Savior From Hell

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Savior From Hell Page 16

by Avery Rae

  My body shook as it fought in vain to heal, but another blow was coming. The kind I wouldn't heal from. It was aimed for my head. Weren't incubi supposed to be sexy? A spear through the brain was decidedly not a sexy way to go. Thankfully, I managed to roll to the side in time for the spear tip to only jam and scrape harshly against the marble floor.

  A sudden instinct took over, and I scrambled to grab the incubus' ankle. Sleep. The demon collapsed. I crawled closer, hissing between my teeth from the pain. I didn't know what I was doing, but I brought my lips to his, hovering just above, and inhaled. I pulled back slightly and watched as something familiar—foggy and shimmering—spiraled out from his lips to mine.

  "Whoa, baby succubus, let's not eat the guy's entire soul, yeah?" Amberlynn said with a laugh as she pulled me back. "I feel like your babysitter at this point."

  "I was eating his soul?" I whispered in horror, then scraped at my tongue, trying to erase the vaguely metallic taste from my mouth. I looked down at my stomach and saw that it had healed completely. That was fast even by demon healing standards. What the hell? "I don't know what's going on anymore."

  "I don't think you've known since you showed up here."

  "I've been trying to fake it 'til I make it."

  "I'd say you're doing alright."

  "Yeah, but is that guy going to be alright?" I asked, weirdly concerned, considering he had impaled me on a spear moments before. Even with all the pent-up rage inside me, I was far too soft for Hell. Turns out not being a killer when you live in a sea of them is hard. Color me shocked.

  "Ehh, the guy might feel a little emptier," Amberlynn said as she flung her knife over my shoulder. It made a thunk as it collided with someone, but she just continued chatting. "Might trigger a mid-afterlife crisis or some shit, but he'll be okay. You didn't really get that much. Just be careful, alright? Your arsenal got bigger and you don't have a license for any of that yet. Plus, if you try to drain my soul, I'm gonna pop you."

  She flashed me a grin and winked. I was pretty sure that didn't make what she said any less serious. I wouldn't dream of draining her soul, but the newly minted succubus inside of me certainly did want more. I wasn't quite sure how to feel about that one.

  "Seriously, you two?" Amberlynn groaned, looking over my shoulder. I turned around to see Lucas on the ground with a lamia at his throat. Her tail was curled around Edwin, who was quickly turning a pale shade of blue.

  "She sucker-punched Edwin while he was fighting one of those pretty boys," Lucas ground out, his arms straining as he tried to pry the lamia from his neck. "I was just trying to help his dumb ass when she got all bitey."

  I was pretty freaking tired of Lilith and her minions. She was the reason I was down here in the first place, and now she was ruining what little peace I'd managed to find with my new existence. And I'd had my fill.

  I stalked over to the lamia and grabbed hold of her arm. I felt something, like a gentle vibration between my skin and hers. My eyes rolled back into my head, a small gasp escaping my lips. The lamia did the same, jerking her head up, her ghastly face contorted with shock. Lucas scrambled away from her, then freed Edward from her tail.

  "Succubus," she hissed in a haunting voice, "let me go."

  I tugged her closer, trying my best to ignore the way she began to look at me with lust in her eyes. "Not until you take me to Lilith."

  "As you wish, my love." Her expression screwed up in distaste, she started down the hallway with all of us in tow. I looked at all the other hunters in surprise and they seemed just as unsure of what the hell was going on. Apparently, Lilith had bestowed more than one parting gift on me. Hell is just one big, mixed bag of weird delights, isn't it?



  The lamia led us to a large, opulent throne room. The walls were draped in lush, jewel-toned fabric and the floor blanketed with large pillows. The only source of light came from the stained-glass roof that depicted Lilith in the nude. Beyond the ego factor, it seemed like an odd choice somewhere there wasn't a sun. The colors, meant to be brilliant, were murky and stained by the cloudy red sky.

  Lilith herself sat upon a golden throne, back straight and legs crossed. She was smiling as she looked at us. When her eyes moved to the lamia, the monster tugged against my grip. I let her go and she dashed toward the throne, crumpling at Lilith's feet. "Mistress, she forced me to bring her here. I didn't—"

  "Hush, my sweet. I forgive you." She dipped down to brush her fingers over the lamia's head. "I can't say I'm surprised Berith has come to your aid, Brotherhood. I do wish you had encouraged her to knock first. Although, I suppose I'll be changing thrones sooner rather than later."

  "Where's Gael?" I demanded.

  "Where's Zachariah?" she replied, her smile taking on a coy curve.

  "Dead. Because of you. It's starting to become a trend. People dying because of you."

  "Oh, darling, if you think you and Zach were the beginning . . . I find your naivete precious."

  I started forward and she held up a hand, then ran her fingers along a heavy black chain within her layer of necklaces. She pulled it over her head, then slowly lifted a pendant from between her cleavage. It was the same type of demon soul imprisoning stone that Samael and Ronove had. And hers was glowing bright orange, just like Samael's sword had after taking in Zachariah's soul.

  "I kept him warm for you," she said.

  My heart froze. "Is that Gael?"

  "Of course it is." She curled her fingers around the pendant. "There's still time to put him back, but if you dare test me, I will devour his soul."

  I wasn't going to stand there and be threatened. I was tired of being manipulated. It had already cost me my life. I wasn't going to let her get away with any more of this bullshit.

  "No. You won't."

  "Excuse me?" She laughed.

  "Priscilla, no," Amberlynn shouted, but it was far too late. I was already running straight for the throne. The lamia tried to intercept me, but I shoved her so hard she went crashing into the wall.

  Lilith bared her teeth as I drew closer, her fingers clenching around the pendant—then I saw black. The soft plume of Samael's wings surrounded me, stopping me in my tracks.

  "No!" I shouted, trying to push my way out. His wings tightened around me.

  "That is not a battle you will win, Priscilla. She's far too old."

  Angry tears pricked at my eyes. "But she has Gael."

  He leaned down and whispered, "Give it time."

  It took everything in me to just nod my head. I was so used to solving everything on my own. But that wasn't going to work anymore. Not here. Especially not now. Samael unfurled his wings. I looked back at the Brotherhood. They were all tense. Even Edwin looked as if he was ready to come after me. I bowed my head and stepped to the side, torn between embarrassment and frustration.

  "They're all so precious to you," Lilith spoke, calm and unaffected. "Even one that was thrust upon you like her. And yet, you won't join me. Ask any of my subjects, they will tell you that my love is generous."

  Samael let out a heavy sigh and turned around to face her. "Your love is fickle. It expires the moment someone isn't useful to you."

  Lilith's eyes snapped to Samael's sword and a slow smile spread across her face. "I see your stone is already occupied, too. Is that where Zachariah's gone? Killed by his guardian angel?"

  "Why ask, Lilith?" Samael sounded exhausted.

  "To torture you. You seem to like it, after all." She tilted her head to the side. "I'm glad you got rid of him, he was a real loose cannon."

  "He could've been redeemed."

  "You don't really believe that, do you?" she asked in a near whisper, disbelief coloring her expression. "I sacrificed no less than fifty of my succubi to sway him. His appetite for murder was insatiable, Samael."

  "You gave him victims?" I asked in disgust. "That's the love you'll spread if you take over Hell?"

  Her eyes went cold. "They were willing tributes for a c
ause greater than themselves. Once I'm on the throne, they know I'll make them whole again."

  "You've tried and failed so many times, Lilith." Samael took a step forward. "What makes you think this will be any different?"

  "Everything's gone perfectly. I have Ronove. I have your favorite pet project held hostage. All I have to do is make sure I imprison Berith's soul."

  "How do you plan to do that? Your stone is already full."

  "Well, you're going to free Zachariah and give me yours. I did promise him he would have a place in my kingdom, as much as it pains me. I do try to be a woman of my word though. So, if you don't mind." She held out a hand.

  "No, Lilith. I'm afraid you've already failed."

  Through the open doors, the sounds of battle drew closer. I struggled to keep still. My eyes were drawn to the orange glow that came from between Lilith's clasped fingers.

  "I've failed?" She laughed. "How so?"

  Samael unfurled his wings and rose up from the floor. "By thinking that amassing an army was all you would need to defeat Berith. Now!"

  The angel flew toward Lilith as Berith burst into the throne room, her tanned skin bathed in blood. Behind her, a wave of warriors and pleasure demons spilled into the throne room. All of our weapons came out and the rest of the Brotherhood jumped into the fray. But I couldn't tear my eyes away from that pendant.

  Samael crashed into Lilith and pried open her hand. In an instant, her clothes ripped to shreds as she transformed into a giant serpent. The pendant flew through the air. All the clanging metal, hissing, and guttural shouting faded to nothing. I lifted my sword and forced my way through the brawling crowd as quickly as I could. But it wasn't fast enough.

  "Gael!" My heart seized as the pendant shattered against the wall, raining down on the floor as I pushed through the edge of the crowd and collapsed. Please, no! I scraped at the shards on the ground as bright soul spiraled out, cutting my flesh to ribbons. The soul rose into the air. I watched in heartbroken confusion as it shot away and disappeared into a back wall. A moment later, the doors at the back of the room burst open and the long-horned demon I recognized as Ronove stood there. Fury contorted his wrinkled face into something truly terrifying.

  "How dare you imprison me?" he seethed. "I will have your soul, harlot."

  "You made your choice when you climbed into my bed," the snake hissed.

  There wasn't time for talk as Berith arced through the air with her sword poised. Lilith darted away and Berith's sword sank straight into the floor. Just as she pulled it out, Lilith struck her from behind, knocking her sword from her hand . As Berith fought to keep the snake from constricting around her, Samael swooped down to get her sword—but I had another idea. One that could put a stop to all of this much faster.

  Conscious of the weight of the stone in my pocket, I vaulted through the frenzied battle, ducking and dodging spears and fists. Please work this time. I pressed the stone against Lilith's side and willed her soul inside. She let out a scream and unfurled from Berith. I opened my eyes in time to see her mighty jaws open wide as she was about to devour me.

  A flurry of black crossed before my eyes as Samael swooped down, taking her bite with his body. All I could do was hope that he would be okay as I forced the stone down, willing with all my might for the stupid thing to do its job.

  In the next moment, I felt it. Lilith's soul resisted every inch, but it was pulled from her body. The stone shook violently in my hand, so hot that it nearly burned, but I held it in place. Samael was freed from her jaws as Lilith disintegrated into ash. Ronove approached me with a scowl.

  "Give that to me," he demanded. "I will take great pleasure in torturing—"

  "No. The Brotherhood will keep her soul."

  "Are you making the rules now, girl?"

  "Why not? This is Hell, after all." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the pendant, once more whole, lying on the ground. I walked over and grabbed it, then pressed it to the vibrating stone, transferring her soul between them. I held out the now-empty stone to Ronove—it was his, after all. He grudgingly snatched it away from me and placed it back on top of his staff. His eyes narrowed, then he began to tilt his staff toward me. I lifted my sword in warning and another, much bigger sword appeared alongside mine, followed by Samael's glowing blade.

  "Enough, Ronove," said Samael.

  "Leave Lilith's soul be," Berith bit out. "This is our chance to bring the Tribunal back together as it was before Lucifer left. Don't ruin it by being petty, old man— Where are you going?" She was talking to me, not Ronove.

  I was walking toward the middle of the crowd, where I saw a certain black snake that was going to help me find Gael. The moment I drew near, Delilah shifted back into her demon form. Her head was held high despite an obvious tremble, eyes locked on the bright, fiery pendant around my neck.

  "He's being held in the dungeon," she said. "Follow me, sister."

  "You still want to be my sister after I imprisoned your leader?" I asked as I followed her out of the throne room. Demons from both sides of the battle looked confused by our casual walkout, unsure of whether they should be intervening. Edwin lifted a brow as I passed him. I shook my head. "I can handle it."

  "As long as we share blood, you are my sister." Delilah looked over her shoulder at me with a small smile. "Besides, I'm not very upset. You see, I'm her natural successor."

  "Cold-hearted, Delilah. Any plans to take over Hell that I should know about?"

  "No." She giggled softly. "Lilith made her choice. I think I'll be quite content with the faction I have here."

  "I'm sure she said that at some point, too."

  "Perhaps so."

  Delilah led me to the depths of the palace. In stark contrast to the opulence above, the walls were bare except for a few torches. As we passed the barred cells, I couldn't help but notice that they were all empty.

  "Lilith didn't use this much, did she?"

  "No. She truly did believe, in her own way, that she was doing what was best for us all. That was why she did not kill Ronove, nor Gael. All souls rejected from Heaven were to have a place in her kingdom."

  "But she wasn't going to stop here. That was where I came in, wasn't it?"

  "Yes, sister, it was." She turned around then. "I know you won't, but I do wish you would stay with us. You'll always have a place here."

  "Thanks, but—"

  "Prissy?" a weak voice called out. Delilah gave me a sad smile and moved aside. I ran toward the voice, my heart pounding like mad. When I reached his cell, I saw him crumpled on the ground and my heart broke into pieces.

  "Gael? What did they do to you?"

  "Forgive me," Delilah said as she approached. "I had to poison him."

  "You poisoned him?!" I pulled out my sword. "If this is some sort of trick, I swear to you—"

  Delilah held up a hand. "It wasn't much. He'll be able to heal through it."

  "Oh, only a little venom. Why didn't you say that sooner?"

  "I only did what my mistress asked."

  "Yeah-huh." I grabbed the bars and wrenched them aside, creating a hole big enough to step through, then ran over to Gael's fallen form. He groaned as I lifted him into my lap, but he was still smiling faintly.

  "I had the key, Priscilla," Delilah said with a sigh. "Your kind are so impulsive with their strength."

  "I think it's fair play when you kidnapped my—my person and held him hostage."

  "Person?" Gael asked with a strained laugh.

  "I don't know what to call you right now."

  "Lover? Boyfriend?"

  I cupped his cheek and smiled. "What was it you said that one time? More like a pain in my ass."

  There was a sudden flurry of footsteps, then the rest of the Brotherhood was crowded in front of the bars. I had a feeling they wouldn't be able to wait for us out there.

  "You look rough, brother," Amberlynn said with a wince.

  Lucas clicked his tongue. "We had to bring a whole army to rescue your dumb ass

  "I'll try not to get sucker-punched by a giant snake in the future." Gael chuckled weakly as he let me help him to his feet. I placed his arm around my shoulders and walked him out of his cell. Delilah gave us a tight smile and bowed her head before taking a step back.

  "You guys ready to get out of here?" I asked with a heavy sigh. "I know I am."

  "Hell yeah," Amberlynn agreed, then lifted Gael's other arm around her shoulders. When she flashed a grin at his surprised expression, my heart grew warm. I remembered when she told me that the Brotherhood was a family. Now, more than ever before, it truly felt like one. This was the family I had always wanted. Sure, it was messed up. All of us were. Me included. But with Samael, we were getting better, and that was all we could ask for.



  A month or so had passed since we imprisoned Lilith. Keeping track of time was hard when there was no sun or moon to show that it was passing. I'd grown to have a weird sort of affection for that thundering red sky, though. It was Hell, sure, but it was also home.

  As I stared up at Earth's clear, dark blue night sky, I didn't get that same feeling anymore. I was detached, but in a weirdly good way. I knew I could never go see my few friends or family on Earth again, even if I wanted to, but that didn't matter. The Brotherhood was my family now, and it was the strangest yet most loving family I could imagine.

  "C'mon, newbie, Samael's gonna cap your ass if you don't get that soul," Amberlynn growled at our newest recruit.

  She was a forty-something woman named Cheri who had sticky fingers and a penchant for fraud and dishonesty. I had no doubt she would fit in great.

  Lilith's manipulation of the Druids had only served to further upset them, so Samael had been spending much more time looking for souls to save. We had ten new members working through their trials already. It helped that Samael now understood that no matter how picky he was, people like Zachariah would find their way in. We just had to do our best to ferret them out.


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