Jen's Journey

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Jen's Journey Page 17

by Avery Gale

  Indeed your mom and sisters did have a long chat with me and you have no idea how disappointed they would be if they didn’t get to see you get married. And I’m not starting off on the wrong side of the women in your family…nope, not happening. Jen didn’t actually care how they ended up married, but she had really liked Sam and Sage’s family, and if it was important to them to be a part of the wedding then it was important to Jen.

  Sage groaned, “I’m not sure how we’re going to pull off any romance in light of the fact there are so many eyes on her.”

  “And the real challenge is not all of them belong to us or our team. Head’s up, everybody, we have incoming at three o’clock. Jen, don’t look now but you have company on the way. Everybody else, focus. Both of these asshats are high on our watch list. I do believe it is show time people.” Sam’s voice had gone from fun to all business in the blink of an eye. Jen could almost feel her heart pounding in her chest and she was making a concentrated effort to keep her body language relaxed, after all she was just a young American woman on vacation.

  She had every faith in her team, they weren’t going to let anything happen to her and she’d been well trained for this moment. Smile. Engage. Flirt. Question. Entrap.

  “Well, hi there, pretty lady. You look lonely. Would you like some company?” When she turned toward them she wanted to shudder. They were dressed in what she’d come to refer to as the uniform of the Indonesian underground. Khaki slacks and white cotton oxford shirts seemed to be the preferred wardrobe choice, but at least they blended in better than the all black outfits of the jerks she’d dealt with in Costa Rica.

  “Oh, hi. Well, I’m not really lonely, but I’m always up for meeting new people. I was just enjoying a bit of beach time before I return home in a few days.” The plan had been to make sure they knew she was leaving in a couple of days so they’d have to make a move quickly, since they wouldn’t have long before she’d be missed.

  “Where’s home?”

  The taller of the two seemed to be taking the lead so she directed her response to him, “Well, I’m not sure I should be giving out personal information to strangers.” When he stepped forward, grasped her hand, and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back in a gesture that sent her stomach into a free-fall, she actually heard Sam growl. To calm her nerves, Jen concentrated on the fact she was wearing multiple tracking devices and was also transmitting their conversation to every man watching.

  “Perhaps you’d like to share a drink with us and we could get to know each other better. We’re staying at same hotel you are.” She raised her brow in question and he smiled, “We have seen you the past couple of days and were just too shy to approach you.” Yeah, right, Fred. More like you were watching to see if I was staying alone. And I’ll bet you have been through my room with a fine tooth comb too. She knew her room had been searched because she’d made sure to set enough little traps there was no way anyone could have noticed them all. It was amazing how effective a little bit of transparent tape and fishing line could be to let you know if anyone opened a door or drawer.

  “I don’t know. That doesn’t sound like a very good idea, my friends warned me to not go off with strangers when traveling alone.” She paused and looked at the sand dragging her toes through the soft sand. “Shoot, I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “It’s alright. We’ll just walk you right up to the hotel and get acquainted.” When they each grasped one of her arms just above her elbow she dug in her heels and started protesting their manhandling. “Keep quiet, Jennifer, and you won’t get hurt. We have someone for you to meet and he’d prefer to speak with you when you can understand the offer he wants to make you. But we will get you there one way or another. And there isn’t a single person on this beach who will interfere because they know who we work for.”

  “Wait. How did you know my name? And who do you work for?”

  “Our leader is not from here, but you are in luck that Mr. Mendoza is in town visiting friends. He saw you on the street and wants to meet you. He has a beautiful suite at the hotel, I think you’ll enjoy staying there.” Staying there? Oh brother, if she was really traveling on her own, those words would have scared the daylights out of her. Who was she kidding? They scared her and she knew her backup was eyes on and would be pulling her out any minute. Their hands tightened with a vise-like grip on her upper arms and she wanted to kick them both for the bruises she was sure to have for the next several days.

  “Well, if he’s such a great guy, why did he send you to fetch me like a bone for a dog? And you lied to me about wanting to get to know me, so I think I’ll decline your invitation. Let me go or I’m going to make a big scene.” They’d both just laughed and lifted her so her feet were barely touching the ground. Knowing Roberto Mendoza was staying in the same hotel where she’d been sleeping was disconcerting to say the least. Mendoza was pure evil wrapped in a deceptively attractive and charming package. When she looked ahead and saw Sage ambling along casually with a beach towel draped over his arm she felt a wave of relief. Dex Raines and Ash Moore were to his left and each of them had their hands shoved into the pockets of their cargo shorts and were no doubt gripping their weapons just as she knew Sage was. And even though she’d known they were watching and listening, it was altogether different when she could actually see her teammates.

  She struggled in their hold so anyone they met would have a perfectly good reason to inquire about her well-being and Sage played his part beautifully. “Hey, Jen, wasn’t it? We met on the plane, do you remember? I was telling my friends about you and we’d wondered where you were staying. We’re having a little get together tonight here on the beach if you are interested.” When the men didn’t stop she looked up and knew the frantic expression on her face wasn’t all acting. “Hey, hold up, guys. We want to talk to the lady.” When the three of them blocked their path, the men stopped but didn’t make any attempt to let her go. Sage’s eyes went to where their hands were encircled around her arm and frowned. “Are you okay, darlin’? Because you don’t seem very happy and I’m not overly thrilled with the way this looks.”

  “She is fine. She is on her way to a business meeting and is going to be late. We must go now.” When they tried to push past the three former SEALs, Jen watched as Dex and Ash each moved with lightning speed pressing on the men’s wrists causing them to release her into Sage’s waiting arms. They had the two cuffed and were quietly escorting them up the beach before most of the other tourists had even realized what had happened right in front of them.

  Jen was grateful Sage kept his arm wrapped tightly around her, securely anchoring her against his side. His presence made her feel grounded and safe, and it terrified her to realize how quickly women were overpowered and whisked away never to be seen again. And for the first time she understood how easily she could have become just another victim in Costa Rica. Knowing how close she’d come to never seeing any of her friends again was almost too much to deal with. When they reached the street the men were handed over to the authorities and Sage turned her so she was facing him. She looked up into his eyes and saw all the love and protectiveness she’d always yearned for reflected back at her. He pulled her into his arms and just held her, not saying anything for several minutes, and she wasn’t sure which of them was more comforted by the gesture.

  When he finally released her, he brushed her hair back behind her ear and cupped the side of her face, “Are you okay, baby?” Jen knew both Sage and Sam had been working hard to keep their promise and they’d actually done a great job of keeping their use of endearments out of their work environment. But right now she found his words enormously comforting and she didn’t mind at all. When she merely nodded he smiled, “You were fucking amazing. We got everything. Mendoza’s suite is being raided as we speak. Your things are already in the truck, we didn’t want to risk you returning for them. We’ll turn over copies of the tapes to the task force and be on a plane before dark.”

  Just as Sage finish
ed speaking, a large black SUV pulled up and Sam leapt from the passenger’s side before it had even stopped moving. He strode toward her with a predator’s grace and determination. When his eyes moved over her, Jen could tell the instant he noticed the marks on her biceps. He didn’t stop until he was close enough that she could feel the heat from his body and that sensation had no sooner registered than he slammed his mouth down on hers in a kiss she knew was purely adrenaline driven. By the time he released her they were both panting and she felt her pussy flooding with desire. Holy shit, that adrenaline is powerful stuff. She hadn’t realized how pumped she was until Sam had kissed her and she’d practically crawled up his body like a spider monkey. Neither Sam nor Sage said another word, they simply turned and in five seconds they were all three in the back seat and speeding down the street.


  Jen came awake slowly, unsure what the engine noise she was hearing until she remembered boarding the Wests’ private jet. She had answered questions until she’d been utterly exhausted and even though she’d been hungry, she simply hadn’t been able to stay awake long enough to eat once they’d been in the air. Throwing back the cover, she made her way into the small bathroom and by the time she reemerged a few minutes later she felt much better, but her stomach was demanding to be fed so she opened the door into the main cabin.

  She heard Sam’s voice and turned toward him, but he had his back to her. She heard him speaking and knew immediately he was talking to his mother. Susie McCall was a force to be reckoned with and Jen had liked her immediately. “I understand and Sage and I are giving you two weeks to get it together.” His exasperated sigh made Jen smile, he was clearly not pleased with whatever his mom had to say. “Three weeks. Final offer, Mom. Take it or we’ll make a detour to Hawaii and be married before we hit the mainland.” She saw his shoulders relax and knew his negotiation had been successful. When he spoke again, his tone was much softer and Jen could hear the love reflected in his words, “I want you to be happy but, Mom, Jen is ours and we want to start our lives with her. She is everything Sage and I have always dreamed of and we don’t want to wait any longer to make her our wife.” It was only then that she realized he’d been able to see her reflection in the window he was facing. He’d known all along she was there and when she stepped up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, he pulled her around and wrapped his arm around her. “Yes, Mom, I agree, she is absolutely perfect, well except for her tendency to eavesdrop, but I think we’ll be able to handle that.” Jen could hear his mom’s cackle of laughter as they said their goodbyes and Sam tossed his phone into a nearby seat.

  For the first time, Jen realized she felt like she fully belonged, and the feeling had been completely natural. She hadn’t had too continually remind herself that she was worthy of the opportunity in front of her and the feeling made her almost giddy. The warmth of Sam’s embrace doubled when she felt Sage press himself against her back. She felt safe and loved for the first time since Millie died and the significance of the journey she’d been on wasn’t lost on her. Millie had always reminded her to look forward rather than back. Millie’s determined voice floated through her mind, “You don’t walk backwards through life, Jen, so there is no reason for you to always be looking that direction. You keep looking back and you’ll miss a lot of the great things along life’s path.” Jen sent up a silent prayer of thanks for the woman who had made such an incredible difference in her life. I never got to tell you what you what a profound difference you made in my life. But I promise to try to make a positive difference in as many lives as I can…that will be my way of saying thanks. When Sam stepped back, Jen looked around the beautiful jet and her eyes locked on a small painting near the exit. She felt her heart pounding as she looked at the small oil painting of a perfect white feather that looked as if it was floating on a soft breeze against a blue summer sky. She hoped Susie McCall could manage the three week deadline, because Jen had just gotten Millie’s blessing and now she couldn’t wait for her next adventure to begin.


  Two weeks and five days later

  “Leave it to our mother and sisters to push the deadline until you could almost see the calendar stretching to accommodate them.” Sam was pacing the room as Sage stood looking out over the elaborate setup in the backyard of their parents’ home. “Honestly, we should have just stopped and gotten married in Hawaii. I should have never given mom a chance to pull this together. Hell, who on earth besides Susie McCall can manage to organize something of this scale in such a ridiculously short time.” Sage couldn’t remember ever seeing Sam this rattled, but he wasn’t going to jump on the crazy-train either. Sage much preferred to have his head in exactly the right place when he looked up and saw Jen walking down the hallway toward them.

  Just as Sage was about to tell his older brother to chill there was a soft knock on the door. Sage pulled the door open and was shocked to see Jen standing in the hall looking absolutely terrified. “Baby? What’s wrong?” He pulled her in to the room and closed the door behind her, if his mother or sisters got wind that they’d seen her in her wedding dress before the ceremony there would be hell to pay.

  She didn’t answer for several seconds and Sage was starting to worry. When he looked up at his brother his worry shifted to Sam because he looked as if he was about ready to have a stroke. Christ, what is the problem with these two? This is supposed to be the happiest day of their lives and they are both about to jump out of their skin. Jen finally took a deep breath and then focused her gaze on the floor as she whispered, “I was freaking out…and I…well, I just needed to see you. You balance me. Your touch grounds me and I needed that. And there are so many people out there and I only know about ten of them.” Her voice had started to vibrate with fear and Sage found himself agreeing with Sam, they should have eloped and just suffered the consequences. It had never occurred to him how intimidated she might be by the scale of the celebration their family had planned. Actually, this was so typical of his mother and sisters; neither he nor Sam had found it unusual and that oversight was something he now regretted.

  Sam stepped forward and grasped her hands and frowned. “Good God, love. Your hands are like ice. Come here.” He pulled her toward the small sofa facing the stone fireplace and settled her on his knees facing Sage. Sam leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose, mindful of her make-up, and then grinned. “You look amazing by the way. And we swear too never tell the McCall women that we saw you before the ceremony.”

  “Oh shit. I forgot about that. Frack me.” When they both laughed she grinned, “I promised Tobi I’d do the no cursing thing with her. Kyle and Kent are threatening her with all sorts of bizarre punishments if she curses in front of the baby, so I thought maybe the buddy system would help her out. But so far, I’m the only one making any progress. Personally, I think it’s a lost cause.” Sage laughed and leaned forward gently rubbed his nose against hers.

  “I’m glad you seem to be more relaxed, baby. And I’m sorry everything has gotten out of hand. I’m not going to lie to you, this is exactly the sort of thing that will happen anytime we let our mother or sisters take over the planning of any event. My suggestion is that you just learn to roll with it…Sam and I have found life is much less stressful that way.” They spent a few more minutes enjoying the quiet before there was another knock at the door.

  When Kyle West entered he smiled when he saw Jen, “I’m glad you’re here, Jen, even if I’m going to have to pretend I didn’t see you.” His expression became more serious as he focused his attention on the men, “We have a situation developing and it’s in the same location as your honeymoon plans.” His eyes flicked to Jen and then back at the men. She’d been trying to get them to tell her where they were going for the past two weeks and obviously Kyle knew that. Damn, I’ll bet everybody knows but me. Which explains why they have been keeping Tobi from me today. The men continued talking and agreed to keep in touch with Kyle in case there was any way for the thre
e of them to help since they’d be close. Just as they were finishing up, the door swung open and Susie McCall stormed into the room. Well fuck a fat fairy in a fur coat. We are so busted.


  Regi looked in the full-length mirror and frowned. What on earth was I thinking? With Gracie and Tobi both declining Jen’s request for the three of them to be bridesmaids, Regi hadn’t felt like she could let their friend down by being the third strike. But now that she saw what an enormous production the whole thing was, she was more than a little bit worried. It turns out the McCalls were among the moneyed one percent and their sons’ wedding was making the news in a lot of ways. The chances of some photographer snapping her picture was huge and if there was one thing she did not need, it was having her picture plastered in the society pages for every two bit thug wanting to make points with “the family” to see. She could only hope the hair and make-up artists Susie McCall hired had done their job so she wouldn’t be recognized.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned away from the mirror and tried to push her worries to the back of her mind. There were more pressing things to worry about right now…namely the two handsome doctors who would be escorting her this evening. Talk about having a dim moment…I have no idea what possessed me to think I could handle them on top of everything else tonight. She laughed to herself as she descended the stairs into the chaos—possessed was probably more accurate than she cared to admit.


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