The Last Marine in the Galaxy (Galaxies Collide Book 1)

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The Last Marine in the Galaxy (Galaxies Collide Book 1) Page 13

by Andrew McGregor

  Seeing the captain from the night before indicating to two soldiers, she moved towards him half crouched, rounds flying above her. Her body tensed as the colour of her body armour transformed to lighter camouflage colours, the shoulder plates seeming to tense against her frame, her helmet vibrating slightly. As she approached, she could briefly hear his words above the gunfire, the captain hissing his commands, ‘…move the wounded further into the tunnel, we may have to retreat to the entrance…they are getting stronger.’

  The soldiers nodded grimly, their eyes widening, one turning to run back past her. The other, a sergeant, remaining, ‘How are they getting through sir? I thought there was a mobile unit at the ravine…’ Deep and terrifying screeches could be heard between the bursts of automatic fire, the high pitched screaming uncomfortable to the ears and seeming to wrench at their stomachs.

  The captain shook his head in frustration, ‘I don’t know! They must have found another way. With the way they are increasing in number, we have to get word to the mobile brigade and warn them…or they will be cut off and we will be finished! They must be after the chamber!’ He glanced round at the defences frantically, ‘Get the wounded back…then muster every man near the entrance. I don’t need to tell you what will happen to us if they break through!’

  The sergeant grimaced, ‘Yes Sir!’ He raised his clenched fist to his chest and spun round, running across the opening and into the mouth of the tunnel, his head ducked.

  Shino and the captain spun round as an explosion to the left blew two defenders from their barricade, the third rolling frantically though the dirt and patchy snow. The captain sprung forward, pushing Shino aside roughly, ‘Acid victim…supporting!’ He pointed at the vacant barricade as he ran to the now screaming soldier, the rolling man’s body armour disintegrating from the green slurry splashed across his uniform. The captain swiftly grasped a knife from his belt, shouting to Shino, ‘Cover the defence!’ He thrust the knife at an angle into the soldiers uniform at the chest, drawing it upwards and pulling the course fabric from the soldiers upper body, the shoulder armour falling away as he did so, the hardened material smouldering in the dirt as it disintegrated. Dragging the rest of the uniform from the prone soldier, the man’s upper body was covered in sores, his skin reacting to the burning slurry as it seared though his uniform. The captain turned desperately, shouting, ‘Medic! Get him out of here! Burn injuries!’

  Shino didn’t have time to think, the scene too horrifying to ignore. Lunging forward, her visor snapping down and transforming light blue as her rifle raised before her, she slid across the dirt to the damaged boxes, raising her weapon over the makeshift wall. The front of the wall splattered with the green slurry, the toxic smell irritating her nostrils as the wood and metal smouldered.

  Dots appeared across her visor as she raised the weapon to her eye, then she drew breath. The visor surged red round the edges, several red dots seeming to move across the light blue background, then dramatically converge slightly off-centre. She saw the figure some distance away as the visor zoomed, the thin black exoskeleton frame moving across a gap in the rocks, then hesitate. The head was angular, the thin frame some five feet ten inches high, reinforced across the body with additional armoured plates. The red dot surged in the centre of the visor, then she hesitated, catching her breath as the blood seemed to freeze in her veins. The angular helmet turned to look at her, the eyes glowing red, the black figure seeming to study her. She squeezed the trigger, the butt of the rifle juddering back into her shoulder as the four rounds flew towards their target, the armoured piercing bullets cracking against the rocks, the black figure gone.

  Several more movements on the visor made her jerk the rifle nervously around, seeing shadows and glimpses of beings as they moved behind the obstructions. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she bit her lips, the tenseness seeming to tear at her insides. She stared forward, the energy surging through her body as the screaming, shouting and firing continued behind her across the clearing. Then she tensed again, hearing the screech in the distance, some one hundred metres before her.

  Two marines slid next to the barricades next to her, their weapons raised. Tregan slapped her shoulder, ‘Short bursts…it avoids the recoil! Aim to hit!’

  She spun round, her eyes wide, ‘W-what?’

  Tregan looked into her eyes, his visor down, ‘They are coming!’ He raised his upper body slightly above the barricade, his assault rifle pointing into the distance as he turned his head slightly, shouting, ‘Incoming!’

  Shino’s eyes moved back down the sights of her weapon, the nausea rising within her in fear. The shrieking echoed across them as they tensed, the gunfire from behind seeming to heighten as the other side of the perimeter was attacked, the shouting getting louder. As she stared, small circular canisters bounced towards them along the track, Tregan grabbing her shoulder roughly and pulling her behind the barricade, his voice loud in her ears, ‘Flash smoke!’

  The dim light of dawn lit up as the canisters exploded, the light fiercely bright as smoke puffed from the small objects. Tregan hand then forced her upwards, his voice strained, ‘Shoot at any shadows in the smoke…and keep your head down! Here they come!’

  The shrieking got louder, rounds flying over their heads as the Silakians supported by several Morgons rose from cover. The marine next to Shino opened fire, the bullets flying into the smoke as he screamed at the top of his voice, ‘Our time is now!’

  Screeches from within the swirling smoke rose in intensity as the enemy approached rapidly. Shino’s visor was now surging red as the dots began to roam around the light blue background. As they converged, she moved the rifle slightly, the visor zooming into the thick smoke. Tregan fired next to her, his assault rifle hardly kicking as he controlled the recoil.

  Shino squeezed the trigger as a shadow moved before her in the mist, the gun kicking into her shoulder as a high pitched scream indicated her bullets hitting home. The visor surged red again as she instinctively jerked the weapon to the right, firing again. The four bullets hitting their Silakian target mid chest, the body spinning in the smoke as it fell to the dust.

  Their three guns fired in short bursts, the shadowy outlines beginning to filter through the smoke. Figures fell as the spent bullet casings fell to the dust around them. Tregan jerked his rifle round, realising the frontal assault was a distraction, to cover a side attack, ‘They are coming over the rocks!’ He glimpsed the shadowy figures heaving themselves through the jagged outcrops to their left, having climbed the exterior face near to the mine entrance, they were now dropping onto and amongst the defenders below.

  Responding to his shout, the captain desperately directed two marines at the tunnel entrance towards the new enemy sightings. Riaz spun round, the captain shouting directly at him, one of the two figures at the crest of the tunnel slope. He had stood by the entrance momentarily stunned by the sights before him. The wounded being dragged across the dust, the firing from the barricades with the billowing smoke beyond, the incoming rounds splattering across the rocks. All had overwhelmed him initially, and caused hesitation.

  Shaking his head, he forced the inaction from his body, his mind clearing as the marine next to him pushed him roughly to get him to react. His fingers clenched against his assault rifle, the adrenalin rising as his gaze swept across the defences, following the direction of the captain’s outstretched arm. His body jumped as the marine next him fired a burst from his weapon towards the Silakians, some thirty metres away. Two of the dark grey clad soldiers fell backwards to be replaced by more surging over the rocks, firing as they came. Their faces wrapped in dark grey cloth and wearing black goggles against the dust. The Silakians had roughly cast body armour, their shoulders, arms and legs covered in grey metal alloy sheeting moulded to their individual frames. Between the plate on the knees and elbows, their dark grey combat uniforms were of more basic fabric.

  His visor shot downwards as he dropped to one knee, bullets splattering next to him
on the entrance to the tunnel, causing him to duck instinctively. His vision filled rapidly with light blue, the edges of the visor surging red as the armour sensed the nearby danger and his raised weapon. Near panic surged through him as he saw the Silakians increase in number, several more dropping behind the first wave amongst the broken rocks and desperate hand to hand fighting as four Trevakian marines grappled with an increasing number of the dark grey clad soldiers.

  Riaz pushed his finger forward to the trigger, his hands shaking as he swallowed hard, seeing the Trevakian marines grapple with the Silakian soldiers as more struggled over the rock faces. The four marines were now falling backwards to the ground, overwhelmed by the sheer number of attackers. He winced as he squeezed the trigger, the assault rifle jerking back into his shoulder. The short burst of bullets hit one of the Silakians struggling between the rocks, his chest armour sparking as the three projectiles pierced the thin metal. Blood spurted across the soldiers fighting hand to hand as he was propelled backwards into the soldier behind, the two disappearing from view.

  Riaz jerked the weapon, firing again at two more Silakians advancing from the emplacement, the soldiers twisting round as the bullets hit them at high speed, the velocity knocking them down as their ribcages shattered.

  Bullets splattered around the tunnel entrance as Riaz lunged towards the edge of the tunnel mouth, his panic rising. Leaning against the rock and wooden entrance supports, he fired again, the assault rifle shuddering into his right shoulder. A Silakian raising his rifle to hit one of the downed marines dropped to his knees, one bullet having penetrated his helmet, the blood pouring down his covered face.

  The marine next to Riaz ran forward, firing his assault rifle at waist height, desperate to assist his countrymen. He stumbled, falling on his front as the bullets fired from the emplacement hit him mid-stride, his spine shattered as he collapsed.

  Shino fired blindly into the smoke, the bursts of fire cutting down some of the advancing Silakians. Tregan began firing into the emplacement to their left, wary of the guns being brought against them. Several more marines ran from the tunnel, skirting wide of Riaz as he fired again. Debra Hardie stooping next to him, her weapon rising as she saw the scene before them. Her visor shot down, the rounds firing from her rifle as she aimed at the figures climbing over the wall, her voice rising, ‘Aim at the rocks Riaz, cut off their support!’

  Riaz adjusted his aim, the rifle shuddering against his shoulder as he started to fire controlled bursts one after the other, the bullets whipping around the rocks. Several more figures toppled backwards as the firing from Debra and Riaz cleared the gaps and crests, several dark grey clad figures dropping back into cover to avoid the fire.

  As three marines ran towards the emplacement, they cut down the Silakians as they rose to return fire, the Trevakians firing one after another to sustain a continuous attack. Nearing the makeshift emplacement, they fired at the remaining attackers, some still struggling on the ground. Rising, the Silakians turned to run, realising their support was not forthcoming. Several more cylinders landed and puffed with smoke as the shrill shriek echoed across the area, the sign to retreat being sounded.

  Tregan fired into the side of the small group running, hitting two soldiers as they ran, the Silakians collapsing into the dust and snow. Shino strained her eyes through the smoke as it had slowly begun to clear, the shadows retreating towards the bend in the track and safety of the rocks some forty metres away.

  As the smoke began to thicken again after the new canisters, she bit her lips and relaxed her grip on her weapon. Firing after the fleeing Silakians, the three marines’ lobbed grenades over the rock sides, Riaz and Debra Hardie still covering the rock face from the mine entrance.

  As the firing gradually died down, high pitched shrieks from the other side of the clearing before the mine entrance signalled the retreat of the enemy forces attacking the other flank. Shino slowly turned to Tregan, the marine covering the fleeing enemy with his assault rifle, her voice strained, ‘Can I go and see how the others are?’

  Tregan glanced round grinning, ‘Sure, off you go…welcome to the war!’

  Shino nodded solemnly, a lump in her throat as she glanced across a number of still grey clad bodies lying before their position, the smoke now clearing gradually. Rising to a half-crouch, she darted across the open ground towards the tunnel entrance.

  Skidding next to Debra and Riaz, she slapped his shoulder, ‘Are you two ok?’

  Debra nodded, Riaz forcing a smile, ‘Well, we have drawn first blood…I wonder if they will leave us alone now?’

  The captain walked past, his expression determined as he advanced towards the emplacement next to the rock face to check survivors, ‘Not likely, they will regroup and keep at us probably. They are waiting for more Morgons to join them…then we will really be in trouble.’ He continued walking boldly towards the sandbagged section, briefly looking down at the dead marine before them in the dust, shaking his head despondently.

  Shino stared at the body, the marine’s combat tunic covered in dark crimson, the blood soaking out onto the dirt. She sighed, ‘Did we lose many?’

  Debra nodded, ‘There are three dead in the tunnel, this poor soul here…’ She indicated to the soldier in front of them, ‘…and a couple over on the other side I think.’ She grimaced as she saw the captain shaking his head as he looked over the sandbags, one marine being helped to his feet, his face bloody and swollen. She indicated to the sandbags, ‘Another three over there too I presume.’

  Riaz bit his lip, his body beginning to feel cold, ‘I t-think they will come back later, w-we had better be ready…’

  Shino grasped his shoulder, feeling his body shake, her voice concerned, ‘Are you ok, Riaz?’

  A marine dropped a couple of bottles of water next to them as he ran past, Riaz bending to collect them and passing them to the two women.

  Debra shook her head, patting him on the back, ‘A little shaken…perhaps a bit shocked.’ She unscrewed the metallic bottle top and swigged from the contents, ‘I think they fired at him a few times.’ She smiled faintly, ‘Still, you fired back and took cover…you have cut your teeth young man!’

  Riaz nodded, his face pale, ‘I will get used to it. Just a bit frightening though.’

  Shino rubbed his shoulder, ‘Not as dangerous as a night shift with me at Heathrow!’ She grinned, seeing a weak forced smile form on Riaz’s face, ‘See…put it in perspective and we become a bit more relaxed.’

  Tregan was walking back with the captain, nodding as the officer gave him some instructions. As they neared the tunnel entrance. The two hesitated, Tregan standing more formally and bringing his fist to his chest, ‘Yes Sir, we will leave as soon as we can.’ He turned and nodded to Debra, indicating for her to come with him as he walked across the yard before the mine entrance. She rose from her crouched position and jogged after him slowing as he turned some ten metres from the other two.

  Tregan’s eyes were strained, his assault rifle now over his shoulder. He stared into Debra’s eyes, his voice low but firm, ‘The captain has ordered us out. We are to leave as soon as possible before they launch another attack.’

  Debra swallowed, the apprehension rising within her, ‘Back down the track…that’s suicide against those things!’ She indicated with her hand to the only road exit from the excavation’s entrance.

  Tregan shook his head, grinning, ‘No…he may be a little strange, but he’s not mad.’ He kicked the dirt with his boot, ‘The captain believes the Silakians will be reinforced by Morgon forces soon, so wants us out of the way. He thinks this attack was to determine the strength of our defences…it caught us by surprise, but we held them off. There are another forty marines below the surface and some limited heavy weaponry, so we should be ready for them next time.’ He glanced upwards into Debra’s eyes, ‘He is concerned that the window for escape is closing without assistance from the mobile brigade and wants someone to ask them for support…to help these men break ou

  Debra sighed, looking away, ‘Can’t we get the radios to work?’

  Tregan shook his head, ‘The Morgons are very good at jamming our transmissions and have virtually blanketed the planet for a couple of weeks now. We cannot even communicate with the space station properly.’ He licked his lips, seeing her concern, ‘There is an air shaft from deep in the mine that leads to the surface…it also doubles as an escape route we dug for the miners in case there was a cave-in. We will exit from there and move swiftly down into the valley below. Moving along some old hunting paths and keeping a low profile as the Silakians and Morgons move up towards the mine, wherever they are coming from.’ He hesitated, ‘The captain has requested we keep a look out for how they are getting past the brigade, to request the brigade commander to stop them and come to relieve the mine. These soldiers can then be deployed to the town and we will hold them there until reinforcements arrive.’ He waited for Debra to respond.

  She grimaced, looking across at Shino and Riaz, her voice uneasy, ‘They were only security officers at an airport yesterday…now we are front line troops?’

  Tregan smiled, shaking his head again, ‘We are leaving to avoid the fighting, not to get involved in it. Mrin will be with us too. We will move fast across the terrain and keep low…traditional Trevakian reconnaissance tactics. If the Morgons have forces in the valley, we should be able to slip through as they will be focussed on getting to the mine and avoiding detection themselves. Once we get to the Brigade we will be safe…they have tanks and mobile artillery. It should only take half a day at most, so we should be there by nightfall.’ He sighed, seeing her determination to resist, ‘Debra…it’s not optional…it’s a military order!’

  Chapter Fourteen: Let’s get out of here


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