be true” is a huge relief to all of us. I’m not going to lie, we want you on board. You have skills that will benefit our teams, we’ll be counting on you to teach some of those skills to our current and future operatives as well. You are fearless and smart, and every member of the team likes and respects you. You’ll be a very real asset to our team.”

  For some reason, Jen knew he’d stopped before he had actually told her everything, so she just waited. Watching him closely, she could see the barely detectable twitch of his jaw muscle. Yep, there it is…that small, yet significant telltale sign that there is more to say and he was struggling to hold it back, unsure that voicing the thought is a good idea. And in that instant her decision was made. They really could use her skills. Knowing what was going through a person’s subconscious mind could easily mean the difference between life or death in the situations these men would be putting themselves in. She had used disguises before and she knew she could blend in regardless of the environment…hell, she’d essentially grown up doing that very thing. And with sudden clarity, Jen realized all of her experiences—both good and bad—in various foster homes were about to prove valuable. Finally.

  Kyle’s smile warmed to something that looked more like what she would expect from a friend, and Jen just continued to wait patiently. He finally chuckled and added, “And Kent and I will be very pleased that our wife will be pleased.” Jen must have looked surprised because Kyle laughed out loud. “Don’t look so shocked, Jen, Tobi may not be in the room, but I promise you she’s definitely had a hand in the offer I just laid out for you. She was more than a little bit determined that you would join us. I’ve always despaired that so many people discount the intelligence of beautiful women, and one thing you need to know about Tobi is that she is drop-dead gorgeous and absolutely brilliant when it comes to marketing. She understands the importance of putting each one of a dozen different elements together in exactly the right combination to make something work, and that is one of the very basics of assembling an effective team.”

  Jen grinned and relaxed marginally for the first time since she’d entered the elegant room a half hour earlier. “I totally understand being underestimated based on appearance, and I wouldn’t have made that judgment about Tobi because her intelligence shines brightly in her eyes. But I am surprised that she is so set on my joining the team. Can you tell me specifically why that is?” She saw Kyle’s gaze flick behind her and when his eyes softened she knew Tobi had entered the room.

  “I’ll answer this one for myself if you don’t mind, Kyle.” Jen turned and greeted Tobi as she strode forward. “There are a lot of reasons I’d like to see you on the team, including the fact I think we could be great friends and I’d like to see you living close. But the most important thing is, the type of work this team is considering is dangerous. Any edge they can get will keep them that much safer and your knowledge of verbal as well as non-verbal communication will be a huge asset to them. As Doms they read people extremely well within certain parameters, but not all of their missions will be in BDSM clubs…” Tobi gave a yelp as Kent landed a very solid sounding swat on Tobi’s ass. “Damn—s and rivers. That hurt.”

  “And now you owe me another, sweetness. You know that cursing isn’t allowed. We want to be sure you have broken the habit before the baby gets here.” Kent turned to Jen, “And at the rate this is going, we don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of meeting that deadline. Now, I want to hear you accept our offer so I can get sweet mama here upstairs to rest.”

  Jen found herself laughing at their antics and as she turned back, Sam’s gaze was full of hope and she wondered what affect her joining the team would have on their budding relationship. She looked to each of the men in the room and then asked, “Have you all discussed this? Is this something everyone agrees on? Because I don’t want to become a part of a team if I’m not truly going to be included. I don’t want to be just a token member.”

  Kyle snorted back a laugh, but it was Jax who answered, “Jen, we all agree that you’ll be a very real asset to the team. I’m not saying we will always agree on exactly how that will play out each time we need your particular skill set, but I can promise you this—you will have an equal say in that decision making process. We won’t treat you as anything less than a full member of the team, that is not how we operate.”

  Jen smiled and nodded, “Thanks, Jax, I appreciate the fact you will take my input seriously because if I’m not going to be a real member of the team, I wouldn’t bother.” Turning back to Kyle, she continued, “I’d be happy to join your team, Kyle. I’ll need to contact my supervisor at the State Department and give my notice, but I’m actually on leave for the next three weeks so as soon as I can fly back to Washington and clean out my apartment I’ll drive my car out here, find an apartment, and be ready to go to work.”

  Kyle stood and reached across to shake her hand, “You tender your resignation and let us figure out something with your car. Your apartment has already been cleaned and the few things that weren’t destroyed have been shipped here and are waiting for you in the maintenance building. Personally, I’d rather you didn’t return to Washington because the trip would cost me three members of my team, and since we’ve already been contacted about a job you will to be involved in, we’d prefer everybody was close for meetings. Also, let’s not be hasty looking for an apartment.” Kyle didn’t elaborate but Jen was sure she understood what he meant, and the looks she was getting from Sam and Sage confirmed her suspicions.

  Jen heard Tobi speaking behind her and turned just in time for her friend to step up and pull her into a crushing hug. “I’m so glad you’ll be staying. We’ll be having a girls’ celebration at the gazebo at four o’clock this afternoon. It’ll be fun and we’ll gossip about the men. Don’t be late or we’ll send Lilly after you.” Tobi was giggling as Kent shook his head and pulled her against his side before he ushered her out the door. For the first time in a long time, Jen felt like things were actually going her way. She was exploring her sexuality with the two men who had starred in every fantasy she’d had for the past year. She’d just landed a job that would not only offer her the chance to make the world a better place, but she’d be working with a great team. And the generous financial incentives meant she could start thinking about pursuing her PhD.


  Sam hadn’t realized how apprehensive he’d been about how Jen would respond to the job offer he’d known Kyle was going to present to her until she’d agreed to come on board. He’d taken a deep breath for the first time since they’d sat down when she and Kyle had shaken hands, feeling more relieved than he’d thought possible. He knew there would be a lot of hurdles to overcome, but she was one step closer to belonging to he and Sage, and right now that was all that mattered.

  Kyle excused himself to go check on Tobi, and Jax and Micah said they planned to leave right away also. They were anxious to return home to check on Gracie and Jen hugged them both and smiled at the relief she saw in their eyes. Sam turned to Jen and smiled, “I’m not sure you know how pleased Sage and I are that you’ll be staying here, Jen.” He knew his use of her name had surprised her and he grinned. “When we’re working we’ll try to be as professional as possible and that means curbing the use of endearments. Although I want to go on record as saying I’m not going to spend a lot of time breaking the habit. I like thinking of you as pet and my love because that is the way my heart sees you. But neither Sage nor I want to undermine your position on the team so we’ll try to be as professional as we can when we’re all working.”

  Sage had stepped up along Jen’s other side and grinned, “Well, we’d planned this elaborate scheme to convince you to accept Kent and Kyle’s offer and now we find we have a few hours free before the ladies’ soiree, so I was just wondering…” Jen started giggling and shaking her head at Sage’s antics and Sam appreciated the fact his brother had lightened the moment, because the break had given him a chance to push back some of the emotion he was feeling. Hell, after spending the past decade working in every conceivable environment, you’d think he would be a master at pushing his personal feelings aside, but there was something about Jen that brought all those well practice defense mechanisms crashing down around him.

  Jen’s smile faded and she looked at them with sincerity, “Just remember, I want to earn my way on the team. I don’t want anyone to think I’m only here because of the two of you. I don’t want to be the girlfriend that got the job because of her boyfriends.” Because I’d most certainly lose it when things fold as they always do.

  “Not to worry because we intend to make sure you are fully prepared for everything this job will throw at you. Your life and the lives of each team member depends on it.” Jen nodded and Sam continued speaking, but his words were directed to Sage even though he didn’t take his eyes off hers, “Actually, I was thinking we should head down to the shooting range and make sure our new teammate is well versed in the weapons she’ll be expected to use.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead, “What do you think? Wanna go shoot some paper?” He couldn’t hold back his laugh when he saw the child-like enthusiasm and anticipation in her eyes. Jax had already warned them not to be taken in by her, that she was a crack shot and a hustler of the first order. They didn’t care if she played them, they’d happily hand over the cash if it meant seeing her smile. Oh yeah, McCall, you are so screwed.

  Chapter Twenty

  Walking into the gazebo, Jen was shocked at the spread before her. Easy to see the hostess is pregnant. Holy mother of mermaids that is a lot of food. Lilly looked up and cackled with laughter. “Amazing isn’t it? All afternoon Tobi has been adding food items and the cooks at the house have been frantically trying to keep up. One of them offered me money to take her out of the house and confiscate her phone.”

  “Well, if they’d let me inside the kitchen I could have helped. I’m not really quite as bad as everyone lets on I am…okay, that was a lie, but there are some things I can do.” Tobi started giggling and Jen felt herself relaxing.

  Gracie was sitting off to the side with a plate of crackers but for the first time since Jen had been back in Texas, the Latino beauty didn’t look green. “Hey, Gracie, you look better. How are you feeling?”

  “Oh, I’m much better now. Once we finally found the right combination of medicine and diet, I’m not nearly as sick as I was before. But I’m not planning to eat any of the stuff Tobi eats. I swear there isn’t any justice at all, she eats crazy and nothing seems to upset her stomach. And I can look at something spicy and it’s all over but the shouting as Lilly is so fond of saying.”

  Lilly looked over and smiled at Gracie, “I was like you, Gracie. Hell, I swore I was going to throw up those damned twins. Little tummy terrorists!”

  “Regi’s hot doctors helped me so much. I am very thankful they live close.” The sincerity of Gracie’s words was easy to hear and Jen was glad her new friend had obstetricians she liked.

  “Hey, they don’t belong to me. Don’t you be putting that idea in everybody’s head. Damn, ya’all get knocked up and you want everybody to jump in the quicksand with you. Well don’t be trying to pull me into the married and prego pit. I know you all are fooled by them, but let me tell you, I have their numbers. Tall, Dark, and Handsome Dr. McDreamy is more like Dr. Jekyll in the way he seems to be able to read your thoughts like they were written on your forehead.” And then shaking her finger at Gracie, Regi plunged ahead, “And your knight in shining armor, Doc Hollywood, is more like Dr. Frankenstein considering his obsession with laser wands.” Regi had shuddered and then, as if speaking to herself, she added softy, “Hell, it was a wonder my hair didn’t look like a Brill-O pad after the last time I agreed to his little ‘lights and magic show’.” Everybody laughed at Regi’s remarks, but it was obvious to Jen that Regi had been uncomfortable with the direction the conversation had been heading, so she’d used humor as a detour. What puzzled Jen the most was Regi’s apparent discomfort with her own attraction to the good docs. Interesting. I wonder what demons she is battling because those men are great looking, successful, and from what I’ve heard, they dote on her? Jen had never been into the whole girlfriends thing because she’d been moved from one home to another so often during her early teens that she’d never gotten a chance to form those bonds, but for the first time ever she could see herself enjoying the camaraderie and friendship of other women.

  Everyone loaded their plate and sat around the fire pit that proudly displayed the unique Prairie Winds logo around the sides. The conversation was light as they enjoyed the fire’s warmth and softly glowing ambiance. The flickering light added a sense of coziness and watching the dancing flames was almost hypnotizing. Jen watched as Lilly mothered both Tobi and Gracie, tending to their every whim despite their continued protests that they were just pregnant, not invalids. It was just entering Jen’s mind that the West brother’s vivacious mother always seemed to return to her seat and carefully slid beneath a small lap quilt that seemed oddly out of place when she heard the snapping of twigs behind her.

  Between one breath and the next, Jen felt as if the whole world had shifted. Gracie paled as if she’d seen a ghost, Tobi’s breath caught and the expletives she uttered would have made a sailor blush, and Lilly’s hand stealthfully slid beneath the quilt despite the fact her eyes were fixed over Jen’s right shoulder. “Well, well, God certainly is smiling on me tonight because both of my women are in one place. This will make things so much easier.” Jen didn’t have to turn around to know the man speaking was Raphael Baldamino, his accent placed his home along the Pacific coast of Central America and Gracie’s reaction had sealed the deal.

  When she shifted in her seat to face him, she was surprised to find he was already standing close enough to run his hand over her shoulder and then back up so it was wrapped around her neck. The gesture was an odd mix of intimacy and power as he tightened his grip around her throat in a show of strength even as his thumb massaged gentle circles along the hairline at the back of her skull. She looked at him and felt the anger pulsing from him. Jen had seen pictures of Baldamino and knew he’d been a handsome man before the helicopter crash, and she’d been told that he’d always taken great pride in his appearance. But now, the man he’d been was barely recognizable. The scarring from the b
urns he’d suffered were horrible and she wondered why a man as wealthy as he was hadn’t received the best medical treatment money could buy. Then it dawned on her, he wouldn’t have been able to seek that treatment without disclosing the fact he’d survived the explosion everyone had assumed had claimed everyone on board.

  “Don’t move, Daisy.” His voice was raspy and Jen froze because for just a second she’d been unsure exactly who he was speaking to. Daisy? Who the hell is Daisy? “You’ll be the perfect balance to my Rose over there. You’ll be the lovely light to her delicious dark beauty and with the two of you on my arm no one will notice the scars I carry.” Oh, I’m willing to bet your shiny new coat of crazy is still going to show…a lot! And he’s decided to call me Daisy? Like that chic with the short shorts on the Dukes of Hazard? Nope, I don’t think that is gonna work for me. Asshat.

  Lilly West started to stand and the King of the Loonies snarled at her, “Don’t move, Mrs. West. You have already caused me enough trouble. What the hell did you shoot at that boat anyway, a fucking bazooka? I swear, woman, you have some sort of Annie Oakley complex. I should shoot your damned husbands for allowing you to even own a firearm. I have no clue what might have possessed them to think that was a good idea. They really appear to be intelligent businessmen, but fuck me—putting a gun in your hands is just plain irresponsible.”


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