Never Christmas Without You

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Never Christmas Without You Page 17

by Nana Malone

  “That I can handle.” His uneasy smile indicated concern over the task he’d volunteered for—collecting his father and stepmother from the airport.

  “You’re doing this for her—” Mikayla nodded toward Maddie “—and for your sisters and yourself. Even if you believe your dad doesn’t deserve another chance, you all do.”

  Chapter 20

  Dash parked his brother-in-law’s Mercedes at the curb at the airport arrivals and shoved his hands in his pockets. He willed his heartbeat to slow down. All his mental energy went into not scowling as his father and stepmother approached.

  He forced a smile for his stepmother’s benefit. “Alita.”

  Her face lit up with a smile reminiscent of Maya’s and she wrapped him in a tight hug.

  “Dash, it is so good to see you. You look more handsome than ever,” she said, in her thick Cuban accent. “And happy. You look very, very happy.”

  Dash thanked her, unsettled by how quickly Alita had recognized the contentment he’d been feeling with Maddie and Mikayla in his life. He ushered her into the front seat of the car before turning to his father.

  Curtis Williams was smaller than Dash remembered. He hadn’t noticed that when he’d seen him at Kendra’s wedding over the summer. His salt and pepper gray hair and the lines carved around his eyes and mouth gave him a hardened edge. Yet, something in his eyes and demeanor made him seem almost fragile.

  “Hey, Dad.” Dash hadn’t called him that in years. The word felt foreign in his mouth. Tasted acrid on his tongue. He swallowed the bitterness and pressed his lips into a straight line.

  “Son.” His father’s utterance of that single word felt heavy. Fraught with emotion.

  Neither of them spoke for a moment. Dash opened the trunk, loaded their luggage inside and shut it. He returned his attention to his father. Curtis Williams stared at him, as if seeing a ghost. The corners of the old man’s eyes were wet with tears. Something Dash wouldn’t have expected.

  “You volunteer to pick me up so you could tell me off without any interference from your sisters?” He stood taller, his eyes not leaving Dash’s. “Well, let me have it. I’ll do whatever it takes to have a relationship with you and my new granddaughter.”

  Dash bit the inside of his cheek and tasted blood. His hands clenched into tight fists at his sides. The old man had called it. He wanted to get it all out. Tell Curtis Williams exactly what he thought of him. That they would never be a real father and son. He wanted to tell him that he’d never forgive him for what he’d done to their family. Not ever.

  But as he looked into the old man’s face, tears leaking from the corner of his eyes, he finally realized the truth. He’d hurt his father, too. And maybe his father wasn’t totally to blame in all of this. Maybe he bore some of the responsibility, too.

  Dash inhaled a deep breath then slowly released it, determined not to reveal the emotions raging in his chest.

  “Right now, all you need to know is that by introducing you to my daughter, I’m giving you one last chance to redeem yourself. Do not disappoint her the way you disappointed me and Kendra. I’d never be able to forgive you for that.”

  His father’s eyes lit up with recognition. It was the first time Dash had given any indication he’d be willing to forgive his father and try to forge a relationship.

  “I won’t let her or you down. Not ever again.”

  Dash nodded his acknowledgment and extended a hand to his father.

  He gripped Dash’s hand and pulled him into an awkward hug. Dash couldn’t bring himself to hug his father back, but he didn’t evade the old man’s embrace, either. A small breakthrough that allowed a sliver of radiant light to shine through the darkness that had existed between them for so long.

  * * *

  Dash looked on as his father held court. His presence filled the entire room. Curtis Williams sat on a sofa in the family room with his adoring grandchildren surrounding him and Maddie seated on his lap.

  The love and admiration in the children’s eyes made him wish he still saw his father as the larger-than-life figure they cherished.

  “I know what you’re thinking.” Mikayla handed him a glass of spiked eggnog. “Maybe you’ll never see him exactly as they do. But things will get better between you, as long as you’re both willing to try.”

  Dash sipped his eggnog. “Doesn’t seem fair. After the misery he put us through, now he gets to live happily ever after.”

  “Maybe, but so do you. You can finally have a healthy relationship with your dad. And Maddie has the opportunity to know her grandfather in a way that will only happen if you two get along.” She slipped her arm through his.

  He relaxed at the comfort of her nearness. Her scent. Her touch.


  He’d make nice with his father for Maddie and his sisters. Maybe even for himself. Dash relaxed for the first time since he’d realized he’d have to face his father again. With the stress of dealing with his father dissolved, his attention returned to the woman beside him and the thoughts of her that had consumed him.

  Chapter 21

  Dash couldn’t tear his gaze away from Mikayla wearing a fitted red dress that cinched her narrow waist and hugged her heart-stopping curves. Red heels accentuated her strong calves.

  As good as she looked in that dress, he’d give anything for a couple of hours alone together so he could slowly peel it off.

  He hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off her during dinner and still couldn’t as she flitted around the room now.

  Mikayla approached. “Something wrong?”

  “No, but you look stunning.”

  “Thank you.” Her nervous smile as she smoothed the flounced hem of her dress betrayed her self-consciousness. “But Kendra, Maya and Sydney have all mentioned that you’ve been staring.”

  “Does that bother you?” He took two glasses of champagne from a passing member of the catering waitstaff and handed her one. “People knowing about us, I mean?”

  “There is no us.” She glanced around the room, cheeks flushed, then took a generous sip.

  “The night’s still young.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, pal.” Mikayla pursed her lips in a miserable attempt not to grin. She nodded toward Maddie, sitting on the floor in a circle with Maya’s daughters, Sofie and Ella. The three of them giggled conspiratorially. “Look at her. I’ve never seen her this happy.”

  “Good.” Deep satisfaction washed over him. “Because I’ve never been this happy, either.”

  Mikayla smiled at him briefly, her eyes shining. “Me neither.”

  He wanted to kiss her; a gesture he doubted Mikayla would appreciate in a room filled with his family. He took another sip of his champagne instead.

  “Dash, I was hoping to chat with you.” Marcus Johnston shook his hand.

  Marcus was Nate’s older brother and sports agent. He’d persuaded Kendra to give up her fledgling solo practice and join his agency as a media and PR consultant.

  “What did you want to talk about?” Dash liked Marcus, but the man was encroaching on his time with Mikayla.

  “A career opportunity.”

  Mikayla excused herself and joined Maya and Kendra. Dash hated to see her leave, but the view as she walked away made it worthwhile.

  “So, this career opportunity...” Dash dragged his attention back to Marcus’s knowing gaze.

  “Our client list is expanding, and I’d like to add a contract law attorney to the team. Kendra says you’re one of the best.”

  “I’m flattered, but I’ve invested a lot of time at my current firm. I expect to make partner within a year or two.”

  “Sounds great, but are you happy living so far away from your family?”

  A week ago his answer would’ve been an unequivocal he
ll yes. He lived in one of the most amazing cities in the world and made a good living doing what he loved.

  But what he’d felt then was contentment, not happiness. Happiness is what he felt being with Maddie, Mikayla and his family.

  He’d avoided coming home, his way of punishing the town. But he’d only been punishing himself because, like it or not, Pleasure Cove would always be home.

  Dash drained the remainder of his glass. By all accounts, he had a good life. He should be grateful.

  “I appreciate the offer, Marcus.”


  “Already got a lot of changes in my life to work out.” Dash indicated Maddie giggling with her cousins and his father in conversation with Mikayla. “Work is the one place I know exactly where I stand right now.”

  “I understand.” Marcus forced a smile. “Maybe when the dust settles, we’ll be able to sell you on the idea. I think you’ll be pleased.” He pulled a business card from his wallet and handed it to Dash.

  Dash sat his empty champagne flute on a nearby tray and reviewed Marcus’s card.

  Working on contracts for professional athletes and high-profile creative talent could be intriguing. And it would be nice working in a family business with people he trusted.

  Dash tucked the card inside his wallet.

  He’d have a better chance of convincing Mikayla to move from Philly to New York. Besides, if custody became an issue, being with the same firm for more than seven years would show the courts he was stable.

  Dash grabbed another glass of champagne and downed it, hoping it wouldn’t be an issue.

  * * *

  “I’ve never seen Dash so happy.” Ms. Anna nodded over to where her son held Maddie in his arms as she admired the twelve-foot-tall Douglas fir in the entry hall of Kendra and Nate’s home. The tree had been carefully decorated with gorgeous ornaments in a kaleidoscope of colors. Most of them were delicate, expensive, glass ornaments. The kind worthy of such an impressive Christmas tree. But others were simple decorations evidently made by a child’s hand. Dash’s nephew or perhaps his nieces. Next year, maybe there’d be an ornament crafted by Maddie.

  “He adores her.” Mikayla would never have imagined Dash capable of being such a good father to Maddie, but he was a natural.

  “Maddie isn’t the only woman in this room he adores.” Ms. Anna nudged Mikayla with her elbow. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed how he’s been staring at you.”

  Mikayla’s cheeks burned. “It’s probably shock. I don’t think he’s ever seen me in a dress before.”

  “It’s more than that. There’s something different with you two.” Ms. Anna stared ahead at Maddie and Dash. The woman chuckled when Mikayla stammered in response. She threaded her arm through Mikayla’s. “Not that it’s any of my business.”

  Mikayla’s shoulders relaxed. “Thank you for welcoming us the way you have. And for helping Kendra make arrangements for Maddie’s birthday celebration. It’ll mean so much to her. It means the world to me.”

  “She’s family.” Ms. Anna fixed her gaze firmly on Mikayla’s. “You’re family. Always have been.”

  “Hey, Mama. Mind if I borrow Mikayla for a minute? Kendra wants to get a picture of the three of us in front of the tree.”

  Mikayla was glad Dash interrupted before she turned into a sobbing, emotional mess.

  You’re family. Always have been.

  “You okay?” Dash wrapped an arm around her and held Maddie up on the opposite side.

  “Absolutely.” She wiped a finger beneath her eye and smiled for the camera.

  After the pictures were taken, Maddie returned to playing with her cousins, and Dash told Mikayla about Marcus’s job offer.

  “So...will you be moving to Memphis?” Mikayla feigned nonchalance. New York was an easy commute from Philly. If he moved to Memphis, Maddie would see her dad a lot less.

  The thought of so much distance between them made her heart ache.

  “The offer is tempting, but since I haven’t convinced you to move in with me yet—” he stressed the word, indicating it would only be a matter of time until he did “—it’d put me too far from Maddie. Besides, I’m good where I am.”

  It was the first time he’d revisited his invitation to move in together. A discussion best not to have while her body tingled from his proximity. The scent of his cologne. The warmth of his body which surrounded her.

  “Kendra showed me the design for Maddie’s cake. It’s gorgeous. She’ll be so surprised when they wheel it into the suite during halftime tomorrow.”

  “Can’t wait to see her little face light up.” He lowered his voice, his tone gruff. “There’s one more thing I can’t wait for.”

  He clasped her hand and whisked her down the hall into Kendra’s office. The room was lit only by a desk lamp. Dash pressed her back against the closed door and kissed her.

  Mikayla’s heart thudded in her chest. Electricity zipped along her skin. The space between her thighs pulsed with need.

  Dash cradled her jaw as he explored her mouth. Mikayla pulled him closer, desperate to feel him against her. If only the contact was skin-on-skin, as it had been the lazy afternoon he’d made love to her.

  But they were at his sister’s home, in a house filled with his extended relatives. Any one of whom might happen upon them.

  “Dash,” she murmured against his lips between hungry kisses. “We can’t. Not here.”

  “I know.” His pained growl vibrated against her chest as he brushed his lips along her neck. “But I can’t stop thinking that as good as you look in this dress, you’d look ten times better out of it.”

  “Been thinking the same about you.” She smoothed his tie. “Why don’t I come see you once Maddie falls asleep?”

  “Don’t know if I can hold out that long.”

  “You’ll survive.” Mikayla kissed his jaw.

  “Maybe.” His erection pressed against her belly as he nuzzled her neck.

  Mikayla pushed him away before her willpower completely eroded. She straightened her dress. “I should leave first. Give you time to—” she gestured toward his pants “—deal with that.”

  She slipped out of the room and rejoined the party, doing her best to hide a guilty grin.

  Don’t think about what happens next. Enjoy this while it lasts.

  * * *

  Dash paced the room and tried to think about anything but Mikayla in that dress.

  His phone rang.

  Rod. The man’s dedication to his job knew no bounds.

  “Hey, man, it’s Christmas Eve. Don’t tell me you’re still at the office.”

  “I’m not.” Rod’s voice was devoid of levity. “Did you get the package I sent?”

  “I did, but I don’t know if—”

  “Have you read it?”

  “I haven’t had time to look at it.” Dash swallowed, a knot tightening in his stomach. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “Mikayla isn’t telling you the whole truth.” Rod sighed heavily. “There’s something important you need to know.”

  Chapter 22

  Dash stepped out of the shower and put on a robe.

  He’d managed to get cake frosting in his hair, candy stuck to his favorite jeans and a barbecue sauce stain on his white football jersey. But the Marauders had won their final home game of the season, securing a spot in the playoffs. And Maddie had been thrilled by her surprise birthday party.

  Afterward, everyone went to Kendra and Nate’s place to watch a movie, but Dash had used work as an excuse to return to the hotel.

  Neither Mikayla nor his mother seemed to buy his excuse, but neither questioned it.

  Dash got dressed, opened the envelope from Rod and reviewed the documents again. If Mikayla had lied to him about som
ething as important as Jess’s death, who knew what else she was keeping from him?

  After four hours of poring over court cases and documents, his eyes glazed over.

  The door to the suite clicked.

  “Dash? You here?” Mikayla called out. He didn’t respond. “Kendra invited the kids to spend the night at her place for a Christmas slumber party. If that’s okay with you, I’ll just grab a few of Maddie’s things and send them back with Liam. He’s grabbing Sofie’s and Ella’s things now.”

  He didn’t open his bedroom door. “If that’s what Maddie wants.”

  “Good. Then we can talk.”


  “Whatever’s been bothering you since last night.”

  * * *

  Mikayla thanked Liam and closed the door. Dash still hadn’t come out of his room.

  Whatever was bothering him was big.

  They’d been going at it hot and heavy in his sister’s office. A few hours later she’d realized he wasn’t just avoiding her to throw off suspicion, he was genuinely upset with her. Perhaps because she’d ended things so abruptly.

  But hadn’t they agreed on that?

  When they’d returned to the hotel he’d said he was exhausted and turning in for the night.

  Translation: don’t come to my room.

  She’d done a miserable job of masking her disappointment. A feeling so palpable it bore a hole in her stomach even now.

  She needed a hot shower and a little liquid courage. Then she’d be ready to tackle the problem.

  After so many wasted years, she finally had her friend back. But it felt as if she was on the verge of losing him again—a prospect she didn’t want to consider.

  Mikayla showered, dressed and then downed a small bottle of tequila from the minibar. Dash was pacing the living room floor in a T-shirt and a pair of well-worn jeans that hugged his bottom. She clenched her fingers into loose fists, remembering how she’d dug her fingers into his flesh as he’d moved inside her.

  Mikayla pushed the visceral memory from her mind. “Are you angry because I put the brakes on in Kendra’s office?”


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