Drawing The Line (Mistaken Identity Series)

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Drawing The Line (Mistaken Identity Series) Page 19

by Sylvia Hubbard

  Andrew leaned in with a wicked smirk to his sensual lips. "Well, you just don't know what you're missing, Shane Keaton."

  She didn't mind him calling her that. It was starting to sound more like an endearment.

  Paul raised the cover off the platter to show three very delicious buns still steaming and glazed in sugar and honey. Shane was confused wondering why this was the start of her seduction, but she trusted Paul. By the looks in their eyes, she could tell the brothers had something very pleasurable for her planned.

  Chapter 22

  While Andrew went to lock the doors of their private room, Paul explained the delicate dessert to her. "Gaston's Desire is our good friend Mario's sweet concoction of specially made honey bread baked so light that it practically melts in your mouth. After the buns are made, Mario injects this delectable wine pudding inside that he only makes at this restaurant. This pastry is sold worldwide. You will never want another sweet for a very long time after you taste this one."

  Andrew returned to them to sit beside Shane.

  Her inner minx kicked in. "That will be impossible Paul," she said seriously.

  "And why is that?"

  "Because I'll always want you," she teased seductively.

  Paul actually blushed, which he had not done in a long time and kissed her cheek for the delightful comment. She reached for the dessert, but Paul gently held her hand away and shook his head slowly.

  "Andrew and I can't decide which one we like better. The pudding inside or the bun itself and we need for you to decide for us which one you prefer. Take one small bit just enough to taste," Paul enlightened.

  Andrew picked up the first bun and raised it to her lips. Delicately she took a bite of the sweet dough and instantly knew Paul's description didn't come close to the savoring flavor that erupted in her mouth. A little of the pudding had gotten on the bottom on her lip, but instead of allowing her to lick it away, Paul took the honor, and let the tip of his lip traced hers from corner to corner.

  Shane could feel heat rise between her legs at the hedonistic excitement he incited in her. Forgetting about the dessert, she parted her lips and dipped forward, tasting the wine on Paul's tongue from dinner with the flavor of the bun sending tingles through her brain waves. Her fingers moved to entwine in Paul's nape length hair, loving the feel of his softness between her fingers.

  Paul had to reluctantly pull away and breathlessly asked, "Did you make up your mind?"

  Shane couldn't very well make up her mind when she had lost it. "I'm still a little bewildered."

  Rubbing his cheek against her own, Paul whispered, "Why don't you taste the pudding?" he suggested, nudging her face gently in Andrew's direction.

  Andrew scooped the thick cream from the center of the bun and held it out for her to taste from his finger.

  Shane leaned forward keeping eye contact with Andrew. Slowly she wrapped her tongue around the tip of his finger licking off every centimeter of pudding, and then she suckled Andrew's finger gradually into her mouth latching her lips firmly onto his skin.

  Those eyes of mint green locked fervently on to her lips. Leaning down to her, he replaced his finger with his mouth. His hands moved down cupping her backside firmly and lifting her to his lap.

  She was aroused by his need, which pressed against the back of her thigh long and hot as she sat in his lap crossways enjoying the lip play he executed with indulgence. Shane's body was putty in his hands as she found Andrew had certainly picked up some of Paul's hand techniques, molding her body's passion to incomprehensible heights.

  Not the least bit alarmed, when she felt Paul's hands slowly slide up her thighs and part her legs, Shane basked in the attention of the two men as Paul's lips followed his hands until he dipped between her legs lavishing in familiar territory. Getting to her glory was easy since she had worn no stockings and it was simple as discarding her black underwear. Andrew leaned her back holding her with steady arms as his kisses teased and taunted her lips and face, while Paul made her moan. When she could take no more of Paul's delicious mouth, he eased up and stood tugging on her arms gently.

  Andrew allowed her to stand up from his lap and Paul led her over to the space where they had been previously dancing. Their bodies swayed to a slow song, but Shane's mind was hazed with passionate pleasure and she knew she wouldn't be able to recall the song later on, even if her life depended on it.

  A glass of wine was in his right hand and he took occasional sips from the glass flute, yet keeping hungry eye contact with her.

  "Why didn't you drink your wine?" he asked.

  "I don't drink alcohol," she answered.

  "Because of your mother?"

  She shrugged evasively. "I just never acquired a taste for it."

  He smiled wickedly. "It's amazing what you can acquire when you have the right incentive, Shane."

  Just knowing he was thinking something quite wicked made her shudder at the thought. Shane watched him take another sip of wine, but he didn't swallow. Instead, he lowered his head to swoop down delving his tongue between her lips. The liquid was still cool, and her senses swirled in the alcoholic rush. A flush through her, causing a tickling sensation all over her body. She couldn't get enough of his lips, his mouth, and her body cried out a need unlike before.

  Paul had primed her for anything. Shane's soul was open to accept everything they had planned for her and she trusted them completely. It was evident her body was ready to go to the next level, as she grinded her hips desperately against his body almost tearing his clothes off of him.

  He broke the kiss and turned her body around, still swaying to the music. His hands didn't stop touching her all over as he motioned for Andrew to come over to her. Shane's eyes were closed, but she could tell when Andrew's hands hesitantly began to roam all over her body. He purposely skipped over her womanhood, but caressed her thighs and even her thick calves, but moved back up over her belly and moved between her breasts, up to her neck and cupped her nape. Paul unzipped her dress and Andrew moved her bra away exposing her full caramel skinned breast with the hardened dark nipples screaming to be tasted.

  Shane wanted more and guided one of his hands to her breast, while she placed his other hand between her legs. Paul had already discarded her underwear when he tasted her earlier, so Andrew had easy access and could feel her heat easily, wet and pulsating screaming for his touch.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she drew him into a sweet kiss, but as their lips remained locked to each other, their passion increased. His hands were massaging, caressing, and tenderly arousing every nerve until she was out of her mind in wantonness.

  Paul's arm came around her waist drawing her away from Andrew slightly. She whimpered in protest as Andrew's mouth descended, suckling the dark areole of her hard nipple into his mouth. It was a good thing Paul was holding her, because her legs went absolutely weak in the knees as the suction of Andrew’s mouth increased and just as she felt her body about to explode, he stopped to switch to the other tip lamenting for his touch. Paul turned her face to him, bracing her back to relax comfortable in his arms. His lips tasted like the sweet wine he had given her and she parted her lips to receive the long fervent kiss he offered, while Andrew move down to cause sensual havoc on her stomach and the side of her thighs.

  Paul continued to remain lip locked to her, yet all the while, helping Andrew by pulling her dress above her waist. Andrew continued to kiss her body all over, yet avoided the place, which yearned for his touch. Paul lifted her thigh and rested it on Andrew's broad shoulder, giving his brother easy access to her heat. Shane looked down at Andrew and watched in fascination, not believing this was happening to her, as Andrew took the wine glass from Paul and poured some of the liquor over her thatch of hair.

  Before she had a chance to react to the cool liquid over her skin, Andrew's hot mouth beheld her sweet woman's morsel, delving lower and deeper. Shane arched her back as she experienced the true length of Andrew's tongue and knew he had skill
s he didn't know he possessed.

  His tongue slowly traced every detail of her womanhood as if he were an artist redrawing perfection. Waves of heat embraced her bursting through her pores.

  The orgasmic eruption shot through her, rocking her body like a hammer. Andrew didn't stop there, but sent her body in violent monsoon of continuous pleasurable explosions.

  Shane enjoyed every second of pleasure Andrew served upon her body with his hands and mouth.

  "I think it's time to go," Paul said. "We'll have more fun enjoying the evening away from here."

  Shane felt as if she were drunk and enjoyed the natural euphoric high she was overcome with. Partly aware, Shane permitted Paul to straighten her dress and wrap her coat about her shoulders loosely.

  Andrew scooped up her underwear and placed them in his pocket, while Paul led her out of the room. As he assisted her down some back stairs of Gaston's holding her close to him and stroking her body tenderly through her clothes. He whispered in her ear to preserve her energy for the night to come. He delighted in blessing kisses all over her face and neck. They stayed in the backseat of Paul's white Cadillac EXT, while Andrew hurried to drive to get out of Detroit. It seemed to take very little time to get to Paul's home and Paul led her to the white bedroom, while Andrew parked the SUV.

  "How do you feel Shane?" Paul asked.

  She flushed anxiously. "I've never done this before, Paul."

  "I know." He helped her off with the wrap, and then unzipped her dress.

  Stepping out of the dress not at all feeling vulnerable about her nakedness in front of him, since she had been naked with him before this night.

  "Did you know that was Andrew's first time doing that to a woman?" he pointed out.

  She shook her head amazed. "He's a quick study."

  "He was nervous about it all day," Paul told her.

  "Should you be telling me this, Paul?"

  "I want you to know how he feels, Shane. He may be the strong one, but deep inside he's vulnerable to a woman's feelings. He chooses not to be sensitive so he won't be vulnerable." Paul led her to the shower and warmed the water for her.

  Shane stepped into the shower. Paul left out of the bathroom to give her time to wash the sticky fluid of wine from her body. Her robe was hung on the back of the door. She saw the other two robes also and knew whom they belonged to now.

  A lot of her questions about Andrew had been answered; those crazy phone conversations and his upset about her attraction to him. Paul knew his brother very well and with his help, he was going to make Shane understand Andrew as well. She knew Paul's ultimate goal was to make sure they stayed together, but Shane didn't know if she could be a wife to Andrew. Wives sat at home and waited for their husbands to come home. She didn't want to do that. She wanted to be able to have her career, a husband and a baby.

  Would Andrew understand she needed to have her career in her life or would he try to prohibit her from being as successful as he was?

  Paul entered the bathroom to see her staring at the mirror. She wasn't looking at herself, she was deep in thought and had not heard him come in. He quietly left out and finished preparing the bedroom. Andrew entered just as Paul was pulling away the covers.

  Andrew had used the downstairs bathroom to freshen up and wasn't wearing a shirt, but that didn't make Paul look in concern at his brother.

  "If you tense up anymore, you'll explode, Drew," Paul pointed out casually.

  "What did she say?" he asked worriedly.

  "She couldn't believe that was your first time."

  Andrew seethed. "You told her?"

  "I thought it was a fact she should know. Trust me brother, for a woman, it makes the moment more special." Paul removed his shoes, jacket, and shirt. "Just be honest with her, Andrew. Take your time and don't try to rush the moments." He pointed to the bed and waited as Andrew sat down on the edge and began removing the rest of his clothes.

  “Wait.” Paul shook his head. “Leave your pants on,” he instructed. “Take off everything else.”


  “With women it’s all about presentation. The unwrapping is just as exciting as the present.” He wickedly winked at his brother.

  Andrew said suspiciously, "I know what you're trying to do, Paul."

  "I don't know what you mean," Paul shunned evasively with a shrugged.

  "You're trying to get me to fall in love with her, aren't you?"

  "I can't get you to do something you've already done and don't know it, yet. But don’t worry, I won’t get her hopes up too high." Paul knocked lightly on the bathroom door as Andrew cursed under his breath knowing this wasn't the time or place to have this debate with his brother. Paul could believe whatever he wanted to believe, but Andrew would not believe he was in love with Shane.

  Shane gave permission for entrance and moved to greet Paul as he entered immediately hugging her, after closing the door to give them a moment of privacy.

  "You smell delicious," he commented.

  She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and started out the bathroom, but he gently held her arm. "What is it, Paul?" she asked, seeing concern in his eyes.

  "Shane, how would you judge your experience with a man?" he asked. "Before you met Andrew and me?"

  "There wasn't much to judge," she told him sincerely. "What I’ve read, along with a little kissing, a little foreplay and some sex." She blushed at telling him this, but Paul seemed very comfortable with what she had to tell him.

  "So the art of making serious love to a man would be new to you?" he questioned.

  "Making love to him, or making love together?" she asked for clarification slightly perplexed by his line of questioning.

  Paul smiled a sly grin as he began to tell her exactly what he meant. If Shane had not blushed hard before, she was definitely blushing when he finished.


  Andrew waited impatiently on the bed. His brother had told him a few minutes alone with her once they returned to the house, but Paul had been in there for almost ten minutes. Andrew was almost tempted to knock on the door and demand they come out. This was crazy! She was probably in there being her stubborn self and refusing to do anything else with them.

  She was purposely making this difficult on the both of them to get her way. He wouldn't stand for it!

  Jumping out of the bed, he charged over to the door and started to pound on it until he heard her laughter muffled through the door. Quietly pressing his ear against the door, he couldn't hear anything clearly and he whispered a curse. What the hell was Paul doing?

  Andrew had always admired and envied Paul's sensuality and sensitivity with women. Paul could mesmerize women with just words if he wanted to without even thinking twice. Andrew wanted to get to that point. He wanted that sensuousness without thinking about it.

  For the past two months, Andrew had been trying to learn Paul's simple tricks and philosophies. Tonight Andrew would prove to his brother he had listened to every word spoken between them.

  Their voices started getting closer to the door, so Andrew bolted back to the bed and laid down pulling the covers over his legs just as they were coming out of the door.

  Shane hesitated as she stepped in the room and looked around. Paul had lit every candle in the world illuminating the room in a romantic glow. The color of the room naturally flowed with the theme he had created. Her eyes ended up at the bed, where Andrew laid with his hand propping his head up, putting the weight on his elbows.

  Flushing, remembering what Paul had just told her, she let Paul lead her over to the bed and took a seat on the edge next to Andrew after Paul pulled the covers off of Andrew.

  “Stand up, Andrew. Let Shane remove your clothes.”

  Andrew could almost feel how scared she was. If he had been alone, he didn’t know if he could handle her nervousness and although it felt taboo to have his brother there, Andrew was very glad Paul was present to help Shane through this, but he watched his brother carefully so next time
he would be able to do just as well.

  Shane didn't even dare peak at Andrew's sculptured chest, but her heart raced knowing in a few minutes she would be doing more than visually worshipping his body. Terrified to make eye contact, she could feel his eyes watching every move she made.

  Lightly kissing her brow, Paul directed her hands to his pants. She didn't need to be instructed on what to do, as she nervously unbuckled his pants and unzipped them. Allowing them to fall to his feet, he finished taking them off.

  She was almost inclined to reach up and touch his manhood, although she was still scared to even look at him fully. Staring at the thick muscular legs only told her that this man kept himself in peak physical condition. In her nervousness, she noticed that his feet were big.

  ‘So you know what that means. Just look,’ her curiosity told her, but the fear of all of this was keeping her eyes trained down.

  In her mind, she could only think about the fact that once Andrew’s pants were off, she was sitting in a room wearing only a robe with two very gorgeous men ready to give her pleasure.

  “You’re trembling,” Paul noticed with concern as he sat beside her. “Andrew, move to the other side of the bed.” He gave his brother a reassuring wink.

  “Y-Yes,” she said breathlessly because she’d been holding her breath a while. “I-I’m just a little scared, Paul. I didn’t think…” She didn’t know what else to say because everything was happening as if she really wasn’t there. As aroused as she was, she was ever conscious of what was really happening and knowing that it wasn’t normal. Holding her robe tightly close she wanted to run back to the bathroom.

  Paul didn't remove his black silk boxers as his other hand lightly stroked her body. She took a deep breath to relax herself and allow her body to give in to the pleasures of his hands.

  “You trust me, Shane?” Paul asked, rubbing her back.

  “I do, Paul, but… I’m still scared.”

  “And there’s nothing wrong with that. Close your eyes. Don’t think, Shane. Everything that happens from this point on is only for your pleasure,” he promised in a whisper.


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