Storm: The Empire Chronicles

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Storm: The Empire Chronicles Page 11

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

She moved onto my lap, straddling me while we continued the kiss. I couldn’t get enough of her taste. I slipped my hand underneath the bottom of her tank top, needing to feel her skin. I wanted more. I needed more. Just as all sense of control left me, I remembered where we were and broke the kiss.

  “Everyone’s safe inside.” Her eyes were heated.

  “I know, but your parents are in there. They hate me already in this veil. I don’t feel like having your dad find us out here.”

  “Come with me.” She crawled off my lap and tugged down on her tank top.

  “Where are we going?” My head was still foggy from the intensity of the kiss.


  “You want to sneak me into your bedroom?” I laughed.

  “I need you. You need me. We’re both adults. I don’t see why there’s a problem.”

  “You did select me as your mate.” I grinned.

  “Exactly.” She watched me impatiently.

  “You want me to fly you up there or something?”

  “Ideally. I know how to climb it, but you know how much I love those wings of yours.”

  I pulled off my t-shirt and released my wings. “Which room is yours?”

  “You mean you didn’t figure that out in all your research?” she teased.

  “No… it wasn’t as essential to your intel.”

  “It should have been.”

  “But you weren’t sleeping in there anymore…” If she had been I would have known.

  “I’m not going to be sleeping in there tonight, but it’s still important.”

  “Which room?” It was my turn to be impatient. I could still taste her on my tongue, and I wanted more.

  “That one.” She pointed to the highest windows. “It’s a converted attic.”


  She laughed. “You’re afraid of Chris.”

  “Not afraid as much as I’d like to avoid him.”

  “We’ll avoid him.”

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and took off, landing on the roof right outside her window. I pushed open the sliding glass pane, and we moved inside. I closed the window behind us.

  I turned around to find her completely naked. I instantly hardened. “Didn’t want to wait for me to do that?”

  She unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down. She followed with my boxers. “I’m in a hurry.”

  “Really?” I ran my hands down her arms, forcing myself to stay in control. I wanted her so badly it hurt.

  “And hell that’s hot.”


  “That.” She pointed at me, and I realized I hadn’t retracted my wings.

  “You really like them?”

  “I love them.” She ran her hands over my wings. I closed my eyes, enjoying the surprisingly intimate feel. There was something sexually charged about the touch, and coupled with the lack of clothes we were wearing made it even more intense.

  “Please keep them out,” she whispered against my neck as she continued to stroke my wing. Her other hand moved down between our bodies. She took me in her hand.

  I groaned, more turned on than I’d ever been in my life. The dual sensations of her hands were driving me wild. I pulled myself together and slipped my own hand between us.

  She moaned, as I slipped two fingers inside and returned the pleasure she was giving me. I could tell she was struggling to stay standing, but so was I.

  “I need you.” She leaned her head back, and my lips attacked her neck, quickly finding her most sensitive spot.

  She moaned again, and I couldn’t make her wait. I picked her up and laid her down on her bed after pulling back the covers.

  She looked up at me with eyes full of want.

  I didn’t want to make her wait a moment more, but even in my transformed state I had to be smart. I reluctantly left the bed long enough to retrieve my wallet and pull out a condom before returning to her.

  I lowered my head to one of her breasts, teasing her nipple while my hand slid back down between her legs.

  She closed her eyes and relaxed back into her bed. “Jared,” She moaned my name softly.

  I moved over her, unsure of how much longer I could wait.

  “I’m ready for you.” She opened her eyes and stared into mine.

  “I’m ready for you.” I thrust into her and was hit by a wave of ecstasy. Our bodies melded together as I moved inside her.

  “More,” she demanded, digging her nails into my back beside my wings.

  I responded by moving harder and faster. I was out of control, lost in a haze of adrenalin and pleasure as I buried myself inside of her.

  She thrust her body up against mine, urging me to move inside deeper than I thought possible. She stroked my wing again, setting off a new blaze of fire. I moved off her, staying inside her as I pulled her to the edge of the bed. I needed better access and more control as I continued to give her exactly what both of us needed.

  She gasped as I thrust harder now that I was standing. I knew my eyes were completely black, and I could barely feel my human side. My energy was endless, and so was hers as she held onto my hips urging me on.

  She moaned and yelled out, but I couldn’t let her release stop me yet. I wanted more. I needed more. I turned us again. Sitting down on the bed and letting her straddle me. She grinned, clearly enjoying the new position. Her arms wrapped around me, as she took over this time. She pushed me down on the bed, riding me harder and harder. Finally I reached for my human side and embraced my release. It was euphoria, pure and simple.

  “Fuck.” She remained on top of me as I lay there panting, trying to make sense of the pleasure we’d felt. I retracted my wings, needing to fully regain my human side before we did anything more.

  “That’s one way to describe it, but it was more than that.”

  She smiled. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

  “I do.” I reached up and cupped her breasts.

  “The lower half of my body feels numb.”

  “Did I hurt you?” I hadn’t even thought of it. She’d been as rough as I had been. It was one of the best parts of being with another shifter. I didn’t have to worry.

  “Not at all. I’d be more concerned I hurt you.”

  I laughed. “No. Not in the slightest.”

  “Good.” She ran her hand over the edge of my wing. “You’re going to be keeping those out every time now.”

  “Even in my new form if we get out of here? That might be kind of crazy.” That form was bigger and stronger in every way.

  “Especially in your new form.” She leaned over me and brushed her lips against mine. “And don’t forget you owe me flying sex.”

  “We’re going to have to do that in a much less populated area.” Sometimes Vera was too much. It was impossible to know if she was joking or not.

  She laughed. “Afraid of traumatizing people?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I don’t want to get dressed.”

  “You’d have to get off of me before you did that.”

  “You don’t want me to get off of you?”

  “Nope.” I grinned. “I’d like to have you here all day.”

  “I can tell.” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I guess it’s impossible to hide that when I’m still inside you.”

  “What I don’t understand is why you aren’t doing anything about it.”

  “You okay with me keeping my wings in? I think it’s going to get too intense if we do that twice in a row.”

  “I’m okay with it this time.”

  “Good.” I rolled her over and moved above her. “And this is why I’m glad I used to carry multiple condoms with me.”

  “Just so you know, you should start carrying multiple again.”

  “Thanks for the tip.” I lowered my mouth to her breast, ready to enjoy her in my human form this time.



  With the sexual tension tampered for the moment, I was in a much b
etter place to deal with my family. It was hard enough to balance the delicacy of the situation without wanting to jump Jared. Of course I still wanted him, but it could wait. Hopefully the wait wouldn’t be too long though.

  We left through my window again. I assumed my dad had checked on us and figured it out, but there was no reason to throw it in his face.

  I smoothed out my clothes before opening the back door. We’d climbed back out the window to avoid any unnecessary questions from my parents. Mom was sitting in the living room when we walked inside, but I didn’t see Chris, Levi, or Casey anywhere.

  “You should talk to your sister.” Mom glanced up as we entered the room.

  “I doubt she wants to talk to me.” I more than doubted it.

  “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to her.”

  “Do you think she believes any of this?”

  “She saw a man with wings coming out of his back.”

  “Knowing Casey she’s convinced herself she’s dreaming. She’s probably up there trying to do that right now.” I probably would have been too.

  “Then decide whether that’s a bad thing or not.”

  “As much as I wish she could spend her life in a bubble, she can’t. She’s going to figure out who she really is eventually.” It would have been one thing if she was just any shifter, but she wasn’t. She was a hybrid and royalty on both counts.

  “Then you know your answer.” Mom folded her hands in her lap. “What are you waiting for?”

  “You make things sound so simple even though they’re not.”

  “You make things more complicated than they need to be.” She smiled.

  “You can go on up. I’m fine here.” Jared urged me on with his hand.

  “Because I was worried you couldn’t entertain yourself.” I rolled my eyes. “By the way, where’s Dad?”

  “He’s checking the security around the neighborhood with Levi.” Mom nodded toward the front door.

  “I’m the security guy. Why didn’t they get me?” Jared sounded offended.

  “They tried to, but you two seemed to have wandered off.”

  “We were around.”

  “I’m sure you were around.” Taliana raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m going to find Casey.”

  “Great, you do that.” Jared nodded, clearly avoiding my mother’s eye.

  “You said you’d be fine,” I teased.

  “And I will be.”

  I gave both Jared and my mom a quick wave before heading upstairs to find Casey.

  I knocked on her mostly closed door.

  “Come in,” she called.

  She was standing in front of her mirror, tugging down on her shirt.

  I smiled. “What were you doing?”


  “Are you sure?” I hesitated in the doorway.

  “What do you think I was doing?”

  “Checking for wings.”

  “Why would I be doing that?” She looked away. “I don’t have any.”

  “Yes you do.”

  “I don’t.” She shook her head.

  “I’d rather not push you out the window to prove it. There has to be a nicer way.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t push me out the window either.” She crossed her arms.

  “Jared or Levi could help you. Show you.”

  “You sound like a drug pusher.” She took a seat on the end of her bed.

  “It’s better than drugs.”

  “But you don’t have wings… or so you say.”

  “I don’t. I wish I did. Instead I get a ride from Jared.” I ran my hand down the part of my back exposed by my tank top.

  “And what are you exactly? Did you say a bear?”

  “An Ursus actually, but I can shift into a bear.”

  “You are trying to convince me you can turn into a bear?”

  “I can.” I really didn’t want to have to show her, but I was ready.

  “Prove it.” She raised her chin.

  “You really want me to?” I sighed.


  “Okay.” I stripped off my clothes. Casey looked away.

  “Get over your nudity issues. I’m your sister.”

  “And I don’t need to see you naked.” She refused to even glance in my direction.

  “You need to watch me shift. Otherwise you’ll convince yourself it isn’t really me, and I don’t want to have to do this twice.”

  “Fine.” She looked at me, keeping her eyes at my eye level. “Shift, or whatever you claim to be able to do.”

  I focused on my bear side and let it take over.

  Her high pitch scream nearly deafened me. My hearing was even better in my bear form.

  Mom rushed into the room. Jared hung back in the doorway.

  “Oh, it’s just Vera.” Mom put a hand to her chest.

  “It’s just Vera?” Casey pointed to me. “It’s just Vera?”

  “I won’t upset you by shifting as well.” Mom took a step toward her.

  “If you’re a bear, then why aren’t I?” Casey’s voice lilted.

  “Because your dad is a Pteron.”

  “My dad, who is also Levi’s dad?”

  “Yes. He’s currently King of our paranormal society.”

  “Oh yes, because on top of having wings I'm a princess?” Casey laughed dryly.

  I shifted back to my human form and quickly dressed. I didn’t want to make Casey any more uncomfortable than I had to. “Yes, but that's not important right now.”

  “Oh, is there more?” she asked.

  “Jared and I have to get to Norco, the island Mom and Dad are from.”

  “I don't picture them as island people.” She spoke as though Mom wasn’t in the room.

  Mom didn’t seem to notice or at least not mind it. “It's not that kind of island.”

  “No beach and sipping Mai Tai’s?” Casey had a more sarcastic edge to her than I remembered. I wondered if that was my fault. It might have developed as a result of me leaving.

  “Nope. Although you will get to Hawaii eventually.” At least on the real timeline. At the rate we were going Allie and Levi weren’t going to meet, let alone get married.

  “This is all insane.” Casey lay back on her bed. “I’m either high or dreaming.”

  “Since when do you get high?” She’d always been straight edge.

  “I don’t.”

  “Exactly.” I smiled to myself. At least she hadn’t gone down that path.

  “Then it’s a dream.”

  “I don’t care what you think.” I shrugged.


  “You know what I mean. If we manage to fix things, you’ll find out a completely different way. It’s going to be terrifying, but at least it won’t be me traumatizing you.”

  “I’m going to sleep. When I wake up I hope you’re here, but I hope you’re human.” She got into her bed.

  “I’ve never been human.” And neither had she. I kept that part to myself. I didn’t want to set her off.

  Casey pulled her comforter over her head.

  Mom signaled for me to leave the room. I followed her out and found Jared waiting in the hall.

  We walked downstairs.

  Mom paused on the landing. “You need to erase this veil.”

  “We know.” I stopped beside her.

  “You have no time to waste.”

  “We aren’t wasting time. We had no idea what to do until Vera thought about going to Norco and getting the crystals.” Jared continued down the stairs.

  “You’re still going to need another witch.”

  “Aren’t there witches on Norco?”

  “No.” Mom shook her head. “Some of my people can use magic, but we are not witches.”

  “Hey, I’m not saying that offensively.”

  “We could call Nadia,” I reluctantly suggested. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing the witch again, but we needed any help we could get.

  “The plan is to ca
ll her tomorrow if we really need her.” Jared didn’t appear excited about making that call. I was glad he wasn’t jumping at the chance to see the witch again.

  “It’s almost tomorrow.” I glanced out at the dark sky. Dawn wasn’t all that far off.

  “What if I know of an easier way to get the crystals?” Mom glanced over her shoulder as though she was afraid someone was listening.

  “How?” We asked in unison.

  “First tell me. What are you going to do when you get back to your own time?”

  We exchanged glances. Then Jared nodded, signaling for me to tell her. “We have to break into a haven of witches. I’m somehow supposed to use some knowledge or book or something, and we’re supposed to save the world.”

  “You have met Gareth.” A slow smile spread across Mom’s face.

  “Yes. I thought we’d already established that.”

  “How do you guys feel about splitting up?”

  “Out of the question.” Jared shook his head “Vera and I stay together.”

  “But you don’t have time. You need the crystals, you need a witch, and it sounds like Levi needs his mate, is that right?” Mom rested a hand on the back of the living room couch.

  “He only needs his mate if we can’t erase the veil.” And we had to erase it.

  “Not necessarily.”

  “What do you mean?” I shivered.

  “Why isn’t Levi with his mate? Tell me everything.”

  “I didn’t get him to notice her in time, and then a horrid witch, the one who made you and Robert…well, who made Casey come to be, messed with her mind so she’d pick Toby. Allie’s an enchantress and—” Jared started to explain.

  “If the veil isn’t erased perfectly, some forms of magic can transcend it.” Mom interrupted.

  “Uh, what?”

  “You need to make sure the veil is erased completely, and because you can’t guarantee that, make sure the magic used on his mate doesn’t appear especially stronger than most other types.”

  “How are we supposed to figure that out?”

  “Jared should be able to tell once his magic has been reawakened.” Mom made it sound simple. “As I said, you’re going to have to split up to save time.”

  “I’m not leaving Casey unprotected.” I’d never be able to concentrate and get anything done.

  “I never suggested we do that. She’s my daughter, I’m not putting her at risk. Maybe this is the perfect time for a mother-daughter bonding trip.”


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