Omega's Sanctuary

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by Iris Sword

  Omega’s Sanctuary

  by Iris Sword



  Omega’s Sanctuary

  Short Stories

  “Good Harvest” in Gay Apparel: A Queer Holiday Flash Fiction Anthology

  The Delta Rangers Series

  Delta Moon (Delta Rangers, #1)

  Delta Star (Delta Rangers, #2)

  Delta Rangers (Delta Rangers, #3)

  Delta Sun: Short Stories (Delta Rangers, #3.5)

  The Proxy Ego Duology

  Ascendant (Proxy Ego, #1)

  Transcendent (Proxy Ego, #2)


  Omega’s Sanctuary is an erotic gay mpreg omegaverse shifter romance novelette (13,800 words total). It features two male werewolf shifters with graphic sex and violence. This ebook is for mature audiences only.

  #Science Fiction #Erotic Romance #mpreg #MMM #Gay Romance


  Animal behavior specialist Edward Reyes-Lobo has a secret he doesn't know he's keeping. Sent to the remote Alaskan wilderness during the dead of winter, he's tasked with tracking an unusual species—a pack of wild werewolf shifters roaming the forests, whose melanism makes them easy targets in the snow. As a government liaison and one of the last Mexican gray wolves born in the wild, Edward has a special duty to save the endangered pack. Or, so he thought until the pregnant omega of the pack shows up on his doorstep saying he's the father of his cub.

  Qiġñiq Siku, known as Black Ice to the invaders, can’t get his night of passion with Edward out of his mind. When he scents the alpha who impregnated him and ran away, Siku has no choice but to confront him. Little does he know the foreigner is out doing fieldwork on him and his family, or that Siku would fall head over heels for the second time once he sees him again. Now, Siku has to convince Edward to claim his cub and join his pack before his assignment ends.

  Omega’s Sanctuary is an erotic gay mpreg omegaverse shifter romance novelette.

  Omega’s Sanctuary

  © 2020 Iris Sword

  All rights reserved. Published in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any format whatsoever without written consent from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and events are the products of imagination. A resemblance to the aforementioned is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to the aforementioned is the result of Orbital Dysfunctional Syndrome (ODS) exhibited by Iris Sword.

  e-ISBN: 978-1-946024-75-6

  First Edition: January 2020

  Cover design by Covers in Color

  For my Wayward Wolves


  “He will kill you if he finds you, Siku.” A bitter wind whipped through the evergreen pacific hemlock trees surrounding Qiġñiq Siku’s ancestral home. The night was quiet, blanketed by a starless sky. Luminescent rays from the full moon hanging above him filled Siku with raw energy. However, the air was charged, making the black fur on the back of his neck rise up in alarm. He was on edge and his fear disgusted him. Siku’s icy blue eyes scanned the darkness for rival predators, the soft pads on his paws aching from the cold, sinking into the bright white snow. Despite how his bones ached and his sharp teeth clattered, the only thing he was worried about was the faint scent teasing his nose, nearly blotted out by the winter winds. It belonged to his fated, the man who abandoned him one lunar orbit ago. Siku turned to face his elder, Qiġñiq Savaiññiq, her sagging brown skin like the rings of a slashed tree trunk, making her appear timeless in nature. She rolled her wrinkled neck, pale white eyes reflecting the glittering snowflakes, even paler hair braided into two long plaits that touched the fresh snow on the ground. She was naked and in her human skin, hunched over as if she were in mid-transformation to her true form. Siku reared up on his back paws and howled, his body morphing into that of a young, equally naked man, his expression colder than the frosty wind.

  “I must go! I have no choice. He is near,” he whispered in the human tongue of the first human inhabitants on their land, biting back his rage. His anger was not directed at her, far from it, Siku was angry at himself. His elder was right; the alpha would most likely kill him on sight as his pack tired to do before. Despite the risks, he was convinced he had to try. His pack was dying and losing more territory by the day. Without protection or a strong alpha to guide them, soon, all would lose their ability to shift between forms, the moonsickness regulating them to their pitiful human bodies devoid of all reason.

  “Very well. Be safe, my son. And, stay true.” Savaiññiq swayed back and forth. Then, she raised he left hand in front of her, palm forward. Siku mimicked her body’s movement, their way of saying goodbye. Savaiññiq sunk down to the ground, her back arching, spine protruding, as her naked body shivered and convulsed, human skin sloughing off. Soon, she was reborn in new skin, that of an Alaskan gray wolf whose black fur set her apart from both shifters and regular wolves in the area, but made her apart of the Qiġñiq pack.

  As Siku watched her retreat into the forest, eighteen blue, gold, and silver eyes stared back at him. Some of his pack members’ expressions were harsh, their hollowed out cheeks a visible marker of their hunger. Others were expressionless, still in their true form, barely able to walk. It wouldn’t be long before none of them could stay true. It was up to Siku to save his clan. And, as he laid his hand on the hard knot that was his belly, he knew he had to stay strong and track down the alpha for his cubs. Siku released a sonorous, melodic howl that could easily be mistaken for a farewell song His pack members—wolven or in human skin—returned his howl as he shifted back into a wolf and took off towards Juneau, Alaska.

  ✦ ✦ ✦

  One Month Ago

  Siku didn’t know what he enjoyed the most: the feeling of his alpha's rough hands wrapped around his hips, or the mind melting experience of being consumed by his heating musk. Siku decided he couldn’t choose as his came into the stranger’s eager mouth. He arched his back so his cock hit the back of the nameless alpha’s throat, eyes rolling into the back of his head. Siku fell down, moaning all the while, hot all over, sweating, and panting. He yipped in surprise as he was flipped onto his hands and knees with ease. Siku braced himself on the cold metal of the pickup truck bed the alpha was claiming him on, slick wetness pooling on his inner thighs, flowing from his stretched asshole. He would have preferred his den for their first mating, but Siku knew very well he wouldn’t have been able to resist the alpha long enough to make the long journey home. He couldn’t imagine them walking without mating with each other every step along the way.

  “MINE!” an impossibly deep voice bellowed behind him. He bent forward, teasing Siku ass with his mouth, calloused thumb pulling him wide open. It caused Siku to whimper, the foreplay nearly unbearable as his cock leaked a thin, white stream of cum, Siku’s lust apparent, the heating urge so strong his stomach was twisting into knots. He needed the alpha inside him, all of him—

  “Now!” Siku gasped as the alpha’s enormous shaft sunk into his tight ass, inch by unforgiving inch. Soon, he could no longer think, no longer speak. His everything was wrapped up in the stranger’s very existence. Siku rocked back on his cock as the alpha tried to pull out. He gritted his teeth as the palm of the stranger’s hand made contact with his cheeks in a quick one-two slap. Blunted claws sunk into Siku’s aching left butt cheek, as the alpha’s rough hand wrapped around his throat, fucking him in earnest. The sound of his hips slapping against Siku ass remind him of clapping thunder. The pressure of being pounded from behind so viciously was something like violence, but Siku could also feel something like love radiating from the alpha, absorbing him, claiming him as his own.
He gasped as sharp teeth sunk into the nape of his neck, the ultimate symbol of their budding bond. Siku didn’t fight the alpha’s claim; he took immense pleasure in the alpha’s adoration, the fact that at first sight he was ready and willing to make Siku his forever. As Siku came again, he wondered if he would ever be the same after their night of wild passion...

  ✦ ✦ ✦

  Returning to Juneau, Alaska was more treacherous than Siku imagined. Hunger, meese, birds, the freezing cold, and most importantly, human society impeded his journey. He had to stay hidden in the day time, unable to shift between forms of his own volition, afraid he would be unable to defend himself as a human for long. At night, Siku pressed on, though his ability to stay true was slipping away as the full moon gave way to lesser phases. Every step along the way he had to watch out for predators and remain undetected, but he had the distinct impression he was being followed. Sometimes, he would scan the skyline, certain some sort of man made bird was watching him. But then, the black figure would disappear into the clouds, and he was left to wonder if he was going crazy. Nevertheless, he pressed on. He had to. Soon, Siku would barely be able to move in preparation for a high-risk birth. It had been ages since anyone in his pack was of a mating age. As a birthing alpha meant to become the Qiġñiq pack leader’s omega, Siku was the key to their continued survival. The only thing missing from the equation was the alpha pack leader in question. After having the most glorious sex in his short life, Siky woke to a cold metal bed devoid of his alpha. His alpa left a sheet of white paper, but the language scribbled onto it was unknown to him. Well, Siku knew it was one of the invader’s tongues, that of English, but he was only semi-literate. He’d searched desperately for his alpha around his encampment, trying and failing to find him so he could convey his message orally. But, when his alpha’s pack mates spotted him, they’d almost killed him. Their guns raised, the bullets barely missed him as he dashed into the forest. Siku didn’t know if they’d tried to kill him because he looked like a wolf, or because he was not one of them. Either way, he swore to never return, but two unexpected complications were forcing him back to what might become his burial grounds.

  “Haaah…” Siku sunk back on a large tree, the sky dark and moonless, the stars brilliant and vibrant. He’d lost the ability to stay true by the third phase of the moon completely, when it was only a sharp crescent slashing the night sky. On the cusp of the new moon, Siku was so overcome by the moonsickness, he’d been paralyzed and unable to breathe. He feared he would die before the new moon came, but thankfully he didn’t. Instead, he was left totally defenseless, trapped in his human skin, cold, starving, and alone.

  “What now?” Siku asked no one in particular. Ages had waned since he prayed to anything greater than himself. He wished he could find certainty in a higher power then, to strengthen him against the hopelessness he shared with his pack. All he had to sustain him was tiny fires of hope burning inside of him, represented by his cubs. He hoped that the alpha remained in the human territory named Juneau. Experiencing the power of an alpha in rut was something Siku would never forget, especially because he’d been in heat, and as much as Siku wanted to deny it, mated with his fated mate for the first time. He could still envision the alpha’s strong, muscular, tan arms wrapped around his body, golden eyes flecked with yellow and orange fixated on Siku’s eyes, as Siku stroked the thick black, curly hair on his head that made the tips of Siku’s fingers tingle… Siku shook away his memories, afraid he’d work himself into a frenzy. He desperately wanted the alpha to still be there, and to catch him away from his pack. But there was a chance that the alpha had packed his things and moved his pack who all wore human skin. And, if he wasn’t there, Siku would have to find it in himself to carry on and fight for his pack’s survival.

  “What if he doesn’t want you or me, my precious cubs?” Siku palmed his stomach, cooing to his unborn children, faint from hunger. He couldn’t easily digest raw food in his true form anymore, and as a human, it was damn near impossible. It was becoming harder to see by the minute, and Siku wondered vaguely if he was snow blind or moonsick? Maybe, he was a combination of both. Maybe he’d come all this way, tracking the distance back to his alpha by muscle memory and starlight on a fool’s errand? Maybe… Maybe...

  “Maybe he’ll reject us, but then what? What will we do?” Siku said, his voice as weak as he felt. It was an inconvenient truth he was unwilling to accept. The alpha would choose him again, Siku reassured himself. Parting his long black hair, he cupped the back of his neck where the alpha’s imprint lay.

  Mine. That’s what he had said, that Siku was his and therefore he belonged with Siku, their cubs, and the Qiġñiq pack.

  Siku’s ears perked up as he heard the sound of music and rubber tires on the icy road. Then, he was overcome with a burning sensation. It felt like the weight of the sun had landed on his chest and exploded. He gasped, then cried out, whining in pain and pleasure. The feeling and the scent permeating the air was unmistakable. It was him! He had come for Siku and the cubs! His rational mind long gone, Siku chose to emerge from the shadows of the forest, naked, vulnerable, and longing for acceptance.


  A shiver ran down Dr. Edward Reyes-Lobo’s spine, and he looked skyward with a concerned expression. He’d always been a little superstitious, but ever since he arrived in Alaska for the second time in as many months, his “spooky-shit-is-about-to-go-down” radar was going haywire. Edward sniffed the air, sensing that something wasn’t right, he just couldn’t sniff it out properly. In an area known for its high density of half-blood, full-blood, and even pure-blood shifters, the pheromones were almost overwhelming to him. As an full-blood alpha, Edward could dominate the air by sending out his scent to suppress his rivals, a few alphas surrounded by mostly betas and a handful of omegas. But, he didn’t want to. It would drawn unnecessary attention to him and his operation. So, Edward pushed the feeling aside for the moment and focused on the tasks ahead of him: completing his assignment and tracking down his wayward omega. As he packed up his weather-proofed workstation, Edward couldn’t help but wonder how he was supposed to do so in a month’s time? Sure, he was the national specialist on Canis lupus transformare, a peculiar subspecies of gray wolves who had the ability to shapeshift between wolven and human forms. Edward chuckled to himself as he checked a digital spreadsheet of Pack-B’s movements since the last full moon. Seeing as Edward was one of the last Mexcian gray wolf shifters alive, and the only one to date born in the wild, it seemed logical he would be an expert on his own subspecies.

  Regardless, it amazed him that a whole wolf shifter pack had survived for decades undetected in the Alaskan wilderness. Especially since the majority had black fur. Any number of predators—human or otherwise—should have wiped them out by now. Or, at the very least, forced them into the open. Even though Edward was on a government sanctioned expedition to provide sanctuary to the pack, a little part of him was happy they were still running wild and free. But, there lies the problem. He needed to complete his assignment, but he also had to find the handsome omega that stole his heart and snuck away before it was too late. With all his time dedicated to spreadsheets and phone calls, Edward couldn’t find the time to be in the field. The longer Edward was nose deep in paperwork, the less time he had to find the omega and demand the reason he left him high and dry that night one month ago.

  “Awh, hell!” Edward cursed as he slipped on a thin patch of black ice. He rubbed his sore ass, thankful his white snow suit was well insulated. Plus, his body temperature was elevated compared to most humans.

  “Need some help, Ed?” A manicured hand appeared in front of Edward’s face. He smiled up at Veronica, the local liaison for the project, and his college sweetheart. They’d broken up, mostly because Edward couldn’t stand living a lie, pretending to be fully human. But they’d stayed friends.

  “Thanks, but no thank Dr. Sedna. I’ll be on my way, and you should too. There’s a storm system coming through,” Edward
said as he got to his feet, dusting off his jacket and snow pants, kicking the snow off his black combat boots.

  Veronica cocked her hip, which highlighted her curvy body and busty chest, “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Veronica on the job, Edward?”

  “Until I listen, maybe?” Edward grinned, towering over Veronica’s short stature, well over six-feet tall. He wanted to pat her on top of her head and nuzzle her cheek, but knew she’d go ballistic. Any human would, especially his ex-girlfriend, though it didn’t stop Edward from wanting to. He just did his best to respect human boundaries so he didn’t get kicked in the balls.

  “Well, whatever you say. I’m going to check on the new calf and bunker down at the facility. Call me using your satellite phone if you run into any issues, okay?” She began walking in the opposite direction where a large wooden building was, the local Alaskan Sanctuary Alliance.

  “Don’t put in too much overtime, okay? I heard those moose shifters are a little weary of being in there in the first place,” Edward called out as he stuffed a private report into his shoulder bag.

  “Yeah, yeah! But, it’s my job. Gotta get them through the delivery and make sure they make it through the night as well,” Veronica yelled back, waving her hand in the air as she disappeared over a white hill. Edward couldn’t blame her. Everyone was worried when the female shifter and her partner came barrelling into the A.S.A saying her unborn calf was in danger. A breech birth was dangerous for shifters and humans alike, but especially so out in the wilderness where same-species midwives were practically non-existent. If it wasn’t for Dr. Sedna and her team pushing for the establishment of a Shifter Pregnancy and Birth Care Ward, well, Edward didn’t want to think about what would have happened to that family.

  As he was about to leave, making sure he avoided slipping on the ice for a second time, Edward heard someone he wished would just disappear.


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