Robert T Bakker

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by The Dinosaur Heresies (pdf)

  ing. This sort of dominance of the upper teeth was a characteristic

  of the dinosaurs; Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus all had

  much larger uppers than lowers.

  The biological engineering behind Coelophysis's bite can be

  worked out from well-preserved jaw joints and the muscle-attach-

  ment sites they reveal. The shape of Coelophysis's teeth indicates

  the upper row of teeth had to move rearward relative to the lower

  so the bigger crowns of the upper teeth could be effectively ex-

  ploited. Since it consisted of a pair of grooves that allowed two


  knobs on the skull to slide, Coelophysis's jaw joint was indeed ar-

  ranged so the skull could shift fore and aft in relation to the lower

  jaw, and the biggest jaw muscle pulled the snout backward. The

  strong neck would also assist in delivering a killing blow because

  Coelophysis could rake its teeth backward through its prey by re-

  tracting its neck muscles. Such contractions of the neck were am-

  plified by the back of the skull, which was strengthened and

  enlarged to support larger and more powerful neck muscles.

  From such evidence, the lethal interplay of predator and prey,

  anchisaur versus theropod can be fairly clearly imagined. Coelo-

  physis stalks the Triassic floodplain, head held high, its large, bird-

  like eyes scanning the landscape for the slightest movement. A

  rustle in the conifer bushes betrays an anchisaur, a small, half-grown

  specimen some four feet long. Coelophysis strides to the attack. The

  anchisaur, its back to a dense stand of undergrowth, rises on its

  hind legs, brandishing its foreclaws. The combat is joined. Coelo-

  physis dances, darting in and out in feinted strikes, weaving to avoid

  the dangerous counterstrokes from the anchisaur claws. An open-

  ing appears—perhaps a momentary error on the anchisaur's part.

  And Coelophysis lunges, its tooth-studded jaws raking some ex-

  posed part of its victim.

  In a split second the entire series of the predator's jaw and

  neck muscles fire off in a spasmic, contractile sequence originating

  in instinctive action unguided by conscious thought. The anchi-

  saur struggles to free itself but its efforts serve only to make the

  wound longer and more ragged.

  The predator's dance continues, punctuated by more feints and

  quick raking strikes. No one bite is fatal. There is no quick coup

  de grace like a lion's. But Coelophysis's prey succumbs after a short

  time, weakened by trauma and loss of blood. Finally, the anchi-

  saur sinks to the ground, unable to right itself, and Coelophysis

  finishes with a series of slashing bites to the neck just behind

  the head.

  Coelophysis was not the only practitioner of this style of hunt-

  ing at the end of the Triassic and beginning of the Jurassic. Sam-

  uel Welles of the University of California hunted in the red beds

  on a Navaho Indian Reservation and found several nearly com-

  plete skeletons of big predators, between fifteen and twenty-five

  feet long. Today, these are the earliest complete skeletons of large

  predatory dinosaurs known. Welles's animal, Dilophosaurus, "two-


  crested-lizard," exhibited a striking similarity to Coelophysis in its

  very long tail and elegant hind limbs. But the two-crested dino-

  saurs were proportioned for killing much larger prey, with their

  shorter, more massive necks and skulls and very much larger up-

  per teeth relative to the skull's length. These dinosaurs were strong

  enough to attack any of the Early Jurassic herbivores, even the

  largest anchisaurs.

  As the long Jurassic Period passed through its middle and late

  epochs, the dinosaur arms race produced more heavily armored

  herbivores—the stegosaurs—and the immense brontosaurs with

  enough strength in their legs and feet to simply crush most pred-

  ators. Predator strength increased too; the Late Jurassic Ceratosau-

  rus was thirty feet long, and Allosaurus forty-five. Ceratosaurus and

  Allosaurus were both discovered by Professor Marsh in the late

  1870s. And for a long time only one ceratosaur's skull and only

  two or three complete allosaur skulls were known. Then, in the

  1940s, a spectacular predator trap, containing ceratosaurs and al-

  losaurs, was found at the Cleveland—Lloyd site in Utah. Sixty or

  seventy Allosaurus specimens at all stages of growth—young, adult,

  aged—have been quarried from this small area of mudstone. Jim

  Madsen, state paleontologist of Utah, directs the work at the quarry,

  and his practical experience with hundreds of predator bones en-

  dows him with unequaled expertise on the subject of predator


  I have spent several unforgettable weeks in Salt Lake City

  studying Jim Madsen's laboratory full of allosaur and ceratosaur

  bones. In this astounding treasure house every detail of their bio-

  mechanics stands revealed. A most unexpected characteristic of the

  skulls is how easily they fall apart. A fully adult Ceratosaurus's skull,

  nearly three feet long in life, was not one tight mass of bones and

  teeth; it consisted of a loose kit of thin bony struts, flexible bony

  sheets regularly perforated by holes, ball-in-socket joints, and sliding

  articulations, the whole bound together with ligaments. After death,

  the ligaments of course soon rotted and the skull fell apart, scat-

  tering its pieces across the mud. Today's largest predatory mam-

  mals—polar bears and lions—possess a strong, unified cranial

  structure that remains solid long after death. Bioengineers who

  study skulls must consequently refashion their thinking when they

  seek to reconstruct the mechanics of the loose rod-and-sheet con-

  struction found in Ceratosaurus and Allosaurus.


  Skull of Ceratosaurus

  There was a strong central core in the heads of the predatory

  dinosaurs: their thick-walled braincase. The term "braincase" is a

  misnomer in dinosaur anatomy, because in fact the brain of larger

  species was minute compared to the surrounding mass of bone.

  The primary function of the dinosaur's "braincase" was to provide

  attachment sites for the neck muscles and to serve as the founda-

  tion point for all the thinner, more flexible components of the snout,

  palate, and roof of the skull.

  The biggest surprise found in Madsen's ceratosaur skull was

  the tooth-bearing bones of the snout. Instead of being firmly at-

  tached to the braincase, the tooth-bearing bones were only loosely

  bound to the top of the snout and the roof of the mouth. Such

  looseness is repeated all through this skull. The tall strut of bone

  (called the quadrate) which connected the lower jaw to the brain-

  case shared a hinge joint with the top rear corner of the skull. When

  this strut swung outward, it splayed out the jaw to the sides. Even

  the lower jaw was loosely constructed of two sections. The front

  section carried the teeth, the rea
r housed the muscles and joint of

  the jaw. The front and rear complexes met along a quite loose lig-

  amentous junction. At the dinosaur's chin, the right and left lower

  jaws met at yet another very weak joint held together by liga-


  So much looseness was baffling to biologists who knew only

  the mechanics of our own Class Mammalia. If we humans had as


  How to swallow something

  larger than your head—

  dinosaur-style. Face-front

  view of Ceratosaurus. All the

  bones of the skull's side

  were loosely hinged to the

  skull top, so the head

  expanded sideways when

  the beast swallowed an

  extra-large meat chunk. And

  a hinge in each lower jaw

  opened outward, just like a

  boa constrictor.

  loose a skull as the ceratosaur, every time we bit down, our

  cheekbones would flex inward, the roof of our mouth would con-

  tract, and we would feel the rear of our skull swing toward the

  base of our neck. Anyone who has kept snakes as pets wouldn't

  be puzzled by ceratosaur heads. The heads of snakes are generally

  similar in design to those of the dinosaurs—snakes have a central,

  tightly knit braincase, which acts as the core for the loosely at-

  tached jaws, snout, cheek bones, and palate. Snakes also possess

  backwardly curved teeth, another similarity. When a snake starts


  to swallow large prey, the jaw muscles pull these teeth into the

  prey's body and all the loose joints swing apart so that the snake's

  gullet can accommodate a very large body. The Ceratosaurus must

  have functioned in very much the same way. When a ceratosaur

  swallowed a large chunk of meat, its capacity would have in-

  creased as each loose joint flexed and bowed outward.

  The largest prey commonly available to Allosaurus and Cera-

  tosaurus were the stegosaurs and the brontosaurs. Stegosaurs of

  course wielded their spike-and-plate armor, but at first sight bron-

  tosaurs appeared poorly armed. Most brontosaurs did have short,

  inwardly curved claws on their fore and hind feet, so the paws were

  potential weapons. But a more potent defensive weapon was lo-

  cated at the rear end of the whip-tailed genera like Brontosaurus

  and Diplodocus. The final ten feet of the tails of these dinosaurs

  featured slender bony rods in the core of the tail. When these huge

  dinosaurs swung their hugely muscled tails, the whiplash effect could

  inflict crippling wounds on an unwary predator.

  The ultimate phases of the arms race between predator ar-

  mament and antipredator adaptations were played out during the

  Cretaceous. Allosaurus, itself a Late Jurassic type, displayed the

  beginning characteristics of Cretaceous-style hunters, while Cera-

  tosaurus represented the older predatory design, little changed from

  Early Jurassic days. The Allosaurus's skull was more thickly boned

  than that of Ceratosaurus, and its jaws were deeper, providing for

  larger jaw muscles and a larger, stronger area for neck muscles.

  Not only was Allosaurus's bite stronger, it was also faster on its

  feet. The allosaur's hind legs were longer and more compact than

  those of Ceratosaurus. And from an Allosaurus-type ancestor de-

  veloped the last major group of big predators: the most strongly

  jawed, and fastest runners of all, the Tyrannosauridae of the Cre-


  In a glass case on the fourth floor of the American Museum

  of Natural History in New York resides the single most famous

  dinosaur head in the world—the Tyrannosaurus rex from Hell

  Creek, Montana. All the biomechanical trends started in Allosau-

  rus culminated here. Primitive theropods like Ceratosaurus had teeth

  that were big but delicate and thin in section. Tyrannosaurus's teeth

  were gigantic and very thick, capable of resisting exceptional forces

  when biting. Whereas the ceratosaur's head was a loose strut-and-


  ligament construct, Tyrannosaurus's skull was one unified whole,

  very solidly constructed, with no moving parts except at the joint

  of the jaw. The compartments in the tyrannosaur's skull and in the

  lower jaw that housed the muscles were enlarged more than in any

  other predator. Its neck too represented an apogee of power. Ty-

  rannosaurus had surrendered nearly all the primitive expansion

  points in the skull. But it compensated in the lower jaw, where

  the hinge between the front and back sections was much better

  developed than in the older predators. When Tyrannosaurus bolted

  down huge pieces of meat, the deep lower jaw flexed easily from

  side to side to widen its gullet.

  Tyrannosaurus and its close kin Albertosaurus (named for the

  Diplodocus defends itself with

  tail swipes at two allosaurs.


  Canadian province) confronted the most heavily armored and armed

  adversaries—the tanklike nodosaurs and ankylosaurs and the dan-

  gerous horned dinosaurs already described. Part of any predator's

  advantage is the opportunity to make feints and lunging attacks.

  But such tactics require a good judgment of space and distance,


  Tyrannosaurus rex,

  five-ton predator

  of seventy million years ago

  and early predatory dinosaurs possessed very little depth percep-

  tion, because their eyes faced directly sideways. The tyrannosaur's

  snout was sharply pinched to clear its field of vision. And its eyes

  faced forward to provide some overlap between visual fields from

  the right and left eyes. That would have permitted stereoscopic

  vision. Moreover, evolution had made additional improvements for

  attacking dangerous prey in the tyrannosaur's limbs. Its hind leg

  was much longer and more compact even than Allosaurus's. And

  its torso was shortened to benefit balance and speed. Despite its

  great size—up to five tons— Tyrannosaurus was surprisingly slender-

  limbed, graceful, and fast.

  All these evolutionary increases in the bulk of its jaw muscles

  and the strength of its limbs seem to demand that something be


  Leg proportions in a tyrannosaur,


  eliminated from the tyrannosaur's design. Forelimbs had to go.

  Ceratosaurus had had short but well-muscled forelimbs. Allosaurus

  had had shoulders of reduced bulk but still had had a strong hand

  and a fearsome claw on its thumb. Tyrannosaurs reduced their

  forelimb to such an extreme that it appeared useless, or nearly so.

  A thirty-foot Albertosaurus's arm was shorter than a man's, and most

  of the muscle-attachment processes were subdued. So the hand was

  not only short, it was weak. Strange as it may sound, any average

  adult human could have won an arm-wrestling contest with a five-

  ton Tyrannosaurus.

  Additional weight
was saved in the tyrannosaur's hind foot.

  Very early predatory dinosaurs had had strong claws on the three

  main toes. But the tyrannosaurs reduced both the size of the claws

  and the bulk of the tendons and muscles supporting them. Their

  feet were thus adapted for running and dodging, avoiding coun-

  terattacks from the spikes, tail clubs, and horns of their prey. Strong

  hind claws might have been useful weapons but their weight would

  have detracted from speed and nimbleness. Tyrannosaurus surren-

  dered the attack function of both the hind and forefoot in favor

  of a concentrated mass of muscles and power in the neck and head.

  A final mystery looms large in the story of predator and prey.

  At present I can offer no solution for this and neither can anyone

  else. In most places, the most common, large plant-eaters of Late

  Cretaceous days weren't the heavily armed horned dinosaurs or

  the armor-clad ankylosaurs. Most common were the naked-skin

  duckbills, which lacked any sort of obvious defensive weapons.

  Duckbills had no whiplike tails, long claws, or any type of spike

  or plate. And their limbs were shorter and designed for lower top

  speeds than were those of their gracefully long-legged hunters. How

  ever did duckbills escape their enemies? To date, no one knows.

  But I am convinced some young paleontologist, perhaps someone

  reading this book, will one day solve this enormous riddle.





  Seventy million years ago a dragon of the air stretched its mem-

  branous wings over the Texas delta. Forty feet from wingtip

  to wingtip, this aerial leviathan possessed a wingspan greater than

  some twin-engine airliners and was three times wider than the

  greatest living bird, the Andean condor. The fossil annals in the

  Texas rocks yield an image as marvelous as any fabrication of the

  human imagination. Petrified wing bones, vertebrae, and jaws make

  it possible for us to envision the largest flying creature produced

  by evolution.

  Flying dragons entered the sphere of human knowledge not

  as giants, but as tiny winged skeletons from the fine-grained lime-

  stone of Bavaria. There, quarrymen hewed out slabs carefully, be-


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