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The Last Marine in the Galaxy (Galaxies Collide Book 1)

Page 21

by Andrew McGregor

  As the glasses zoomed across space, he saw the darkness seem to shiver, an enveloping mist spread across the area about a quarter of the way round the planet. The stars behind disappeared as the darkness slowly gave way to a surge of light, the vapours and smoke imploding in the zero atmosphere.

  He strained his eyes, seeing the light seeming to shiver, then expand outwards, and enormous flash occurring. Then he drew breath, adjusting the glasses further in a futile attempt to dispel the vision he had just recognised. He drew his tongue across his lips, lowering the glasses slowly from his eyes in despair, turning from the window.

  The officer took two steps towards him, then stopped, his voice uncertain as he saw the commander turn from the window, ‘What is it Sir?’

  Admiral Shadian looked up, staring him in the eyes, his emotion rising as he raised his voice to address the bridge, ‘Morgon Decimator Warships uncloaked! Load all torpedoes and equip all the crew in combat armour…they will be trying to board us soon!’

  The first officer’s eyes widened in horror as the controller next to him spun round, ‘Two ships detected Sir, both moving this way…slowly.’

  The Admiral moved forward shaking himself from his shock, ‘I want an estimation of the time before they are in range.’ He pointed to the first officer, ‘How many wounded are next to the transporter?’

  The officer shrugged, ‘Last estimates…nearly one hundred have had preliminary treatment in our medical facility and have been moved to the transport, Sir…’

  The controller interjected, ‘Enemy ships will be in range in six minutes, Sir!’

  The first officer nodded, looking up at his commander, ‘What shall we do?’

  Admiral Shadian stopped next to him, looking him in the eye, his determination apparent, ‘Bring all fighters back to defend the transporter link! Open the portal for five minutes with immediate effect…our power reserves should be able to handle that! Get as many wounded out as possible and hope our allies have soldiers waiting…we will have to be quick! Then we will close it down…and probably for good…they want this station and a route around our galaxy?’ His face drew nearer his first officer, his expression contorted in a sneer as his fists clenched, ‘Then they will have to prise it out of my hands!’

  The controller spun round, shouting across the flight deck of the Skorpion Battle Cruiser, his voice excited, ‘Sky Commander Petaski, Sir!’

  The commander turned from chatting to Daryl Barton, his expression disapproving of the junior officer’s tone, ‘Yes, what is it?’

  The controller’s eyes dropped in embarrassment, ‘Power surge to the transporter Sir…is Alexion One…they must be requesting a full link.’

  Sky Commander Petaski stepped forward boldly, smiling in relief, ‘Good…power it up immediately.’ He turned to David Bland and Daryl Barton, ‘There will be many wounded coming through…perhaps you gentlemen should wait here.’ He turned to one of his officers, ‘All available crew to the transporter room…put the medical bay on full alert and move all the soldiers and our reserves through!’

  The man nodded, his fist rising to his chest, ‘Yes Sir!’

  The Sky Commander started to run to the stairs, shouting over his shoulder, ‘Put the transporter room on the display, so that our guests can see what is happening.’

  David Bland turned to Daryl Barton, his face strained, ‘Let me go and see if our staff are coming back through please?’

  The senior airport manager sighed, ‘Very well David, but don’t get in the way…you heard the commander, there will be many wounded.’

  David nodded obediently, ‘Yes Sir!’

  He turned to follow the Sky Commander, the senior manager’s exasperated voice from behind him, ‘It’s Daryl, David…not Sir! That uniform seems to have got you too excited!’ The senior manager shook his head in frustration, glancing at the army major and police chief inspector, surprised at their wide grins as they turned to look at the screen above them.

  Sky Commander Petaski marched through the uniformed stores carrying his combat helmet, David Bland jogging to keep up. The commander glanced to his side, sensing the company, ‘Ah, Mr Bland…please keep up. Hopefully we shall have some good news from Zaxon B!’

  David grimaced, the sky commander’s pace quick, ‘Yes…hopefully my staff will come through…we were helping with the wounded when we got separated.’

  Sky Commander Petaski nodded, ‘I am sure they will be perfectly safe.’ He lifted the helmet over his head, tucking his cap under his left shoulder epaulette. He hesitated, tapping the keypad next to the door and standing back as a mechanical hum initiated, the doors sweeping open before them.

  David’s eyes widened as he saw the lines of soldiers in front of him, jogging forward as the sky commander strode ahead of him. He noted there were several differing uniforms with ship personnel and the remaining Trevakian marines lined next to the large doors to the transporter. Behind them were several lines of other military soldiers, their national flags on the shoulder armour as they stood at attention, an officer walking slowly before them. More were being ushered in from the doors to their right. David noticed the Russian flag on one unit’s armour, and then began to see other nations in sectioned groups as the officer at the front began to speak. ‘You will find the transporter a little surprising at first…your body will react to the experience. A shortage of breath and wheezing is a natural reaction, as is nausea. Do not be alarmed…these are only natural reactions to your first space jump.’ He hesitated, nodding to Sky Commander Petaski, ‘File through the transporter to the right, allowing the wounded to exit on the left. Please do not obstruct the wounded in any way once you get through as some may be clinging to life…once they get to the medical bay, we can stabilise them further.’

  David was walking along the back of the troops, over five hundred in all with more waiting to enter the wide room. Seeing the national flags of France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Poland and many others, he turned to follow the sky commander, realising he had become distracted.

  The mechanical hum of the wide doors filled the room as the officer continued, his voice raised, ‘We of the Trevakian Empire would like to thank your nations for your contribution. Upon initial deployment to the planet’s surface, you will fall under Trevakian command until your own commanders can be deployed to the field and communications between the differing units established.’ He stopped, turning to look at the many men before him, his voice projected into the corridors and outside, where further units were lined up to enter the craft, ‘This is a vicious enemy…you must give no quarter as none will be received in return…they do not take prisoners, unless for food and experimentation…Do you understand?’

  The room echoed as over five hundred voices shouted in response, ‘Yes Sir!’ Bright light cascaded across the soldiers as the large doors at the end slowly slid open, over five hundred visors snapping down in reaction to the glow, several men flinching in reaction.

  The officer continued walking, ‘Your armour will take a short time to become accustomed to, but it is the best we have available…your new weapons will be issued when you arrive on the space station.’ He hesitated, turning to face the assembled soldiers once more, ‘Your time is now! File out one line at a time when given the order! Left turn!’ He glanced sideways, seeing the doors open completely, the squeal of hundreds of boots on the floor resounding across the wall. Breathing deeply, he shouted, ‘The thoughts of your planet are with you! Move out!’

  The front soldier lunged forward, the line behind him following as he moved to the right and through the doors, jogging towards the intense light.

  David Bland stood to the side with Sky Commander Petaski, their breath held as they stared at the footbridge into the swirling light and air. The soldiers started to disappear into the light one by one, their shadows cast briefly behind them as they jogged forward uniformly.

  Slowly a shadow was cast across the left side of the metal walkway, then a foot appeared, the officer step
ping through the light. He coughed, raising his hand to his mouth, then stepped along the walkway, grasping the metal handrail to steady himself. His light blue space station uniform seemed to glint slightly as he stepped off the walkway, moving to the side and saluting Sky Commander Petaski.

  Wounded men and women began to emerge through the intense swirling light, limping and holding arm injuries, their uniforms soaked in blood. The space station officer stood before the Sky commander, his expression grave, ‘Sir, I have to report two Morgon Decimator Warships have uncloaked and are approaching Alexion One. We have limited time to evacuate the wounded and move the reinforcements forward.’ His hand rose to his earpiece, a timer indicating the portal opening counting down in his helmet. He glanced across the soldiers filing into the transporter, then looked back at the commander, seeing his eyes narrow.

  Sky Commander Petaski sighed, ‘That’s not good news…what are the reports from the planet’s surface?’

  The officer stiffened, ‘The space station lower turrets are engaging enemy ground forces Sir…we have no reports from the ground, comms are still jammed.’

  The commander nodded, ‘Very well, how long have we got the transporter link open for?’

  The officer grimaced, ‘Another three and a half minutes Sir. After that we will engage the warships…torpedoes are being armed as we speak.’

  Petaski glanced at the wounded soldiers coming through, the severity of their injuries increasing as additional personnel assisted the more severely damaged and incapacitated troops through to safety. He stepped back, allowing more medics to step forward and help, ‘Very well…we will get as many soldiers through as possible. Are you able to get all the wounded through?’

  The officer nodded grimly, ‘There should be sufficient time.’ He hesitated, then moved forward indicating he wished to speak to the Sky Commander to the side, ‘Admiral Shadian sends his compliments and requests all links with Alexion One are cut once the transporter is disengaged. We are concerned that the Morgons will attempt to capture the station and utilise the portal. We are preparing charges to destroy the machine if that situation arises.’

  The sky commander glanced round, seeing David Bland assist a soldier into the next room, the injured man missing his lower leg, the thin blood trail leading back along the shiny grey floor to the metal walkway. He raised his hand to his helmet, ‘More personnel to the transporter bay, we need assistance with the wounded urgently.’

  Daryl Barton stared at the screen above him, the Army Major and senior policeman stood in stunned silence as they watched the many wounded being half carried and half dragged through the transporter. The senior airport manager felt the emotion rising within him as he saw the contorted faces of pain and the extreme injuries being brought to earth, the line of soldiers stepping solemnly in the opposite direction, their eyes fixed on the lights ahead behind their blackened visors.

  They stood there for a number of minutes in shocked silence, seeing the seeming never ending line of troops filing through the light. As the light continued to flicker, the line of troops slowly coming to an end, Daryl turned to the major, tears in his eyes, ‘This war must never come here…it is far worse than I ever imagined…what is this enemy like?’

  The Army Major shrugged, clearly speechless at the sights they had seen, the Chief Inspector stepping forward and quietly switching off the screen, ‘Nothing we have experienced before…I will inform the ministers of the severity we should expect.’ He sniffed, raising a black gloved hand to his eye, ‘We must help the Trevakians as much as we can…they have protected us for many years, perhaps centuries.’

  Daryl nodded, seeing Sky Commander Petaski approach from the stairs, the lift lowering with additional personnel from the command deck to assist in the medical bay. He sighed deeply, looking at the Trevakian commander expectantly, ‘Did we get all the wounded through?’

  Petaski nodded, ‘I believe so, gentlemen.’ He indicated to one of the console officers, ‘Get me a secure link to Admiral Karladen please…his ears only.’ The man nodded in response, turning to his screen.

  Sky Commander Petaski turned to the three assembled men, ‘We have now closed the transporter. It appears the Morgons are about to attack our space station, so contact will be lost for the duration.’ His eyes became grave, ‘They now have superior numbers of ships above the planet and will be deploying more troops to the ground war.’ Sighing, he continued, ‘It appears we may now be entering our final defence for Zaxon B…I cannot vouch for our continued presence on the planet…in short, it is likely the war there will only last a few more days if the space station falls.’

  The Army Major raised his arms in frustration, ‘Then they have a clear route through to earth?’

  Sky Commander Petaski nodded grimly, ‘We are still engaging the majority of their forces across several galaxies, but yes…taking that planet will give them a clear route through to this one.’

  The Army Major turned away, his hands rising to his face as he tried to think of what he would tell his senior commanders, the stress beginning to overwhelm him.

  Daryl Barton shook his head in despair, then stiffened, glancing round the room and staring directly at the Sky Commander, his voice deepening in suspicion, ‘Where is my manager?’ he swore under his breath, glaring, ‘Where is David Bland?’

  Chapter Twenty One: The tunnels

  The camouflaged exoskeleton frame swung round, rising to salute the officer that approached, the clicks and harsh tearing voice causing him to nod obediently. He had called for his commander upon discovery of the strange object, his eyes glowing eerily in satisfaction within his helmet as he realised what it was.

  Stepping back, he raised the acid sniper rifle to his shoulder and bowed his helmeted head in respect, the black armoured officer looking down at the discovery, his head nodding in pleasure and indicating for his subordinate to go and bring some more troops to the location. The black armoured officer slowly knelt down, dust blowing across the object below him in the early morning breeze. Inspecting what his soldier had found, his armoured glove running across the cold surface of the metal below.

  His second in command stood several metres behind, his assault rifle brandished across his chest, his camouflaged helmet glancing furtively around for any potential threat. The clicking of the commander’s voice pleasing him as the black exoskeleton frame slowly rose from the object on the ground.

  The soldier looked down as his commander turned towards the path behind them, his eyes glowing as he saw the low circular structure on the ground before them, the round unlocked metal hatch placed in the centre. His eyes moved across the rocks and down into the valley beyond, seeing smoke rising from the direction of the ravine, the flashes of artillery firing in the distance, the sound a distant rumble. He sensed a weakening enemy, his forked tongue running hungrily over his scaled lips within his armoured helmet.

  Riaz lay in the chilled tunnel, the cold light of dawn beginning to filter through the darkness beneath the mountain rocks. Having slept for some thirty minutes, his body felt numb, the soreness from his injuries beginning to seep through the painkillers. Next to him, Shino slept with her head on Debra’s lap, the older woman glancing round cautiously as several weary marines trudged past, carrying ammunition and equipment.

  Riaz slowly glanced around through the gloom of the tunnel, his senses dulled by the anaesthetic seeping through the follicles in his skin. The lights flickered to either side of the smooth dark walls as the depleted batteries struggled to maintain a continuous glow, their maintenance forgotten when the attacks commenced. His eyes widened as he saw the body bags some ten metres away, the line of darkened covered corpses extending along the opposite tunnel wall and continuing for some distance. As his eyes moved to the right, he saw several wounded lying or sitting in silence along the same wall as himself, the narrow walkway in the centre of the tunnel denoting their closeness to death’s embrace. Several sipped from water bottles, a couple sat with their heads in thei
r hands, despair and desperation filling their thoughts.

  Debra leant forward, careful not to disturb Shino, her voice a hushed whisper, ‘How do you feel?’

  He slowly turned his head to face her, a grogginess swimming through his mind, ‘I ache all over…’ He forced a grin, ‘…Not sure I will want to go out for a drink tonight after work!’

  She grinned, her eyes softening, ‘Well if it is any comfort, I think you did a spectacular job…we probably would not have made it without you…’ She flushed slightly in the gloom, realising the gloss she often added to encouragement at work was now stripped bare, her emotions raw.

  Riaz looked away slightly, staring at the bodies on the opposite side of the tunnel, ‘It did not help them…’ He shook his head as tears filled his eyes, his emotions running high, ‘…this is too real…’ he coughed, trying to control his trembling voice as he weakly indicated to the bodies, ‘…the Trevakians have been protecting us for years…not bothering us with the threat, dying to defend us…and themselves. What must they think of us?’

  Debra smiled weakly, her voice strained as she realised his pain, ‘I think they already understand our weaknesses…but that our determination is unquestionable and that we will rise to stand beside them against the Morgons and their allies.’

  Riaz nodded thoughtfully, wincing as one of his shoulder muscles twitched agonisingly. He gingerly reached for his helmet on the tunnel floor nearby, gasping as the pain shot through his upper body.

  Debra’s eyes narrowed, ‘What are you doing?’

  Riaz slipped the helmet over his head, feeling the armour move slightly to adjust to his skull. He pushed himself slowly up the wall with his legs, clutching the assault rifle next to him as he did so. Glancing at Debra and feeling the suit increase the painkillers across his skin as his follicles tingled, ‘I am going to get us and the wounded the hell out of here.’ He grimaced as his head seemed to swim, his mind adjusting to the dose gradually. Turning to look across the other wounded sitting in the tunnel, he brushed some dust from his uniform, his strained voice raised but determined, ‘We will be leaving soon…escaping to the village in the valley…get your minds into shape, we are not beaten yet!’


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