Own Her

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Own Her Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Mekenna thought the brothers would finish what they started, but instead, as she stared at them, she saw that they watched her almost curiously. Could they tell what she was thinking, bringing up the past in her mind when it should have stayed in the past? She opened her mouth to say something, anything, to make the sudden tension and weirdness in the room leave, but Viktor was lying beside her seconds later. He pulled her into the comfort and hard warmth of his body, cradling her and whispering things in his native language against her hair. Savastian and Fillip lay on the other side of her, neither speaking, but giving her the same comfort their eldest brother gave her. And when they covered her with the Renna creature hide, sacrificing their own pleasure so she could clearly get her mind back on the present, she realized that her instincts had been so right about these males. Where another male might have just taken what he wanted from her body, whether or not she had wanted it, these Hades warriors respected her. She had never felt that kind of emotion, sensation, or feeling inside of herself, or from another being, in her entire life. It was enough to make her cry with happiness.

  Chapter Eight

  Mekenna rolled over onto her back and stretched. Her glorious breasts lifted with her movement, and her darker blue colored nipples tightened as the air hit them. Viktor moved his mouth to her neck, and dragged his lips down her throat, tasting every part of her succulent flesh. Fuck, he wanted to bite her hard enough to break skin, to taste her blood and let his scent to go right in her body. His brothers entered the sleeping chamber seconds later, and Viktor knew they had seen them leaving together. No way were they going to miss mating with Mekenna for the first time, and Viktor didn’t want his brothers being absent for this, either. The sight of his brothers undressing came into his peripheral vision, but he kept his focus on his woman, on their mate.

  Fuck waiting. He was taking her now. They had intended to wait until they got to their home planet of Hades, but they couldn’t stop themselves from having her. Viktor could see it in his brothers’ eyes, too. They were starving for her, demanding that they share her now. He didn’t bother holding in the rumble that came from him, and the moment he saw her eyes widen, heard Savastian and Fillip curse in approval, he went for her.

  He pressed his body to hers and laid claim to her mouth. Stroking her lips with his tongue, dragging his teeth along the spongy flesh, and settling his hips between her open thighs, had Viktor tightening his fingers in her hair. He tugged at the strands and tilted her head back with his iron grip. Once he had her positioned the way he wanted, and a gasp of pain and pleasure left her, he nearly came right then and there. Spreading his knees apart forced her legs to go even wider, and he pressed his cock against her hot wetness.

  There was rustling on either side of him, and he didn’t need a visual of the sight of his brothers stroking themselves. He knew damn well what they were doing, and that was watching their mate get pleasured while they jerked themselves off. Taking hold of her hands, he brought them up and over her head. He secured both of her wrists with one of his hands, grabbed a piece of leather that Savastian handed him, and secured her wrists to the metal beams that made up the wall behind the sleeping platform. A surge of power went through him at the fact she was theirs for the taking, and that she was bound like their offering. It wasn’t just that they could dominate her, but that she was willingly giving herself to them, allowing them to have full access of her body unrestrained. That alone was an aphrodisiac of monumental proportions. He didn’t want to go slow, didn’t want to ease her into this, even though she deserved soft and sweet.

  “Gods, I’ve never wanted a male before, but I’m so thirsty for the three of you,” she said with shock in her voice.

  “I want to be gentle, Mekenna, we all do.” A groan left his brothers after he said that. “But fuck, female, it’s so damn hard.” Taking hold of a piece of her succulent flesh between his teeth he pulled it taut. He could so easily break the flesh, but he let go and ran his tongue along the area.

  “I want all of you.”

  He leaned back, watched as she closed her eyes, tilted her head back so her throat was arched and bared, and he felt his fangs ache as the mating urge slammed into him. Lowering his gaze over her large breasts, down her belly that was rounded and full, and stopping at the top of her pussy, he loved that she had a trimmed thatch of dark hair covering the top of her cunt. Sliding his hands down her inner thighs, he spread her legs open even wider, moved his thumbs toward her pussy lips, and parted her labia. The sight of her flesh, a soft blue on the outside, a powder color that was soft and smooth, and this lighter sapphire shade on the inside, had pre-cum spilling from the tip of his dick.

  He went back to covering her body with his, and loved that her pussy was all slicked for them and his cock slid through the folds. Viktor started dry humping her, thrusting his pelvis against hers, and feeling her folds part around his cock. In his peripheral vision he saw his brothers move closer, but he didn’t watch as Fillip guided his dick into their mate’s mouth. He was focused on her tits bouncing as he thrust against her. And then Savastian moved forward on the other side, grabbed her breast with one hand and massaged the globe. That was Viktor’s cue to be inside of their female.

  “Be with her, brother, claim our female first, and show her what it means to be mated to Hades warriors,” Savastian said in a gravelly voice.

  Closing his eyes as pleasure assaulted him, he reached between their bodies and took hold of his dick. Aligning the tip of himself at her entrance, he told himself over and over again that he needed to go slow, at least for her first time. Hurting her in a way that wouldn’t cause ultimate pleasure was not what he was going for.

  The head of his dick slipped into her body easily from her arousal, and the feeling of her cream coating his length as he pushed his way into her had a growl leaving him. He straightened his arms by her head, and seeing her sucking at Fillip’s cock, and hearing Savastian groan out as he fondled her and stroked his dick, had everything coming together full circle. They may not be at their home planet yet, but they were going to claim their mate, make her theirs, and mark her so she knew that there wasn’t anything that would keep them apart ever again.

  He dug the pads of his feet into the sleeping platform, stabilizing himself so he didn’t push too fast into her pussy. Lifting his upper body a bit more, he glanced down at where his cock was wedged all the way in her pussy now. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to breathe around Fillip’s cock. Her hands were still bound above her head, but she gripped the leather strap tightly, straining. Placing his hands on either side of her pussy, he framed it and felt his eyes grow heavy from the intoxicating sight of what was now his to share with his brothers.

  Extending his thumbs to her pussy lips again, he slowly pulled them apart and stared in aroused heat at the way she was stretched around his cock. He only had the head lodged inside of her sweet cunt right now, and although he was dying to fuck her good and hard, he only slipped in a little further, and wanted to prolong this. Her hole was stretched taut around his girth, the skin wet and shiny and all fucking his.

  “Ours.” That one word had her opening her eyes and pulling away from Fillip’s dick. His brothers mimicked what he said, that one word echoing over and over again as the heat and lust intensified in the room. “You’re ours, female.”

  Savastian moved onto the bed, and she eagerly sucked on his brother’s dick now. Viktor looked away and focused on her gorgeous pussy, one that was about to be filled with his and his brothers’ cum. The sloppy, slurping sounds of her giving Savastian head filled the room, and the groans of Fillip now touching her tits and groaning had her moaning as well.

  Keeping a firm hold on her plump pussy lips, Viktor closed his eyes and just felt everything that filled him from this moment. He pulled back the inch he had lodged inside of her, curled his claws into her hips, and pushed the rest of his cock deep inside of her. His balls slapped against her ass. She grunted in pleasure, didn’t take her mouth fr
om Savastian’s cock, and he growled out as the ecstasy washed through him. The scent of sweat and sex filled the chamber.

  Something inside of him, something deep and dark and one that craved so much more, had his beast rising up. He didn’t have an actual creature he housed inside of him, but it was a feeling, a being of emotion and power that coursed through his veins. She clamped her thighs around his waist and let out a whimper. Her inner muscles clenched rhythmically around him, and he gritted his teeth to hold off from thrusting in and out of her hard and raw. She was no longer sucking Savastian’s cock, and his brothers now knelt beside her. They ran their hands through her hair, over her chest, and up her neck.

  “Don’t stop now,” she whispered, and he swallowed the sudden lump that formed in his throat.

  “Never.” Holding onto her waist he tore his eyes away from her and stared at where his body met hers once more. “We will never stop.” Pulling out and then pushing back in, Viktor was on the verge of coming just from that sight alone. The sound of her moaning in conjunction with what they were doing to her, and the noise of her wet pussy sucking at his dick was like a hungry mouth. It was a visual and auditory overload, and he couldn’t stand it, couldn’t last deep inside of her for much longer.

  He slid his gaze to her rounded chest, the way her breasts bounced up and down as he plowed into her, and he swore to fuck he got harder. She would be sore in the morning, especially when Savastian and Fillip filled her with their dicks. Viktor would saturate her with his cum, and that would lead to his brothers easy fucking of her pussy when it was their time. She started grinding herself on him, lifting her hips slightly and moaning for more, so much more. She took his fucking cock like she owned it. Their skin slapped together, causing a cacophony of sound that moved around them in an erotic haze.

  “Fuck, female.” Fillip groaned as he stroked his dick.

  “Her pussy is sucking at you like it is hungry, like she’s starved for you, Viktor,” Savastian said, his gaze on Mekenna. Her pussy was wet and sloppy and milking him like she wanted his seed, needed it. And fuck he wanted to give it to her, all of it, until his seed came out of her pussy for the next several days.

  “So good, mate.” Viktor moaned. He was a few strokes from coming deep inside of her sweet little body.

  Placing his thumb on her clit he started rubbing the nub back and forth, and that was all it took for her to grind herself on him with more fervor now. His brothers jacked off right by her face, their harsh breathing matching his. His knuckles on one hand turned white as he held onto her inner thighs, still framing her pussy as he fucked her. Savastian let out a low, long groan, but stopped touching himself and backed off. Seconds later Fillip did the same, both of his brothers breaking heavily as they forced themselves not to come. They wanted to fill her body, that was a given, and soon their little blue mate would be full of their seed.

  She thrashed her head back and forth the faster he rubbed her clit, and then she was climaxing again. That was when Viktor lost it. He threw his head back, felt his muscles strain from the force, and bottomed out in her. He came hard and powerfully, his whole body shaking from it. His cum filled her cunt, bathed her insides in the hot, milky white seed that would someday soon cause babies to grow within her, gifting them with strong, Hades sons since their kind could not have daughters. They would breed with their mate, and she’d be the perfect fucking female for them.

  His fangs ached to be buried in her throat, to give her his mark that would show them, as well as anyone else that saw her, that she was claimed by not one, but three powerful warriors. If she were ever harmed, even spoken to by another male in a demeaning manner, Victor and his brothers would kill them with pleasure. With his cock still in her cunt, her chest flushed with her post-euphoric orgasm, he leaned over her. Viktor pushed her hair off her shoulder and ran his tongue along the curve of her neck. In one move he pierced the column of her throat, tasted her blood, and let his saliva seep into the twin wounds he gave her. His mark would heal, but it would be scarred, showing off a beautiful twin puncture mark wound that was a brand of their unity, and their protection.

  When he gave her every last ounce of his seed he panted, his hands on either side of her head, closed his eyes as the tremors moved through his entire body, and slowly pulled his cock from her pussy. She made a small sound, but before he unbound her he moved away and let his brothers have their turn as well.

  He stared down at her cunt for a moment, saw the seed he had given her start to spill from her sweet fucking pussy, and got hard once more. He could get off again before they were finished with her, and he would, they all would. They would give her every drop they had, and mark her while they were deep inside of her body.

  Savastian moved between her thighs, and although she was clearly exhausted and pleasure-filled from what he had just done, she whispered for more.

  “I will never get enough,” she said in a soft voice.

  They would never get enough of her, and they’d never stop until she was drowning in the feelings of being cared for, protected, and cherished by them. Savastian smoothed his hands over her legs, and then he touched her clit, rubbing the bud several times until she moaned softly. Fillip was stroking himself as he watched their woman getting fucked, claimed, and owned by them, but she was willing and that was an aphrodisiac all in itself.

  Savastian started fucking her then, slamming into her, making her entire body move up and down on the sleeping platform, and having her cry out as she came again. Savastian groaned loudly, filled her with his cum until the sounds of their sloppy sex filled the room, and then he rolled off of her. Everyone didn’t move for several seconds, the sound of their breathing loud, the scent of their heat and sweat mixing with the aroma of sex that they created.

  “Fillip,” Mekenna whispered, straining against her bonds, and spread her legs wider. “I need you. I feel like I’m losing my mind with need.”

  Their semen helped to ease their way into her tight little body, helped to loosen her pussy to accept their much larger cocks. Fillip undid her bonds, picked her up in his arms, and cradled her as he kissed her hard. He then lay on the bed on his back, positioned her so she straddled his waist, and waited until she grabbed hold of his dick and guided it to her body. For several moments Viktor watched as Mekenna bounced on his brother and fucked herself on his cock. Viktor’s focus was on her face, at the way sweat beaded her brow, and the fact she had her mouth parted and these little sounds of pleasure left her.

  She came again, her cry of pleasure filling Viktor’s head, and he stroked his dick harder and faster. Before his youngest brother came Viktor moved behind her, grabbing a small black vial from Savastian, which held gel that would ease his way even further, and placed his hand on the center of her back. He pushed her forward. When she looked over her shoulder at him, sweat covering her flesh, her green eyes wide as she realized what he was doing, a heady sensation filled him.

  “Do it. I want to be filled by all of you at the same time.”

  He smoothed the gel over her anus, pressed his finger in her hole to lube her up in there as well, and watched as her eyes closed. The gel would warm her, numb her nerve endings so there would be no pain when he fucked her ass. Placing the tip of his dick in her ass, he looked up and saw Savastian get into position by her head. Viktor started to push in, held her ass cheeks apart, and watched as her hole stretched around the crown of his cock. He let go of her ass and held onto her waist as he pushed all of his inches into her. He could feel the length of Fillip in her pussy, but that wasn’t what got him off. It was the fact their woman was taking them, wanting this. She reached up and took hold of Savastian’s shaft, brought the member to her mouth, and started sucking on him. For the next several moments she was filled by all three of them. Her pussy, ass, and mouth had their cocks in her, and she moaned.

  They fucked her hard and fast, alternated between slamming into her ass and pulling out of her pussy. She never stopped giving Savastian head, and w
hen Viktor felt himself start to come again he curled his nails into her flesh and filled her ass with his seed until it started coming out around his girth. Finally, with a defeated groan, he pulled out of her and moved away from his brothers. Fillip still fucked her pussy, but his mouth was on her neck and he marked her as he finally gave a surrendering groan and came. Savastian came as well, his brother filling their mate’s mouth with his seed. He pulled away, pushed her hair off her shoulder, and marked the other side of her neck. And then the four of them were collapsed on the bed, trying to catch their breath. Next stop was taking their mate to their home, her new home, and showing her for the rest of their lives that they were meant to be together.

  Chapter Nine

  They had just landed, and Mekenna was still stunned at her surroundings. The cliff they were on was black as the night, and as dark as her males’ eyes. Yes, they were her males, and she wore their mark on her neck to prove that. She stayed back as they finished shutting down and locking up the spacecraft. It wasn’t the largest one she had seen, but definitely had a lot of amenities. But Viktor had explained that on their world they lived a more primitive life, one where the luxuries that had surrounded her in her former life wouldn’t be a common sight. Mekenna didn’t care though, and in fact didn’t want amenities that would blind her with the cost or abundance. She’d lived a poverty stricken life personally, and just because she had been surrounded by wealth didn’t mean she had really experienced any of that. She had been a slave, the lowest of the low even because of her genetics. Living in a cave with nothing but a flame and pallet as her possessions was fine as long as she had these three males in her life.


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