Drawing The Line (Mistaken Identity Series)

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Drawing The Line (Mistaken Identity Series) Page 28

by Sylvia Hubbard

  Now that she thought about it, her half-sister hadn’t been her chatty self at the office, when she had last been there, but Shane had been so busy with Andrew, the incident with Troy and thoughts of her father, she hadn’t notice until now.

  Paul returned in high spirits and in his exuberance he made the stylist quite angry by messing up Shane's hair. Shane really didn't care, but she was forced to sit for another hour, while the stylist fixed her hair again.

  As they drove in a limousine Paul had rented for the night to the Rooster Tail on the waterfront near Downtown Detroit, Paul asked, "How was the funeral?"

  "I didn't stay," she said off handedly. "Evan said it wasn't in my best interest to stay, but I did go over and check out his home after Jeremiah and I left the funeral home."

  Paul looked very upset, "You shouldn't have gone there by yourself!"

  She was touched by his concern for her welfare. "I know I shouldn't have," Shane admitted. "But my curiosity got the better of me and he was acting so strange at the funeral home. I knew it would have been my only opportunity."

  "Next time you should insist my brother go with you if I can't be there," Paul said adamantly. "I don't think you need to go over there without someone with you. The way you speak of your family Shane and the way you look when you do - It scares me."

  She snuggled close to him and kissed his neck, teasing a spot she knew he enjoyed being kissed. "I promise I won't go around them alone again," she said.

  The limousine pulled in front of the Rooster Tail and that was the last time they would have a conversation about what Shane had done that morning. She knew in the back of her mind she needed to tell Paul about what she had discovered, but she assured herself there would be another occasion after all the excitement of tonight wore down.

  Although, she could almost hear her mother whisper in her ear, ‘Never put off until tomorrow what you should do today.’

  Shane ignored her gut instinct and kept her mouth closed as they stepped into the beautiful Rooster Tail ready to experience a very upscale dining experience and a party she knew she would never forget.

  Chapter 33

  Paul was the complete adoring gentleman of the night. Shane was nervous about her debut with him, but he was attentive to her initial discomfort with his charming and confident self. He devoted all his attention to her and played the jealous escort when agents from the office asked her to dance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Andrew sitting at a head table with a drink in front of him, but he didn't touch it. Often he would grip it when he would see her dancing with anyone at all, even Paul, and narrow those mint green eyes like she was doing something against him.

  Her father arrived late to the party, but he was still able to turn her on the dance floor. Shane couldn't stop smiling and she made the senator laugh a couple of times during their dance.

  Rachel came over during their dance and cut in, but Shane didn't take it to heart. Paul immediately came over and finished the song, kissing on her neck and openly touching places on her body not caring where they were.

  "You're going to cause a scandal," she whispered in his ear.

  "I should hope so," he teased back, nibbling on her earlobe. “I want no doubt in anyone’s mind that I enjoy being with you, Shane.” He winked wickedly. “But you look even more beautiful when you blush.”

  Andrew called the party to order to pass out the annual bonus checks to the employees. Shane was shocked to see she had even gotten one for only two hundred dollars inside a company Christmas card and a personal message from Andrew that read, "For things to come." Shane wasn't sure what that meant, but from the look on Andrew's face, she wasn't about to go over there and ask him. He didn't look approachable.

  While everyone was still seated and their attention was on Andrew, he said, "This party was not only to celebrate our business success for the year, but it is to also celebrate my brother's engagement." He raised his glass to Paul. "Congratulations on your engagement Paul, to Shane."

  The crowd gasped and then applauded. Shane looked over at Rachel, who still had her mouth wide open. Troy stood beside Rachel and had to nudge her to close her mouth.

  After she did, she stormed out of the room, looking very displeased. Troy followed her.

  Paul called everyone's attention to him and pulled out a heart shaped velvet box. "I asked Shane to marry me a couple of days ago officially, but I neglected to give her something."

  Shane's heart was racing as Paul knelt on one knee and opened the box. Her eyes went wide as she looked down at the biggest diamond she had ever seen up close.

  "Shane Keaton, in front of our friends and family, will you be my wife?" Paul asked.

  "Yes, Paul Watson. I will be honored to be your wife," she said, trying to fight her tears of happiness.

  Paul carefully slipped the perfectly fitted ring on her finger and stood up to gather her in his arms. She could see the promise in his eyes and felt awful in a way because she was almost wishing Andrew could look at her like that.

  Tenderly Paul kissed her as if he knew what she was thinking and deepened the kiss, not caring about the raucous applause they received for their official engagement.


  It was late into the evening when she received a note. Paul had left her side for a moment to gather her wrap before a waiter pressed something into her hand.

  She opened the note and read it. "Meet me in the room at the hotel tomorrow morning at ten. We need to speak in private."

  It wasn't signed, but she knew it had to be Andrew. Why he wanted a meeting in private she didn't know, but she would see what he wanted? Maybe watching her with Paul had stirred something in him.

  Paul returned to escort her to the limousine and Shane decided she would hold off telling him anything until she had spoken with Andrew.

  When they were finally alone inside the back, he voraciously kissed her. Shane could feel his lust and knew before they arrived at home he would taste her.

  Tonight she wanted this to be special for Paul. She wanted to try to please him as much as he had pleased her.

  When they arrived home, it didn't take long for them to make it up to the bedroom. Paul, as usual kept his boxers on, and when Shane reached over to remove them, he stopped her hands.

  "Shane," he said full of disappointment. "I could call Andrew over if you need it. He's staying at the hotel tonight in downtown."

  She shook her head. "Please, Paul. Let me try to please you. If it doesn't work, I won't be disappointed," she promised.

  Paul looked very reluctant, but allowed her to massage him. She started at his feet and with musk oil he kept in the drawer by the bed; she relaxed all the muscles in his body. As she moved back down his body, she didn't just relax him, but excited him with her mouth, licking and tasting every hot spot on his body, just as Sadie had instructed her to.

  Holding his member, she could feel the thickness of him and although he wasn't as long as Andrew, the width was there. Her mouth savored all of his sex and moved to the special spot Shane remembered Sadie had told her about just underneath the man's double sacs.

  Paul gasped as she applied pressure with her knuckle as her lips and tongue worked him slowly.

  Shane knew it wouldn't be instant, but she didn't give up, but upon his fourth gasp, she could feel his heartbeat increase and a twitch to his shaft.

  She was getting to him.


  Andrew had all night to think about it. Watching her all night and seeing her happiness had brought out so many emotions Andrew never experienced before. Paul had told him to watch Shane and learn how to make her beautiful.

  It was the strangest request and for a moment Andrew had thought his brother had been taking stupid pills because when Shane had come in, she was gorgeous, but Paul had not been speaking of outer beauty.

  Throughout the night, Andrew watched her closely and damn if his manhood didn’t twitch every time she melodiously laughed and then when she looked his way.
br />   Dear Lord! Her eyes were dancing and he wished – No, he wanted to make her as happy as she looked.

  Paul had not asked him to go by the house, but Andrew knew Paul wanted this night to be very special for Shane. Staring up at his brother's home, he knew they were there and Paul was tasting the rich sweetness of her, licking the sweat from her body and sending her to ecstasy repeatedly.

  All Andrew had to do was close his eyes, and he could imagine her writhing underneath him, gripping his shoulders tightly until he was sure they were bleeding and bucking her hips calling his name. Not once had she ever called the wrong name. She knew the difference between the brothers and even if Andrew tried he couldn't stop thinking about her eyes and how deep her passion had gone for him as he rode her to pleasure.

  He longed for that look again. He yearned to hear her voice whisper in his ear about how good it felt. He craved to taste that mouth of hers, suckled those dark perfect nipples that cried for attention, and sip the syrup of her womanhood until infinity.

  Paul wouldn't mind if Andrew joined in tonight. During the night, he had given him several hints that he might call upon Andrew to make sure her night would be perfect. Andrew didn’t mind being used at all.

  Getting out of the car, he quietly entered the house turning off the alarm and headed up the stairs.

  He stopped short of the cracked doorway. Peering inside he could see Paul lying on the bed gripping the headboard his eyes tightly closed and his teeth gripping his bottom lip so tight his entire chin was red.

  Andrew thought his brother was in pain and was about to rush in until he heard Paul growl, "Don't stop, Shane, please don't..."

  Never in his life, had Andrew heard Paul make the noise that came from deep in his brother's throat. Whatever she was doing to him was bringing Paul such joy he was oblivious to anything.

  Paul cursed viciously and then roared loudly, making even Andrew step back from the door as if a monster was about to break out from the room. Andrew even heard the wood in the headboard crack, and then soft suckling noise. Paul was gasping and crying, calling Shane's name continuously in the most loving and adoringly tone.

  Andrew stepped forward and opened the door a little wider to see the rest, being very careful not to draw any attention to himself. Shane had her face buried in Paul's crotch. Her hair had come down so Andrew couldn't see exactly what she was doing, but he could only guess and even Andrew couldn't believe what he was seeing.

  It was torture to watch, but a mad respect developed for this incredible woman who was doing something Paul, nor s Andrew, thought ever possible.


  Paul released the headboard and gripped Shane's shoulders. She didn’t mind his roughness. It was different – it reminded her of Andrew.

  With astonishing strength, he practically yanked her up to him and rolled her over until she was underneath him.

  "Hurry," Shane pleaded, "Before it goes away."

  Paul was like a schoolboy as he fumbled so overwhelmed by what she had accomplished, but Shane was quick to help and enveloped Paul's still semi hard rod deep inside her. Once he was in there, he needed no more assistance and Shane was so turned on her orgasm was instant.

  He kissed her with so much force; she could almost feel their souls combined. It was as if he were sucking the life from her as wave after wave of pleasure washed over their bodies like a powerful waterfall.

  When his member had gone down they were both aware and Paul held her close whispering a thousand "thank yous" in her ear.

  Shane smiled pleasantly, triumphantly happy that she had helped him experience this.

  When their breathing had calmed down and the room had gone quiet, Paul asked curiously, "Does your mouth hurt?"

  She giggled. She had been down there a long time, but the effort had been worth the reward. As much as she thought Sadie's advice had been a little kinky for Shane's taste, she knew the kinkier she got once she had ventured with Sadie's advice, the better it felt for Paul.

  His release had been small, but she knew she had gotten to him even if his member had not reached its full potential.

  For some reason she felt Andrew's presence was nearby, but she didn't want to voice her opinion although she was positive she could almost smell his brother.


  Andrew stepped away from the room and quietly left the home. They had shared a powerful experience together and coming in would have ruined the moment. His brother had so few of them; Andrew didn't want to take this away from Paul no matter how much he wanted Shane.

  What the hell was the matter with him? He was obsessing over his brother's soon to be wife!

  Even though this was a unique situation, Andrew had told himself when Paul had presented the idea that he could draw the line. That he could allow his brother to use his body in order to please Shane. Andrew had great mind control. If he tried he could will himself to stop thinking about Shane. He could stop wanting her all the time. He could stop trying to remember the flavor of her skin on his tongue.

  If he tried, he could pretend Shane was nothing more than another human being in his way to get what he wanted.

  Unfortunately, he didn't want to try. He just wanted Shane.

  Chapter 34

  For the first time, Paul was still asleep when Shane awoke. Oddly, she felt soreness between her legs and figured it was because Paul had stayed embedded inside of her even after his member had gone down for quite a long time during the night. Going into the bathroom to quietly clean herself up, she also noted that there was extra fluid between her legs, but she assumed it must have been her own and didn't think too much about it. After writing a note to let Paul know where she was going, she also left Andrew’s note on the pillow beside hers, as well.

  With a favor from Michelle, a specialty jewelry store opened very early for Shane despite the holiday, so she could pick up the Christmas gift for Paul and Andrew she had ordered days ago. She had thought about it vaguely and decided to memorialize the experience the trio had shared with a special pendant. She knew the brother's always wore silver chains around their necks and the pendant would fit perfectly on there in their shirts.

  Paul had told her their father had given them the chains a few months before he passed away and it was just something to remind them of him. She decided to find a three-piece pendant with their first initials on it. Paul's initials would be first because he had brought them all together, her initial would be in the center because she would hold everything together and Andrew's initial would be last to signify the strength and strong foundation they all depended on. She thought it would perfect for them and no one else would know what it meant except the trio.

  As she changed over purses, she pulled out the note again she had received last night. Checking her watch, it was almost ten o'clock. She decided to get to the hotel room and see what Andrew wanted.

  With it being Christmas, it was easy to get to Downtown Detroit and she used valet to park her vehicle. The desk clerked looked at her a bit strangely when she told him what room she was going up to, but she let him know that Mr. Watkins was expecting her.

  Stepping off the elevator, she went to the door of his room, remembering her first day meeting Andrew. Hopefully he wouldn't come to the door dressed in a towel again. The firmness of her knocks, made Andrew's hotel door swing open wide on its own.

  Shane frowned wondering why Andrew left his door unlocked and opened had. Andrew was expecting her and was probably in his room getting dressed and didn't want her to wait out in the hall for him.

  Going into the room, she listened for movement and waited a moment for him to come out of the closed bedroom window.


  Paul picked up the phone wanting to curse whoever was bothering his fitful sleep that had not gotten in decades.

  "What?!" he snapped as he picked up the receiver.

  "And a Merry Christmas to you too," Andrew snarled on the other end. "Where is your fiancé? She asked me to meet her at the offi
ce this morning at ten o'clock and she’s not here?"

  Paul looked around the room and saw her keys were not where he remembered she always laid them on her side of the bed on the nightstand. Getting up, he saw the note on her pillow. "She left a note," he relayed to his brother. "She's says she's meeting you per your note at your hotel room this morning at ten. And your note is with it."

  "I didn't write her a note," Andrew contested. "She left a message at the hotel last night for me to meet her at the office this morning at ten."

  "Shane didn't use the phone last night, brother, I can assure you of that," Paul said smiling pleasantly to himself.

  "Is that note you have signed by me?" Andrew asked.

  Paul knocked the sleep out of his eyes and studied the note that supposedly was written by Andrew. "This isn't your handwriting, Drew," he said gravely.

  "You damn right, just like I'm figuring Shane didn't leave me a message. Someone wanted me out the hotel when she arrived," Andrew concluded.

  "I'll meet you over there in less than fifteen," Paul said, getting out of bed and went to his closet to find the.38 pistol he kept on the back shelf.

  “I don’t have a good feeling about this, Paul. Call the senator and maybe see if he can get someone law enforcement over there as well,” Andrew promised and disconnected the call. He would hopefully make it over there before his brother if he didn't get stop for speeding.


  Shane thought she heard something come from his room when she called his name, so she continued to wait even though it was going on fifteen afterwards. The room felt chilly and she noticed that the wind was blowing through the curtains of the balcony. Taking it upon herself, she decided to close the large glass door that led out to the balcony to get the chill out the air.

  She walked over to the balcony and pulled the curtain away to find the handle to pull the door. Her eyes caught the reflection behind her and the movement made her jump out of the way just as a covered hammer whizzed by her head and struck the glass in the balcony window.


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